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42 posts

Who invented the generic platformer?

generic platformers are one of the most overrated things in existence, so who pushed the first domino that ended up creating a chain reaction of multiple platformers all about a rounded square with a giant eye
100+ posts

Who invented the generic platformer?

I don't know, man, but-
I'm actually intrigued, now. do tell me if you find something out!
100+ posts

Who invented the generic platformer?

Finally a good opinion.
No clue who it was, but I hate those projects with a deep passion.
500+ posts

Who invented the generic platformer?

Cool_Dude0101 wrote:

… creating a chain reaction of multiple platformers all about a rounded square with a giant eye
For most of time generic platformers existed on scratch, the player was either a square or a circle with either no eyes or 2 eyes, 1 eye was rare. The change to rounded square with a giant eye in almost every generic platformer happened relatively recently (at start of 2020, possibly end of 2019) (which made generic platformers even more generic).

Last edited by Vadik1 (Sept. 15, 2022 11:35:21)

1000+ posts

Who invented the generic platformer?

I'm not certain who created the generic platformer itself, but I believe StratfordJames either created the cube or made it popular to be used in the generic platformers.
1000+ posts

Who invented the generic platformer?


I'm not certain who created the generic platformer itself, but I believe StratfordJames either created the cube or made it popular to be used in the generic platformers.
They definitely had an influence in the growth of that kind of platformer - their projects introduced me to it.
1000+ posts

Who invented the generic platformer?

D-ScratchNinja wrote:


I'm not certain who created the generic platformer itself, but I believe StratfordJames either created the cube or made it popular to be used in the generic platformers.
They definitely had an influence in the growth of that kind of platformer - their projects introduced me to it.
They were the first one I saw to use that cube, and once their projects were popular that cube was used in all the generic platformers. It's strange that they didn't actually create the generic platformer but rather the mascot for them.
1000+ posts

Who invented the generic platformer?


I'm not certain who created the generic platformer itself, but I believe StratfordJames either created the cube or made it popular to be used in the generic platformers.
I am almost certain that this project is the one that started that one-eyed cube trend, as this project was also the immediate thought when you mentioned the generic platformer's origin. Im sure theres projects with the same scheme as this one, but I think it was the first mainstream game to have that design.
56 posts

Who invented the generic platformer?

Cool_Dude0101 wrote:

generic platformers are one of the most overrated things in existence, so who pushed the first domino that ended up creating a chain reaction of multiple platformers all about a rounded square with a giant eye

omg whats this??!?!?!??!

oh wait its another one of those platformers with some gimmick
100+ posts

Who invented the generic platformer?

Vadik1 wrote:

The change to rounded square with a giant eye in almost every generic platformer happened relatively recently (at start of 2020, possibly end of 2019)
I don't think it was as recent as 2020. I recall similar projects from 2018, but I might be confusing it with something else. I have a terrible memory
500+ posts

Who invented the generic platformer?

Cool--Scratcher wrote:

Vadik1 wrote:

The change to rounded square with a giant eye in almost every generic platformer happened relatively recently (at start of 2020, possibly end of 2019)
I don't think it was as recent as 2020. I recall similar projects from 2018, but I might be confusing it with something else. I have a terrible memory
I haven't remembered that either, so to make that post I searched “platformer”, kept scrolling and pressing “Load More”, while keeping track of the oldest share date of any projects of that type. The earliest I was able to find was from February 2020. There likely were projects before that, but since I wasn't able to find any, I think it's safe to say that it got widespread in 2020.

Last edited by Vadik1 (Sept. 16, 2022 13:48:20)

56 posts

Who invented the generic platformer?

platformers have been around on scratch Literally Forever but the one eyed cube thing started within the past few years afaik
1000+ posts

Who invented the generic platformer?

Here's a very old one I found, although I'm not sure if I would call it generic.
1000+ posts

Who invented the generic platformer?

I’m not quite convinced it originated from Scratch, actually. Generic platformers, in general, have been common since the existence of platformers. If that is the case, the inventor of it made it when it wasn’t really “generic” — it was quite new back then. I don’t think it’s an entirely reasonable question to ask.

In this sense of thinking, the first platformer released to the public was made by Nintendo…but now we’re straying from what the original question is trying to ask. To answer your question, there is no specific person you can express hate on for “inventing” generic platformers. In fact, I think they’re perfectly fine, especially since Scratch is made for beginners, and so it shouldn’t surprise you to find platformers with simple gameplay as kids are learning to make the platformers.
7 posts

Who invented the generic platformer?

Well I believe StratfordJames did invent the cyclops square thing and i believe before the square cyclops thing. I think there was a smooth square with two lines as eyes if you see here and i think the first appearence of the cyclop thing is this and i think it got reuploaded if you see the link and date

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