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100+ posts

The Project Studio Directory 5.5 [HIRING STAFF] ASK ME PLEASE OR FILL FORM!

Welcome to the Project Studio Directory 5.0! The old owner was @Milkysplash but now me @Coolguys9873 is the current owner
Proof: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/519714/?page=9#post-6962058
Staff: @Milkysplash @hxckerdoge -@RabbitWorld-For more information on our staff please visit https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/32836540/
Translators: @Coolguys9873
Welcome/Front Page || Art || Animation || Games || Music || Tutorials || Other

So, you likely came here because you wanted to have your studio or project advertised, but you found Bumping a topic was too hard and you often forgot. Or you were just curious. Either way, you can submit your project or studio to be added here and it will be permanently advertised here so you have more publicity! (Please do let me know if you need your project/studio taken down or edited, with the section and title or I won't know where to edit!)

Rules for adding a project/studio
It must follow the community guidelines (e.g. no serious violence, no use of art/music/code without credit)
It cannot be blank (no description or title, nothing in the project)
It cannot be an add everything, free curator/manager or chatroom studio.
Not an exact copy of the original project/studio
It cannot be a limited time studio or project.
It cannot be marked as NFE (Not For Everyone)

Add Form
Studio or Project Title/Name:
Type of Studio/Project (Art, Animation, Games, Tutorials, Music, Other):
Short description:
Is it active? (Meaning “Has there been any activity in the past 2 months, like commenting or favouriting”?)
Does it have cloud variables:
How old is it:
Is the project or studio have any liking or faving:
If not then this is the perfect place for you.

Project Name: Ultra Pet Battle X Maths Game
Type of studio: Games
Owner/Creator: @Coolguys9873
Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/861255239/
Short description: A nice game with flufflets and is a Maths Game.
Is it active: YES
Does it have cloud variables: YES
How old is it: 4 Months
Is the project have any liking? Yes

Edit Form
Title of the studio/project:
What section is it in? (Art, Animation, Games, Tutorials, Music, Other)
Edit to be made:
Project/Studio Title:
Project or Studio?
Section (Art, Animation, Games, Tutorials, Music, Other):

Help improve this directory at https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/662795/?page=1#post-6979395
2nd update 3rd of April
3rd expected update 5 of August
4th expected update 22 of november
and so on
Find the Community Guidlines here: https://scratch.mit.edu/community_guidelines/If you want to make a game search it up here: http://wiki.scratch.mit.edu/Always read the privacy policy and Terms of use at: https://scratch.mit.edu/terms_of_use/ and https://scratch.mit.edu/privacy_policy/Donate to scrach at: https://scratch.mit.edu/donateFor ideas come here: https://scratch.mit.edu/ideasScratch junior at: http://www.scratchjr.org/Thanks and start coding!

Staff form
How will you contribute:
Do you have forum experience:
If no the please fill out the below:
Do you know the rules to scratch?:
Your account status must be Scratcher to be staff and must have at least some experience.
Notice that innapropriate behavior will be reported
Update 5.1 has been complete

5.1 rules at scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/661416/?page=5#post-7021221
Staff wanted, pls fill the form above

If you need help on other topics, please do it somewhere else.
Want to know other ways to get your project or studio noticed?
Make a Forum in Show and Tell!
Tell people about it! Like, for instance, if they're interested in the kind of project or studio you have, then maybe ask them if they want to join!

Translator form:
What languages do you know:
Do you have forum experience:
Are you fluent with the language:
If accepted please accept the studio invite and you will be asked to translate this text.
Closed until the 8th of March for updates
Here are some things we look for in studios:
- Provides an interesting prompt that inspires Scratchers to be creative and make projects
- Is focused on a specific project type or topic– for example, mouse trail projects or projects about historical fashion. We find that more specific prompts can be more inspiring!
- Has at least one active manager (two managers is even better), but not tons of managers
- Has fewer than 100 projects
- Has at least 2 projects that serve as good examples of what can go in the studio
- Does not allow anyone to add projects (for safety reasons), but does invite anyone to ask for their project to be added by a curator.
- Does not have an animated gif as its thumbnail (because that slows down the front page)
- Is not an Add Everything studio
- Not required but awesome: Description is in multiple languages and/or invites Scratchers to help translate it

Please try not to post the same studio multiple times! It would be especially helpful if, when proposing a studio, you explained how the studio provides a unique, interesting, and specific prompt for Scratchers.

