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1000+ posts

Project Inspector and Editor

I made a project inspector and editor. It lets you inspect all project assets, play/view/download them, and edit the project.json. It then allows downloading as a sb3 file. The code is available at https://github.com/grahamsh-llk/project-inspector

A beta is live at https://project-inspector.pages.dev/

Last edited by GrahamSH (July 11, 2023 18:54:11)

i made a project inspector!! https://project-inspector.pages.dev/
i made this online agenda: https://ejenda.org

i helped make this site: https://umassmakers.cloud/
1000+ posts

Project Inspector and Editor

Neat. Seems like the part about editing the project.json is still being worked on.

/hj is the worst tone indicator. It's confusing and ambiguous. I hate it. The point of tone indicators is to indicate tone, or the way that a piece of text should be read, but what does “half joking” mean? Do you just wake up in the morning and think “wow, I really have something I want to talk about seriously but also kinda not, IDK you decide.” It's useless. I hate it. It just provokes a deep rooted anger within me whenever I see it. People just comment /hj as if it makes any sense. It doesn't. Oh wow, it's a tone indicator that's has a relative meaning, how useful, I'll use it in every comment I post. NO. STOP IT. You're a tone indicator, you have only one job, and yet you sit there doing nothing apart angering me.


^^^ (there's more below)
This one is useful because it tells you that this signature is fully 100% serious. (/srs) Who would've thought that tone indicators needed to tell you something about the piece of text they're attached to? /s

I'm serious, I'm not even going to put multiple (/hj)s a the end of my signature as to mock the previous paragraph for not getting the point of something(like previous version of my signature). /srs
1000+ posts

Project Inspector and Editor

Did you do this because of forbidden word LOL
Also, would this work on projects like this (these load in turbowarp/forkphorus and 2.0 but not 3.0)
What about:

Last edited by medians (July 11, 2023 03:16:06)

:D: 2.0 is 11 years old https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1018259409/
Medians bamboozled by 3.0 (version 3.0): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/979822351/
hi875230163394: You're similar to valve in that you both hate a certain number…
Scratch 0.x, 1.x, 2.x, 3.x and LogoBlocks Archives
Bamboozlement: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33739789
Years on internet: 15 (soon 16)
medians: Oh god not this utc - 12 thing again..
Fun_Cupcake_i81: What, were you expecting not to see the utc - 12 thing again? THE UTC - 12 THIGN ALWAYS RETURNS. ALWAYS.
medians: I knew it would happen. I was the one who started it last year.
Fun_Cupcake_i81: Well then if you didn't want it back maybe you need to time travel to last year and fix that

Oh wait if you could time travel I think we all know exactly when you would go-
user1: That picture is from 2.0. Now he’s at my house and is my pet.
user2: But this is medians we're talking about, so “from 2.0” can mean the same thing as “from five seconds ago”.

Detect Scratch version here
My other accounts: @selfexplanatory @modesties @chaircard @fireflyhero @dividendyield @colloids @radians @skeuamorphism @dihectogon @anglebisector @aau- @EditBlockColors @AdamantOrb @MoongeistBeam @festively @Ampharos_ @straightforwardness
i trolled redcat LOL

if you see this
{what method did you use::control hat
answer on profile ::motion
} ::operators
1000+ posts

Project Inspector and Editor


I tested it on my most complex project (811805586) and it works fine.

I have a suggestion, what about a way to see the file size of the individual assets?

The link in your post to the source code is broken, it includes a dot

1000+ posts

Project Inspector and Editor

Steve0Greatness wrote:

Neat. Seems like the part about editing the project.json is still being worked on.
I think you caught it in a bit of a bug! Fixed now.

awesome-llama wrote:


I tested it on my most complex project (811805586) and it works fine.

I have a suggestion, what about a way to see the file size of the individual assets?

