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18 posts

Need Help With Levels

I am making a Pokémon like game. Originally, you would progress through levels/screens by reaching one end of the screen, and coming back out on the other side in the next level.

The levels where stored something like this: 3.2. Level 3.2 would be x:2 y:3 on a grid with no negatives or 0s, meaning 1.1 is the bottom right (Don't ask why y is first. I know x should go first)

but then I made it so that the camera could follow you:
(I marked the levels.)

But here is the question, how do I hide the one next to the far right:

That's about it (Sorry the images are so big,) If you know how to fix this please tell me. Thanks

Last edited by TimedMadnes (July 9, 2022 21:23:12)

1000+ posts

Need Help With Levels

Hi TimedMadnes,

We probably need to see the project to understand how you've implemented the levels, and what the code that chooses to show them looks like.

Can you post a link?

– RT_Borg

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