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- » So i am implementing bosses into my game and am running into a problem
- rf45r4y
4 posts
So i am implementing bosses into my game and am running into a problem
So when at round 20 it should start the alarm sound twice and carry on spawning the boss and waiting until the end of the round yet it dosent. The only case in which this works in when i set the round to 20. I have tried to add notes to the code that should be causing the problem the best i can.
- -Valtren-
1000+ posts
So i am implementing bosses into my game and am running into a problem

- rf45r4y
4 posts
So i am implementing bosses into my game and am running into a problem
https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/757105276 here it is in its current state it skips to round 20 in the blocks under the hud sprite you may need to change that
- -sakwra
82 posts
So i am implementing bosses into my game and am running into a problem
Perhaps if you can't find an answer here, use “Help With Scripts” as there are others there who may be able to help with your problem ^^
- Discussion Forums
- » Questions about Scratch
» So i am implementing bosses into my game and am running into a problem