Project tips:
These are the kind of things we're looking for:
- simple projects
- complex projects
- projects that show an innovative use of Scratch
- projects that promote collaboration and remixing
- projects by people who haven’t been on the front page a lot already
- projects that show the diversity in our community (gender, age, culture, country, interests, language, etc)
- projects that different kinds of people would find enjoyable
- projects that inspire

5.3 Update Complete

Updates include:
1. Translated texts, translators will help with that.
2. More experienced staff
3. A studio with information about the staff
4. A control team
5. More tips
6. About me's from all of our staff

More tips:
1. Put that effort in!

You wanna be recognised? Well, what do you want to be recogised for?

You have to make great stuff, put huge effort into what you make.

Your projects don't have to be perfect - you'll grow and improve over time through practice, and feedback from others. What matters is your effort, and you knowing that you gave it your all.

2. You gotta give to get.

Give other scratchers a hand with tricky scripts. Make a logo for someone. Be friendly and welcoming to new scratchers. Make friends, enter contests, chat, collaborate, help, give advice and constructive criticism!

By doing those kinds of community activities, you're basically ‘giving’ to the community. You make yourself someone likable and therefore more well-known.

Well, you can't sit in some corner of the website and not interact with this community at all, then expect the community to suddenly shower you with attention. It just doesn't work.

3. Judging a book by its cover.

You've heard the saying, right? ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover.' Basically, don't be too quick to judge based only on first impressions.

How does this have anything to do with Scratch? Well, let me ask a different question: what's the first thing you notice about a Scratch project?

Its thumbnail! (The ‘thumbnail’ is the little picture you see before you click the project. )

Now, thumbnails are very important - they're the first things you see, the things that influence you whether to click on the projects or not. If you want to use the ‘judge a book by its cover’ analogy, the thumbnail is essentially the ‘cover’ and the ‘book’ inside is the actual project.

Like it or not, we all judge books by their covers: we want to look at projects with eye-catching thumbnails, and are less interested in dull ones.
So, if you have nice thumbnails, more people will look at your projects!

Don't worry if you think you're not so great at designing good thumbnails - that's where other scratchers can help you! Have a look in the Requests forum for some forum shops that create art, logos and thumbnails for scratchers!

Oh, and one more thing - as well as project thumbnails, your logo/profile picture is very important! It's something that represents you and the kind of scratcher you are. Again, if you need a hand making a professional-looking logo, ask around in the Requests forum!

An extra note:

Never judge a book by it's cover. Some scratchers don't even know how to use thumbnails. I didn't till recently. If the thumbnail is a mess, still give the project a try. You never know what it may be like!
Yes, it's something we do without thinking most of the time, but I think the point metallic123 raises is very important: try your best not to judge a book by its cover! Also, here's a little help on how thumbnails work:

Scratch is responsible for what your thumbnail is on projects. It will take the image of whatever was on your project's screen when you last saved it and use that as the thumbnail. One way to control what your thumbnail looks like is this: 1) create a new sprite. 2) draw a picture that fills the whole screen that you want as your thumbnail. 3) put a script in it to make it hide when the project starts. 4) save the project with the thumbnail sprite showing and covering the screen. 5) And you're done!

4. Do it for YOU!

What's the point of being famous for something you don't even like doing? There isn't any! Make sure that you're making projects that YOU enjoy making, NOT because it's trendy and you think playing along with what other scratchers are doing too will get you popular. Although, if what you wanna do just happens to be the same as the trend, go for it anyway! Do it for YOURSELF, not for anyone else. Ultimately, following your own passions will get you far further and far happier. And Scratch is about learning, but it's also about fun!

Don't let the desire for recognition ever make you lose sight of that.
2. NO POSTING BAD COMMENTS ON advertisements, if the project is not following the community guidelines please report.

I hope this guide has been helpful to you! Please share your own tips in a reply below scratch on!
Scratch on!

Last edited by Coolguys9873 (Oct. 25, 2023 02:52:31)

6 posts

The Project Studio Directory 5.5 [HIRING STAFF] ASK ME PLEASE OR FILL FORM!

Project Title/Name: An Airplane Story
Type of Project (Art, Animation, Games, Tutorials, Music, Other): Game
Owner/Creator: Is_H_A_Persons_Name (Me)
Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/765859418
Short description: You play as an airplane
Is it active? (Meaning “Has there been any activity in the past 2 months, like commenting or favouriting”?): Nope
Does it have cloud variables: No
How old is it: Nov 24, 2022
Is the project have any liking or faving: Yes 3 likes and 2 favs

Did you know that, out of all fruits, apples are the most apple? Cool, right?
Meow meow meow, cats are cute
1000+ posts

The Project Studio Directory 5.5 [HIRING STAFF] ASK ME PLEASE OR FILL FORM!

