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July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

poetry's last challenge!
#1 - “standing together” - 32 words

• • •

Standing together
Whatever, wherever
We can stand
No matter the weather

Standing together
Being supportive
We can stand
And be positive

Standing together
With unity
We can stand
And be a community

#2 - “unity” - 28 words (strikethrough does not count)

• • •

Power lies in unity.
Without unity, we have no opportunities.

Pros of unity? There’s countless.
One of them, there’s kindness.

Unity is strong.
Together, we move undercover and we move as one.

Last edited by hamilchaos (July 31, 2022 20:57:50)

12 posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Final Words of SWC - 7.31.22
Historical Fiction Cabin || phoceanic
Thank You Note
Total word count: 1,206 / 1,016
July word count: 30,120 / 11,000

Here I am. It is the thirty-first day of July in the year of 2022. Less than four hours until August begins in UTC. I’m sitting upright on my bed in my room as my thumbs tap away the characters on my phone. This room was where most of Scratch Writing Camp happened. It almost feels odd; when I think of camp, I think of outside, nature, and social interaction. Yet, it was in this room that I interacted with friends that I knew little about and wrote tens of thousands of words — sometimes very late at night.
Well, let’s back up a bit, shall we?
My first Scratch account was in fifth grade. At first, I thought it was all coding, games, and the occasional art or animation here and there. Being the naive person I was, I was determined to be “popular.”
For reasons I don’t remember, I moved on from Scratch completely after a brief stint with a second account in sixth grade. It was probably because I felt like I was going nowhere with the website.
Enter the pandemic. Being bored out of my mind during virtual school, I created my third Scratch account by the name of @ghostdolphin. There, I tried various other things in an attempt to skyrocket my way into “fame.”
Even though it was less than two years ago, I don’t recall exactly what projects I shared, but one specific project does come to mind.
I had gotten interested in making blockshades. As I improved on making this form of art, my blockshades became increasingly more detailed. This also meant that they took tens of hundreds of hours to make.
When I was making a goldfish blockshade, I had the brilliant idea to make a new costume after each “block” I layered into the project. Therefore, when I told the project to “next costume” several times nonstop, it would look like a timelapse. You can find my project just by searching “goldfish.” Look for the project that was made by @ghostdolphin.
As per usual, I added my hard work to many studios, just waiting for views. I was really proud of my creation, so I really wanted people to see it.
One fateful day, my project got added to a featured studio upon request, about a year ago.
It exploded.
Hundreds of comments, both good and bad. Hundreds of likes. Hundreds of favorites.
I could not believe it.
My hard work paid off.
To this day, it has 347 loves, 249 favorites, and 2,427 views. I still cannot comprehend those numbers, and it has been a year.
Seventh grade ended very quickly, and so did my activity on that account.
At the beginning of eighth grade, I created my fourth Scratch account as an alternate to @ghostdolphin. Later, I completely abandoned @ghostdolphin.
Here was the beginning of the end. Massively inspired by the book series that was Wings of Fire, I moved on from roleplaying in that world for a bit and starting to write my own stories based on that fictional world.
Since the account, @StormTheNightWing, was relatively new, my story, divided into chapters for projects, got very few views. By few, I mean less than five for each chapter.
I had finished my first story, The Cursed Rainforest, which had over 10,000 words. With little motivation, I began the sequel to The Cursed Rainforest, The Hidden Storm. In about six or seven chapters and already more than 10,000 words, I gave up. My mental health sucked. I was putting hours of writing deep into the middle of the night just to see that nobody cared about it as much as I did (except for @dlnv01; nice guy).
I was done with Scratch. After four accounts. For good.
I deleted my first account.
I deleted my second account.
I deleted the account with two thousand views.
I deleted both alternate accounts of the third account.
I was done.

Three, short months later, I was back. It was June 2022. I was writing again. I was feeling a bit better on the mental side.
Here I am, on @phoceanic, starting fresh.
After a month of roleplaying with @Sl4erhawks, I saw SWC on my “What’s Happening?” page. I was interested, to say the least.
Sign-ups were closed. It was a bit past July at this time.
“Whatever,” I said.
Then, backup camper sign-ups were open. I signed up, giddy and excited.
When I got accepted and put into the amazing Historical Fiction Cabin by Goose, (@GraceOBrien13) I was elated.
It was July 7th, and I spent a full hour absorbing all SWC information.
I was confused. Very confused. (With the first weekly)
However, I quickly got the hang of things, made awesome new friends, battled in word wars, continued my several hundred reply roleplay with Hawks, wrote well into the middle of the night, got little sleep (just kidding), and dashed through most of the dailies and the other three weeklies.
At one point, in the middle of the month, I got so burnt out from writing that I stopped forcing myself to do all of the dailies and just simply write for fun.
I was understanding myself more. Learning my limits. The goal was no longer to be “popular” or “famous” in any sort of way, virtually or in reality.
The goal was to have fun. I really did have fun. SWC threw some challenging things at me, but I still battled through them — and had fun! I even somehow nearly tripled my word goal! If you told me that I would write 30,000 words in a month at the start of July, I would easily tell you that you were out of your mind.
Lastly, this all cannot be possible with everyone who made SWC, and even though I don’t know them well, I would like to thank all of them for their hard work and for creating a fun virtual camp for Scratch writers all over the world. My next set of thank yous goes to the Historial Fiction Cabin leaders, Goose, Sun, and Star. I feel guilty for not being able to write personal thank-yous to each of you, but I really appreciate you three holding up the cabin, yelling reminders and encouragement, and being great people to be around in general.
I would like to give a special shout-out to Goose, (who has a great profile picture as well) for giving me a surprise message on my profile letting me know that I was doing well, supporting me a lot throughout the month, and being such a leader and inspiration for this camp. Again, thank you Goose, Sun, and Star!
Finally, many thanks to all of the cabin members of Historical Fiction. Without your contributions, we would not have been in the top five and we would’ve gotten destroyed in the cabin wars. I would also like to say thank you for supporting each other, being great friends, and for bringing a welcome sense of community here. Even though I don’t exactly know each of you well, I still would like to say thank you.

Thanks to everyone that participated in SWC; I had an amazing time! Hi-fi ftw!
500+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

- intro

I can't believe it's the last day of camp already! Time flies when you're having fun <3 It's been an incredible session, and SWC definitely played a part in making my July memorable! With that, here are some thank yous:
Warning: 15 uses of the word “thank” as well as some variations. Also included are an overload of adjectives /j
1343 words total

- fantasy coven
one of the best cabins I've been in - epic people, infinity/10!

Cae: Cae! I remember the day you asked me if I would like to co-lead with you - I was a bit stressed and losing my mind at the time, so I don't think I've properly expressed how excited I was xD so I'll say it again here! My heart leapt with joy at your comment, and I'll never regret my decision. From the moment I saw your leader app, I knew you were a great person! All your plans for our cabin were so creative and obviously had a lot of thought put into them! You did fantastic creating a memorable theme and storyline, and not to mention the trailer - like WOAH how did you pull that off :0 You're also a really kind person, thank you for your dedication Cae! <333
Rea: Fellow ravenclaw co-leader!! I see we like a lot of the same fandoms too hehe Thank you so much for everything you did this session! You did a wonderful job motivating everybody (you give off motivational vibes omg xD), as well as earning us a lot of points too! You have a really pretty artstyle, and the leader profile pictures are so iconic!! I'm glad to have met you this session, I hope we can talk more after SWC too <3
Lisa: It's crazy we (kinda) ended up in the same cabin again :0 but I'm so glad we did! Thank you for making the amazing camper icons, and for hanging around the cabin to give motivation for us all - and for being an awesome friend!
My WC Group: I'm writing a note addressed to y'all, because I cAn. Anyways, I'm truly impressed by how many words and candles each of you managed to stir up! Nine out of eleven of you guys are active, which is awesome! :> I'm going to miss adding your words, but nonetheless keep writing ~
Campers!: Fantasy campers! I wanted to write individual notes, but here I am speedrunning notes on the thirty-first because… procrastination. All of you are so friendly, and everyone did a great job through cabin wars <3 Everybody tried their hardest, and I'll still be proud of all of you, no matter what ranking we get! A number does not define our magnificence and glittery superior-ness
Darcy: Special thanks to Twi for naming you!!! Bestest name. Ever– also, I'm glad to have yeeted Darcy into existence >:]

- hosts: all of you are so kind and patient and good at answering questions!

Birdi: You've been host for a while now - and I must say, you somehow do it even better every time! Thank you so, so much for all your efforts into making SWC possible; and even better, enjoyable! And from your “ways to procrastinate on swc” project, I have to say, wow ~ you're very dedicated into making your life thriller themed /pos Which leads into the factual fact that you lead a very cool cabin, I love the concept of thriller's storyline so much!
Robin: Helloo!! I still remember when all the spost heculation was happening - you did a nice job covering you identity xD I could never, lol. You've been amazing as SWC's newest host! It impresses me how smoothly you transitioned into the role, if I hadn't known, I would've thought you've been a host for years. You're also a spectacular myth co-leader! You had a lot of new ideas and work to offer for the community, thank you!!!
Bakie: Thank you for your work this session as well! I'm glad to see you up and active again /pos <3 Your art has been an inspiration to me for a long time!
Honey: Also, thank you for your efforts into SWC this session! You're an epic co-host and I hope to see you around in other sessions too!
gHosts: Thank you for your previous work to SWC! Without what you guys have done in the past, SWC would never be where it is now :00 And thank you to those of you still sticking around and helping to this day!

- idk what to call this; stuff? organizations? or cool groups of cool people B)

Magazine Committee: I love the concept of this! I'd never think of it, the idea of a magazine is so unique. I haven't had the time to help out much, but I'm a thousand percent sure that the final product is going to be insane! Thank you to everybody who has helped out, though <33
Memory Book Committee: It's my third time being in the MBC, as of this session, haha. Thanks for all the work to create a masterpiece that'll still be remembered years into the future! Every single page carries nostalgia and legendary designing!
Daily Team: Where do I start - you guys did an OUTSTANDING job creating that last weekly - like woweee, all the elaborate coding and artwork was insane!! SWC would never be the same without all the dailies and weeklies, I'm very thankful for y'alls existence and hard work! I don't write as much when SWC is over, the main reason being that the dailies and weeklies are just that good at curing writer's block and offering motivation. 31 well-written prompts and 4 (help i'm running out of adjectives) delicious weeklies - thank you!!!!
Writing Comp Judges: Huge respect for having the time to go through that many entries - and all of them are so good too, so even more respect on being able to make decisions! My indecisive self would collapse ahah. Thank you for bringing us the awaited results every session!
Sorters: 500 campers to write down and evenly sort into 15 cabins - needless to say, y'all are highly impressive <3


(Co)Leaders: Each and every one of you put so much effort into your themes and storyline - and it's definitely paid off! All 15 cabins are full of fantastic leaders and works, and all of them are worth being in.
Mystery: Your thumbnails are so aesthetically pleasing and matching!
Myth: Tyranny– yes, amazing thumbnail indeed > You guys have so many points and words– absolutely mYTHIC!! Even though we are indeed enemies, I'm seriously shocked at your work this session!
Dystopian: I love your castle in the sky theme!
Thriller: As I've said before, I'm in love with your theme! It's very original, in my opinion. Also, I am a fan of your capybara. And finally, thank you for attacking us so much during cabin wars despite being just neutrals xD /lh
Poetry: Your color scheme (and current thumbnail) is gorgeous! As are the profile pics!
Real-Fi: Nice theme! I love the warm color palette!
Adventure: I love your colorful thumbnail and theme! Matching genre allies, wooo <3
Sci-Fi: Your thumbnail is epic?! And wonderful pfps as well! You guys have some pretty unprotects going <3
Fairy Tales: Sibling genre + friendly neutrals ;D I've always been a fan of rewritten fairy tales and such, so needless to say I love your theme :heart_eyes:
Hi-Fi: Very cool theme! It's matches your cabin's genre really well too
Horror: As a co-leader of horror last session, I think it's so awesome that you made neon horror come to life - and still have it feel like horror, too!
Script: First Script Cabin in the history of SWC (I think), and it was pulled off beautifully! The matching pfp's were *chef's kiss*
Fanfic: Awesome theme and interactive storyline!
Non-Fi: Epic theme! You made it work out incredibly <3 I think that your storyline is amazing, and I'm glad to be a little part of it hehe


Once again, thank you all for the best fifth session I could ask for!


Last edited by -vanillamochabear- (July 31, 2022 21:13:33)

veni <3 she/any
go gothic!! july '24
1000+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

SWC Thank You Notes

I guess I feel a little too bittersweet that this session is coming to an end, as this is one of the quickest sessions I've experienced. It feels like a blur, from the excitement to the things we've done in between. The experience as a camper (ironically), back from being a (co)leader is just a refreshing experience, especially the effort compared and contrasted between a leadership position compared to a camper. So this session has really hit me with the realization of how much our (co)leaders do, and thank you so much for all the work you've done! No matter whether or not I include you in this note, please know that I do appreciate each and every one of your efforts!

I'll start with my own cabin leaders, because this is the session I've directly experienced.

Moss MOSS MOSS! First of all, how does it feel to lead the leading cabin like your first time leading (insane)? But I have to acknowledge how hard you worked for it, because that's something you do really well. You provided great motivation throughout the session and gave our cabin the energy it needed (go Moss)! From your leader app, I could tell you had the passion, creativity, and determination to lead a cabin: all integral traits to a great leader. Proud to say, you have gladly earned my respect, and the storyline elements you contributed as well as the motivation is amazing. I won't forget this session in a while

Robin! You've done an amazing job hosting and co-leading this session. I knew that SWC would enter a new era when you stepped up (and I think I was right)! I appreciate how active you were this session and how you put effort into interacting with campers. You have amazing ideas from our discussions in the daily team to your new idea (postscript), and I'm sure you contributed them to our cabin. You are so brilliant and cool with your genius ideas that will shift into a new generation. Being in your cabin was an absolutely thrilling and fun experience. GO ROBIN!

Re! You did an incredible job co-leading, especially since it's your first time! You have provided so much energy to the cabin and I gladly appreciate your efforts this session. I'm so happy that you got to be my co-leader, because it was a joy for sure. Thank you so much for your planning into the storyline, like writing parts for the maze challenges and doing the planning because fun! I'm sure you will do great in the future if you decide to (co)lead again in the future, and hope you do, because you're so fun to have. Also, your leader app was great (by the way) and I'm really excited for what you can do next!

Now our hosts (that I have not mentioned yet), but also our wonderful gHosts!

Birdi!! First of all, congrats on four sessions of hosting (which is so cool and insane). I'm so happy that you achieved this milestone because you're an amazing host. You have great energy and deal with things in a very professional manner. You've done really well leading thriller and it's no wonder that campers feel special when they enter your cabin, because you give careful consideration to have your campers treasure the experiences and memories! You're very fun and I admire you a lot.

Honey! What a shame that we didn't interact much this session, but you are so cool and genius. Your ideas presented in the daily team are very fun and it's not hard to see why campers enjoy these activities so much. You have an incredible genius (with the point adding project you created), and it's insane that you've been doing the job of a co-host for a year already! It must be sad for you to have Kat retire, but hey! Hope you will enjoy the year in high school that comes ahead!

