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  • » The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing! [RSS Feed]
500+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

Just wondering if you guys can do button animations?

Likes: Programing (python scratch Lua c++ I am bad at c++ a) Aiviation (B787 Queen of the sky F35) Mountain Biking and Messing around with computers (not a gamer at all)
My projects I am most happy with also the few “polished games I have:
62 posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

Username*: TP22222
Package (you can only order available packages): Scratch Code
Explain in detail (DETAIL, please unless we can do what we want): Jackknifing detection
Deadline (must be at least 72 hours)*: Whenever
Have you read the ToS-RoS?: I read everything.
Is there a certain worker you want for you/avoid?*: No
Other*: Don't make it do anything except a broadcast. Oh, and here's the project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1043983771/

Ctrl/Cmd+ Shift+ Down
when green flag clicked
Complain about lag.
Be bored.
ask [Are you bored?] and wait
if <(answer) = [yes]> then
stop [this loop v]
500+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

ADevoloper wrote:

kinosaurs515 wrote:

dariencool wrote:

Username*: dariencool
Why should you join?:cause it needs coolness
What will be your role?: co owner
Do you pledge to follow the ToS-RoS?: yes
Timezone*: ireland
TIme online on Scratch*: always(exept when sleep)
Example Works:
rejected because of TOO MANY reasons.
Gosh,My God
Why're u angry everytime someone wants to be a co-owner and you rejected him because He did nothing
I also see you shouted at all you shop staff cuz you're angry
A good shop needs a nice manager who makes great rules and mentions that codeword needs to be in an order or rejected.
A good shop co-owner reads the rules lol. the entire application sounds like a joke. “why should i hire you” “because the shop needs coolness” what is that supposed to mean???? also, ireland isn't a time zone, and there is literally no examples of work.

also, why're isn't a word, everytime should be split into every time, and you forgot the r at the end of you.

gosh my god

Last edited by asdfperson135 (July 8, 2024 19:51:05)

100+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!


kokaAOALAAKAOKAOkokoko ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

The Everything Shop 2.0

About me: I started scratch 1 year and 9 months ago on Class1621. Since then I made a new account (this one) and I have gotten 367k+ views, trending more than 25 times, #1 trending on all 2 times, top remixed 2 times, top loved 1 time, gotten over 13k loves and 12k+ favourites. I have gotten over 4.2k followers in my time on one account. Once I started fresh on another account to see if i could get on trending. I did, and the account is Scratchallnight. The account got over 180 follows, 67000+ views. I have made lots of friends on scratch. I mostly work in the Requests section on the forums.
39 posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

Username: Moss-Star44
Package (you can only order available packages): Music
Explain in detail (DETAIL, please unless we can do what we want): A sad song that turns happy
Deadline (must be at least 72 hours)*: 1 week (168 hours)
Have you read the ToS-RoS?: Yessssss
Is there a certain worker you want for you/avoid?*: Nooooo
Other*: Can I use it without credit? Notify me when it is done!
Edit: When will it come?

Last edited by Moss-Star44 (July 28, 2024 05:00:00)

My favourite video
when green flag clicked
1000+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

Username*: depresso-boiyo (TGF order!)
Package (you can only order available packages): Art Package
Explain in detail (DETAIL, please unless we can do what we want): Forum Banner (signature button, specifically. 90x90)
Specifically shades of black, white, anything in-between. Make it related to my character Ash, if you can't include him. Pixel art or normal art welcome. If you can include my character, make him smiling. Please have wings in view unless just not possible. Wings are a dark gray, like his skin, hair should be a lighter gray, and the right side of his face is black, as well as his right horn. His left eye is visible, and he has no right eye. (seen in my PFP as well as several of my projects)
Deadline (must be at least 72 hours)*: End of July
Have you read the ToS-RoS?: Yes, I read everything
Is there a certain worker you want for you/avoid?*: N/A
1000+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

depresso-boiyo wrote:

Username*: depresso-boiyo (TGF order!)
Package (you can only order available packages): Art Package
Explain in detail (DETAIL, please unless we can do what we want): Forum Banner (signature button, specifically. 90x90)
Specifically shades of black, white, anything in-between. Make it related to my character Ash, if you can't include him. Pixel art or normal art welcome. If you can include my character, make him smiling. Please have wings in view unless just not possible. Wings are a dark gray, like his skin, hair should be a lighter gray, and the right side of his face is black, as well as his right horn. His left eye is visible, and he has no right eye. (seen in my PFP as well as several of my projects)
Deadline (must be at least 72 hours)*: End of July
Have you read the ToS-RoS?: Yes, I read everything
Is there a certain worker you want for you/avoid?*: N/A
i'll start on this tomorrow, but if anybody can draw oc's then lmk cuz they should do it instead

i hate my username
Chickens are the superior animal!

(⌐⎔_⎔)//This is Jack, he's been fighting these evil kumquats since early 2023!

(((( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́))))
56 posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

Username*: Skyboat198
Package (you can only order available packages): Art Package
Explain in detail (DETAIL, please unless we can do what we want): I want a more realistic and human version of the potato wizard, my OC. He has brown hair, medieval attire, thin frame glasses, a wizard hat made of burlap, a staff that has a magic crystal glowing potato on top. He also is 13. His race is white, his clothing is potato colored, and he has hazelnut eyes. One more thing, he also has a burlap cloak. The style shouldn't be anime or similar btw
Deadline (must be at least 72 hours)*: 72 hours
Have you read the ToS-RoS?: Yes I have read everything
Is there a certain worker you want for you/avoid?*:

1000+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

doggy_boi1 wrote:

depresso-boiyo wrote:

Username*: depresso-boiyo (TGF order!)
Package (you can only order available packages): Art Package
Explain in detail (DETAIL, please unless we can do what we want): Forum Banner (signature button, specifically. 90x90)
Specifically shades of black, white, anything in-between. Make it related to my character Ash, if you can't include him. Pixel art or normal art welcome. If you can include my character, make him smiling. Please have wings in view unless just not possible. Wings are a dark gray, like his skin, hair should be a lighter gray, and the right side of his face is black, as well as his right horn. His left eye is visible, and he has no right eye. (seen in my PFP as well as several of my projects)
Deadline (must be at least 72 hours)*: End of July
Have you read the ToS-RoS?: Yes, I read everything
Is there a certain worker you want for you/avoid?*: N/A
i'll start on this tomorrow, but if anybody can draw oc's then lmk cuz they should do it instead
oh yea, after this order ill be on break till like… september?

i hate my username
Chickens are the superior animal!

(⌐⎔_⎔)//This is Jack, he's been fighting these evil kumquats since early 2023!

(((( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́))))
56 posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

wait didn't I already ask for this? A redesign of my OC?

100+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

_WOFDOG_ wrote:

Username*: _WOFDOG_
Package: art package
Explain in detail: Thumbnail for a series I am making. Here is sort of what I want it to look like. NOTE: it is Minecraft/Hermitcraft themed, but with realistic art and stuff.. Please make it be good art. Things (from the image): In the middle is a person wearing an elytra. He will have a red shirt and blue pants. He will be holding firework rockets in his right hand and there will be an explosion from them underneath him. He will be flying. Above him, to the left, is a character based on the youtuber grian. To the right of him as a person similar to the person in the middle but with no elytra. He has a blue shirt. As seen from the link, Grian has a red shirt (please make it be the same shade as the one on his channel.) Grian has long eyes and no mouth, while the other two have small eyes and mouthes. The person to the right of Grian will have a smile, but not open. The one in the middle’s mouth will be open a sliver. They will all have about the same skin color, and for the hair color, Grian’s will be the color of his (minecraft self, not the picture)’s hair color. The guy to his right will have the picture/logo/pfp of grian’s hair color with the guy in the middle’s hair color being a little lighter than the previous one. Grian’s hairstyle will be long and pointed to the left, the other guy in the background’s will be straight, and the person in the middle will have short but pointed (down) hair. For the background, just do A blue sky with a sun at the top and green grass at the bottom. NOTE: the person in the middle should be covering up the other people’s legs. The scribbles in the bottom right corner are where the title will be. It should say “HBRL - chapters 1-3” on the top and on the bottom it should say “Realisim”
Deadline (must be at least 72 hours)*: I don’t really care, just get it done soon and don’t prioritize other orders over this one just because I am saying this.
Have you read the ToS-RoS?: Yup, everything in it.
Is there a certain worker you want for you/avoid?*: No, just give this to a good artist. (Preferably your best one)
Other*: *insert other stuff here*

Edit: did I make it too long?

