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Scratch Keys data storage extension

PGBFLITE6373 wrote:

Why not allow bigger digits, such as 127 digits long? It couldn't hit the servers that bad could it? I don't really know anything else to say other than that, really. This would be cool, and I don't see the downside.
I don't think a save string would need to be more than 16 digits long. I'll change it if someone thinks of an example.

I deleted my account on 9 June 2023. My best projects are still on Scratch. Visit my website for my latest work.
1000+ posts

Scratch Keys data storage extension


PGBFLITE6373 wrote:

Why not allow bigger digits, such as 127 digits long? It couldn't hit the servers that bad could it? I don't really know anything else to say other than that, really. This would be cool, and I don't see the downside.
I don't think a save string would need to be more than 16 digits long. I'll change it if someone thinks of an example.
some save codes can well exceed 16 digits. it depends on the type of code.

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Za-Chary wrote:

Steve Carell as Scratch Cat yo what the heck bro src

-Rodri wrote:

106809nes wrote:

This is the second-best suggestion I've seen.
Why is it the second-best suggestion I've seen? Well, view this topic to find out!
what in the capitalism, you really had to sneak in an ad lol src

The_Game_ wrote:

From my careful predictions that I have been calculating for 3 whole years, spent thousands of dollars on and have stayed up at night doing; it'll have 1 billion projects. src

wolvesstar97 wrote:

THERE IS A SOLUTION: Narwhals! src

WallydogChoppychop wrote:

Scratch cat looked like a mouse src

Za-Chary wrote:

among_us1w2 wrote:

no like in darkrp if you have been warn for failbase class 1 you get warning but if you do failbase class 3 you get warning but next time you break rules you get 5 min jail
This is the greatest slang of All Time. src

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1000+ posts

Scratch Keys data storage extension

It should be at least the limit for cloud variables which I think is 256 characters, probably more though since these code strings can get pretty long (maybe a 10,000 character limit?)

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Encore event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gI4Gcf-T28g
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I am actually @RED-001 but I forgot my password, so this account was created
1000+ posts

Scratch Keys data storage extension


<user allows keys? :: custom>
store key [] :: custom
<user has key from this project? :: custom>
<user has a key from the project []? :: custom>
(recalled key :: custom)
Added color to the mockup and also it shouldn't be a extension rather its own category instead but I support.

(Male) (He/Him) (2000+ posts) (4 Years)
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Scratch Keys data storage extension

randomguy3513 wrote:

it shouldn't be a extension rather its own category instead
Why? It doesn't look like something that would be used very often.

This is Maximouse's signature. Learn more about signatures.
1000+ posts

Scratch Keys data storage extension


PGBFLITE6373 wrote:

Why not allow bigger digits, such as 127 digits long? It couldn't hit the servers that bad could it? I don't really know anything else to say other than that, really. This would be cool, and I don't see the downside.
I don't think a save string would need to be more than 16 digits long. I'll change it if someone thinks of an example.
Codes for advanced topics often exceed 16 digits. This would allow, base 36 at the very least. If a project made a randomly generated world, it would exceed 16 digits by a long shot, even with base 36.

How to make siggie
100+ posts

Scratch Keys data storage extension

If a key was sixteen digits long, it would only be useful for very small games. Think about it. The codes of more popular games are hundreds of characters long with lowercase and capital letters.

scratch fact of the day whenever i feel like changing it: Oddly enough, the (item ( ) of list) and (item # of ( ) in list) blocks can be placed where boolean blocks are supposed to go. This calls on the Boolean() function in JavaScript (the language Scratch is coded in), or whatever other boolean coercion method exists. Numbers and booleans behave as expected, with 0 (but, incorrectly, not -0), “” (empty string), and “false” (the string) converting to false. Everything else converts to true, so stuff like NaN seem to be interpreted as strings.
set [foo v] to [something]
forever {
set [foo v] to (join (foo)(foo))
} :: control
Select this, then press Shift + Down

// just your typical code
green is {
an ({apple :: hat #8fd97e}@addInput::ring #55993a) :: #7bc24f cap
}some text<>{
if not (☁ score :: pen) {
{rainbow [#de0909][#ffaa0d][#ffe70a][#7ccf00][#00cf79][#0072cf][#8d00cf] :: #7bc24f reporter}@addInput :: hat pen
}:: #6a8c32
} block [with v] ([text] :: #a8cc5a) ? :: #6a8c32
500+ posts

Scratch Keys data storage extension

I've changed the character and storage limits to 255.

I think a 10,000 character limit would only be used for spam.

Last edited by SAVVYSCLUTTER (March 12, 2023 20:04:29)

I deleted my account on 9 June 2023. My best projects are still on Scratch. Visit my website for my latest work.
500+ posts

Scratch Keys data storage extension

randomguy3513 wrote:

Added color to the mockup
I've updated it.