Bakie!!!!!! Hi you're really cool, and you're honestly so sweet and caring. You have wonderful art skills which is why the fourth weekly looked so amazing with the decorations. You brighten other people's days with your energy, which is so admirable from my end. You're honestly one of the purest and most genuine people I've met, and thank you so very much for that! I'm lowkey sad that I didn't get to talk to you much, but this is a thought for next session. Oh! And good luck your junior year!

Kat, our beloved gHost. I never expected that I would miss you that much. Even though we interacted infrequently, having you retired this session doesn't really feel the same, especially with the rest of the (co)hosts from 2022 still here. Honestly, you've done a lot for SWC in just a year, from matching pfps, to spreadsheet algorithms, you're the OG. It feels weird not having you here as we transition into a new era, especially considering you changed SWC a lot and for the better. I do miss the nostalgia you carry but I hope everything goes well in your life.

SINI you're so cool, and honestly, thank you so much for being here in SWC. You've done a lot to make SWC fair and fun for everyone, and still continue to do a lot, even as a gHost, something I really admire. We first met in July of 2020, when I came back to SWC because I had nothing to do, and am beyond glad that I got placed into your cabin by fate. It was so cool to interact with you then and even now, as we grow smarter and smarter. Woohoo, two years of friendship! You're really a cool person who converses in a very thought-provoking manner, and you're very fun to hang out with (while simultaneously being not-intimidating). You're a skilled player in Mafia and other games, and it's been fun doing these things. Good luck in uni and have fun, it's amazing that you got into your top two choices woohoo! I don't like raw eggs but I hope we stay connected throughout the years. Also good luck with judging, you seem to enjoy it very much

ALBA - a gHost equally iconic gHost, just thank you for hosting. There's so much nostalgia attached to your era, and you really have made it truly amazing. Thank you so much for contributing so much in your sessions hosting. You are truly a hosty person who can calmly deal with situations and put your own personal opinions aside to make a fair judgement on things. You are epicly talented in a lot of things you do, like writing and singing. I've enjoyed playing mafia games with you, as you are a sly and cooperative player (thanks so much for the mafia win from the baiter, appreciate it hehe). You're a really smart and diplomatic person, and honestly, go alba, you're such a cool person. Also, thank you for critiquing my writing comp entry! Very much appreciated

Now for each of the cabins (totally didn't steal this from Birdi):

Thriller: You guys are actually amazing and I'm glad that you guys were rivals with Myth this session, because you guys put up great competition against us, and it was fun engaging with you guys. Honestly, I think that everyone in this cabin should be very glad to be placed here, because you guys have very special leaders who are making this session truly happening. GOGO Thriller! We love you guys.

Adventure: What can I say? You guys have a great team of leaders that have really made your experience something. It's funny because I think you guys are very close to us in point and word count, and that's something to be very happy about (with writing comp, you could potentially pass us)! The creative genius of your cabin, from adventure memory book and your own writing competition is great! Go adventure! Also I think your cabin nickname should lowkey be the stalker cabin like akfljd.

Hi-fi: You guys have a team of leaders who really know what they're doing and mesh well together (Sun, Goose, Star), and they put a lot of effort into this session WOOHOO! Your theme is really creative and encompasses the Hi-fi genre really well, and I love that so much. The collab story between your siblings is an amazing idea and I'm glad that was executed. All of you are really cool and you guys were the cabin I secretly hoped would take the lead (shh Mythians you never saw that). Project adding is cool by the way.

Script! There's a reason why I chose you guys as best cabin for my daily, and that's because the cast of leaders are very welcoming to campers. Your matching pfps are wonderful, and your theme is really polished (which I love)! I hope each and every one of your experiences have been fun, and hope this session is memorable(also I love the script camper who warred us, I think their name is Purvitekriwal).

Fairy Tales. You guys kind of rolled out of nowhere, yet despite that, managed to roll up to 6th in main cabin standings. You guys have an amazing aesthetic with your word adding studios, and I can see the originality with this session. Like having the campers switch word groups to bond with each co-leader better (and so that each batch meets each leader) is so unique. You guys have worked really hard and I am stanning.

Sci-fi: A very cool cabin with a cool cast of leaders. This is the cabin where I know all of the people somewhat well, and everyone, including the campers and leaders, did really well here! There were so many unique activities, like hangman and that storyline with Sana. I love your hacking theme and how each storyline is somewhat interconnected to each other. I can tell there was a lot of thought placed into planning, and go Sci-fi!

Horror: Making a leap forward in the rankings is really impressive (experience from person who has mostly (co)led bottom 8 cabins), and you guys got back and running! So much kudos to all of you, and the storyline of neon horror is just brilliant. I love the storyline ending, which is really thoughtfully planned out. Good job, Horror! You all have brilliant energy with brilliant ideas to conquer >

Non-fi Press! Cool storyline, amazing leaders, amazing campers. You guys have great energy within the cabin, and you guys are truly good people. Your writing skills, as a whole, are amazing and I wish you guys good luck (though you guys are kind of mischievous by trying to not get people to war us and sending troll wars). Bad siblings *growls ferociously* (and this is all a joke). I hope this session was enjoyable for you because it sure was for me.

Fan-fi, our favorite siblings. You guys are amazing for warring us last cabin wars because you value our sibling relationship (go), and that's very well appreciated. The roleplay of the mythfic siblings was really really cool, and I'm glad our leaders collaborated with you guys to make this happen. I hope you guys had fun this entire session, because you guys are the best siblings we could wish for. And honestly, your pfps are honestly so hecking cute.

Poetry! I love your pfps, and also, wow destruction has already begun (silently cheers because that's the best part of swc, honestly)! I love your intro and how descriptive it is, as well as the mini challenges you guys have brainstormed for the section (with Jade's scroll). This cabin brings a great experience, and I'm glad that you guys are able to be here, hopefully obtaining fun in the process.

Fantasy, what a fantasy! Your pfps are all so cool and distinctive, and I love the vibe that reeks from your cabin thumbnail. I love the incorporation of your theme, like the Sorting Ceremony and wishing well of ideas, those are really creative aspects implemented that is unique to your own cabin. I really liked taking that sorting quiz, honestly. I hope you guys enjoyed this session and see you next session!

Mystery. Okay, can I say that I love so many things about your cabin, that I would dare to say this is the most creative cabin of the session? The icon creator of Mystery is absolutely gorgeous, so thank you so much. I appreciate the aesthetic, and it's clear that you guys put so much work into planning. You guys have a storyline change which makes it feel new and refreshing. The wordle idea is just chefs kiss, as well as creating groups so that similar personalities get to know each other is such a great idea! Also the advent calendar? Wow. I love the ingenuity of your cabin as a whole, and it's truly amazing.

Real-fi: I love your recipe book! That's really a unique concept, and the matching pfps of your cabin are very aesthetic. Your pfps give a comfortable feel to the entire story. The restaurant gives such a homey vibe, and I love the warm colors overall. Your leaders have worked hard despite the inactivity, which is admirable. I hope you guys enjoyed this session as much as I did!

Last but not least, Dystopian! I love your theme with the crown, like being royalty and having crown repairs (also trading crowns in). You guys have such cool weekly prizes, like an animated banner (must be matching too)! Overall, the mood of your cabin is great, and I'm glad, as well as grateful that I'm able to talk to some of you guys individually. Go dystopian, and hope you had fun in your time here!

Now for the other category, which are people I'd like to thank that I have interacted somewhat significantly, so woohoo! On a ride!

A quick thank you to the sorting team, daily team, and writing competition judges for being so cool, as well as each and every one of the memory book committee members and postscript team! Workshop creators, we haven't forgotten about you guys: they were very informative and helped improve my writing. Now let's get started!

First of all, let's thank our awesome clown, Alyelle (because we all know that I'm not actually a clown, right?) You have an iconic personality, as you're really funny and it's easy to tell when you're sarcastic. I'm glad we started to talk more this session, because you're a fun person to be around. You not only have amazing skills and talent, but you're also a cool person who has amazing social skills (I am not making fun of you smh). Thanks for chatting with me as well as inviting me to play cool games, I really appreciate it!

Going along that tangent of Sci-fi people, I will thank Mech (please don't read into the ordering thank you very much, Mech >). I guess, in a way, you remind me of Bakie, because both of you are kind and sweet people who treat other people well without any quote unquote ulterior motives. Go Mech with your ethics! You're a genius when it comes to explaining your own ideas and explanations in the world, and I (and the rest of the SWC community) hope you can get into MIT, because you have a great future ahead of you. Thank you for being Amazing Mech.

Alrighty, now Zai! You have an amazing work ethic and I see it with the amount of planning you contributed to the fourth Among Us weekly. You have great ideas and presence when you talk, and it's cool how much work you put into SWC, given the little time you have. You have great piano skills (as well as poetry skills), and honestly, though impostor syndrome sucks, you are too great to put yourself down. Go Zai! Keep doing what you're doing and you will have a great road of success awaiting in front of you, woohoo!

Finally (and last but certainly not least), Kenna! You have amazing music taste and thanks for showing me more K-pop recommendations, because I think I actually need them HEHHEH. I love our conversations and word warring each other. Genuinely, I like your personality, and how you're truly, truly easygoing as well as easy to talk to. It was so cool to be in the traffic light squad to grade apps together (fun). I'm sure your campers appreciate the contributions that you've made to Sci-fi, and I loved talking to you this session!

This is going to be a strange segway, but Addie, hey. I didn't mean to be mean to you in Mafia, or target you, so sorry adlkfjs. I know this sounds like an excuse but our plan was to scapegoat you (whoops), this explanation sounds worse and I won't target you again (neither of these things, honestly, were intentional) if you decide to play. You have an intimidating typing style, but your words actually have so much energy within. I hope the leading experience was a great one, and I'm really sad to see you leave, but good luck with your life.

LIO HI! I hope you're enjoying your time right now in a specific place, but this session was fun, and it was exciting to see you on the daily team. You have a cool and laid-back personality that makes you amazing to work with, especially with your astonishing teamwork skills. I know I haven't been showing up to roleplay sessions lately, but hopefully we and the other members can catch up with that soon. Also your cabin is just simply iconic.

Faer!!! Okay, first of all, your cabin is so cool. Honestly, you're so great to interact with, as you aren't overwhelming nor underwhelming. Your writing skills are amazing, and though I'm sad that you didn't have the time to enter, I'm sure you'll craft a masterpiece next session! I remember when we led contemporary together, and although it was rough with an inactive co-leader, it was fun and brings me so much nostalgia (congrats on one year of leading too)! No one talks about how talented and dedicated to SWC you are, but you really are iconic, and I hope you know that

Wari hi! Yes, you're absolutely amazing for warring Myth when Thriller told you not to, love you forever for that (in a platonic way). Your leader app really impressed me with the uniqueness and the depth of your answers. You've done a great job leading in your first time, and I hope you lead in future sessions to come, because I see potential in you. Also, I read your writing competition entry, and it reminded me of how in the end, writing competition entries are stories to be told, rather than works to be perfected and polished. Woohoo!

Soki! Hi, we didn't really interact much this session, but you're really cool (congrats on leading adventure (the cabin that may possibly overtake us), look at you). I loved your leader app and knew that you were going to be great this session, and I was right! I love your theme so much (though it's home to many stalkers), and watching you lead over the sessions is amazing. I'll always know you as the person who loves marvel (i have some strong opinions against thor love and thunder whoops), so that is a ride.

Hey Luna! I sometimes think of you as Soki's twin in my head, because you guys are close and awesome. You are a cool arson frog and I'm glad you got to see six (which I have yet to do)! Let me know who your favorite character is out of them. It's been so fun talking to you, and though I've said it a lot to other people, I do mean every instance of it. Your leading skills are impeccable, and I hope you realize that (though you have a bad sleep schedule). Your writing is just amazing, and I'm hoping to see you next session!

The iconic Sun! Hey! I'm sorry for not doing much last session, but you're a very capable leader with amazing ideas and writing. Like this session's writing competition entry >>>, it's quite an inspiration (not exaggerating). You're very knowledgeable with your worldbuilding skills (for hidden worlds), and I enjoyed reading through that workshop, as well as providing tips on writing. It was fun to interact with you this session, and go Canadian Sun!

Moonlit hmmm *lowers eyebrows into a glare so that it forms tension muahahaha*, you are brilliant with the warring all cabins thing (though maybe Birdi told you to do that, I don't know?). Anyway, all jokes aside, you've done great your first session co-leading, and thriller wouldn't have been as successful without you and your activity helping Thriller. You're very energetic and that carries with the cabin and inspires them to move forward. You're very fun and honestly, I think we would get along really well (I'm sure this session was great for you, and glad the feeling is mutual). Can't wait to see what you do in future sessions!

PENDRAGON! You're so cool with your art skills that I see you display, and it just looks so great. You do have an immense amount of creativity and I think that's why Mystery was so fun (I could see that displayed in your app). While I didn't get to talk to you much, you're a fun person to hang around and I hope we interact more in future sessions! You need to get a better sleep schedule though, and I hope high school isn't too busy

Cara! Hey, you're really cool, and I wish you would be leading or perhaps hosting?? this session. I guess I miss the era where you were active, and now it's a new time. You are very iconic, and notice a lot of things going on, and can explain them quite clearly. You've done so much for SWC (go Cara honorary gHost!). Playing mafia was so cool with you, because of your ability to get others to trust you and being great with your words. Your writing competition entries always have a cool concept that makes your stories feel unique (and I admire that soso much).

Starr! Hey icon! I also miss when you were active too, in a past generation. Your cabins are so memorable, and in just two sessions, you've made a great impact. Thank you so much for judging this session (because you do find it fun, right?), and I always look at your writing as an aspiration and reminder that I, myself, can improve further and become great at writing (to heights that I would have never actually dreamed of). It's good we keep contact, though I miss march and july 2021.

Daisy! You're amazing and really funny. It's hard to believe we met two years ago and just started deepening our friendship. And UGH i miss the times you lead, because that was a different era (fairy tales was really iconic back then, and I saw you accidentally mistaking fairy tales as your current cabin muahahhaha) >. You give me solid advice and are a solid and proficient writer. So energetic and admire you for it (you also articulate your opinions really well and I think you'd be amazing in debates)!

JINTY. Hey, I see you've come back after worshipping in JSWC. Mafia games with you are so fun as you always bring a unique flare to the game (when you throw, but also when you're being serious). You're a genius, despite your somewhat seemingly silly nature, as you're amazing at math. I'm glad that whenever you state your opinion, it's not wishy-washy, and instead, you're decisive. Your writing skills are really amazing and I'm glad you entered for this session. You do hold a special place in my heart, because you were my first leader back in November 2017, as I have reminded you multiple times You've also lowkey changed a lot about SWC, by shifting the focus from quantity to quality (and promoting a more fair SWC). Seeing you back in july 2020 was an interesting experience ehehehe but hey, these sessions were all a catalyst to change and growth.

Finally, Elfie! You can hear the cheering, because you're cool. My first impression of you was that really passionate fairy tales camper, and gladly so. From the moment I read your prose, I was wowed by your verses and the skills needed to construct them. You have an amazing leading ability, but as an honorary, your presence to Hi-fi must be highly appreciated. I've always seen you as this literary nerd (who loves reading books and philosophy). You always love giving insight and opinions on things, however, I notice that you can talk about anything, which is great. I'm sorry I scared you off with the horror stuff I was reading that is a little bit questionable, but that's a later discussion for me to take here. I hope you can camper in SWC sometime, if you're not busy in school, and I can't express how excited I am for our friendship.

