Discuss Scratch

100+ posts

Template(Pls don't post)

about us

Coffee house federation is founded by @STRAYKIDSPRO and we aim to help shops reach the best.This is the first version of coffee house federation (chf)

Opened on

Official colours
Brown 》#6E5B4C
Advertisment space available

Template made by login visit there shop link:-login


[color=#6E5B4C]About us[/url] ▢ [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/668875/?page=1#post-7047980][color=#BC926A]members & joining benifits[/url] ▢ [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/668875/?page=1#post-7047982][color=#BC926A]Forms[/url] ▢ [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/668875/?page=1#post-7047984][color=#BC926A]BOD[/url] ▢ [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/668875/?page=1#post-7047986][color=#BC926A]T&C[/url] ▢ [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/668875/?page=1#post-7047987][color=#BC926A]Resources[/url][/color][/center][/quote][/b][/url][/color][/center][/quote]

[quote][center][color=#BC926A]about us[/color][/center]
[Center][color=#6E5B4C]Coffee house federation is founded by @STRAYKIDSPRO and we aim to help shops reach the best.This is the first version of coffee house federation (chf)

Opened on

Official colours
Brown 》#6E5B4C
[quote][center][color=#BC926A] Advertisment space available[/color][/center][/quote]

[quote][center][color=#6E5B4C]Template made by login visit there shop link:-[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/611864/]login[/url][/color][/center][/quote][/b]

Last edited by Grey_Do (March 20, 2023 17:26:10)

100+ posts

Template(Pls don't post)

joining benifits
monthly review
Monthly newsletter
Banner and bb Code for new shops only

no one yet be the first one!

advertisement space available


[color=#BC926A]About us[/url] ▢ [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/668875/?page=1#post-7047980][color=#6E5B4C]members & joining benifits[/url] ▢ [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/668875/?page=1#post-7047982][color=#BC926A]Forms[/url] ▢ [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/668875/?page=1#post-7047984][color=#BC926A]BOD[/url] ▢ [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/668875/?page=1#post-7047986][color=#BC926A]T&C[/url] ▢ [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/668875/?page=1#post-7047987][color=#BC926A]Resources[/url][/color][/center][/quote][/b][/url][/color][/center][/quote]

[quote][center][color=#BC926A] joining benifits [/color]
[Color=#6E5B4C]monthly review
Monthly newsletter
Banner and bb Code for new shops only[/color][/center][/quote]

[quote][center][color=#6E5B4C] members[/color]
[quote][color=#BC926A]no one yet be the first one![/color][/quote][/center][/quote][/quote][/quote]

[quote][center][color=#BC926A] advertisement space available [/center][/color][/quote][/b]

Last edited by Grey_Do (March 20, 2023 18:04:00)

100+ posts

Template(Pls don't post)


Shop joining form

Shop name
Name of shop owner
Shop link:
Shop banner:
Shop motto:

joining form (staff)

Nickname and Pronouns:
Activity Level ( Out of 10 ):

Shop request form for bb Code and banner

Name of Shop:
Name of Shop Owner:
BBCode or Banner:
Where to Notify You:
Due Date (min. of 7 days):
Other Information:

staff leave form

Duration of Vacation:
Starting Date:
Ending Date:
Other Information:

Shop ads form

What you'd like advertised:
Information to put in advertisement:
Banners (opt.):
Other Information:

staff retirement form

Reason for Resignation ( Opt. ):
Date of Resignation:
Other Information:

advertisement space available


[color=#BC926A]About us[/url] ▢ [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/668875/?page=1#post-7047980][color=#BC926A]members & joining benifits[/url] ▢ [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/668875/?page=1#post-7047982][color=#6E5B4C]Forms[/url] ▢ [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/668875/?page=1#post-7047984][color=#BC926A]BOD[/url] ▢ [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/668875/?page=1#post-7047986][color=#BC926A]T&C[/url] ▢ [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/668875/?page=1#post-7047987][color=#BC926A]Resources[/url][/color][/center][/quote][/b][/url][/color][/center][/quote]

