Discuss Scratch

16 posts

Thumbnail Won't Save

I copied a project from another project to edit it into a different project with similar code. The new project shows the same thumbnail as the old one, despite my having saved a new thumbnail several times. I'm really happy with this new project but I don't want to share it if it has the same appearance as my old one. Is there any way for me to fix this?

My browser / operating system: MacOS Macintosh X 10.15.7, Chrome, No Flash version detected
500+ posts

Thumbnail Won't Save

Create a copy of the project. (The one you made)

…but idk.
16 posts

Thumbnail Won't Save

Xcvfdd wrote:

Create a copy of the project. (The one you made)

I just did that but it's reverted the thumbnail back to the default.
I will wait on it, though. Thanks for the suggestion! I'll let you know if it works.

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