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25 posts

user made librarys

Just like in any other programming langauge, users should be able to make & post libraries and you can install them to your project using the add extension box, and there should be a filter between official, and nonofficial

Library example:
define tweento (x) (y)
whatever it will do here

And then a user can import the library into their project and use it like this
when [space v] key pressed
tweento (56) (48)

This will make it a lot lot easier to add functionality to your project like tweening (because glide is buggy), finding the meaning of life, text engines, game engines even, etc

This has been something i wanted for a while now. I think it's a great idea

scratch.info my scratch browser
pls give me an internet, its fast to do :)
when green flag clicked
create a site on scratch.info today!
1000+ posts

user made librarys

… Well.
I doubt scratch servers would handle the ache good.
Remember, nonprofit site.
Allowing users to post extensions of all things would literally be like preparing a coffin and waiting 'til someone brings the nail.

SDS Helper reqs should be upped - Show/hide via context menu - Revise “ask the community” - Browser not supported - Empty comment contrast
a bit of trolling (i asked before putting it here) - tamaNOTchi
- This account's usage is irregular

stop posting about kumquats, im tired of seeing it, my friend comments saying “oh hey your post was eaten by a kumquat” STOP a kumquat is freaking fruit just eat it utp ojtishglkmkjhgaoeimrlV,5KU9MOIL3K5GP,Ő AHTAHGTARET SOTP positing ABJTOUT IT (parody & sarcasm)

bad joke:

Most of this is now going to become a meme storage.

thank you ajskateboarder

This dialouge box has more than one sentence to say!

1000+ posts

user made librarys

i remember this being a dupe but i can't find it again, even with ocular

I am scratchcode1_2_3 I like making projects based on…………………………cubes?
select + shift + scroll down to see my signature | Also, comment on my Comment animations #2 + Bonus Q+A!
when green flag clicked
set [scratchcode v] to [1_2_3]
add [hello] to [list v]
stop [every single project v]
define BLOCK
click green flag


I'm very helpful when it comes to coding projects, not very helpful when it comes to art decently helpful when it comes to art (i wrote that a long time ago when i couldn't draw) XD
So, If you need help, I'll be there! (when I'm active, of course)

picture made with awesome-llama's image editor– go check it out: scratch | turbowarp it saves to BBCode and other formats as well

Order on my shop now! Orders open! Need staff.

(#^-^) // this is a circly that is now good! he defends my signature! that bite mark is from the time josueart tried to eat it... 
Oh no! The circly was bitten by josueart!

25 posts

user made librarys

Zydrolic wrote:

… Well.
I doubt scratch servers would handle the ache good.
Remember, nonprofit site.
Allowing users to post extensions of all things would literally be like preparing a coffin and waiting 'til someone brings the nail.
sorry, may i ask how?
i thought there was projects with over 100 sprites and uh idk how it wouldnt be able to handle extensions
also this may be irrelevant but scratch servers are based off of mit's servers which is a super funded thing and also they are a technology college so i wouldnt see how it would crash the servers

Last edited by elliotttet (Aug. 26, 2023 20:24:06)

scratch.info my scratch browser
pls give me an internet, its fast to do :)
when green flag clicked
create a site on scratch.info today!
1000+ posts

user made librarys

elliotttet wrote:

sorry, may i ask how?
i thought there was projects with over 100 sprites and uh idk how it wouldnt be able to handle extensions
I am talking about the add extensions screen.

SDS Helper reqs should be upped - Show/hide via context menu - Revise “ask the community” - Browser not supported - Empty comment contrast
a bit of trolling (i asked before putting it here) - tamaNOTchi
- This account's usage is irregular

stop posting about kumquats, im tired of seeing it, my friend comments saying “oh hey your post was eaten by a kumquat” STOP a kumquat is freaking fruit just eat it utp ojtishglkmkjhgaoeimrlV,5KU9MOIL3K5GP,Ő AHTAHGTARET SOTP positing ABJTOUT IT (parody & sarcasm)

bad joke:

Most of this is now going to become a meme storage.

thank you ajskateboarder

This dialouge box has more than one sentence to say!

25 posts

user made librarys

Zydrolic wrote:

elliotttet wrote:

sorry, may i ask how?
i thought there was projects with over 100 sprites and uh idk how it wouldnt be able to handle extensions
I am talking about the add extensions screen.
i was thinking it would kinda be like normal scratch where featured extensions are showing normally and then if you want a specific library you just search it

scratch.info my scratch browser
pls give me an internet, its fast to do :)
when green flag clicked
create a site on scratch.info today!
100+ posts

user made librarys

Congrats on the 707,000th post btw

'Tis my signature.
Fun Fact: Scratch Team member Paddle2See has over 25,000 forum posts.
I have 250+ posts as of Oct 21st


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