You may have noticed that I didn't include Myth campers, and I will include them in seperate thank yous, because my peers deserve a seperate note Everyone who has participated in this session: please pat yourselves on the back, because you deserve it for the work you put in this session. For every little contribution you've made, you've made some sort of impact on SWC, either on your peers or on the camp as a whole, so thank you.

I'm very sad to see this session end, as it was quite a blast and very very memorable. I loved sharing memories so much, but also feel the weight of time against my shoulders, as I sense the new era turning and moving forward. So the question is, do I move forward with time and transition into a new era, or I can accept the fact that a new face is turning and that my time in SWC might come into an end. But again, thanking everyone along the way, and hopefully, I can transition towards the new era, because I do have time. But a life, what is the life in front of me, and sometimes, you can't help but wonder what's next. I'll likely see you guys next session though, so that's great!

1000+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

swc thank you notes


Birdi, Sawyer, Robin, and Bakie, you are all amazing people and I'm so glad you've put in so much to make swc the amazing camp it is! Ever since I joined my first session of swc over a year ago on my old account it has been an important part of my life. I'm super grateful that I've been able to be a camper all these beautiful sessions of swc and thanks to the (co)hosts of swc it has been even better every session. I truly can not express how grateful I am to all of you! <3

daily team:

Lio, Zai, Zura, Bakie, Birdi, Robin, and Sawyer, you've been so awesome creating such amazing dailies this session! I absolutely loved all of the dailies and weeklies (especially the fourth one, definitely my favorite weekly. Scratch writing camp wouldn't be the same without the incredible dailies and weeklies and I am extremely grateful for each and every one of you! Thank you for everything. <3

sci-fi (co)leaders:

Berricake Alyelle, you're a great leader and I can tell that you worked super hard this session. It's really incredible that you can put as much effort as you do into making sure everyone has a great session (which we definitely did) and still deal with things irl. You've encouraged us all to write and do dailies without pushing us too hard and you seem like an amazing person <3 Thank you so much for this session and I'm glad I had you as a leader. <3

AmazingMech2418 Mech, you are an incredible and kind person and you've put so much work into (co)leading this session. You have motivated many campers this session and I'm glad you were one of my co-leaders! You are truly amazing mech and you've made this session of scratch writing camp awesome! Thanks for being an amazing co this session mech! <3

Polarbear_17 Zai, you are such a cool person and you've been both active in sci-fi, but also doing dailies, weeklies, and cabin wars. You've done so much for everyone in Sci-fi motivating campers and writing them kind messages. You are such an amazing person and you've been super incredible adding words in group helix. Sci-fi just wouldn't be the same if you weren't a part of it! I'm grateful I had you as a co-leader zai, thanks so much for everything! <3

seventene Last and most definitely not least, Kenna, you are such a kindhearted person and I am so glad you were chosen as a co-leader this session! You've put in so much time and dedication into writing so many kind and motivating messages to campers and have done so much to help our cabin thrive. I'm so glad you were a co-leader this session kenna, thanks for being amazing. <3

sci-fi campers:

I didn't really get to talk with a lot of you, but I'm sure you're all amazing people and I'm grateful I got to be a camper with you guys! <3 Here are some thank you's to some of the campers I did get to chat with and know well enough to write a more in-depth thank you to.

luna724: You're a super cool person and have worked so incredibly hard to help our cabin out. Lately, you've been one of the people I've seen around the main cabin and the sci-fi cabin as well. You helped out so much during cabin wars as well as completing dailies and such. I'm so glad I got to be in the same cabin as you this session and I hope to see you next session! I hope to continue to get to know you in the months to come and that you had a great session! <3

angelwings- Lyn you have been amazing this session and I am so glad I got to be a part of it with you. You are such an amazing person and I hope to see you in further sessions. Aside from swc you are an amazing artist and kind person. I'm glad I got to be in sci-fi with you and I hope I'll get to know you even better in future sessions. <3

Phoenix Phoenix, I didn't get to chat with you as much this session, but you've been awesome this session. You seem like an amazing person and you've also helped with the hangman a ton. I hope to see you in further sessions phoenix and I'm so glad I got to be in the same cabin as you. I hope you had as amazing a time as I did. <3

28jinj Val, You are such a kindhearted person and you have done so much for sci-fi this session. You've completed many dailies and weeklies and have written so much for our cabin. You're an amazing writer and a great person. I had an amazing time with you this session. I loved being a camper with you this session and you've made my time in sci-fi even better! I hope that I get to see you in further sessions of scratch writing camp and I hope to get to know you better. I hope you had an amazing session <3

loveydove668 Dove, I'm so glad I have been in Sci-fi with you this session. You've done so much for sci-fi and you've helped encourage other campers and made them feel at home in sci-fi. You are truly an incredible person and I hope to get to chat with you outside of camp and get to know you even better. I hope to see you in future sessions dove and I hope you had as much of an amazing time as I did this session! <3

clarem12 Clare, you've done a lot of writing this session and I've had an awesome time with you this session. You're a super cool person clare and I hope you sign up for future sessions of swc so that I can get to know you better. You've been so kind to other campers and it's something that makes your kindness makes you truly a special person <3
other campers:

Last edited by Cynthialz (July 31, 2022 21:37:15)

⤿ hey im celes <3

➤ she/they ∘ ambivert ∘ writer ∘ bi ✩

✎ chaotic fangirl┆scorpio┆guitarist ♡

bi-fi swc ftw! <3
forum signature to be changed soon haha <3
1000+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Hellooo welcome to Moss's massive thank you note post!

My cos <3
Other Friends and Campers

Committees <3

Daily team
Oh my goshhh daily team! I never knew how much you all did before this session, but I am seriously amazed by now. All of the dailies you came up with were amazing, and it's awesome that you were able to wrangle enough people into making weekly workshops xD Not to mention the incredible SusWC! Though I'm not an Among Us player (other than the occasional game on Scratch), I can see all of the effort you all put into making it look accurate and interesting! Thank you so much for everything you do for SWC <33

Memory Bookers!! You all are so creative, it's been amazing to see the Canva project coming together and all of your colorful and fun pages!

PSC (is that a thing? xD)
Yayyy Postscripters!! This is such a new committee, I'm impressed that everything's working out as well as it is! All of the articles and art you've been making are so cool

Leader team
Hellooo epic (co)leaders!! It's been an honor to get to know all of you this session—everyone I've met or just seen around as been so friendly, thoughtful, and motivational! Thanks for everything you do <333

SWC as a whole
Ahhh you all are incredible All of the campers I've encountered have been so enthusiastic and motivated and have always made my day! Thank you for making SWC what it is <3

Hostly people :0

Birdii!! You are an amazing host, I have no idea how you do everything that you do xD It's incredible that you're able to balance hosting with leading the incredible Thriller Rift, it seems like an enormous job but you are handling it all amazingly! You have so many cool ideas for your cabin—the theme was incredible and original, and I loved checking out all of the doors (the one where I won that game was my favorite, haha). You are a really incredible and creative person, and it's been amazing to talk to you!
Our rivalry was so fun and motivational, thank you for not getting TOO mad when I made anti-Thriller signs for the Mythians. I hope you know you're still our amazing allies in my heart xD
And thank you so so much for choosing me as a leader this session. This month has been one of the best—scratch that, probably the actual best—of my life, I've had so much fun leading and getting to know everyone <3

You are AMAZING <333 Actual thank you is down below, didn't want to leave you out of here though xD

Hi, Honey!! We also haven't talked a lot, but from what I can tell you're a huge part of SWC! Thank you for the reminders and feedback on my weekly workshop, I really appreciated that

Hello, Bakie!! I don't think we've talked much, but I really appreciate your co-hosting! You seem really friendly, and you're an amazing artist! Thanks for being such an important part of SWC <33

Co-ol cos <3
You both are amazing <333

Robinnn hi!! It's been nothing short of amazing to lead with you—you're such a talented leader, writer, coder, and artist! Your ideas for Myth, especially in those first few days of our scarily long back and forth messages, have helped so much to make the cabin what it is today. It's amazing that you're a host, an MBC person, the Postscript leader, an epic daily teamer, and still have time for co-leading! Thank you so so so much for everything you do for SWC and all of the motivation, kindness, and awesomeness you spread throughout camp.

Re hiii! You've been such an incredible co-leader! All of your ideas for how to improve my original myth maze idea have been nothing short of amazing, I'm so glad to have found someone as fun, creative, and caring as you to co-lead <3 I love reading your storyline days and seeing all of the cool things you come up with!! Thank you for being such an amazing co and friend, I hope to see you around next session!

Myth's Cam-per-fect Team
You all should be here, if you didn't get one please lmk! (This is in no particular order, just the order that the original sort was in)

Zuraa D You were such an amazing camper this session! Thank you so much for all of your enthusiasm about the storyline, it was so amazing to see people excited about the Maze! You're a really friendly and motivated person, I'm so glad you were a part of Myth! <3

Hey, Badowie!! I really enjoyed getting to know you this month, you're a really cool person and your writing is awesome Also, great job with all of the maze challenges—you had one of the highest numbers of challenges completed in the cabin!—and with figuring out the culprit!! You were an awesome camper, I'm glad you were there to explore the maze with us <3

Hey Jackie!! I know we didn't talk a lot this month, but I'm glad you were part of the cabin! You were really friendly!

Hi, Arwen!! You seem like such a nice person, it was great to get to know you this month! You got so much writing done this month, I'm really happy for you!! Thanks for being such a friendly and enthusiastic part of the cabin!

Erie!! Although you weren't there for the whole session, it was great to have you in Myth! You got quite a bit of your word goal done in a short amount of time, which was awesome!!

Hi Daizy!! It was so great to have you in Myth, you're so enthusiastic and friendly! Thanks for being part of the cabin!!

Hiii CJ! It was so great to have you in my cabin, though I've seen you around a lot we haven't really talked! I loved getting to know you this session, reading your writing, and seeing how motivated you were!! Thanks for all of the fun you brought to Myth!! <3

Hii Elliot!! It was so great to be in the same cabin with you for I think the fourth time! XD You were an awesome camper, you're a really friendly and motivated person! Great job on passing your word goal, too!

Hi, Hyanna! I don't think we talked much, but it was nice to see a November Adventure Survivalist in the Maze! Thanks for being part of the cabin

Hi, Aurora!! You were such a fun and enthusiastic camper, it was great to have you as a part of Myth! Thank you so much for all of the motivation you brought to the cabin and all of the words you wrote!! I hope you had a great session <3

Tiger (coolgirl100-)
Hii Tiger!! It was so great to get to know you this month, you are one of the most enthusiastic people I've met and it was so great to see you having fun in the cabin! I'm so happy that you not only passed your original word goal but doubled it!! It was so nice to have you in the cabin, and I hope we can talk more in the future

Iris!! I can't believe this is your first session of SWC, you caught on to how everything worked so quickly! It was great to have you in Myth, all of the fun and motivation you brought to the cabin was amazing! You're such a friendly person, I'm sure you'll do great leading your SMC cabin
And thank you again for putting together the appreciation, that was such a great burst of motivation for the end of the month <3

Hi, Breeze! We didn't talk much this month, but it was nice to get to know you a bit!! Thanks for being part of Myth <3

Hii Ava!! You were such a fun and motivated camper, it was so great to have you in the cabin! Thanks so much for all your help in cabin wars, for writing so much, and for being so friendly and motivated! Thanks for being a part of Myth <3 (I love your art btw!!)

Hi, Ayid!! You were such an awesome camper, it was great to see how much writing you got done this month!! I'm so glad you were enjoying the storyline and getting a lot of motivation, I hope that we can talk more after camp ends!! You did amazing with all of the challenges, it was so cool that you were the first High Mage and that (I think) you're one of the people who have completed the most challenges this session!

Hi, See!! You were an awesome camper this month, I had a lot of fun getting to know you!! Thanks for all of the motivation and fun you brought to Myth! <3

Hi, Ace!! I'm really impressed with how much you've gotten done at the end of this month! It's amazing that you were able to get caught up with how camp works in such a short amount of time! It was great to have you as a camper

Hi, Ami!! It was nice to get to know you this month, you're such an enthusiastic and friendly camper! Thanks for being such a great part of the cabin

Tiger (tinytiger94)
Helloo Tiger! It was so nice to meet you this month, you were such a friendly and motivated camper!! Thanks for being part of the cabin

Hi, Bella!! We haven't talked much either, but I really appreciate you doing so much writing this month! You seem like a really friendly person, and it was awesome to have you in the cabin!

Hi, Kid!! I know we haven't talked a lot, but I really enjoyed having you in the cabin! I hope you were able to get a bit of motivation for your writing from us! (you have the most swc-appropriate username of all of us haha)

Hi, Jay!! We didn't talk much, but you seem like such a friendly and enthusiastic person! Thanks for being part of the cabin!

Hi, Greta!! It was so great to meet you this month, you seem like a really fun and friendly person! Thanks so much for being part of the cabin

Hi, Vee!! You're such a fun and enthusiastic member of the cabin, I loved seeing all of your writing It was amazing how much you got done despite the broken S key, and I hope we can talk more in the future!

Hello, Nights!! It was awesome to have you as a camper this session! I really appreciated your enthusiasm about the storyline days, your help with the word counts, and of course all of the writing you got done! You seem like a really cool person and I hope we can talk more after the session ends!

Hi, Ikami!! You seem like a really friendly person, it was great to have you in the cabin for the first part of the session!! Thanks for all of the fun and motivation you brought to Myth!

Hey, Betty!! It was nice to get to know you this month, you seem like a really kind and fun person! Thanks for being part of the cabin!!

Other Leaders and Cos <3
I included many of the people I've gotten to know this session, but sadly did not have time to write about everyone. If you're not listed here, I still think you're incredible <3 (this is in no particular order)

Hey, Moonlit!! Despite this being at the top of the list, I'm actually writing it last because I know it's going to be one of the longest xD
You're a really amazing person. It's been so great to get to know you this month—we have so much in common and you're one of the friendliest and funnest and enthusiasticest (that's a word, right? xD) people I know. I've had so much fun talking to you, whether it be rambling about random things, you saying I shouldn't make my next application TOO mind-blowingly awesome, yelling about cabin wars, having #ourcabinftw battles, playing Yahtzee, talking about the awesomeness of each other's cabins (and why they should most definitely get second place), or just talking about our days. You've been such an amazing co-leader this session too, I'm amazed by how friendly you are with your campers as well as with everyone else you talk to. As well as co-leading, you've done so much adding in the main cabin, I can't believe that anyone would willingly add that many pages of points xDD Our cabins' rivalry has been one of my favorite parts of this session (I attempted to make some art of you and Birdi blocking Myth's wars, but it is still a massive wip xDD), it was so motivational to me and my campers. Whoever wins this session (or if we tie!! I hope we tie, that'd be awesome!), I'll be really happy with all that both of us have accomplished as (co)leaders <3 Hopefully we'll be SWC-ing and board gaming together for many more sessions after this!

Hey, Kit!! It was so great to see you accepted as co this session (adventurers assemble!!)! Your application was so good! It seems like you did awesome as a co-leader, too, you seemed really active and motivational to your campers!

