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Wiki Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Today we have the 79th edition of Wiki Wednesday for everyone! Happy New Year!

Without further ado, here are the Wiki Articles of the Month:

English: Censor

The censor filters certain words or phrases that are not appropriate for Scratch and alerts the user that what they wrote is against Community Guidelines.

The message that pops up when a comment triggers the censor

Russian (Русский): Scratchblocks

Scratchblocks — это плагин для Скретч Вики и форумов, который позволяет создавать скриптовые изображения с помощью текста, который разбирается и отображается.

What is the Scratch Wiki?
The Scratch Wiki is a collaboratively-written wiki available for free that provides information about the Scratch programming language and its website, history, and phenomena surrounding it. The wiki is supported by the Scratch Team, but is primarily written by Scratchers. The Scratch Wiki is a popular source of information for scripts and tutorials, and it continues to grow as Scratchers use it as their primary source of information. This could also include advanced articles for Scratchers around the world to build, share, and see.
(Source: Scratch Wiki)

Missing Languages

There are many languages which do not have a Scratch Wiki! If you know a language without a Wiki, then you can help create one. Learn more here! We are looking for native speakers in a certain language and do not require any applicants to have a perfect grasp on the English language.

By the way, did you know…
… Not all phrases that trigger the censor are fully blocked? Some phrases are still allowed to be posted but messages containing those phrases are added to a queue for the Scratch Team to manually review.
… что можно использовать блок в качестве ввода данных? остановить блок (гравитация::custom stack) ➡

A big thank you goes to jvvg for organizing this Wiki Wednesday and writing the post. Credit to Yummygum on iconfinder.com for the flag icons!
23 posts

Wiki Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Happy new year!

Last edited by gogo2233 (Dec. 28, 2022 16:06:56)

Hi! I like love dolls and coding . Also I love purple

Best projects

Pet scratchblock:
---0.0---::#46c4c9 // Hi!

30 posts

Wiki Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Happy early New Years everyone! Hope we have lots of fun and happiness in the year to come!
1000+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, December 28, 2022

-honeywafflez- wrote:

Happy early New Years everyone! Hope we have lots of fun and happiness in the year to come!
Just 3 days.

Working on an RPG. Consistently losing followers because of inactivity.
I head to forums time-to-time. Not as much as I used to.
New Scratcher
61 posts

Wiki Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Yay! A new chance to set better resolutions that I could actually complete!
11 posts

Wiki Wednesday, December 28, 2022

ITS ALMOST 2023! hope its a good one
when green flag clicked
move (10) steps
500+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Wow! This is really cool!

Last edited by MaterArc (Dec. 28, 2022 16:23:33)

Roles: Head Aviate Admin, Forumer, SDS Helper, Scratch Wikian, and Community Helper, SCC 2022.
Achievements: 7x trending, 18x Scratch Studio Curator, 9x SDS Helper, 7x Curated, etc

37 posts

Wiki Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Feels illegal to be early
Happy 2023! (even if it's not)

Also why can't I see images in the english version of the post but I can see the ones in the Russian version?

Oh AV is out

I woke up in a new buggati
Got a follower rise during AHAS2
37 posts

Wiki Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Wiki Wednesday again, my folks!

when Wiki Wednesday started ::hat events
say [Wiki Wednesday!]

Happy New Year!

Last edited by hodgeonscratch (Dec. 29, 2022 19:30:30)

500+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, December 28, 2022

First time actually reading Wiki Wednesday. Happy New Year.

100+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Happy new year

My roles in the Scratch Community: SDS helper: X4 , SWC Reviewer, SES X11 PPTBF X2, Curated X3, Top Loved X1, FPC #562, FPCA Studio Curator

100+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, December 28, 2022

17 post!!!!

4 posts

Wiki Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Happy new years everyone!
1000+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, December 28, 2022

It's almost 2023

Hey! Look at this DTA!
Hej! My username is @Crispydogs101. I like listening to music, playing games, and more!
Sarah and duck, Pete the cat, Pegboard nerds, Tokyo machine, FORZA FAN!! Be High contrast Blue Be rich
100+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Happy New Year and holidays!

Может команда Скретча не так уж и плоха…

Привет! Меня зовут Глеб, я программирую на TypeScript, ну и Scratch :-D
Также изучаю Java и ООП.
Администратор русской Скретч Вики! Если хочешь помочь, то кликни на баннер сверху.
36 posts

Wiki Wednesday, December 28, 2022

when [enter v] key pressed
say [among us]

Hello, I am @Codingkid452 and this is my signature!

I don't have to say much really lol
13 posts

Wiki Wednesday, December 28, 2022

hi guys try this
when I receive game over 
stop all
100+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Wiki Wednesday, Horray!

6 posts

Wiki Wednesday, December 28, 2022

when green flag clicked
say [happy new year!] for (2) secs

Last edited by tv_cat (Dec. 28, 2022 17:30:49)

100+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, December 28, 2022


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