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100+ posts

How to make a seeking projectiles shoot at clones

my seeking projectiles shoot in 1 place because its following the original sprite but never the clones how do I make it shoot 3 bullets and all 3 bullet will seek the zombies but wont all seek the same one

when I receive [ wakeup]
if <[happy] = [true]> then
set [ work on scratch] to [true]

move (0) steps
6 posts

How to make a seeking projectiles shoot at clones


To do this is sadly not very easy. It involves having to update each clone's X and Y positions and store them in a list. Only then can you add a script to shoot toward that location. I would be happy to give more information if you want!

66 posts

How to make a seeking projectiles shoot at clones

Or you might be able to do it using Griffpatch's video on youtube called Code Ai swarms you could make it where a missile clone starts tracking the zombies when they get close enough.

It might work… but I hope this helps you


If you like multiplayer and/or shooter games then this is the studio for you!
A studio where you can share multiplayer games and shooter games!
And where you can find multiplayer games and shooter games!

Unfortunately… there are not much games in the studio yet
If you like those kind of games, then please give it support by adding games to it!

I hope that it will soon be full of multiplayer and/or shooter games!
But I need your help…
Click here to go to the studio.

Thank you!
100+ posts

How to make a seeking projectiles shoot at clones

when I start as a clone
update position :: custom

define update position
add (x position) to [clone x v]
add (y position) to [clone y v]
Whenever you change the clone's position, you have to run the “update position” custom block within the clone script. Next, you should set this code as the projectile code (feel free to modify how much it moves). Use the pointing code demonstrated below:
define point towards x: (target x) y: (target y)
point in direction ([atan v] of (((target x) - (x position)) / ((target y) - (y position)))
if <(target y) < (y position)> then
turn cw (180) degrees

... :: hat
point towards x: (item (...) of [clone x v] :: list) y: (item (...) of [clone y v] :: list)
move (5) steps

scratch fact of the day whenever i feel like changing it: Oddly enough, the (item ( ) of list) and (item # of ( ) in list) blocks can be placed where boolean blocks are supposed to go. This calls on the Boolean() function in JavaScript (the language Scratch is coded in), or whatever other boolean coercion method exists. Numbers and booleans behave as expected, with 0 (but, incorrectly, not -0), “” (empty string), and “false” (the string) converting to false. Everything else converts to true, so stuff like NaN seem to be interpreted as strings.
set [foo v] to [something]
forever {
set [foo v] to (join (foo)(foo))
} :: control
Select this, then press Shift + Down

// just your typical code
green is {
an ({apple :: hat #8fd97e}@addInput::ring #55993a) :: #7bc24f cap
}some text<>{
if not (☁ score :: pen) {
{rainbow [#de0909][#ffaa0d][#ffe70a][#7ccf00][#00cf79][#0072cf][#8d00cf] :: #7bc24f reporter}@addInput :: hat pen
}:: #6a8c32
} block [with v] ([text] :: #a8cc5a) ? :: #6a8c32
100+ posts

How to make a seeking projectiles shoot at clones

ludum_factorem9823 wrote:


To do this is sadly not very easy. It involves having to update each clone's X and Y positions and store them in a list. Only then can you add a script to shoot toward that location. I would be happy to give more information if you want!

dang but could you explain I was really excited about making this

when I receive [ wakeup]
if <[happy] = [true]> then
set [ work on scratch] to [true]

move (0) steps
100+ posts

How to make a seeking projectiles shoot at clones

LFF2004 wrote:

Or you might be able to do it using Griffpatch's video on youtube called Code Ai swarms you could make it where a missile clone starts tracking the zombies when they get close enough.

It might work… but I hope this helps you

this might be better than what I asked for I could just make the 3 clones gunup or down accordingly and then when a sprite is within x distance than it will track

when I receive [ wakeup]
if <[happy] = [true]> then
set [ work on scratch] to [true]

move (0) steps
66 posts

How to make a seeking projectiles shoot at clones

glitchiestofthemall wrote:

I wrote:

Or you might be able to do it using Griffpatch's video on youtube called Code Ai swarms you could make it where a missile clone starts tracking the zombies when they get close enough.

It might work… but I hope this helps you

this might be better than what I asked for I could just make the 3 clones gunup or down accordingly and then when a sprite is within x distance than it will track

Good! I wish you luck!

If you like multiplayer and/or shooter games then this is the studio for you!
A studio where you can share multiplayer games and shooter games!
And where you can find multiplayer games and shooter games!

Unfortunately… there are not much games in the studio yet
If you like those kind of games, then please give it support by adding games to it!

I hope that it will soon be full of multiplayer and/or shooter games!
But I need your help…
Click here to go to the studio.