HI DAWN!! Omg it was so amazing to talk to you more this month, I can't believe that four JWC-ers were accepted as (co)leaders! You did an amazing job keeping all of us motivated then! You were an awesome co in Adventure—it seems like you did so much motivation and storyline planning to keep your campers happy! Thank you so much for being a great cabin stalker and hostile neutral, but most of all a friend <3

Soki You honestly seem like an amazing leader, I've been amazed by your creativity in the storylines, your leading abilities, and your friendliness to campers in all three sessions I've participated in. Adventure this session looked so cool, as an irl geocacher it's definitely the cabin I would want to join as a camper! If you're planning to continue leading, I can't wait to see what you come up with in the future!
(I know I said at the start of the session that we should talk more, but I completely forgot to message you, I'll definitely be doing that soon though )

Luna D You're such a friendly and fun leader, I love seeing you spread enthusiasm around the main cabin! It's awesome that you were able to bring Neon Horror to life this year, along with a really cool sounding theme—the in-cabin weekly games and claw machine looked so interesting!! Thanks for playing games with me, too, that was a lot of fun!!

Zai It was so great to have you as an honorary in Myth! You're a really amazing person, and I would never have written a musical or drawn a winged acid-spitting sequin vested polar bear if it wasn't for your encouragement! Everything that you did for sci-fi and swc in general was amazing to see—not only were you an active co-leader, but you put together that amazing fourth weekly project, helped out on the daily team, and came up with a really cool interview for the postscript! It was also great to play board games and codenames with you this session, hopefully we can do more of that soon! You're a seriously amazing person, and I'm so glad you were an (unofficial) part of Myth

Sun!! Omg your cabin is so cool, all of the studios, storyline bits, and word duels are really interesting!! I know we haven't talked much, but I really appreciate everything you do for SWC <3

Luka I don't think we talked much this month, but your cabin was so cool to look at! The thumbnails and storyline and all of the projects you and your cos made were awesome!! Thanks for everything you did for SWC this session <3

Hi, Cae! We haven't talked much either, but when we did I got a great impression! You seemed really on top of everything happening in your cabin as well as the committees you were on! Your workshop was awesome, too, I learned a lot from it

Vi!! It was so nice to talk to you this month, you're a really friendly and interesting person!! The cabin themes you've thought of are awesome too, Fairy Tales looks really original and fun for campers! Thanks for all of your hard work this session, I'm glad we were allies

Hi, Addie!! You were an incredible leader in non-fi—the storyline was amazing and you were so encouraging to your campers. I loved your application, too, the puzzles gave me a good 15 minutes of entertainment while I was waiting for leader results xD Thanks for talking to me, encouraging everyone to sleep, and overall being an amazing leader, I feel really lucky to be one of your sibling cabins <3

Wariii hi!! It's been so great to have you as a sibling, you have so many great ideas for the sibling hangout and the rp, not to mention your own cabin! The storyline you've come up with is so amazing, I was completely in awe of you and your cos when you sent me the link to the massive storyline dump, and from what I can tell it's all turned out really good! You seem like an amazing leader, too, you're active so often and always ready to help out your campers. Thanks for all of the great memories this session, our alliance was really fun

Piperr hi!! First of all, thank you SO much for all of the motivation this month and with leader apps in May—I wouldn't have been able to get this much done without your encouragement. It was so great to talk to you this month (though our conversations dropped off towards the end, we need to change that!!), you are such a kind and friendly and enthusiastic and overall amazing person! You've been such an awesome friend and an awesome co-leader <333

Lio We haven't talked much, but you seem like a really cool person! Script looks awesome, it's awesome that you've managed to come up with such a creative theme for the new cabin As well as running Script, you seemed like an amazing member of the daily team!

Hellooo Arli! Poetry turned out so cool! I love the mountain theme (I was in Adventure Mountain in November ) and all of the different studios look so interesting! You have a lot of good ideas and I'm glad our cabins were allies <3

Hey, Cami!! I don't think we've talked much (other than me attempting to role-play with you in spanish, lol), but you seem so enthusiastic and friendly! I'm sure you've brought a lot to Poetry <3

Hi, Gee!! We haven't talked a lot this month, but I'm really impressed with everything you've done in real-fi! The cabin seems to be running really smoothly despite Lily not being there, and that seems to be mostly thanks to you! <3

Faer!! You seem really friendly and dedicated to your cabin, it's been amazing to stalk Mystery and see what's happening with the storyline Thanks for all of your hard work not only as a leader but as part of the memory book committee, you're amazing!!

Hey, Pendragon!! I don't think we've talked much, but you seem really cool! Your art is awesome, I loved your application, and you seem to be doing so much for Mystery!

Assorted Friendly People
(This is in no particular order xD)

Harry <3
HARRYYY OMG YOU ARE SO COOL!!! Thanks for being friendly and eating sugarcane stalks with me!! Despite our cabins' enemy-ness, I still think you're pretty cool

HII MAC!!! Thanks so much for all of the motivation and friendliness this month!! I really enjoyed talking/roleplaying/word warring with you wayyyy too late after SWC started! Also, thank you so much for being an awesome leader last session and encouraging me to apply! <33

Hey, Pandora!! I know we haven't talked much, but I was happy to see you around this session! Hope you had a great time in Dystopian <3

NAYELIII HI! It was awesome to talk to you more this month!! You're one of my oldest scratch friends (nine months now I think? XD), and I still really love yelling with you about random stuff xD Thanks for all of your enthusiasm and motivation <33

Hi, Peachi!! It was awesome to get to role-play with you this month, you seem really experienced!! I loved getting to know Aelyx! Thanks for being patient with me constantly missing your messages, I really appreciated that

Hi, Rain!! Thanks again for joining SWC this session, I really enjoyed being able to talk to someone about it in real life!! It seemed like you got a lot of writing done this month, congratulations!! Hopefully we can be in a cabin together if you join next session

HI ROCKIE!!! It was so great to talk to you again this session, you were an amazing co in March! I hope you had a great time in real-fi


Jan. ‘22 Snooze Cabin Leader for JWC!!
July ’22 Mythology Cabin Leader for SWC!!
100+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Thank You Notes

Oh my gosh, it’s already the end of the month. This session has been an absolute blast and I’m already looking forward to the next one. I must say, I’m not the best at writing thank you notes, so before I even finish I know this isn’t even going to begin to cover it. But I really do appreciate every one of you <3

To the hosts; leaders; cos; daily, weekly and memory book teams; and everyone else who has had a hand in SWC past and present, this thank you is for you. You have all put a huge amount of work and effort into this camp, and made it the amazing experience that it is. You’ve all truly gone above an beyond.

To the rest of camp; my friends in other cabins, people I happened to have a quick conversation with, and even the people I’ve never spoken to before, you all have my thanks as well. Even if we never interacted, we wouldn’t be able to have SWC without you.

Now, to my own cabin, Adventure. You’ve all made this an incredible session, and it honestly feels like we became a community. You’ve all done great, and it’s because of you that we did so good in cabins wars; I could hardly believe that we didn’t lose a single war. I wish I could thank each one of you individually, but I’m afraid a thank you to all of you at once must do, which doesn’t even begin to suffice. You’re all awesome <3

Soki, you have been an amazing host and it was a joy to be apart of your cabin, and your word group.

Dawn and Jess, you have both been wonderful cos. And Dawn, the pfps you made are awesome.

To the three of you, thank you for leading such a wonderful cabin this month. The storyline was engaging -even if I’m guilty of not participating enough- and all the little extras were great.

To everyone I’ve had the pleasure of knowing this month, thank you for such a fun session. I’m looking forward to coming back in November, and I hope to see you all then, or even before then.

Thank you all <33

Hi there! I’m Ash, aka Wish. She/Her.
My door is always open, so if you ever want to chat or rp, feel free to come visit!
Some things I enjoy: Reading, writing, Kotlc, bowling, birding, and did I mention Kotlc? Okay, yeah, I’m obsessed xD
If you respond to one of my forum posts and I don't see it, feel free to let me know on my profile
☮️ Peace Out ☮️
500+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

I am currently in the car on my way to Ottawa so fun fun heh.

✨ Chainsaw Bearer ✨I know you weren’t exactly ‘active’ this session but I still have to thank you so much for choosing me as one of your co-leaders. I never would’ve been able to do this without you. I may not have told you that I almost kind of sort of denied your leader request since there were so many qualified people that didn’t get a request. I was scrolling through my Google Docs yesterday and I found the rough draft of the note I sent to Birdi about it. I am very sorry that I doubted being your co-leader. I must thank you so much for creating the recipe data base and the guide. I know that was supposed to be my job but life got in the way and caused me to be less active during cabin planning. Speaking of cabin planning, thank you so much for making the idea for the whole storyline. You haven’t seen it yet but I made the mystery studio for our campers, they seem to be liking it. It’s probably way different from your overall vision for it but it is the mystery studio nonetheless. I really just want thank you for being you and being amazing. Also, goats, always goats.

✨ Cooking Pot ✨I am aware you were also not necessarily ‘active’ like Lily, but there is so much I have to thank you for. First of all, you are just plain amazing, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You are one of the most iconic SWC-ers (help, my ipad want it to autocorrect to ‘swc-ears’ haha) I know. I remember you going into Sci-Fi’s casino and saying ‘I should be the only thing eating people here.’ That is some iconic energy there, it takes some guts to step on Alyelle’s feet. Second of all, you helped so much when I was at camp and Lily was inactive and for that I should thank you. I hope you are having some quality real life time. I really hope you have fun throwing our campers in the giant cooking pot heh. Also, this is really unrelated but when I asked if you were alive on your profile, your friend - @not_lesiden1 I think was their username - said that you were moving, is that true? Anyways, I hope you are doing good. Thanks for being cool, iconic, and overall just awesome.

✨ Bird Host One ✨I am going to fail at giving you the credit you deserve, I’m just gonna give you that heads up. I am starting off by just saying thank you. Thank you for everything you have done for the camp, thank you for everything you have done to make our experience amazing. You not only worked your hardest on SWC, you took time for your well-being and reminded others to do the same. You are a role model for so many, including myself. You do so much but get so little credit and I get it, seeking credit isn’t many peoples’ thing (like myself, you probably remember that). You told me that I am worthy of being a co-leader, you reminded me that Lily chose me, not the others that I thought deserved it more than me. I cannot thank you enough for giving me permission to basically act like a leader to my cabin in Lily’s absence while still being in a co-leader position. You are an amazing Host and leader, I hope you had a good session!

✨ Bird Host Two ✨Robin! Ahhhh, you did such a good job for your first session as host! You helped me so much when I was trying to get Real-Fi back on the right track, whether that be by just giving me guidance or telling me to invite all the backup campers. I am so thankful for you and how much you have helped me. Alba left some big shoes to fill, you didn’t fill them, though, you added your own shoes to the rack. Oh my gosh, I am really taking the filling shoes metaphor pretty far haha. Robin, you are just plain awesome and I am failing miserably at thanking you since you deserve way more thankies than I am giving you. Robin, you are resourceful, outstanding, brave, intelligent, and neat. I feel honoured to work alongside you on the (co)leader team. Thank you for be helpful and amazing and just a generally kind, brilliant person. I hope you had a great session and I hope to work side by side with you again in November! Also, you are a phenomenal saxophone player!

✨ Sticky Fish Glub Glub ✨Sawyer!! I don’t even know where to begin. I guess I say thank you first. Thank you for everything that you have done for SWC and me. Secondly, I should say sorry. Sorry for bugging you with so many different things, getting my workshop done late, kinda being an annoying person in general (I am aware that I am an annoying person irl and online sometimes, I’m working on it). Sawyer, I have so much to thank you for and to say sorry for. I hope you had a good session! Also, how is your MAP part so amazing? Like- how- how did you do that?!

✨ Ze Baker ✨Bakie! I don’t know you that well so please excuse my brevity. Thank you for helping put this session together, I hope to get to know you better next session!

✨ Janis and Movie Maker ✨I know you guys were just Real-fi’s honoraries this session but I still have so much to thank you for. First of all, you guys helped out so much when I was less active! Second, y’all just gave so much energy to the cabin! Janis, you added a bit of humor and the smell of fried chicken to the cabin. Sari, I imagined you frequently waltzing around the cabin with a wide grin on your face, just happy to be there. Thanks guys for being great!

Small break to say ✨ice pack for Steve ✨

✨ Lasagna and Big black Horse and a Cherri Tree ✨ Zura and Zai! I have to thank you guys for even, well, I probably wouldn’t have been a co-leader if you guys didn’t convince me that I was worthy of being a co-leader (and got the song ‘Charming’ from Great Comet stuck in my head because of something Zai said). I remember getting home from track and field practice to a dozen messages from you two about how I am worthy of being a co-leader. I owe you guys big time. Now onto the individual messages! Zai: You are awesome and also…sorry about your roof heh. I hope you had a great session and *hands lasagna* I promise it’s not poisoned. Zura: I have to say thankie to my first ever leader - I think, I can’t remember much from that month of November 2020 (ok my first session I signed up for was July 2020 but I didn’t even accept the studio invite or add any words).

✨ Cheese Jr. Stan ✨Eevee <333 ily (/plat). You are - not gonna lie - a closer friend than most of my irl friends. I was elated when I saw your username on the list of campers. I remember that session of March 2021 when we first met. I was hanging around, stealing cookies during cabin wars while you were off speed writing. We really just walked around each other, going our separate ways. That was until, well, cabin destruction. EHEHEHEHHEHEH HRAH FOREVER HEHE. You know what happens from there…We started hanging out like friends but online. I missed you so much during your hiatus, even your smaller ones. I want to thank you for being such a great friend and cabinmate. You took control during cabin wars, especially the first one. I must thank you for that. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY YOU LIKE CHEESE JR, THOUGH. CHEESE JR IS MEAN TO ME >, well my OC heh.

From here on out they are gonna be a bit shorter.

✨ Evan Hansen in Fog ✨Mistyyyyyyy!!! It’s nice to have another Dear Evan Hansen fan and a friend in Real-Fi! I hope your session was good! It was a pleasure to be your co-leader. Also, I hope you enjoy this gift *hands a plate of all our enemies ceilings.*

✨ Very Brave Intestants ✨Brave, I know that is a weird nickname but deal with it heh. You were a huge help when it came to cabin wars and weeklies, thanks for that. I am a very lucky co-leader to have you as a camper

✨ French Pasta ✨ I don’t even need to say who you are haha. Rockie, I am so happy that you were a member of Real-Fi this session. You are so positive and it was an honor to be your leader.

✨ Sweet Thing You Put in Tea ✨Sugar! You are a great camper and friend. You also prioritized your personal beliefs over SWC which is amazing. I am really happy that you were my camper.

✨ The Eye of the Tiger ✨Tori!! I am delighted that you were in my cabin again! You were still active and just a ray of sunshine in the cabin! Thank you for being you and a great cabinmate!

✨ Hooty ✨Hermione hehe. I am so happy that you were my cabinmate this session! You are so positive and full of humor. Hoot hoot! Also, your Hooty account is amazing. Hoooooot!~

✨ Squawk ✨Squeak! I know we weren’t in the same cabin this session but I still have to leave a small note for you. You are such a great author and friend. Birdi, Moonlit, and _ are so lucky to have you as a camper.

✨ Hippity Hoppity ✨Hop! Happy first session! I hope you gave everyone Samuel-Johnson-itis /hj. Hehehe. But for real, Samuel Johnson is awesome. Thanks for introducing me to Samuel Johnson.

✨ Fennis the Tennis Menace ✨Fenn! Although I wish you were in my cabin, I think Fairy Tales fit you right and it was fun to be in enemy cabins >.