CANCELmy order. Its been 64 days. Please cancel it.

~ Welcome to my siggy! ~ Right click on this text and then hold shift + down arrow to see the rest! ~
A wise fourmer once said “Treat your password like your toothbrush, don't let anyone have it. And get a new one every six months.”
I play minecraft, here are some skins:
1. My favorite youtuber (grian) and his head

2. Invisible with blue eyes (bedrock only)

kumquat guard housing ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ⠀     ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ :: #000eff hat
(-_- :: #ff0000) (-_- :: #ff0000) (-_- :: #ff0000) (-_- :: #ff0000) (-_- :: #ff0000) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) :: #000eff

(•_• :: #ff0000)

(•_• :: #ff0000)

(•_• :: #ff0000)

(•_• :: #ff0000)

(•_• :: #ff0000)
56 posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

I just base people noticing my stuff via response so… are you making it?

1000+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

doggy_boi1 wrote:

doggy_boi1 wrote:

depresso-boiyo wrote:

Username*: depresso-boiyo (TGF order!)
Package (you can only order available packages): Art Package
Explain in detail (DETAIL, please unless we can do what we want): Forum Banner (signature button, specifically. 90x90)
Specifically shades of black, white, anything in-between. Make it related to my character Ash, if you can't include him. Pixel art or normal art welcome. If you can include my character, make him smiling. Please have wings in view unless just not possible. Wings are a dark gray, like his skin, hair should be a lighter gray, and the right side of his face is black, as well as his right horn. His left eye is visible, and he has no right eye. (seen in my PFP as well as several of my projects)
Deadline (must be at least 72 hours)*: End of July
Have you read the ToS-RoS?: Yes, I read everything
Is there a certain worker you want for you/avoid?*: N/A
i'll start on this tomorrow, but if anybody can draw oc's then lmk cuz they should do it instead
oh yea, after this order ill be on break till like… september?
Finished! link in photo. Many more variants in the project

Also, i get that some people are on chromebooks and cant be on over the summer, but if you're going on break can you atleast say something?
And for costumers: I haven't seen anyone around, so your orders probably wont be taken

i hate my username
Chickens are the superior animal!

(⌐⎔_⎔)//This is Jack, he's been fighting these evil kumquats since early 2023!

(((( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́))))
100+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

I remember getting a order for platformer assets how long is it gonna take?
39 posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

When will I get my music?

My favourite video
when green flag clicked
100+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

Username*: bombardingppl
Shop name: The Scratch Lab shop
Shop link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/772458/
Shop banner:
Why should we partner with you?: We're a new shop, and we'd love to partner so that we can grow and help you!
Have you read the ToS-RoS?: yes

Do you want a signature, art, code, or more? If so, check out the Scratch Lab shop and make an order! Our staff is quick and superlative and will almost never disappoint you! It's easy to order and there is no confusion! Scroll down to learn more and order!

Join here! Click the image and read the information to learn about how you can JOIN THE LAB.