[quote][center][color=#6E5B4C] Forms[/color]

[quote] [color=#BC926A] Shop joining form[/color]

[Color=#6E5B4C]Shop name
Name of shop owner
Shop link:
Shop banner:
Shop motto:

[quote][color=#6E5B4C]joining form (staff)[/color]

Nickname and Pronouns:
Activity Level ( Out of 10 ):

[quote] [color=#BC926A] Shop request form for bb Code and banner [/color]

[Color=#6E5B4C]Name of Shop:
Name of Shop Owner:
BBCode or Banner:
Where to Notify You:
Due Date (min. of 7 days):
Other Information: [/color][/quote]

[quote][color=#6E5B4C]staff leave form[/color]

Duration of Vacation:
Starting Date:
Ending Date:
Other Information:[/color][/quote]

[quote] [color=#BC926A] Shop ads form[/color]

What you'd like advertised:
Information to put in advertisement:
Banners (opt.):
Other Information:[/color][/quote]

[quote][color=#6E5B4C]staff retirement form[/color]

Reason for Resignation ( Opt. ):
Date of Resignation:
Other Information: [/color][/quote]

[quote][quote][color=#6E5B4C]advertisement space available [/color][/quote][/quote]

Last edited by Grey_Do (March 20, 2023 18:12:54)

100+ posts

Template(Pls don't post)


who found the federation, control over the shop and take major decision

half control over the shop and take minor decision

Assistant Manager
help when the manager is not there, post the active check list

head of departments

Shop joining head
who looks after the staffs,take care about the shop joining

bb Code head
looks after the staff,help if no staffs are there

banner head
looks after the staff,help if no staffs are there

head of products
looks after the products of the federation ,has all control over the product section


review the shops joined (Do it every month)

bb Code makers
code Shop templates

banner makers
make banners

advertisement space available


[color=#BC926A]About us[/url] ▢ [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/668875/?page=1#post-7047980][color=#BC926A]members & joining benifits[/url] ▢ [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/668875/?page=1#post-7047982][color=#BC926A]Forms[/url] ▢ [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/668875/?page=1#post-7047984][color=#6E5B4C]BOD[/url] ▢ [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/668875/?page=1#post-7047986][color=#BC926A]T&C[/url] ▢ [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/668875/?page=1#post-7047987][color=#BC926A]Resources[/url][/color][/center][/quote][/b][/url][/color][/center][/quote]

[quote][center][quote][color=#BC926A] BOD [/color]

[color=#6E5B4C] Founder [/color]
[Color=#BC926A]who found the federation, control over the shop and take major decision[/color]

[color=#6E5B4C] Manager [/color]
[Color=#BC926A]half control over the shop and take minor decision[/color]

[color=#6E5B4C] Assistant Manager [/color]
[Color=#BC926A]help when the manager is not there, post the active check list [/color]

[color=#6E5B4C] head of departments[/color]

[color=#6E5B4C] Shop joining head [/color]
[Color=#BC926A]who looks after the staffs,take care about the shop joining[/color]

[color=#6E5B4C] bb Code head [/color]
[Color=#BC926A]looks after the staff,help if no staffs are there[/color]

[color=#6E5B4C] banner head [/color]
[Color=#BC926A] looks after the staff,help if no staffs are there [/color]

[color=#6E5B4C] head of products [/color]
[Color=#BC926A] looks after the products of the federation ,has all control over the product section [/color][/quote]

[quote][color=#BC926A] staffs [/color]

[color=#6E5B4C] reviewers [/color]
[Color=#BC926A]review the shops joined (Do it every month)[/color]

[color=#6E5B4C] bb Code makers [/color]
[Color=#BC926A]code Shop templates[/color]

[color=#6E5B4C] banner makers [/color]
[Color=#BC926A] make banners [/color][/quote]

[quote][quote][color=#6E5B4C]advertisement space available [/color][/quote][/quote][/center][/quote][/b]

Last edited by Grey_Do (March 20, 2023 18:12:08)

100+ posts

Template(Pls don't post)


rules to staffs

*This section applies to all staff, with some exceptions to the Owner and Co-owner.