✨ Person Who Agrees that Ice Dance Documentaries are Mind-Numbing ✨Daily!! I hope you are in sleep school right now heh. Thanks for being a great friend and a great person to rant to while having to watch mind numbing ice dance documentaries with my older sister.

✨ Lukaties ✨ Luna! Katie! Lukaite! The most icontic duo in all of SWC! Thanks for being great enemy cabin (co)leaders! Luna: I loved horror’s theme, if I wasn’t a co-leader, that would be one of the cabins I would sign up for. Kaite: violas for life <333, also you are awesome.

✨ The Liomineers ✨Yes, yes, I know, that combo was really bad and not funny at all. Lio, it was fun talking to you while speedrunning my application. I love Script’s theme, it reminds me of the time I went to the opera haha, AND YES, I HAVE SEEN AN OPERA, IT WAS COOL BUT IN ITALIAN.

✨ Mvrderer /hj ✨Context for confused people reading this: this is Vi, she mvrdered me for Thriller’s story plot last session and my SWC canonic self still hasn’t let it go. Vi!!! You are like- how. How is it possible for someone to make A) a great storyline, B) amazing art, and C) be an awesome leader. I am sorry about falling off the bus of our collab story, whoops. Well, thanks for being an awesome friend!

✨ Sack of Rices ✨ Thanks guys for helping me at the last moment with Real-Fi’s storyline. I owe you all, say, in the SWC canon world I could buy you guys ice cream or something.

✨ Arsonist ✨Alba!!! You are so snazzzzzzzzzzyyyyy and iconic. It is forever an honor to be in SWC with you.

✨ Meal-Fi Interns ✨Thanks for making amazing memories, it was an honor to be your guys’ co-leader!

✨ (Co)Leaders that look totally serious from the outside but are really immature children /hj ✨Leader team!!!! Heh, this couldn’t have been done with out you guys!

✨ Everyone Else ✨ SWC is made possible because of you guys, the sorters, the MBC, the (co)(g)Hosts, the (co)leaders, the campers, the honoraries, past and present. Thank you guys.

2073 words

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100+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Thank-You Notes

Birdi - You have been nothing but kind, supportive, engaging, and every other positive adjective out there this entire session! Whether as a host, daily team member, or cabin leader, you handled all your responsibilities with patience and grace, while still being such a sweet, incredible human being. Thriller really is the best cabin; you, Moonlit, and Kit were the best leaders anyone could ask for, and I had an amazing first session. It’s been such a pleasure knowing you, and I hope we will meet again sometime in the future. (Also, thank you for the banner and the profile picture! They are both so cute, I may just keep them even after camp ends!)

Moonlit - I mean it in the best way possible when I say that Thriller would not have been the same without you. You have been so friendly and supportive this entire session, and our cabin was genuinely made better by your presence. I honestly did feel more motivated to do the weekly after reading the encouragement you left in the Thriller comments. You, Birdi, and Kit truly were the best leaders anyone could ask for. Thank you again for everything.

Kit - You (along with Birdi and Moonlit, of course) were one of the best leaders Thriller could have ever asked for. You’re funny and friendly and have admirable taste in books and YouTube videos. I actually wouldn’t mind getting to know you more outside of SWC. This session wouldn’t have been the same without you; thank you again for everything you have done for Thriller.

Alia - Thank you for being such an amazing cabin mate! I really appreciate the critique you wrote for my writing comp entry; all your comments were really helpful, and the edited piece is so much more improved because of them. Your own storytelling skills are also very impressive. Star Strings was honestly so enjoyable to read; the friendship and romance and heartbreak is beautifully portrayed, and you are going places with your writing. All that said, you also seem like a fun, kind person in general. I really did enjoy being in Thriller with you.

Myra - I’ve barely spoken to you, but believe me when I say that it was a joy to be in Thriller with you. From the first day of camp, your thoughtfulness and positivity lit up our cabin and made it a brighter place. I have never met someone who radiates kindness like you do; just reading the comments you left behind brought a smile to my face. Keep on shining. The world will be a better place for it.

Everyone else in Thriller - I’m sorry that I don’t know you well enough to write a personalized message, but just know that Thriller was better for your presence. All of you are such amazing people, and I am so grateful to have been in this cabin with you!

Daily Team - All the dailies and weeklies had such interesting prompts, and it was never not fun to work on any of them. The Among Us weekly especially looked like it took an incredible amount of effort. It was also one of the most entertaining things I worked on this month! Thank you for working so hard to make SWC the special place it is.

Hosts - Hosting anything of SWC’s size must take a tremendous amount of responsibility, but you make it look like nothing at all! This entire session has been amazing, and you deserve so much gratitude for all of your hard work. This experience would not have been possible without you. So thank you, thank you, for everything you’ve done for this chaotic online writing camp. You are appreciated.

Word count: 621

Last edited by pages-of-ink (July 31, 2022 23:08:23)