Sections of The Scratch Lab
23 posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

Username*: UshankanDev
Package (you can only order available packages): Music Package
Explain in detail (DETAIL, please unless we can do what we want): An audio briefing was transmitted from Earth to the player's spacecraft just outside Kepler 186f's atmosphere. It was distorted but still audible and understandable. This game is set in the SCP universe, so I'll provide a link to the SCP site article for more understanding.
Deadline (must be at least 72 hours)*: One week.
Have you read the ToS-RoS?: Yes.
Is there a certain worker you want for you/avoid?*: The character (Dr. Vivian Calder) is a female cis, so someone preferably female cis/presenting should voice her.
Other*: Here is the script for the voice actor to read:

“Hello, Bain. You have been in cryostasis for about 5 weeks. If we had windows installed, you could see the planet Kepler 186f. I will remind you once again of your mission. You will land near the city of Kry'nynsk, which houses a facility similar to Site 06-3. Kepler has recently been victim to SCP-3426, which I presume you have read about in its article. You will go through the facility catalog any anomalies caused and not caused by SCP-3426, and bring samples to Site 91. Good luck.”

Here is a list of articles mentioned.
https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3426 (Whoops! Forgot to add this one!)

Last edited by UshankanDev (Aug. 2, 2024 04:10:31)

1000+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

All forms from when doggy_boi1 posted have been rejected, since no one read the ToS-RoS. And please don't come again immediately, just have the sense to wait a bit first.

Hi! I'm kinosaurs515!

These are my trusty guardians who protect my signature from evil kumquats! If you want to create a guardian for me, tell me on my profile! I can creat one for you too!
(=I)()(K) // This is Kino. No one knows why, but he has a hole in his body. He is very protective and energetic, but just isn't brave.

-_- // This is Lance. Lance is tired all the time, but is still somewhat "helpful".

define AWAKE
broadcast [ sleep] // This is Sleep. Just as the code says, as if he's awake, he will sleep.

when green flag clicked
if <not <[bumped] = [true]>> then // This is Bump. He helps bump my posts. Because he is Bump, he has a bump on his head.
broadcast [ bump]
stop [ all]
say [Yay! It was bumped!] for (2) secs

when I receive [ NOISE] // This is Nosy. He noses a lot with a long nose.

define BE NOSY
Nose with nose until they say nose
23 posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

UshankanDev wrote:

Username*: UshankanDev
Package (you can only order available packages): Music Package
Explain in detail (DETAIL, please unless we can do what we want): An audio briefing was transmitted from Earth to the player's spacecraft just outside Kepler 186f's atmosphere. It was distorted but still audible and understandable. This game is set in the SCP universe, so I'll provide a link to the SCP site article for more understanding.
Deadline (must be at least 72 hours)*: One week.
Have you read the ToS-RoS?: Yes.
Is there a certain worker you want for you/avoid?*: The character (Dr. Vivian Calder) is a female cis, so someone preferably female cis/presenting should voice her.
Other*: Here is the script for the voice actor to read:

“Hello, Bain. You have been in cryostasis for about 5 weeks. If we had windows installed, you could see the planet Kepler 186f. I will remind you once again of your mission. You will land near the city of Kry'nynsk, which houses a facility similar to Site 06-3. Kepler has recently been victim to SCP-3426, which I presume you have read about in its article. You will go through the facility catalog any anomalies caused and not caused by SCP-3426, and bring samples to Site 91. Good luck.”

Here is a list of articles mentioned.
https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3426 (Whoops! Forgot to add this one!)

Can I get an update on my order, please?
1000+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

Review from The Gemstone Federation
First Impression 1-5: 3
Speed Rating 1-5: 4
Staff Rating 1-5: 4
Quality Rating 1-5: 4
Order Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1047606479/
Total Rating 1-20: 16/20
The first impression of the front pages, although organized, are very.. bright, for lack of a better term. I suggest finding shop colors that do not clash quite as much with the other shop colors. Using a variety of BBCode would improve quality of front pages as well, (big/small text size, more bold/italic/underlined, and try combining those)

The speed of my order being accepted was rather quick, and it was completed within the month deadline even though I was unable to answer questions for 3 weeks, it was still completed on time. The quality of the order was excellent, but simple. I suggest adding more detail to your work like shading. That is my only complaint on the order itself.

edit: this isn't apart of the review its just me apologizing for being so late. I've been busy irl

Last edited by depresso-boiyo (Aug. 8, 2024 00:08:00)

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  • » The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing! [RSS Feed]

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