I deleted my account on 9 June 2023. My best projects are still on Scratch. Visit my website for my latest work.
1000+ posts

Scratch Keys data storage extension

this was actually in a 2.0 beta and got removed for unknown reasons, also isn’t this very easy to do with cloud variables
(Well relatively easy considering you are using cloud variables)

⠀ ⠀ I beat Mario 64 yay! ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ I love you ivy & may :3
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀GEOMETRY DASH

1000+ posts

Scratch Keys data storage extension


PGBFLITE6373 wrote:

Why not allow bigger digits, such as 127 digits long? It couldn't hit the servers that bad could it? I don't really know anything else to say other than that, really. This would be cool, and I don't see the downside.
I don't think a save string would need to be more than 16 digits long. I'll change it if someone thinks of an example.
here is my save code for a project I made, it has 31 digits (I'm likely wrong though) and that is without the inventory
edit: forgot to quote it
edit 2: turns out they already changed the limit

Last edited by randomguy3513 (Oct. 7, 2022 13:52:45)

(Male) (He/Him) (2000+ posts) (4 Years)
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Scratch Keys data storage extension

cookieclickerer33 wrote:

isn’t this very easy to do with cloud variables


My idea would allow all projects to exchange data, which could be recalled at any time.

I deleted my account on 9 June 2023. My best projects are still on Scratch. Visit my website for my latest work.
86 posts

Scratch Keys data storage extension

bump. i made a post about the same thing with more criticism

i mod scratch when im bored with webhooks and https (something scratch would never do)
and scratch is in shambles

i didnt color code this block. try it out.

alright, you found my secret. my secret is that i still bite my pencils.

stop looking dude


500+ posts

Scratch Keys data storage extension


I deleted my account on 9 June 2023. My best projects are still on Scratch. Visit my website for my latest work.
500+ posts

Scratch Keys data storage extension


I've changed the character and storage limits to 256.

I think a 10,000 character limit would only be used for spam.
Isn't rate-limiting an option? You're not going to change your level code that often, right?

If you see a line above this text, it means that below this text is my signature.
This place is just a memory to me, I may return occasionally but I'm busy.
I guess I'm an ATer now.

I think I may have seasoned my posts a bit too much.

Colored Pencil is supposed to color the siggy, but Scratch says it's too big.

There is nothing here…

don don pan pan
dondo pan pan
500+ posts

Scratch Keys data storage extension

gilbert_given_189 wrote:


I've changed the character and storage limits to 256.

I think a 10,000 character limit would only be used for spam.
Isn't rate-limiting an option? You're not going to change your level code that often, right?
My idea isn't just for counting levels. Some projects change data very often so rate limiting wouldn't work.

I deleted my account on 9 June 2023. My best projects are still on Scratch. Visit my website for my latest work.
1000+ posts

Scratch Keys data storage extension

Explain in simpler terms.

<OUO> :: motion  // this is gary he protects my siggy from evil kumquats 

(( ( •) ) _ (( •))    :: #000000   // this is Michael incase gary cant defeat the kumquats
Post your fakemon! (I would like to see your fanmade pokemon)
bring back the uploads image host
Please post on fakemon forum.
1000+ posts

Scratch Keys data storage extension

So would the recalled key only return the one from the current project, or the project you choose?

randomguy3513 wrote:


<user allows keys? :: custom>
store key [] :: custom
<user has key from this project? :: custom>
<user has a key from the project []? :: custom>
(recalled key :: custom)
Added color to the mockup and also it shouldn't be a extension rather its own category instead but I support.
And then you realize..

This was the first thing I thought of when I saw the purple color and “it shouldn't be a extension” LOL

Last edited by medians (Jan. 22, 2023 22:16:18)

Medians bamboozled by 3.0 (version 3.0): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/979822351/
hi875230163394: You're similar to valve in that you both hate a certain number…
Scratch 0.x, 1.x, 2.x, 3.x and LogoBlocks Archives
Bamboozlement: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33739789
Years on internet: 15 (soon 16)
medians: Oh god not this utc - 12 thing again..
Fun_Cupcake_i81: What, were you expecting not to see the utc - 12 thing again? THE UTC - 12 THIGN ALWAYS RETURNS. ALWAYS.
medians: I knew it would happen. I was the one who started it last year.
Fun_Cupcake_i81: Well then if you didn't want it back maybe you need to time travel to last year and fix that

Oh wait if you could time travel I think we all know exactly when you would go-
user1: That picture is from 2.0. Now he’s at my house and is my pet.
user2: But this is medians we're talking about, so “from 2.0” can mean the same thing as “from five seconds ago”.

Detect Scratch version here
My other accounts: @selfexplanatory @modesties @chaircard @fireflyhero @dividendyield @colloids @radians @skeuamorphism @dihectogon @anglebisector @aau- @EditBlockColors @AdamantOrb @MoongeistBeam @festively @Ampharos_ @straightforwardness
i trolled redcat LOL

if you see this
{what method did you use::control hat
answer on profile ::motion
} ::operators
500+ posts

Scratch Keys data storage extension

Crow_Boy08 wrote:

Explain in simpler terms.
For example, Project A stores a key showing your progress. The key can be recalled by Project A when you play again so you can continue, or by Project B to prove you played A.

Last edited by SAVVYSCLUTTER (Jan. 23, 2023 07:10:52)

I deleted my account on 9 June 2023. My best projects are still on Scratch. Visit my website for my latest work.
500+ posts

Scratch Keys data storage extension

medians wrote:

So would the recalled key only return the one from the current project, or the project you choose?
The first recalling block would return a key from the current project. The second would return from the project ID entered.

I deleted my account on 9 June 2023. My best projects are still on Scratch. Visit my website for my latest work.

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