100+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

WEEKLY 5000 POINTS FOR FAIRY TALES 6539 WORDS. PATHS TAKEN: 102-1, 6-2, 81-3, 9-3, 3-2, 5-2, 4-1, 7-6, 2-2, 1-3 | SABOTAGE RESULTS: 4- S;3- S;9- F, 1- S;8- F, 2- S;6- S;7- S;5- S | ENDING: good
Certificate: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/718418213/
Beginning Story:
“I don’t understand why you feel the need to act like this all the time. I mean, it’s natural for me to get concerned when your whole personality has changed in the blink of an eye, mija.” My mom retaliated as she forcefully sifted through the thrift store denim aisle.
“Mami, I’m just going through some stuff now, okay?” I responded, my voice wavering a little. I pretended to look through the denim aisle beside her, but I was secretly fighting a battle inside my eyes, trying to keep down the tears that were threatening to fall.
I felt my mother’s eyes on me. She obviously knew something was wrong, but she didn’t say anything. I sighed in relief. She could go crazy if we argued.
“Mija, I’m going to go try this on,” she held up a worn, but vintage denim jacket, “come to the changing room with me.” I nodded and followed her there. I curiously looked around. We hadn’t been to this thrift store much, we were usually at Goodwill or some other big one. But this one was bigger, and it seemed like more of a small business. It seemed quite familiar. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a group of boys conversing eagerly near the accessories section. One of them particularly caught my eye.
Was that…Damian?. I stopped in my tracks and squinted my eyes to get a closer look at him. The same black hair with honey highlights, what I thought was hazel eyes, and light skin.
He seemed to sense someone’s eyes on him, for he turned and looked straight into my eyes.
I sighed. That wasn’t Damian. Damian didn’t have that type of look in his eyes. He never had a consistent look, though. Sometimes he would look at me like I was the most beautiful creation on the Earth, others he would look at me like I was insignificant.
“Angela! ¡Apúrate!” My mom’s impatient voice rang through the aisles and into my ears. I flushed red and tore my gaze from the random guy, and I ran to meet my mom at the changing room.
Nostalgia Prompt:
My mom disappointedly stared at herself in the changing room mirror, twisting and turning to check if the jacket fit better at a different angle. Finally, after a few moments of what I figured was her sucking in her stomach and twisting, she tugged off the jacket.
“It’s too small for me, you should try it on.” She handed me the jacket.
“Thanks, Mami.” I pulled on the jean jacket over my t-shirt. It was a quite loose fit, but not in a bad way. I looked up at myself in the mirror.
Suddenly, I got a flash of nostalgia. Me and Damian were trying on jackets and accessories and rating each other in them. I remembered trying on a similar jean jacket, while Damian was trying out hair clips.
“Baby, you look great in that. Stop saying those things about yourself.” His deep voice rang through my ears as he stepped in front of me. I felt his hand on my shoulder.
“I know, I know, I just-” He cut me off with a gentle kiss to my lips. I could feel myself turning red. He pulled away,
“Angela, you are the most beautiful girl in the world.” He stroked my hair, “Beautiful hair, beautiful eyes, beautiful everything.”
I sheepishly grinned as I looked down. Gosh, he was charming.
“Thanks, Damian, my prince.” I immediately cringed inside. Why would I say that?
But this time, Damian blushed and kissed my hand. “My princess.”
I felt a sharp impact on my right cheek.
“Ow!” I cried out, clutching my cheek. My mother was standing to my right with a flip-flop in her hand. The chancla.
“Mami, no, what did I do wrong..?” I held my hands up, looking at her in confusion.
“Oh, mija!” I felt my mom crush me with a bear hug. “You- You were standing in front of the mirror and you weren’t moving, and I thought…” I chuckled.
“You thought I was dead, didn’t you?” I grinned. I felt another sharp impact on my cheek.
“Ow!” I repeated, rubbing the spot.
“I cannot lose you, mija. I cannot.” She engulfed me in an embrace again, and I didn’t say anything this time, just buried my face in her shoulder, smelling the comforting aroma of frijoles and taquitos waiting for me at home. And I would be bringing something new home today, a jean jacket with memories of my old lover.
Flock of Birds Prompt:
As Mami and I were driving home in our old Mercedes Benz, I noticed some birds on a wire, chittering and chirping excitedly. One of the birds flew in front of the others, and chirped. But more firmly, if I could tell. All the excited chittering and chirping stopped, and the birds on the wire flew away, looking sorrow as the leader bird watched.
It could’ve just been me, but I could tell exactly what was going on. I placed my hand on the window. I didn’t really like to think of my bad memories with Damian, but sometimes, I couldn’t help it.
I remember feeling like the birds on the wire, feeling like Damian made sure I couldn’t do anything and feeling like he was controlling my life. Then, I would fly away, like the little birds. I would hide my emotions until the day where we both cracked, screaming at each other.
He would call me the most beautiful creation he had ever seen one day, then treat me like a bag of trash the next. It wasn’t a good relationship, and everyone knew. But inside, a small little part of me still called out to my old lover, wanting to reunite with him and go back to how things used to be. Not the bad parts, of course, but the parts where I felt like the best girl he’d ever seen, where we both were the leader bird.
When we got home, I reached for my journal. I just needed to express my feelings. Today had been a rough day, as I kept on having flashbacks and memories of Damian. As I chomped viciously on a crispy taquito, I began to write with my old, worn down pen, and my tattered journal with the leather cover.
I twirled my pen with my long fingers. I didn't want to write about anything too depressing with Damian, because I didn't want to cry today, but I didn't wanna write about something really happy either. I decided to take inspiration off of a song I heard playing on the radio in Mami’s car.
“Can’t count the years on one hand that we’ve been together,” I scratched down. “I need the other one to hold you, make you feel, make you feel better.” I groaned. Now it sounded like a stupid rock song or something. Well, it was too late now.
“It’s not a walk in the park to love each other…” I mumbled to myself, starting to feel the rhythm. “But when our fingers interlock, can’t deny, can’t deny you’re worth it.”
I stood up, doing a little happy dance. I never realized I was that good at writing, well, whatever I was writing.
I pretended to strum a guitar as I scratched down the lyrics popping into my mind eagerly.
“ ‘Cause after all this time, I’m still into you…” I didn’t mumble this time, instead I sang it in a soft voice. I heard a rhythm and beat in the background of my brain. Suddenly, I knew the lyrics, because my brain had pieced it together for me already. I took a deep breath in,
“I should be over all the butterflies! But I’m into you.” I swayed and spinned around and around, feeling like a main character. I didn't care how crazy I looked, or how bad I sang, all I knew was that expressing my feelings with a song was one of the greatest things that ever happened to me.
“And baby even on our worst nights, I'm into you..!” I crazily sang.
And as I probably disturbed all of the people in my house, just trying to relax, I was having the best time of my life, writing a song, and feeling like I never had a bad moment in my life.
Amnesia Prompt:
“Jesus Christ, Ang, you really can't catch a ball to save your life.“ I heard the mocking voice of my best friend, Roxy. I groaned and rubbed my eyes. I opened them to blinding white lights.
”Wh-Who..“ I tried to sit up off of whatever hard surface I was on, only to be shoved back down.
”Nuh uh. Not today,“ I felt Roxy whisper into my ear, ”If the nurse catches you sitting up like last time, she'll probably drown you with ice and peppermints.“
I looked around. I was in the school nurse's room. I could see the eye exam poster in the corner, and I could smell the aroma of crumbling, expired peppermints.
”What did you mean, last time?“ I managed to croak out. I finally saw Roxy's face, but it was contorted with confusion. She grabbed my shoulders and shook me back and forth, slamming me against the firm cot.
”Ow, ow, ow!!“ I cried out, ”Jesus, Roxanna!“
I saw her lower her glasses threateningly and stare at me with her dark eyes.
”Don't call me Roxanna.“ She growled. I rolled my eyes.
I sat up anyway, ignoring her shoves and pushes.
”What I mean is that I have no idea what you're talking about.“ I retaliated. Roxy seemed ready to explode, then she got a glint in her eyes.
”Oh my gosh, Damian's here!“ Roxy squealed, pointing at the back door behind me. I turned around slowly, and looked back after I noticed no one was there.
”Who's Damian?“ And at that moment, my mother came crashing through the doors, engulfing me in a bone crushing hug.
Fairy Tales Camper:
Long story short, I had short term memory loss from getting hit in the head with a baseball. I had never been the best at sports anyways.
Obviously, all of my memories came back, because we all know there's no way I could just forget Damian like that.
As I scarfed down my Frosted Flakes, my mother approached me with a concerned expression, wearing a raggedy apron.
”Mija, are you sure you're okay? After all, you could've… “ She trailed off, pressing the back of her hand to my forehead.
”Yes Mami, I'm okay. You should check on baby Alfonso… “ I tried to change the subject, glancing nervously at the time.
My mom seemed to go into some kind of trance, and she turned away from me.
”Right, right, Alfonso..“ She strolled up the steps, going to check on my baby brother. Mami did that a lot since she had him, she would go into random trances and not snap out of them until she knew Alfonso was safe.
I checked the time. I had better hurry up before I missed the bus.
At school, I was the type of girl who wasn't popular, but who everyone knew. The clumsy girl who ate Takis and gossiped to her friends in Spanish.
When the arrival bell rang, everyone rushed in the school to find their carpool friends and gossip near the lockers. There were an unusually large amount of girls huddled around the lockers.
And they were all looking at me. I figured they were talking about my wimpy attempt to catch the baseball yesterday, but instead of looking smug and snooty, they stared at me sympathetically.
I heard Roxy's light footsteps run to my side. I grasped her hand to stop mine from shaking.
”D-Do you know what's going on?“ I whispered.
”No, but I suppose we'll find out.“ She squeezed my hand.
We took a quick trip to our lockers to get our things for first period, then headed in the direction of our algebra class. However, our progress was deterred when we noticed a gigantic group of students screaming incomprehensible things, surrounding what seemed to be two figures interlocked. I rolled my eyes.
“It’s probably just some stupid people kissing, come on, Roxy..” I looked around for my best friend, until I spotted her standing a few feet in front of me, caught up in the crowd, looking paralysed. I ran up to her.
“Hey, you okay? What did they do to you-” She covered my mouth with her hand and raised a shaky finger towards the center of attention. I knew Roxy could be a little bit melodramatic at times, so I wasn't expecting much. But when I finally looked up, I realized why everyone had been staring at me in the hallway. I realized why Roxy was acting like she had just seen the ghost of her dead grandma.
Damian and Kimmy were kissing. Snogging, in fact. Kimmy had her spray tanned hands all up in Damian’s curly hair, and Damian was kissing her back passionately.
I could finally hear what the students surrounding them were saying. They were chanting love songs from elementary school, like, “Kimmy and Damian sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage.”
I felt like I couldn't breathe. The nasty sight of them being together was ripping me apart from the inside. I couldn't stand to look at it any longer. I buried my head into Roxy’s trembling shoulder.
“H-Hey, it’s okay. He was a stupid jerk anyway, he didn't deserve you.” Her soft voice comforted me. Before I could even start letting tears escape, a dominant voice rang through the crowd.
“Guys, look it's Thrifty! How do you feel knowing that your boyfriend never cared about you?” Victor’s annoying voice echoed. My heart rate increased, and my breathing accelerated. I felt like a main character about to punch someone in the face.
Roxy must've picked up on this, for she retorted,
“Shut up, pizza face.” She grabbed my hand firmly and yanked me towards the algebra room.
“Oh yeah? At least I don't have pom-poms on my head.” He sputtered. A big collection of oohs and ahhs erupted from the crowd.
Roxy just ignored him, and tugged me closer to the classroom. I got one last look at Damian, and I swear I could've seen him look at me from the side, very subtly.
Once we got inside of the classroom, and found our seats, I saw a girl with dutch braided hair and a lazy eye sitting alone at one of the tables. She looked to be new, because I had never seen her around before. I slowly approached her, not wanting her to feel uncomfortable.
“Hi, my name’s-”
“Angela. I know. I saw what happened in the hall. I am very sorry.” She took my hand in hers, and I immediately felt a stream of warmth flow from her hand into mine.
“It's OK, thank you. What's your name?” I asked, my voice shaking.
“My name is Delta.” She rasped in her heavy Dutch accent. I could tell she was struggling to speak English. I tried to ask where she was from without being rude,
“Where are you from, you seem to be new here?” I questioned. Her face softened. Then, before I knew it, she had exploded into a fit of laughter. Her laugh was funny, but I didn't want to offend her by saying anything about it.
“Obviously I am from the Netherlands, silly!” She giggled, slapping my hand, which I quickly retracted. “Don't tell me you didn't know that. It was obvious. The Dutch accent, lazy eye, of course I am from Netherlands!”
I had no idea she was from the Netherlands, and I found it strange how she was making stereotypes about her own people, but I laughed along. I assured her that I did know, and was just joking around with her.
A few minutes later, after a brief talk, the algebra teacher, Ms. Brunt, walked in.
“All right, talk to you later.” I waved to Delta as I ran to sit back down next to Roxy, who was in her own world.
In the middle of algebra class, I spotted Damian walking past our classroom through the window in the door. He looked like he did whenever I caught him doing something mischievous.
“Ms. Brute, may I please use the restroom?” I asked, raising my hand and shifting around in my seat to make it seem more realistic. She stared into my soul with her sharp eyes.
“Is it a dire emergency?”
“Yes, ma’am.” After staring at me for a few more seconds, she nodded, and I rushed out the door, wondering if Damian would still be there. There were almost no people in the hall, because everyone was in their classes, so it was pretty easy to spot Damian. He didn't seem to notice me walking behind him, so I pressed myself up against the lockers as he made a right.
I peeked out from the side of the lockers, and I saw Damian and his friend, Noah, standing next to a dead end.
“So, dude, I saw you were getting busy with Kimmy in the hallways today.” Noah said, crossing his arms. I heard Damian sigh.
“Noah, why’d you call me here?” He asked, seemingly irritated. They both had scowls on their faces. I wondered if I was gonna get to see a fight happen in the front seats. Noah stepped closer to Damian, thrusting a finger in his face.
“What's going on with you? After you broke up with Angela, it seems like your whole personality has changed. What happened to the nice boy who's popular because everyone knew him as nice, smart and chill? Now you're out here, playing with girls. It’s like a new one each week.” Noah asked.
“None of your business.” Damian crossed his arms and turned, and for a moment I thought he was going to see me. But he didn’t, because his eyes were closed.
“Actually, it is my business because Kimmy is my cousin, and I don't want you hurting her in any way. Do you understand me?” Noah glared at Damian. Damian scoffed and looked at the floor.
“It's not even that serious. Kimmy knew what she was getting herself into when we started dating. If we break up, it'll be because we had to.” Damian retaliated.
There was silence for a moment, then Noah spoke up,
“Then why did you dump Angela?” Damian looked up and glared at Noah, but he didn’t say anything. His lip was quavering, like he had the words on the tip of his tongue but couldn’t say them. Finally, he got a few words out.
“Listen here, squirt. I am dating your cousin because I want to, because she’s popular and she’s a well known person in the media. Your uncle runs the local news, doesn’t he?” Noah nodded with dread, “If he knows that an amazing, trustworthy guy like me is dating his daughter, that guy will get in on some popularity.” Noah opened his mouth angrily, but Damian glared at him like looks could kill.
“And don’t think you’ll be telling anybody. If you do, then…well, to say it nicely, you’ll have no reason to live anymore. Remember, I gave you everything, so I could take it away in a snap of my fingers..” Damian turned away from him swiftly and clasped his hands together.
“Now, I think that will be all that is necessary for our talk, eh?” Damian said, smirking and starting to walk away. And with that, I hurried off in shock, not wanting to be seen.
Chosen One:
I had been in shock for the whole day. Damian was using Kimmy for local popularity, he didn't have a reason for why he broke up with me, and, well, just Damian and Kimmy in general. The only good thing about today was that I had made a new friend, Delta.
When I got home, I flopped on my bed, waiting for my mother to get home and get Alfonso. I was home alone. Usually, I would take advantage of that and go around the house, pounding on doors for fun, or sneaking through Mami's old purses to find worn out pictures of Papa.
Today, I just felt like lying down and contemplating my life. A totally normal part of a teenager's hormones. As I mentally flicked through my memories of the day, I remembered I had an overdue History assignment from Mr. Makito. I sat up frantically. It was a major assessment, and he had been so kind as to give me an extra day to complete it.
I heard the door open from downstairs.
”Mami?“ I yelled out. No response. I called out for her again. No response. I grabbed a stun gun from under my bed and cautiously tiptoed downstairs. Expecting a robber or another eccentric figure, I was surprised to see my mom, standing with Alfonso over her shoulder and a hand over her mouth.
I rushed over to her side, dropping my stun gun.
”Mami, w-what happened?“ I stared at her. She snapped out of her trance and looked at me with a mixture of pride and glee. She engulfed me in a hug, ignoring Alfonso's cries. After a few awkward moments, I said,
”Mami, I still don't know what this is about… “ I mumbled into her work uniform. She gasped and clutched my shoulders. She reached into her back pocket and pulled out an open envelope.
”Angela, you remember when you entered in the writing contest a year ago, but they couldn't give out the prizes because they didn't have enough money? “ I nodded. I had entered in an online writing contest for fun last year, and I had honestly forgotten about it until now.
”They finally had enough money for the prizes, and you won first place!“ I turned numb with shock.
”D-Does that mean-“ I stuttered, raising a hand in disbelief.
”You won us 10,000 dollars, Angela!" She exclaimed, squeezing me harder than I'd ever been squeezed before. Shock ran through my head. Our family had been struggling for so long after Papa's death, and we were finally here, having $10,000 from an old writing competition entry that I had written when I was 12 or 13. It seemed like a dream come true. My day had been so horrible, my life had been flipped upside down, and then, this. Good news. Good news that I could actually smile to.
I didn't realize it, but I was sobbing on my mother's shoulder as she sobbed into mine. Even Alfonso seemed to be emotional. After all this time, after all of this shopping at the thrift stores because we had to, and silently struggling, we had finally gotten a sliver of hope. After a few moments of excited chatter of what we were going to do with the money, I ran upstairs to tell Roxy, forgetting about everything else in the world. I felt like the chosen one in a fanfiction.
And I loved it.
Non-Plot-Related Tangents:
As I bounced around on my bed giddily, still not being able to settle down after the surprising news, I thought about what I had even written for me to get 1st place. I think it might've been something about the military? I went to get my old school Chromebook so I could check. I I scrolled down in my Google Docs for a while until I reached something titled, “writing competition entry.”
I cautiously clicked on it, ready for a nostalgic rush of memories to come back, and even maybe some tears. I saw a short poem in all lowercase. Any experienced readers would know that this was not a good sign if you wanted to be happy that day, but I began to read it.
“papa, papa.
you promised you would come back,
you promised on the saints.
but promises,
they don’t last.
you were the one who taught me that.
and you said you would tell me stories when you came back
and i am still waiting.
for the full story of how you had to
save your soldier friends
jump on a grenade
what am i supposed to do without you?
you are gone, and mami is gone, and everyone is gone.
i am drowning somberly
through a lake of lost stories and memories
because you broke your promise.
no one understands me.
i don’t understand anyone.
please come back, i need you.
everyone needs you.
please, papa, don’t break your promise.
you promised.”
I didn't say anything. Instead of feeling a happy rush of nostalgia, I saw how I felt when I heard that Papa died. I tried to push it out of my mind, but it wouldn't budge, it stayed there like a big old boulder, refusing to move.
I wouldn’t break down, I wouldn’t. I couldn’t. I had just won so much money for my family, so much that there was no reason to be crying. It was just a piece of writing, nothing special.
But then I remembered when I had written a song about Damian earlier in the week, and how I had felt so happy, so emotional, so expressive.
Now, I was reading a poem about how broken I was when Papa died, and a part of the brokenness that stayed with me today. And with that, I started sobbing. Weeping, in fact. Weeping louder than I ever had before. Out of pure emotion. Out of pure memory. Out of a mixture of sadness and, from somewhere in my heart, nostalgia.
I must’ve been crying so loud that Mami heard. She rushed upstairs into my room. When she saw me crying, she took one look at my computer screen and began rubbing my back.
“No, I’m okay, Mami.” I sniffled. I tried to look her in the eyes, but I immediately burst back into tears. “I’m not sad, not really.” I choked out. I was being honest. I wasn’t that sad, it just felt like I was letting go of something that’d been silently holding me down.
Mami seemed to understand this, for she said, “When I was younger, my mother died giving birth to me. I always felt like it was my fault. I carried guilt with me, always. But I realized that my mother wouldn’t want me to sulk around like that. She had sacrificed her life for me to be great, to pave a path for our descendants. So I had you, and I am trying to make your life the best it can be. I want you to remember that your father died for this country, he died for you. So you should always strive to be the best that you can be, while remembering his sacrifice.”
I looked into my mother’s eyes, and I saw a glint of hope, a glint of memory, a glint of determination.
And at that, I knew me and my mother were more similar than I thought.
As I fell asleep late that night, I had a dream about when the soldiers told us Papa died. Me and Mami were sitting on the couch, watching our telenovelas while chomping on tortilla chips. Suddenly, we heard a knock on our door.
“Stay right here,” Mami said. “I'm going to go check who’s at the door.”
Being the curious preteen I was, I followed her in secret. She couldn't tell I was following her. From behind a large succulent we had, I watched as my mother slowly opened the door.
“Hello?” She asked. “Who are-” She was cut off when she noticed that there were 3 people in front of her door. There were two dressed in formal army clothing, and a nurse looking at her sympathetically. I knew something was wrong.
“W-What’s going on?” Mami grasped the sides of the doorframe, already starting to get her anxiety shivers. The middle person sighed, as if he’d done this a million times before but would never get used to it.
“​​The commandant of the Army Corps has entrusted me to express his deep regret that your husband, Alfonso Rodríguez, died in Afghanistan on November 12th, 2016. He sacrificed his life for his fellow comrades and for the country by jumping on a ticking grenade. The commandant extends his deepest sympathy to you and your family in your loss.” He finished, his lip quivering.
I gasped under my breath as Mami collapsed next to the door. He promised, he promised he wouldn’t leave me. I clutched the stems of the succulent as I began to violently sob. The last thing he had told me was, “I’ll talk to you later.”
As the nurse escorted my mother, who was screaming out, to the couch, I was huddled in the corner, screaming in my mind and rocking back and forth. I wanted to hear Papa’s voice, not the muffled sounds of a forgotten telenovela mixed with screams of grief.
I wanted Papa. He promised he wouldn't leave me.
Dining Hall/Dystopian, Sci-Fi, Thriller:
I woke up the next day, feeling half drained, and half excited. I hated reliving that dream, the flashback of my father dying, but ever since Mami’s talk yesterday, I had felt a little bit more acceptance with it. As I got dressed, I felt like there was something weird that I was forgetting to do. Was it brushing my teeth? No, I had already done that. Was it complete Mr. Makito’s history assignment? Yes, but that wasn’t it…
I shrugged it off, thinking it was something like reminding Roxy to bring something to school, since she was very forgetful. I ran downstairs, even though I was probably waking up the baby, and hugged my mother good morning.
“Good morning, mija, would you like some pancakes?” My mother held up a plate of freshly made strawberry pancakes with sausage on the side.
“Yes please. Alfonso is sleeping?” I asked, pulling out a chair as my mother served me.
She nodded, “I think I might get him his first crib with the money first. After all, he can't keep on sleeping on my bed, he needs his own place to sleep.”
“Cool.” I snuck a peek at the time while Mami was sitting down. I had five minutes till the bus came. I grabbed a ziploc and stuffed the food in it.
“I gotta go.” I kissed my mom on the cheek and ran off, still feeling an unusual pit in my stomach.
“Que tengas un lindo día!” Mami waved me off.
When I got to school, Delta and Roxy engulfed me in a tidal hug.
“Great job on getting first!” Roxy squealed.
“And getting money!” Delta rasped.
We swayed in a hug for a bit, then detached as the bell rang.
“Wouldn’t want to be late, let’s go to algebra!” Roxy said, skipping off with Delta as I followed.
I saw someone walking in the same direction as us. I squinted to get a closed look, and I saw Kimmy. The pit in my stomach felt deeper than ever now, and my heart pounded in my chest furiously.
She looked sullen, with dark eye bags ruining her beautiful hazel eyes. Her hair was messy and she slouched. Knowing Kimmy, I was surprised. She never looked like this unless she was, well, depressed.
Suddenly, I remembered why I was feeling so weird today. Just yesterday, I had heard Damian’s horrible motives about Kimmy. Me and Noah were the only ones who knew, and if I didn’t stop it, Damian would keep using Kimmy, and I would never get closure knowing that Damian was exposed…
I had to tell Kimmy. With Noah, of course.
I waved off Delta and Roxy, signaling them to go to class without me. I wouldn't die if I missed one class. I ran up to some random girl who I had seen with Noah a lot lately.
“Hey, do you know where Noah went?” I asked her hurriedly. I had to do this quick, or I didn't know when I'd have time to do it. I know how it may have looked, but all I was trying to do was get Noah to help me talk to Kimmy. The random girl reluctantly pointed her hand towards the bathrooms.
I tapped my foot impatiently as I waited for Noah to come out of the bathroom. Finally, he came out, drying his hands on his shirt. He didn’t seem to notice me, so I waved my hand in his face, startling him.
“Thrifty- I meant Angela, what’s up?” He looked around with a nervous look in his eye, like he was scared of being watched. I sighed. It was time for the ultimate confession.
“Listen, I may or may not have heard the talk you were having with my ex-boyfriend yesterday, and I just wanted to say, we need to help Kimmy. Have you seen her today? She looks like she just came out of a mass murder.” I said carefully, remembering that Kimmy was Noah's cousin.
Instead of smiling and agreeing, Noah stepped closer.
“You were spying on me?” He asked accusingly, thrusting a finger into my face.
I wasn't surprised, but it wasn’t like I wanted this to happen. It looked like we would have to do it the hard way.
“Yes, I was, but here's the thing. Me and Kimmy used to be friends. But when we came out of elementary school, we weren't friends anymore. But we still have – I still have a bond to her. I don't want Damien hurting her, and neither do you. So let's not do this the hard way, and let's go and tell Kimmy the truth.” I said, raising my eyebrows and crossing my arms. He did the same as we stared at each other.
“Fine,” he spat, “but no changing your mind about this, OK?” I nodded. Whatever made him willing to do it, I would do.
Our first mission was to locate Kimmy. I thought her first period was history, but I remembered vaguely that people would say she never stayed for class. She would always just leave to use the bathroom in the middle and never come back.
“I think she's in the bathroom. The other bathroom, next to history.” Me and Noah said simeotaneously. We both looked at other angrily, then carried on, walking towards the bathrooms.
“I’ll go in.” We both said at the same time, again. We rolled our eyes.
“She’s my cousin.” Noah said, pointing at himself.
“Really? I didn't notice. It's the girls bathroom, so I'll be the one going in.” I retaliated, pushing open the door and walking in.
I didn’t see anyone at first, so I began pushing open the empty stalls. All of them were empty. Except for the last one on the end. I bent down so I could see if there were shoes in there. There were.
“Kimmy?” I asked. I heard a very quiet sob. “Kimmy, get out!” I knocked on the door. I heard her choke up her tears, and croak,
“What do you want?” I sighed, leaning against the stall door.
“Listen, I know you don't like me anymore, but guess what? I've always still felt a bond with you. Even after we were friends. Even after we yelled at each other. I still always felt like we would be friends forever. I have something to tell you, something really important, but I can only tell you if you come out…?” I carefully treaded on my words, not trying to make her distrust me. There was silence for a moment, and a few sniffles, but finally, Kimmy spoke up.
“Fine. I- I trust you.” I smiled as she slowly unlocked the door. We took one look at each other, and she smiled too. So we walked out of the bathroom, somehow hand-in-hand, and looked at Noah.
“She’s ready.” I said.
“Where do you wanna tell her?” Noah asked, looking around. I thought for a minute, then decided on a place I knew no one would find us.
“An old broom closet? Dang, Angela, I thought you were better than-” I shushed Noah.
“Shut up, or the spider in the corner will attack you.” He squealed.
I had dragged them off to a small broom closet. I didn't know it would be this small. We all were sandwiched in. There was old, rusty brooms and paint cans in the corner, and I heard spiders screeching from above us.
“All right, we gotta get this over with quickly. Damian has been using you for your dad, the local news reporter. He's only dating you for popularity, and he doesn't care about you. I don't know why he broke up with me, but it's probably because he didn't want the reputation of a poor girl who did nothing but sit at home and eat Takis. So he's using you.” I recapped quickly.
I could feel Kimmy staring at me through the dark.
“What?” I asked, uncomfortable.
“You can’t be serious.” Kimmy asked, starting to pace around in the small space we had.
“I am serious, and you- we have to confront him.”
“Hey, you said nothing about confronting-” Kimmy and I shushed Noah at the same time.
Kimmy sat down on a paint can, clutching her head. “How do you even know?”
I chuckled.
“Well, your cousin Noah here had an argument with Damien about what he was using you for, and I happened to be right there, witnessing the whole thing. So let's do this quickly, eh?” I said, tapping my foot. If I was late for history too, I would never be forgiven.
I could hear Kimmy sniffle a little bit, and Noah rushed to her side. If only my primos and primas were like that.
“O-Okay. Let’s go find him.” Kimmy stuttered. And on that note, the bell rang, and we all rushed outside, ready to confront Damian.

