Discuss Scratch

100+ posts

What features would you want most in a Scratch Mod?

Hello there!

Basically, I am considering learning the internals of Scratch and creating a full-fledged Scratch mod called Freedom. It will be containing few new blocks, as the main goal is to try to add in a FEW very important blocks (rather than a lot of unimportant ones) that will allow for more freedom in coding. This might include cloud variables, .exe exporting (or a player for it), and other things like coding your own blocks.

Please suggest them here! I will be taking the most popular ideas into consideration.

Oh, and before asking, if I do end up making and finishing this I do plan on trying to get it on Mod Share.

Last edited by FireNinjaGAME (June 3, 2013 00:15:44)

Moving on from Scratch, to much bigger things. It's gonna be one fun adventure.
100+ posts

What features would you want most in a Scratch Mod?

Can anyone suggest anything here?


Moving on from Scratch, to much bigger things. It's gonna be one fun adventure.
500+ posts

What features would you want most in a Scratch Mod?

Try looking at the ‘YourMod’ page and implement some of those features.

Gah! 60 second rule!

I do, in fact, have my own site; it's here.
I'm also working on a thing called Fetch. Look at it here!
@thisandagain pls explain. @thisandagain pls explain. @thisandagain pls explain. @thisandagain pls explain. @thisandagain pls explain.
100+ posts

What features would you want most in a Scratch Mod?


How about these blocks…

set variable color to [ v] :: data
point towards x(0) y(0) :: motion

when green flag clicked :: control :: hat

while :: control :: loop

(Pen Color) :: reaporter :: Pen

<last key pressed> :: sensing


Last edited by explodingtoilet (Sept. 27, 2016 19:35:31)

last edited by explodingtoilet, 3/20/2015

Space Defender:
Fire Fall:
Scratch Man:
Blocky 2:
500+ posts

What features would you want most in a Scratch Mod?

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