The link in your post to the source code is broken, it includes a dot
Good idea! Whoops, I’ll fix that.

i made a project inspector!! https://project-inspector.pages.dev/
i made this online agenda: https://ejenda.org

i helped make this site: https://umassmakers.cloud/
1000+ posts

Project Inspector and Editor

Now much better on mobile!

i made a project inspector!! https://project-inspector.pages.dev/
i made this online agenda: https://ejenda.org

i helped make this site: https://umassmakers.cloud/
1000+ posts

Project Inspector and Editor

getting added to nonoword soon

Last edited by GrahamSH (July 28, 2023 17:45:26)

i made a project inspector!! https://project-inspector.pages.dev/
i made this online agenda: https://ejenda.org

i helped make this site: https://umassmakers.cloud/
100+ posts

Project Inspector and Editor

Will it support .sb2 and .sb3 files or just the latter?

do not ask why i am here
1000+ posts

Project Inspector and Editor

Suggestion: It should show an error screen if you try to inspect a deleted or unshared project.


3 forum tips for experienced forumers (in no particular order):
  1. If you are reporting a new forumer's topic to be closed, or moved to another forum, don't mention it, because then, the topic creator will think they will receive either an alert or a ban.

  2. New forumers won't immediately know the rules or terminology of the forums. I have seen this happen hundreds of times (exaggeratedly), especially when experienced forumers (I won't name any) tell new forumers that they are "necroposting", which is when someone posts on an old and resolved topic (especially in the Questions about Scratch forum), causing said topic to be moved to the front page of that forum.

  3. Using Scratchblocks as a writing style is not blockspam, unless it is irrelevant to the discussion. For example, this

    ExampleScratcher1 wrote:

    How do I make a smooth gliding animation?
    when green flag clicked
    repeat until <(my question) = [answered]>
    ask [How do I make a smooth gliding animation?] and wait
    say [Thank you!]
    is not blockspam, but these

    ExampleScratcher2 (first post) wrote:

    when green flag clicked
    move (58) steps
    play sound [Stock Laughter Sound Effect HD - 1 Hour v]
    play sound [Stock Screaming Sound Effect HD - 1 Hour v]
    switch backdrop to [internet v]
    say [i broke the internet] for (2) secs
    turn cw (15) degrees
    go to [nearby restaurant v]
    next costume

    ExampleScratcher2 (second post) wrote:

    when green flag clicked
    repeat until <(out of dorito's) = [true]>
    broadcast [eat dorito chip v]
    say [IM OUT OF DORITO'S!!!!!!!!! :(]
    play sound [Scream2 v] until done
    turn cw (120) degrees
    play sound [Scream2 v]
    play sound [we have no dorito's sorry v]
    are blockspam, and must be reported.
1000+ posts

Project Inspector and Editor

Spentinium wrote:

Will it support .sb2 and .sb3 files or just the latter?
It seems to support .sb2 and .sb3 but not .sb, I tested it with some other project at some point, an “old” project, and one of my projects.

:D: 2.0 is 11 years old https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1018259409/
Medians bamboozled by 3.0 (version 3.0): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/979822351/
hi875230163394: You're similar to valve in that you both hate a certain number…
Scratch 0.x, 1.x, 2.x, 3.x and LogoBlocks Archives
Bamboozlement: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33739789
Years on internet: 15 (soon 16)
medians: Oh god not this utc - 12 thing again..
Fun_Cupcake_i81: What, were you expecting not to see the utc - 12 thing again? THE UTC - 12 THIGN ALWAYS RETURNS. ALWAYS.
medians: I knew it would happen. I was the one who started it last year.
Fun_Cupcake_i81: Well then if you didn't want it back maybe you need to time travel to last year and fix that

Oh wait if you could time travel I think we all know exactly when you would go-
user1: That picture is from 2.0. Now he’s at my house and is my pet.
user2: But this is medians we're talking about, so “from 2.0” can mean the same thing as “from five seconds ago”.

Detect Scratch version here
My other accounts: @selfexplanatory @modesties @chaircard @fireflyhero @dividendyield @colloids @radians @skeuamorphism @dihectogon @anglebisector @aau- @EditBlockColors @AdamantOrb @MoongeistBeam @festively @Ampharos_ @straightforwardness
i trolled redcat LOL

if you see this
{what method did you use::control hat
answer on profile ::motion
} ::operators

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