Congrats on sticky!

Below this little line ^ is my signature, you can edit it by going to scratch.mit.edu/discuss/settings/YOURUSERHERE/ also highlight a part and do CNTRL+SHIFT+DOWN to scroll down.

| Ocular Profile | Scratch Profile | ScratchStats Profile | Github Profile |
| | Scratch Wiki Profile | |

94 posts

The Project Studio Directory 5.5 [HIRING STAFF] ASK ME PLEASE OR FILL FORM!

Project Title/Name: Harmless - a Platformer 2
Type of Project (Art, Animation, Games, Tutorials, Music, Other): Game
Owner/Creator: Supervirus_NR2 (Me)
Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/818456466/
Short description: A platformer that tricks you.
Is it active? (Meaning “Has there been any activity in the past 2 months, like commenting or favouriting”?): yup
Does it have cloud variables: nope
How old is it: Mar 21, 2023
Is the project have any liking or faving: Yes 8 likes and 8 favs

Last edited by Supervirus_NR2 (May 9, 2023 17:27:04)

38 posts

The Project Studio Directory 5.5 [HIRING STAFF] ASK ME PLEASE OR FILL FORM!

Studio or Project Title/Name: Precise-Tapp #game #music
Type of Studio/Project (Art, Animation, Games, Tutorials, Music, Other): Game
Owner/Creator: @-NerdyPerson-
Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/798372342
Short description: Click with the bar in the green zone to earn a point. Try to get as many points as possible.
It gets faster every time the green zone resets.(It may not look like it early on, but it does get pretty fast.)
Is it active? (Meaning “Has there been any activity in the past 2 months, like commenting or favouriting”?) Yes
Does it have cloud variables: Not yet
How old is it: Apr 04, 2023 ( About 1 month )
Is the project or studio have any liking or faving: Yes 28 likes and 20 faves.

“Nerds is not a bad thing they are just smart”
1000+ posts

The Project Studio Directory 5.5 [HIRING STAFF] ASK ME PLEASE OR FILL FORM!

I think i should take over lol since owner is not doing anything.

Below this little line ^ is my signature, you can edit it by going to scratch.mit.edu/discuss/settings/YOURUSERHERE/ also highlight a part and do CNTRL+SHIFT+DOWN to scroll down.

| Ocular Profile | Scratch Profile | ScratchStats Profile | Github Profile |
| | Scratch Wiki Profile | |

38 posts

The Project Studio Directory 5.5 [HIRING STAFF] ASK ME PLEASE OR FILL FORM!

Roblox888i wrote:

I think i should take over lol since owner is not doing anything.
Probably should, also wrong link XD.

“Nerds is not a bad thing they are just smart”
19 posts

The Project Studio Directory 5.5 [HIRING STAFF] ASK ME PLEASE OR FILL FORM!

51 posts

The Project Studio Directory 5.5 [HIRING STAFF] ASK ME PLEASE OR FILL FORM!

29 posts

The Project Studio Directory 5.5 [HIRING STAFF] ASK ME PLEASE OR FILL FORM!

Name: Power Clicker
Description: Click To Get Money, Battle Npc's To Also Get Money, Own The Best Powers In The Game, Try Out 3 Different Game Modes
Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/790698390/
1000+ posts

The Project Studio Directory 5.5 [HIRING STAFF] ASK ME PLEASE OR FILL FORM!

Made a new topic:

Below this little line ^ is my signature, you can edit it by going to scratch.mit.edu/discuss/settings/YOURUSERHERE/ also highlight a part and do CNTRL+SHIFT+DOWN to scroll down.

| Ocular Profile | Scratch Profile | ScratchStats Profile | Github Profile |
| | Scratch Wiki Profile | |

3 posts

The Project Studio Directory 5.5 [HIRING STAFF] ASK ME PLEASE OR FILL FORM!

Project Title/Name: Corrupted Sponge & Star
Type of Project (Art, Animation, Games, Tutorials, Music, Other): Art & Kind of a Game
Owner/Creator: yippe_04 (aka me)
Link: funni link to project totally yes it is dont send me to clickbait jail
Short description: Fnf Ays Showcase
Is it active? (Meaning “Has there been any activity in the past 2 months, like commenting or favouriting”?): No
Does it have cloud variables: No
How old is it: 3 Days Old
Is the project have any liking or faving: No

(this is like, my 2nd time using Forums im not good with them)

Last edited by yippe_04 (May 17, 2023 20:39:47)

13 posts

The Project Studio Directory 5.5 [HIRING STAFF] ASK ME PLEASE OR FILL FORM!

