Discuss Scratch

9 posts

Suggest Animation Ideas!

Hi there. Since no other animator has one of these and because I want to be unique, I have created this special forum where you people can suggest ideas that I can use to create animations! (Credit will be given for the ideas of course) Please don't post anything unrelated here in this forum. And also, I'll check this about every day on weekdays. Can't wait to see your ideas!
70 posts

Suggest Animation Ideas!

idk if these have been used before but here are my ideas:
(btw i dont need credit)

these are all supposed to be “funny” and “relatable” but im not even a funny person so don't blame me if these ideas suck lmao

- solving a riddle
- writing an essay
- eating a food you don't like
- getting your grades
- doing
- clothes shopping (idk if you boys can relate to that but anyway-)
- binge watching stuff

From Bree. I hope my post was useful!

this is my signature. it appears under every post i make, and it's not related to my post. to scroll, select the text, and then use shift + down arrow

hi, i'm bree! i make ai portraits on Artbreeder. if you would like to request an ai portrait, just check out my about me on my profile!
shops i work in: The Glow Shop, The Fire Shop, Nightbot63's Product Shop, and Cloud Inc.

i've been a scratcher for 3+ years
abt me:
- i'm a mega once, jeongyeon biased!
- also a signfan, midzy, swith, my, dive and fearnot

my artbreeder

established 2023-03-22


my persona, bree

more will be added soon
70 posts

Suggest Animation Ideas!

sorry number 5 is “doing a subject you dont like”

From Bree. I hope my post was useful!

this is my signature. it appears under every post i make, and it's not related to my post. to scroll, select the text, and then use shift + down arrow

hi, i'm bree! i make ai portraits on Artbreeder. if you would like to request an ai portrait, just check out my about me on my profile!
shops i work in: The Glow Shop, The Fire Shop, Nightbot63's Product Shop, and Cloud Inc.

i've been a scratcher for 3+ years
abt me:
- i'm a mega once, jeongyeon biased!
- also a signfan, midzy, swith, my, dive and fearnot

my artbreeder

established 2023-03-22


my persona, bree

more will be added soon
9 posts

Suggest Animation Ideas!

Huh, those are pretty good. Just seem like classic topics, maybe I'll use them. (And don't worry, I can relate to the 6th suggestion, I like trying to find nice clothes too, but usually I go shopping for video games)
15 posts

Suggest Animation Ideas!

your oc dancing to scarlet fire by otis mcdonald

Hi! If you seen this sig, you have seen a Slovenian user!
I'm CaptainJokes, a human in real life and a veemo in Splatoon 3.
Enjoy the Woomy or your Switch (or Wii U) goes boomy - The Interwebs
repeat until <(costume #) = [frame number here]>
next costume
wait (0.01) secs
Frye hates me
9 posts

Suggest Animation Ideas!

Interesting. That's a nice music piece, I bet someone would use that for an intro or outro.
3 posts

Suggest Animation Ideas!

comment animation
100+ posts

Suggest Animation Ideas!

Perhaps you could capture the suffrage felt when your phone dies right before the charger touches it?

I am a Networker!
Networking: “The process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional/social contacts.”
Forum Tip: Don't forget to bookmark forum posts! That way, you can check on them later!
15 posts

Suggest Animation Ideas!

PickleExists wrote:

Interesting. That's a nice music piece, I bet someone would use that for an intro or outro.
The outro music would be Rest by Otis McDonald. It´s also the Michael MJD timelapse music.

Hi! If you seen this sig, you have seen a Slovenian user!
I'm CaptainJokes, a human in real life and a veemo in Splatoon 3.
Enjoy the Woomy or your Switch (or Wii U) goes boomy - The Interwebs
repeat until <(costume #) = [frame number here]>
next costume
wait (0.01) secs
Frye hates me
4 posts

Suggest Animation Ideas!

Maybe, do a comment animations or someone has a pair of glasses that makes you look like a literal pickle and they try to eat you.
change [ ideas] by (10)
9 posts

Suggest Animation Ideas!

Yeah, I should probably do Comment Animations 4, I've been procrastinating it for a long time.
Scratch Team
1000+ posts

Suggest Animation Ideas!

I'll move this over to the “Project Ideas” section for you - that's a better fit for this kind of topic

Scratch Team Member, kayak and pickleball enthusiast, cat caregiver.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.
(credit to Za-Chary)

9 posts

Suggest Animation Ideas!

Oh, ok. (Sorry, I'm still new to this thing, I can't really navigate it yet.)
55 posts

Suggest Animation Ideas!

I eat 15 apples for breakfast (Jeaney Collects)
2 posts

Suggest Animation Ideas!

Maybe you should do:
1. the power goes out while ur gaming
2. taco bell meme
3. comment animations 4
4. hairy rotter 5
5. pickles pizzeria 3
6. you lost your jar of pickles
And finally…
7. this is bugula; when you find a $100 dollar bill at McDonalds

Last edited by CircusClown92 (March 29, 2023 14:38:09)

9 posts

Suggest Animation Ideas!

(For SuperLuigi1000): That's pretty hilarious, I think I'll do that.
(For CircusClown92): Believe it or not, I actually started Pickles Pizzeria 3, and I'll do the Bugula one, I feel like that has a ton of potential.
1 post

Suggest Animation Ideas!

You should do some animations on,
1. Turning into a real pickle
2. Me eating a pickle for the first time (or anyone it doesn’t matter.)
3. This discussion
4. Learning what a rickroll is
5. Getting rickrolled be like meme
6. Me not knowing what else to put here.
Those are some ideas.
0 posts

Suggest Animation Ideas!

A continuous pickle eating a dog, eating the pickle eating the dog.

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