Thank you!
100+ posts

How to make a seeking projectiles shoot at clones

-Qlec- wrote:

when I start as a clone
update position :: custom

define update position
add (x position) to [clone x v]
add (y position) to [clone y v]
Whenever you change the clone's position, you have to run the “update position” custom block within the clone script. Next, you should set this code as the projectile code (feel free to modify how much it moves). Use the pointing code demonstrated below:
define point towards x: (target x) y: (target y)
point in direction ([atan v] of (((target x) - (x position)) / ((target y) - (y position)))
if <(target y) < (y position)> then
turn cw (180) degrees

... :: hat
point towards x: (item (...) of [clone x v] :: list) y: (item (...) of [clone y v] :: list)
move (5) steps
what is the … in the item … of clone x/y

when I receive [ wakeup]
if <[happy] = [true]> then
set [ work on scratch] to [true]

move (0) steps
100+ posts

How to make a seeking projectiles shoot at clones

LFF2004 wrote:

glitchiestofthemall wrote:

I wrote:

Or you might be able to do it using Griffpatch's video on youtube called Code Ai swarms you could make it where a missile clone starts tracking the zombies when they get close enough.

It might work… but I hope this helps you

this might be better than what I asked for I could just make the 3 clones gunup or down accordingly and then when a sprite is within x distance than it will track

Good! I wish you luck!
okay im getting confused I got the time to try but I don't really know what to do and I dont know where to put certain lines of code so when the bullet gets close ot seeks the zombie, Ive tried what the other person said but it works very weird when there are multiple clones on the screen

when I receive [ wakeup]
if <[happy] = [true]> then
set [ work on scratch] to [true]

move (0) steps
100+ posts

How to make a seeking projectiles shoot at clones

glitchiestofthemall wrote:

-Qlec- wrote:

when I start as a clone
update position :: custom

define update position
add (x position) to [clone x v]
add (y position) to [clone y v]
Whenever you change the clone's position, you have to run the “update position” custom block within the clone script. Next, you should set this code as the projectile code (feel free to modify how much it moves). Use the pointing code demonstrated below:
define point towards x: (target x) y: (target y)
point in direction ([atan v] of (((target x) - (x position)) / ((target y) - (y position)))
if <(target y) < (y position)> then
turn cw (180) degrees

... :: hat
point towards x: (item (...) of [clone x v] :: list) y: (item (...) of [clone y v] :: list)
move (5) steps
what is the … in the item … of clone x/y
the clone number that you want to point towards

scratch fact of the day whenever i feel like changing it: Oddly enough, the (item ( ) of list) and (item # of ( ) in list) blocks can be placed where boolean blocks are supposed to go. This calls on the Boolean() function in JavaScript (the language Scratch is coded in), or whatever other boolean coercion method exists. Numbers and booleans behave as expected, with 0 (but, incorrectly, not -0), “” (empty string), and “false” (the string) converting to false. Everything else converts to true, so stuff like NaN seem to be interpreted as strings.
set [foo v] to [something]
forever {
set [foo v] to (join (foo)(foo))
} :: control
Select this, then press Shift + Down

// just your typical code
green is {
an ({apple :: hat #8fd97e}@addInput::ring #55993a) :: #7bc24f cap
}some text<>{
if not (☁ score :: pen) {
{rainbow [#de0909][#ffaa0d][#ffe70a][#7ccf00][#00cf79][#0072cf][#8d00cf] :: #7bc24f reporter}@addInput :: hat pen
}:: #6a8c32
} block [with v] ([text] :: #a8cc5a) ? :: #6a8c32
1000+ posts

How to make a seeking projectiles shoot at clones

glitchiestofthemall wrote:

my seeking projectiles shoot in 1 place because its following the original sprite but never the clones how do I make it shoot 3 bullets and all 3 bullet will seek the zombies but wont all seek the same one

https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/744925956/ go and see if this demo helps

100+ posts

How to make a seeking projectiles shoot at clones

-Qlec- wrote:

glitchiestofthemall wrote:

-Qlec- wrote:

when I start as a clone
update position :: custom

define update position
add (x position) to [clone x v]
add (y position) to [clone y v]
Whenever you change the clone's position, you have to run the “update position” custom block within the clone script. Next, you should set this code as the projectile code (feel free to modify how much it moves). Use the pointing code demonstrated below:
define point towards x: (target x) y: (target y)
point in direction ([atan v] of (((target x) - (x position)) / ((target y) - (y position)))
if <(target y) < (y position)> then
turn cw (180) degrees

... :: hat
point towards x: (item (...) of [clone x v] :: list) y: (item (...) of [clone y v] :: list)
move (5) steps
what is the … in the item … of clone x/y
the clone number that you want to point towards
it works but inly really if one sprite is on screen

when I receive [ wakeup]
if <[happy] = [true]> then
set [ work on scratch] to [true]

move (0) steps
100+ posts

How to make a seeking projectiles shoot at clones

Oumuamua wrote:

glitchiestofthemall wrote:

my seeking projectiles shoot in 1 place because its following the original sprite but never the clones how do I make it shoot 3 bullets and all 3 bullet will seek the zombies but wont all seek the same one

https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/744925956/ go and see if this demo helps
this looks very promising im at my classes currently so I will report back later

when I receive [ wakeup]
if <[happy] = [true]> then
set [ work on scratch] to [true]

move (0) steps
1000+ posts

How to make a seeking projectiles shoot at clones

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