One week later..
“Get over here, Kimmy, Roxy!” Delta said, holding up her phone so we could all do a group photo. “Three, two, one!” We all smiled. After me, Kimmy, and Noah had confronted Damian, news had gotten out that he was the worst playboy the school had ever seen. He was immediately rejected by all the girls he ever met, and all his friends. He was now a loner who might end up transferring schools in high school.
Me and Kimmy had become close again, and Roxy and Delta had immediately accepted her as part of our friend group. Noah and me weren’t friendly, but we were still on okay terms. I was doing way better now that I knew that Damian had been exposed for the weirdo he really was, and I had new friends now.
I was starting a new life, with determination paved in the way.
The End

Hi! My name’s Jojo! I would love if you could check out some of my newest projects!

I go by she/her, I’m a girl, I like pink and yellow, and I happen to be very good at debating. I’m a proud Aries.

1000+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Hey Mythians! You guys are wonderful, and thank you all for being here in this experience with me.

Elliott - Hey, I've seen you online a lot in Myth cabin, and thanks for contributing all you contribute to the Myth cabin, it's very much appreciated. Congrats on getting to Cadet, and thank you so much for helping us with maze challenges!

Ami - I've seen you around a lot in the cabin and past sessions, so I suppose you are old to some degree. It was cool for you to be in our cabin, and thank you so much for contributing and congrats on passing your word goal!

Aurora - Go Aurora the apprentice! I've seen you around a lot and you've done a lot for our cabin, so keep it up! I also recall you contributing to the in-cabin storyline, which is truly a feat.

Ayid - Hi Ayid, just so you know, you should know that you are a cool person and you're the first person in the cabin to get to High something (aka level five), and with your dedication to our cabin, I think you should definitely go for (co)leading next session, if you have the time!

CJ - CJCJ, you're so cool! Thank you for being so active in myth, and you have a laid-back but energetic vibe, which makes you pleasant to hang out with! I'm so glad that we ended up in the same cabin, and hope that we can end up in the same cabin again for SWC (I heard you're a host for SAC which is so cool).

Tiger - Tiger, good job on doubling your goal! You've contributed a lot this session and I've seen you doing some of the maze challenges, which is so cool. And you became an apprentice, go Tiger! You give off really chill vibes, and I hope you join SWC again next session.

Daizy - Hey Daizy! You're mostly someone I know from previous sessions but like you're so funny and you have this bright energy that makes you both approachable and likeable. Thank you for being a part of our cabin

Iris - Iris! I can tell you're really energetic and motivated to stay on top, and I think I do recall you doing some of the maze challenges. You've written a lot (almost to your goal) and became a cadet! Really great job, especially considering this is your first SWC? Ever? You should join again for sure.

Greta - Hey Greta! You're quite motivated from the vibe I get from you, and it's great the we were in the same cabin this session! Good job on doing some maze challenges (as I think I saw you do).

Arwen - Hey Arwen! This is Zura, your leader for non-fi, and honestly, so glad that we ended up as campers of the same cabin! Sadly, we didn't get to meet that much this session, but as always, you're a cool person, and I do remember you as a member of non-fi! Hopefully we can become campers alongside each other again.

Badowie - BADOWIE! You're so active, and also thank you for messaging me on my profile because that was fun. You contributed a lot to our cabin and according to Moss, you were one of the people who did the most maze challenges, wow, that's impressive! Interacting with you, I can tell you're a fun person to be around and glad we know each other potentially somewhat.

Ava - You're relatively old in SWC years, I suppose, and I've seen you around quite often! You're such a sweet and kind person, and you mesh really well with our cabin. I'm very glad that you're a Mythian rather than some other cabin person. Also, critiquing your entry was a blast and I genuinely hope you place in the writing competition, because it has a really cool concept!

See - Hi See, thanks for being a part of Myth cabin this session. Congrats on meeting your word goal and reaching apprentice, because that's an amazing achievement! Go fellow Mythian!

Steves - I don't know why I wanted to make this a separate note to tell you you're kind of funny, but you're funny. And also a cool camper.

Nights - I will send a note privately.

Tiger (tinytiger) - The other Tiger! You're equally cool as the other Tiger, glad to have you in our cabin, and hope you had a fun time here too!

Vee - You're really cool, and I hope you know that. Playing Mafia with you this session has been a blast and I'm glad we've gotten to talk. Despite struggling, you try your best to go through each day, and that's what matters. You've been really active during this session, and that's really cool. Loved being cabinmates *a joyful and happy face*

And to Ace, Hyanna, annababa29, Breeze, dancebotanimator, Jackie, Bella, kittenhighfive, Kid, Betty, secretsunset, Ikami, and other myth campers I've missed: thank you for being a part of SWC, I haven't really interacted you guys much, but your contributions to SWC are cool and we are all mythians #solidarity! Hope we all meet somewhat next session, in case you were too busy this session, because there's always a new experience that awaits you!

Love all of the Mythians, and thank you all.

45 posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

SWC Thank You Notes July 22

Birdi | @Bellevue91
BIRDI <333 Thank you so much for everything. You’re an incredible person. You’re such a good leader, host, writer, friend, artist, coder, photographer, martial artist – you name it! The amount of talent you have amazes me. How can someone be so darn talented?! You’re so good at everything you do, and you’re such a caring, kind, and helpful friend too. SWC would definitely not be the same without you. I look up to you so, so much. Your maturity, dedication, organization, creativity, and everything else about you. You are a QUEEN. Love you! <3

Robin | @-redredrobin-
HEY ROBIN! Talented and incredible goddess!!! You’re so good at everything – from hosting, leading, and sorting all the way to band, art, and writing – you slay! Thank you so much for everything you’ve done. SWC wouldn’t be the same without you! Thank you for being so chill and caring too! I know we don’t talk much, but when we do, you’re always really helpful and kind. Thank you for that You’re a super talented, dedicated, creative, and just amazing person. You’re doing a fantastic job as a new host by the way! It’s so cool how you’re a leader, sorter, memory book member, daily team member, and postscript member too! The amount of roles you have (which you’ve rightfully earned) and how good you are at every one of them is something I look up to. You’re incredible, and I hope we can talk more! <33 I’m really grateful and lucky to have you, a wonderful human being, in my life.

Alyelle | @Berricake

HI ALYELLE!!! Thank you so much for being an incredible leader, friend, and mom <3. You’re a really cool person and it was a great experience leading with you again! Thank you for giving me this experience – it’s been an honor leading with you, and an unforgettable experience. I admire your persistence, friendliness, and creativity a lot. You’re such a talented and dedicated person! Queen you SLAY <333

Zai | @Polarbear_17
ZAI I can’t express in words how grateful I am for you. You’re such an incredible person and so talented it’s crazy. Thank you for always being there for everyone – you’re such an amazing and helpful leader. Thank you so much for participating in this camp. We need you; I can’t imagine this camp without you. Your art, writing, coding, music, leadership, friendship, kindness, lending hand. You’re an icon. You’re truly amazing at everything. It’s been an honor leading with you! Seeing your leadership abilities up-close blew my mind again. I admire your dedication, creativity, and intelligence so. darn. much. You work so hard and you inspire me to keep going, so thank you for that. Thank you for being a fantastic friend as well, it’s always a blast talking to you. I’m so lucky to have such a caring and kind loving bear for a friend <333 I don’t think I can survive without you. I love you!

Mech | @AmazingMech2418
MECHUS what’s up!! You’re a genius. Your talent, from coding to writing and leading, blows me away. You’re a great writer, leader, and friend – I appreciate you a lot. It’s been quite a fun time leading with you! Thank you for being so caring, friendly, and sweet all the time. You always put a smile on my face <3 I love talking with you! You slay

Lyn | @angelwings-

AYY LYN!! It was really cool being in the same cabin as you! Thank you for being active and writing so much; seeing you around always made me so happy. You’re such a kind and fun person <33 I’d love to get to know you better!

Cheese | @-MrCheeseBall-
CHEESE! You’re a really cool camper, writer, and brother! Thank you for doing the main cabin activities, it’s been a blast being in the same cabin as you! You’re very smart and talented too! Thank you for everything

Ren | @crystalcrescentuwu

Hey Ren! You’re a fantastic camper and I’m really happy to have been in the same cabin as you. Thank you for being active and writing so much! You’re a really cool and friendly person, and I love that! It’s been a blast with you in Sci-Fi cabin

Sana | @FloraFauna_SS
Hi Sana! <3 Thank you for being the kind, funny, caring, and amazing person you are. You’re a really talented human being, and I’m so glad you were in my cabin.

Heyo! Thank you for being so active and writing a lot! It’s been really fun being in the same cabin as you You’re a really cool person and I’d love to get to know you better! <3 It’s been an honor to have you as a camper.

Writi | @Writing_Forever

WRITIWRITIWRITI hello!! Thank you so much for being the amazing person you are. I’m so grateful that I was in the same cabin as you Thank you for being so active and writing so much! Thank you for pushing me and the rest of our cabin to keep going <3 You were always there for everyone and cheered everyone on! You’re a really caring and kind person, which I love about you. You have a wonderful personality and you’re super, super talented. I’d love to get to know you better and talk to you more! Thank you for everything ^^

Bailey | @BagelLover17
Bailey! Sci-fi cabin has been so fun with you here. You’re such a talented and fun person — thank you for that! I’m very lucky to have had you in my cabin. Thank you for being active and writing so much! I hope we can talk more, you’re such a cool and friendly person!

Clare | @clarem12
YO Clare!!! You’re an awesome camper. Thank you for being the dedicated, kind, and caring person you are. It’s been such a great time with you in Sci-fi cabin! I’m so happy that I got to be in the same cabin as you – I’ll definitely treasure this session forever <33

Celes | @Cynthialz
CELES! D I’m so happy to have you, a talented and kind camper, in my cabin. You’re always so bright and there to cheer people on, which I love about you so much. You were also one of the active campers who wrote a lot, which I’m really, really grateful for. It’s been such a fun time with you in Sci-fi cabin! You’re a really sweet and friendly person, and I’d love to get to know you better <33 Thank you for everything!

Gela | @Music_Panda_99
HEYY Gela!! Thank you for everything you’ve done for Sci-fi cabin It’s been a great time with you in my cabin. Thank you for being so active and writing so much! You bring a lot of positivity and kindness to Sci-fi; you’re a really talented and caring person, which I love. Thank you for being the amazing person you are! <3

What’s up! I know you were only here for the beginning of camp, which is completely fine! You were an awesome camper – thanks for helping out! I also want to get to know you more because you seem really cool!

Grace | @squeaks1
Hey Grace, sorry I didn’t get to interact with you much </3 Thanks for participating though! You seem like a really chill and friendly person — I’d love to get to know you better! ^^

Sini | @Sunshine_the_Rainbow
THE BEAUTIFUL TALENTED INCREDIBLE AMAZING SINI!!! It was amazing being in the same cabin as you – the one and only, the sunshine, the rainbow, the talented goddess, the genius – Sine. You’re genuinely one of the coolest people I know. Thank you for being such a great camper, friend, companion, acquaintance, colleague, etc. I can’t express in words how grateful I am for our conversations and chats. You’re super sweet and caring, and I love that about you. I admire you so, so, so much. Your maturity, creativity, leadership, intelligence, writing; just everything you do. Thank you so much for being you, Sine. I know we have our joke that I’m Sine and you’re Kenna, but you are so incredible and unique – there’s no one else out there that could replace you. SWC would definitely not be the same without you. So thank you for everything you do, Sine. And specifically, thanks for judging the writing comp this session! I’m glad you're enjoying it and I know you’re really good at what you're doing It’s hard work! I look up to how you're so good at everything you do. Sini, you’re a GODDESS. GENIUS. QUEEN. I love you so much, and I hope you know how grateful I am to have you in my life <333

Avali | @wootdragon
Hi Avali! Thank you for participating. You’re a really cool person – I’d love to get to know you better! Thanks for being active and writing a lot too ^^ Sci-fi has been amazing with you, and I hope to see you around in the future! <33

Heyo! You did a fantastic job as a backup camper, and I hope everything’s going well! Sci-fi was really fun with you <3 I also love your profile picture hehe

Rio | @-Dxsty_Dxys-
Rio! I know you were only here for the beginning of camp, but you were such a cool person. Thanks for participating! I hope to interact with you more in the future ^^

Val | @28jinj
VALVALVAL!!! <33 You’re amazing. It’s been an honor having you in my cabin and my word count group! You’re always a fun person to be around! Thank you for writing so much and being so active as well. I’m really glad I got to be in the same cabin as you — it’s been a blast, and I hope you feel the same way! You’re a really talented and kind person, and I’d love to get to know you better! Thank you for everything

Alicorn | @alicorn468
Alicorn hi! You were only here for the beginning of camp, but when you were here, you were so sweet and friendly! It made me really happy to be in the same cabin as you. Thanks for participating, and I hope everything is going well for you! <3

Moth/Quinn | @camqfire-
Hey, I saw you around towards the beginning of camp (no worries!), and you seem really cool! I hope we get to know each other better in the future, and it was great having you in my cabin!

