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5 posts

The New Scratcher Music Shoppe

I am here to help other new scratchers get music for their games! I will attend to all scratchers, but new scratchers rank higher on the queue.
Just send the link of the game, and in 2-3 weekdays your music should arrive! Your options for notes are


The 2nd beats are

See you!
70 posts

The New Scratcher Music Shoppe

hey, nice shop!
(i'm a new scratcher on this account but i have been on scratch for 3+ years, using different accounts)

i'm not ordering anything but here are some tips to make your shop look more “professional”, if you get what i mean:

- create an official logo. you can easily make logos on canva.com, it gives you nice templates and elements to use
- create some banners, such as a welcome banner, “bump” banner, etcetera. it makes your shop look more professional and polished
- give your shop an official color(s)!
- make forms, to request orders, cancel orders, make reviews, etcetera (yes they are kinda useless but trust me they make the shop look way more polished and thought thru)
- hire people! create forms to apply for a “job”, with example projects of their work. only hire people you trust, of course
- if you want, you can have a way for people to “pay” you for the music. of course, im assuming people would have to give you credit anyway, but you can make them pay further - in loves, favorites, or follows, for instance. (always try to make the most out of everything )
- partner your shop with others! many shops on the forums have ways to “partner” with other shops - you just need to fill out a form
- advertise! advertise your shop in advertising studios, in the show and tell forum, etcetera. some shops even allow people to sign up to have adverts on their pages

(im giving you these tips as a former shop owner)

have a nice day and i wish you good luck with your shop!

From Bree. I hope my post was useful!

this is my signature. it appears under every post i make, and it's not related to my post. to scroll, select the text, and then use shift + down arrow

hi, i'm bree! i make ai portraits on Artbreeder. if you would like to request an ai portrait, just check out my about me on my profile!
shops i work in: The Glow Shop, The Fire Shop, Nightbot63's Product Shop, and Cloud Inc.

i've been a scratcher for 3+ years
abt me:
- i'm a mega once, jeongyeon biased!
- also a signfan, midzy, swith, my, dive and fearnot

my artbreeder

established 2023-03-22


my persona, bree

more will be added soon

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