Discuss Scratch

100+ posts

Can I?

Can I create a type of emailing project where I encode my username and the person I want to email into to numbers and limit the project so that only the mature responsible people can chat to each other using a encoded set of cloud variables.

I know there is a rule against no ‘global chats’, but Iwas wondering whether you couldlimit the people who could chat.

If you feel that this is unsafe I could also program in for the moderators to be allowed to view all ‘emails’ and give them a kind of administrative pass although I doubt this would be necessary.


I can't be bothered to make a signature. Seriously, who has time to write these things? I have stuff to do, games to make, and you expect me to write a big, long signature? I'm not your slave. You can't tell me what to do, so no, I WON'T write a signature.

Oh, wait…
1000+ posts

Can I?

I'm pretty sure the answer is “no”.

Retired Community Moderator
BTW, i run Google Chrome 41.0.2272.101 on a Linux system - Ubuntu 14.04. NEW: iPad 4th gen. w/retina.

418 I'm a teapot (original - to be read by bored computer geeks)
THE GAME (you just lost)
100+ posts

Can I?

scimonster wrote:

I'm pretty sure the answer is “no”.

Ah yes, I just saw this, http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/10109247/ , and the ST's comment, but I can send encoded text I think, and give my friend an unshared decoder.

I can't be bothered to make a signature. Seriously, who has time to write these things? I have stuff to do, games to make, and you expect me to write a big, long signature? I'm not your slave. You can't tell me what to do, so no, I WON'T write a signature.

Oh, wait…

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