*Any disrespect towards other staff results in a warning. Further disrespect and you will be fired.

*Any disrespect towards member shops will result in instant firing with no warning.

*You must do your job. Reviewers must review shops, information staff must gather info, BoD members have their roles next to their name.

*Responding to activity checks is vital. If not, you receive a drop in activity. Too many drops and you will be removed.

*Spamming, advertising etc. results in a warning.

*Warnings are given out when a staff member shows disrespect to others, spams, advertises or performs any sort of behaviour that goes against the Community Guidelines. These cannot be removed under any circumstances.

*These can be both a punishment and a lesson: if they accumulate 3 of these warnings, they will receive a red warning. If they get another warning after this, they will be fired. However, if a staff member gets one, this could be a signal to improve and avoid getting more.

*being banned results in instant firing, no exceptions.

rules for shop

*This section applies to the shop and all of its staff members.

*All shop owners must fill out the form to join whether it was an invite or not.

* If this is not done, then the shop will not be accepted.

*Your form must be filled in completely and correctly. No corner cutting.

*Shop staff must remain active or they will be removed from the federation.

*Shop staff cannot show disrespect towards our federation or they will be removed instantly.

*This includes hate, bullying, trash talk, etc.

*Reporting may be necessary.

*If a shop staff member disrespects any individual via profile or project comments, that shop will be notified so that appropriate action can be taken.

*If necessary, the user will be reported in addition to the shop owner being notified.

*If necessary, we will conduct a shop activity check. Any shops that do not respond will be removed from the federation.

*The Community Guidelines apply everywhere on the Scratch Website and must be followed.

*Shops must be 7 days old or more and have completed 2 or more orders. However, we accept shops of all populations and professions, from solo shops and single-service shops to giant mall-like establishments and everything shops.

rule are by 78ch3
advertisement space available


[color=#BC926A]About us[/url] ▢ [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/668875/?page=1#post-7047980][color=#BC926A]members & joining benifits[/url] ▢ [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/668875/?page=1#post-7047982][color=#BC926A]Forms[/url] ▢ [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/668875/?page=1#post-7047984][color=#BC926A]BOD[/url] ▢ [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/668875/?page=1#post-7047986][color=#6E5B4C]T&C[/url] ▢ [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/668875/?page=1#post-7047987][color=#BC926A]Resources[/url][/color][/center][/quote][/b][/url][/color][/center][/quote]


[Center][color=#6E5B4C]rules to staffs[/color][/center]

[Color= #BC926A]*This section applies to all staff, with some exceptions to the Owner and Co-owner.

*Any disrespect towards other staff results in a warning. Further disrespect and you will be fired.

*Any disrespect towards member shops will result in instant firing with no warning.

*You must do your job. Reviewers must review shops, information staff must gather info, BoD members have their roles next to their name.

*Responding to activity checks is vital. If not, you receive a drop in activity. Too many drops and you will be removed.

*Spamming, advertising etc. results in a warning.

*Warnings are given out when a staff member shows disrespect to others, spams, advertises or performs any sort of behaviour that goes against the Community Guidelines. These cannot be removed under any circumstances.

*These can be both a punishment and a lesson: if they accumulate 3 of these warnings, they will receive a red warning. If they get another warning after this, they will be fired. However, if a staff member gets one, this could be a signal to improve and avoid getting more.

*being banned results in instant firing, no exceptions.[/color][/quote]

[quote][center][color=#BC926A]rules for shop[/color][/center]
[Color=#6E5B4C]*This section applies to the shop and all of its staff members.

*All shop owners must fill out the form to join whether it was an invite or not.