Studio or Project Title/Name: Scratch Writing Camp
Type of Studio/Project (Art, Animation, Games, Tutorials, Music, Other): Writing Camp
Owner/Creator: @Noises-In-The-Night (me)
Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33324973
Short description: A writing camp roleplay that's open all the time! Campers and counselors needed. Meet other writers, get personalized feedback, and more!
Is it active? (Meaning “Has there been any activity in the past 2 months, like commenting or favouriting”?) yes!
Other: It is just strating out, so the more people who join, the better!
Does it have cloud variables: nope.
How old is it: Less than a week.
Is the project or studio have any liking or faving: 1 follower so far.
If not then this is the perfect place for you.

Join The Scratch Writing Camp Today! Just click this blue link! :)
39 posts

The Project Studio Directory 5.5 [HIRING STAFF] ASK ME PLEASE OR FILL FORM!

Studio Name: The Chess Club
Type of Studio : Games
Owner: @The_Chessman
Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33374915/
Short description: A studio made for adding chess projects, offering chess project ideas, has information about chess (like history, current world champion), Has Weekly questions related to chess and also has daily shoutouts for underatted scratchers for 4 hrs and offers a chance to experience how to curate the studio.
Is it active? (Meaning “Has there been any activity in the past 2 months, like commenting or favouriting”?) : yes very active.
Other: It is just starting out, so the more people who join, the better!
Does it have cloud variables: not yet, projects added further might have.
How old is it: about 2 days
Is the project or studio have any liking or faving: 4 followers so far and i am loving the studio (im not the owner)

Thank you!

Last edited by Pari__ (May 18, 2023 04:42:48)

“you write your own scratch destiny
2 posts

The Project Studio Directory 5.5 [HIRING STAFF] ASK ME PLEASE OR FILL FORM!

Please check out my Alphabet Lore parody Latin Alphabet Lore, it's a series I really like making even though it's pretty short so far. Here is the first episode:
I've finished 3 episodes so far. More will be coming soon.
3 posts

The Project Studio Directory 5.5 [HIRING STAFF] ASK ME PLEASE OR FILL FORM!

Pari__ wrote:

Studio Name: The Chess Club
Type of Studio : Games
Owner: @The_Chessman
Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33374915/
Short description: A studio made for adding chess projects, offering chess project ideas, has information about chess (like history, current world champion), Has Weekly questions related to chess and also has daily shoutouts for underatted scratchers for 4 hrs and offers a chance to experience how to curate the studio.
Is it active? (Meaning “Has there been any activity in the past 2 months, like commenting or favouriting”?) : yes very active.
Other: It is just starting out, so the more people who join, the better!
Does it have cloud variables: not yet, projects added further might have.
How old is it: about 2 days
Is the project or studio have any liking or faving: 4 followers so far and i am loving the studio (im not the owner)

Thank you!
2 posts

The Project Studio Directory 5.5 [HIRING STAFF] ASK ME PLEASE OR FILL FORM!

Art: Drowring


Have fun in my Prodjekt.
I love it.
So fun.

Last edited by SuperSaui (May 19, 2023 10:50:41)

9 posts

The Project Studio Directory 5.5 [HIRING STAFF] ASK ME PLEASE OR FILL FORM!

when green flag clicked
if <MPH> then
move (MPH) steps
2 posts

The Project Studio Directory 5.5 [HIRING STAFF] ASK ME PLEASE OR FILL FORM!

Hey guys check out my Latest games.

Title/Name: Alien Invasion
Type of Project : Game
Owner/Creator: pulkitgautam
Short description: It is a game in which you need to dodge and shoot projectiles from and towards enemy spaceships.
Is it active: No
Does it have cloud variables: No
How old is it: 3 months but last updated on May 15.
liking or faving: 2 like 2 favorites

2 posts

The Project Studio Directory 5.5 [HIRING STAFF] ASK ME PLEASE OR FILL FORM!

This is my second game and has been posted last year. PLEASE CHECK IT OUT. Also please comment on my profile if my thumbnail is good enough.

Title/Name: Planet protector
Type of Project : Game
Owner/Creator: pulkitgautam
description: It is a game in which you have to protect earth and destroy asteroids.
Is it active: No
Does it have cloud variables: No
How old is it: Last updated on October 5, 2022
liking or faving: 2 like 1 favorites

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