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- » why wont the st stop making terrible color changes
- qwerty_wasd_gone
1000+ posts
why wont the st stop making terrible color changes
I don't think it helps the colorblind
There's even a topic about the remix button https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/663403/ JUST THE REMIX BUTTON IS A WHOLE TOPIC
There's even a topic about the remix button https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/663403/ JUST THE REMIX BUTTON IS A WHOLE TOPIC
Last edited by qwerty_wasd_gone (Feb. 17, 2023 04:43:15)
- Scratchedbyyou_alt
18 posts
why wont the st stop making terrible color changes
They want to burn our eyes for eternity (joke, that's not true right???)
Last edited by Scratchedbyyou_alt (Feb. 17, 2023 04:48:49)
- Crispydogs101
1000+ posts
why wont the st stop making terrible color changes
ST wants people with vision problems to enjoy scratch. Also can you get used to it instead of making a fuss about it?
I also kinda don't like it but I'm calm/
I also kinda don't like it but I'm calm/
- qwerty_wasd_gone
1000+ posts
why wont the st stop making terrible color changes
Sorry, but I want to protect my eyes. ST wants people with vision problems to enjoy scratch. Also can you get used to it instead of making a fuss about it?
I also kinda don't like it but I'm calm/
- Crispydogs101
1000+ posts
why wont the st stop making terrible color changes
Then be patient and wait for like a month or 2 and then you will enjoy scratch. Also when a tiny update happens it's not the end of the world.Sorry, but I want to protect my eyes. ST wants people with vision problems to enjoy scratch. Also can you get used to it instead of making a fuss about it?
I also kinda don't like it but I'm calm/
At least this elaborates better than me
- cheddargirl
1000+ posts
why wont the st stop making terrible color changes
For those too lazy to click the link in the previous post, this is the quote Crispydogs101 is referring to.
While were open to suggestions on color changes, this is one of the things where putting down an accessibility change on the mere basis of finding it ugly can come across as ableist. It's not like we've picked random colors without doing research on the subject for a couple of years. I think any valid criticism on the color change should come from a place where accessibility is being kept in mind (i.e., show scientific proof of another color change being better for people with visual problems).
Well - any time we change anything, we get suggestions like this to make it an option. More options makes for more complexity and a product that is harder to learn and harder to maintain. So I think it's best to try and live with the change for a while and see if it really is so bothersome.
While were open to suggestions on color changes, this is one of the things where putting down an accessibility change on the mere basis of finding it ugly can come across as ableist. It's not like we've picked random colors without doing research on the subject for a couple of years. I think any valid criticism on the color change should come from a place where accessibility is being kept in mind (i.e., show scientific proof of another color change being better for people with visual problems).
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» why wont the st stop making terrible color changes