* If this is not done, then the shop will not be accepted.

*Your form must be filled in completely and correctly. No corner cutting.

*Shop staff must remain active or they will be removed from the federation.

*Shop staff cannot show disrespect towards our federation or they will be removed instantly.

*This includes hate, bullying, trash talk, etc.

*Reporting may be necessary.

*If a shop staff member disrespects any individual via profile or project comments, that shop will be notified so that appropriate action can be taken.

*If necessary, the user will be reported in addition to the shop owner being notified.

*If necessary, we will conduct a shop activity check. Any shops that do not respond will be removed from the federation.

*The Community Guidelines apply everywhere on the Scratch Website and must be followed.

*Shops must be 7 days old or more and have completed 2 or more orders. However, we accept shops of all populations and professions, from solo shops and single-service shops to giant mall-like establishments and everything shops.

[quote][quote][color=#6E5B4C]advertisement space available [/color][/quote][/quote][/b]

Last edited by Grey_Do (March 23, 2023 04:29:12)

100+ posts

Template(Pls don't post)

Banner of CHF

Bump banner of CHF
link here 

Review template
text here 

Invitation template
text here 
advertisement space available


[color=#BC926A]About us[/url] ▢ [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/668875/?page=1#post-7047980][color=#BC926A]members & joining benifits[/url] ▢ [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/668875/?page=1#post-7047982][color=#BC926A]Forms[/url] ▢ [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/668875/?page=1#post-7047984][color=#BC926A]BOD[/url] ▢ [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/668875/?page=1#post-7047986][color=#BC926A]T&C[/url] ▢ [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/668875/?page=1#post-7047987][color=#6E5B4C]Resources[/url][/color][/center][/quote][/b][/url][/color][/center][/quote]

[quote][color=#BC926A]Banner of CHF

[quote][color=#BC926A]Bump banner of CHF[/color]
[quote][code]link here [/code][/quote][/quote]

[quote][color=#BC926A]Review template[/color]
[quote][code]text here [/code][/quote][/quote]

[quote][color=#BC926A]Invitation template[/color]
[quote][code]text here [/code][/quote][/quote]
[quote][quote][color=#6E5B4C]advertisement space available [/color][/quote][/quote][/B]

Last edited by Grey_Do (March 20, 2023 18:10:54)

100+ posts

Template(Pls don't post)

100+ posts

Template(Pls don't post)

100+ posts

Template(Pls don't post)

100+ posts

Template(Pls don't post)

36 posts

Template(Pls don't post)


Last edited by STRAYKIDSPRO (March 21, 2023 11:02:18)

36 posts

Template(Pls don't post)

Thanks but can u make me a bump banner pls
100+ posts

Template(Pls don't post)


Thanks but can u make me a bump banner pls
Ok,fill the form
1000+ posts

Template(Pls don't post)

Please do not copy other people's forum elements without their permission, or at the very least provide credit. This template is very similar to the IFSF and you've directly taken the rules page from my federation too.

(Yes, I’m posting even though you said not to. It's for a good reason)

Last edited by 78ch3 (March 23, 2023 00:55:03)

100+ posts

Template(Pls don't post)

78ch3 wrote:

Please do not copy other people's forum elements without their permission, or at the very least provide credit. This template is very similar to the IFSF and you've directly taken the rules page from my federation too.

(Yes, I’m posting even though you said not to. It's for a good reason)
Sorry about that can I use your rules and the template is not that similar to the IFSF I only too an idea from them
1000+ posts

Template(Pls don't post)

Grey_Do wrote:

78ch3 wrote:

Please do not copy other people's forum elements without their permission, or at the very least provide credit. This template is very similar to the IFSF and you've directly taken the rules page from my federation too.

(Yes, I’m posting even though you said not to. It's for a good reason)
Sorry about that can I use your rules and the template is not that similar to the IFSF I only too an idea from them
No, please use your own.

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