Hello! I didn’t get to interact with you much this session, but you seem like a cool person, so I’d love to get to know you better! Thanks for joining

Laurel | @Laureldrop
LAURELLL!! <333 Thank you for being the awesome person you are! Thank you for writing so much and being really active, as well as cheering people on and always spreading positivity. It’s been such a fun time with you in my cabin, and I hope to get to know you, a talented and fantastic human being, better! You’re such a caring and sweet person – thank you for participating this session! You made Sci-fi so much better ^^

Reva | @Reva-Scifi_Lover
Hey Reva! We didn’t get to talk much, but you were a great camper! Thanks for participating

Savannah | @alliyrose
Savannah! You did an incredible job as a backup camper. Even though you joined in the middle of the session, you still showed so much dedication to SWC, which I want to thank you for. I also know it was your first SWC session! Sci-fi cabin was genuinely a better place with you there, so I want to thank you for your presence. Thank you for being active and writing a lot as well! It was an honor being in the same cabin as you Take care! <33

Luna | @Luna-Lovegood-LOL
LUNA TUNA our lovely honorary <333 You’re an incredible human being! I love having random discussions with you, and I just love being around you. You’re so fun and friendly! Thank you for being yourself, and I hope we get to talk more in the future. Also, Horror Arcade looked so. darn. Cool. Your leader application and leadership abilities are amazing. You’re super talented – I’m really grateful to have gotten to know you better this session!

Zura | @Cherrie_Tree
ZURAAA!!! <333 Zurazurazura I have so much to thank you for aa – I don’t think I can express in words how grateful I am to have you in my life. You have such a great personality and I love talking with you! You’re super talented and really good at everything. I loved being in the traffic light squad with you! You always make whatever environment you're in so much better and you spread so much positivity, which I admire about you. Thank you for everything, I love you!

Lio | @opheliio
LIO HEYY! You’re a really cool person, and I hope to talk to you more in the future! Script was absolutely fantastic this session <3 Your writing skills are phenomenal, and you’re really dedicated and talented – you’re an icon. Thanks for blessing us all with your presence!

Bakie | @-chocoloco-

BAKIE hi! I know we don’t interact much anymore, but everytime we do you’re always so fun to talk to! Back in the day when we were a bit closer, I was quite an annoying person, so whenever you’re up to it I’d love to get a fresh start and get to know each other better! You’re a really kind and funny person – I love your positive vibes a lot. You’re also super talented and dedicated! Thank you for everything you’ve done, SWC would definitely not be the same without you. <33

Sawyer | @honeybreeze
SAWYER what’s up!! Sawyer omg you’re such a cool person!! You’re super talented and smart, thanks for everything you do! We don’t interact much, but I know you’re a really kind and caring person You’re a great host, and I hope to talk to you more in the future! <33

Faer | @bIxez
It’s 4am here comes the Faer! ;D (Luckily, it’s not 4am right now heh) Anyway, FAER!!! You’re such a cool person omg <333 I got to know you better from being in the traffic light squad with you, but we didn’t get to interact much during the actual SWC session, which is a shame. I love talking with you – your personality is amazing, and you’re a really talented and unique person. You’re super dedicated and you work so hard, which I think needs to be recognized more. Mystery looked amazing! You’re such a good leader and you always put in so much effort, I look up to you so much for everything you do. Thank you for being a great role model, and keep doing what you’re doing!

Addie | @creatiivity
YO Addie!! I really enjoy chatting with you, I’m really glad I got to know you better this year. This session, I witnessed your leadership abilities for the first time, and you amazed me. Your leader application was fantastic, and Non-fi looked incredible. I’m sad to see you leave after such a great session, but I hope everything goes well for you! I’m really proud of you for leaving and moving on – it’s not an easy thing to do Thank you for everything you do! <333

Vee | @Violet–
VEE!!! <333 You’re always so fun to talk to and we’ve known each other for so long now it’s crazy wow. Anyway, you’re a really talented and kind person, and I’m glad you participated in SWC this session! Your dedication and effort for SWC always shows. Thank you for everything, I love you!

Nights | @TheNightsFall
Nightsies, thank you so much for everything. You’re an incredible wife, friend, and fellow SWCer. I really enjoy talking with you, and I hope we get to talk more in the future! You always brighten my day and bring a smile to my face. I love your personality, you’re genuinely one of the funniest people I know. I also admire your dedication to SWC a lot. You’re a very talented, creative, and intelligent human being – I hope you know that, and I hope you know that I’m grateful for your presence. <333

Everyone else <3

Hey, I’m sorry I don’t have time to write a personalized note for you, but I just wanted to let you know that I’m grateful you participated in SWC this session. SWC would not be the same without you, and you make SWC SWC. Every little thing you do – whether small or big – makes a difference to me; to us. Every time you do something to earn points for your cabin, you put a smile on your cabinmates and leaders’ faces. Every time you check in with your cabin, you put a smile on someone’s face. You signing up for SWC has made someone’s day. So thank you. Thank you for participating in SWC and making this such a memorable session <33

61 posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Unlike a lot of people I don’t think I can write a good thank you note. Just like last session I didn’t interact with that many people but I still want to do this final daily as a happy ending to this SWC session.

I’ve never really been one to talk to people online, for some reason I think I’m more self conscious of what I write on the internet than in person. That probably says something about me as a person but I can’t tell you what. The thing is, this session I feel like I talked to people and I wasn’t embarrassed and I’m proud of it. So these notes aren’t that personalized, but I think I can say thank you and actually mean it. And so thanks to everyone who participated in SWC and the people who did before, you guys made it what it is today and I love everything about it!

Hosts, daily team and judges, thank you for doing all the technical parts of this session. I saw someone write that they spent more than 40 minutes adding words in the main cabin and I don’t know who that was but that’s dedication and something to be thankful for. Who would count up points if it weren’t for you guys? Who would make all the creative dailies that have sparked my imagination so much I want to expand on them? Who else would read all of the writing comp entries, making all those difficult decisions to see who’s story was the best that session. Who else would keep me refreshing the main page hundreds of times or somehow make me crank out 500 words in 5 minutes to submit the daily but all of you guys. You’re all amazing, even if I don’t know your name’s, so thank you even though the last weekly was pretty sus.

ADVENTURE LEADERS, I LOVE YOU ALL! I think I only really interacted with Soki outside of adding words but you’re all still great. Thank you for the riddles I never ended up solving on time. Thank you for taking time to make the matching pfp’s, even though I never got one because I’m a bit too attached to my own, it may be unhealthy. Thank you for the writing tips that you guys put together, I spend more time looking at writing advice than actually writing, but I still actually learned something from the project, and got reminded of things I choose to forget (I’m supposed to plan out my writing!?!?!?!!!?!?!1!?! But I like staring at my screen for two hours trying to figure out what to write next >!!!!) Thank you for making a writing competition because anything the main cabin can do, adventure can do better! I feel like I was way more motivated to participate than I was in my first session and that was because of a lot of reason’s but I think having amazing leaders is a big reason. So thank you Soki, Jess (That’s my irl name! :O), and Dawn you're the best!

My fellow adventurers, my geocaching teammates, my comrades, my siblings in arms! I cannot name a single one of you! No don’t go, I swear I’m going to thank you so hard, you’ll thank me for thanking you because even though I’ve talked to like 3 of you, I feel a deep connection between us. “Why?” you may be asking me, you're saying, “you’ve literally never spoken to me, how can we have a connection?” And my answer is, without you we wouldn’t be in 2nd place right now! And I know the rankings aren’t final but I know we’ll still be in the top 3 even when results come out! (Don’t quote me on that) But in the miniscule chance we fall, we fall like warriors, and as they say it’s not about the destination, it's the adventure -Whimsy 2022

Now for random people I had like one funny interaction with that ,I’ve for some reason, haven’t forgotten.

JollofRice123: Your username is my favorite food, I asked you if you were African, I think you said you were Ghanaian, I’m Nigerian and I said the true statement that Nigerian jollof rice is superior to Ghanaian jollof rice. Later I saw you made a change in a studio I found by accident and I thought it was fate it was a writing studio so it would make sense but still). I followed you, I like your stories and your magazine is cool too! So thank you for… Having a cool username(?)

Snuggle1267: I said that I went overboard by writing over 5000 words (I was planning to write more but I didn’t want my weekly to be invalidated for typing for 8 minutes and 1 second when it said I should write for 8/hj) You replied to my comment, saying you wrote over 9000 (DrAGon BaLl ReFerEncE!!!!1!!1). I replied to that indirectly saying I would get to 10k words just to say I beat you. I didn’t. Now I would, if I didn’t have a life but sadly I do. It's the one thing stopping from being a New York Times best-selling author, not my endless procrastination and lack of motivation. Though I am going to continue the story and hit 10k words, it’ll just take like 10 years at least.

HermioneVoiceActress: I may be wrong but, I think you were the first one to reply when I revealed my villain arc to adventure, so good for you, woooooooo! Now I have to say, I actually had the amnesia trope hit me, so I forgot my evil intentions and just wrote for adventure because I kept getting notifications for it. Now if I didn’t get that amnesia, I know the power of friendship and going on all these wild adventures would’ve stopped me from hijacking camp. Well maybe, I’m not sure, I literally forgot what I was doing.

I made that section thinking there would be more people, there probably was, but I have a terrible memory (even before the amnesia). So yeah, I didn’t destroy camp, I hit my word count goal twice, or at least when I turn this in I will. I’m proud of myself, and everyone in this session. You guys made this experience amazing and, again, even if I don’t know you, you’re amazing! I can’t thank you all enough, even if we were in opposing cabins or I never even saw you post. Even if I copied and pasted thank you one hundred time (So I can say I wrote an additional 200 words) It wouldn’t be able to express how much I love SWC. It makes me wish I had joined it sooner. Thank you again for everything and remember, eat a mango, make some lasagna, adopt a goat, don’t get caught by the imposter, I love arson, end the tyranny and finally…

500+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Thank you's!
Cae- omg thank you sm for letting me honorary! It was so fun and an amazing experience! You're such an amazing person and i hope we can continue to talk with each other <3
Rea- omg youre such a lovely friend and its beeen so nice seeing you more here <33 the leader icons and art you made for the cabin r so good! Thank you <33
Juli- omg where do i start? Ive loved being in your cabin twice in a row, and your one of the closest friends ive made through SWC <3 your art is lovely and your writing too, i cant wait to read more of your work! Thank you for everything <333
Aqua- your so fun to be around, and im glad i met you! You were so sweet and supportive when i was ill, it made me feel a lot better mentally haha <33 thank you!
Twi- i dont think we talked much but i wish we had, you seem really nice <3
Katty- thank you for writing so much! You have sm stamina i could never :0
Whole of fantasy- sorry i could do everyone individually! Believe me , i would if i could but i have to get ready ToT so thank you, all of you! You made this session really special <33
(Co)Hosts- you always pull out all the stops and it gives a whole different experience! Im so grateful that i was introduced to SWC, and i know that every single session just gets better haha <3 thank you so much <3

Last edited by --CherryCloud-- (Aug. 1, 2022 06:41:26)

made by gabbie <3
45 posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

SWC Thank-you Notes
Hello Sun!! It’s been a great SWC session (possibly my favorite) having you as leader! Hi-fi has been such fun and I really enjoyed the creative storyline. Furthermore, I want to thank you for being such an amazing leader! You were always encouraging us to do the weekly and were so active in cabin wars. You set a great example for your campers, which really inspired me to work harder! (Also, can I just say, your writing is amazing :0) I am truly, so grateful to have been in Hi-fi this session, for it led me to work with awesome people like you.
AAA GOOSE. This was possibly my favorite SWC session so far; I got to meet so many amazing people, including you <33. I want to thank you for being the most supportive co-leader ever, and for making it memorable for all of us. It was great getting to know you this past month, as I got to discover what a truly amazing person you are. You were always so active and on top of things, and it really encouraged me to do the same. I will definitely miss all the fun times we had, but I hope to see you again in future SWC sessions!
Aaa hi, Star! We didn’t get to interact much this session, but great job co-leading! I know Sun picked you for a reason, and it's probably because you’re so talented and hard-working. You are such a great writer and I really admire your dedication to Hi-fi. Thank you so much for participating in the storyline and dropping clues. (I had lots of fun comment-stalking, hehe.)
BAKIE! It has been such a great session, full of caps lock and cramming weeklies. I admire your dedication to Hi-fi and to SWC. Thank you so much for everything you do for the community—whether it be co-hosting, planning dailies, or simply being there as a camper. You’re such a kind, energetic person, which was the reason I reached out to you in the first place. Aaa, you’re such a fun person and I really enjoyed our conversations. Anyways, I hope you make the most of your break from SWC co-hosting and I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. Perhaps I’ll see you again in the future, but if not, I totally understand. Please keep shining, for you’re truly an amazing person.
Dear Elfie,
Thank you for being such an awesome honorary. It has been such a fun session full of obscure clues, frantic comment-stalking, and omelette references. I did not quite manage to solve your clues, but I have come to the conclusion that you are a great person and a great writer. Through this session, you have always kept up with Hi-fi’s achievements, even though (I believe?) you weren’t able to participate in dailies, weeklies, or cabin wars. You have been so supportive of us campers, and I am truly grateful for your support.
Dear Vagrant,
Sigh, I thought I trusted you, though I suppose I was wrong. I was quite shocked to hear the news of your pirate schemes and disgusting betrayal. It was foolish of me to think you worthy of trust, although I suppose that’s what Vagrants do. They deceive and then they take what they want. I cannot forgo my allegiance to the faire, so this is where I draw the line. Know that we shall defend the faire at all costs and that it is wrong of you to think us weak. Goodbye, Vagrant, for I hope to never cross paths with you again.
Hey, Coco! Thank you so much for being active in SWC this session! It was a pleasure getting to know you and dueling with you! I know you struggled with some irl stuff this month, but I’m so glad you still managed to contribute to SWC. As a fellow Italian Guild member, I want to thank you for helping out with the mystery! I am truly grateful for your help, as we wouldn’t have come to this conclusion without you. Also, congratulations on being the only other faire member to rank up! Wooo, now we can be Soldato together! It has been an honor working alongside you this session!
Aaa, Alex! It was a pleasure getting to know you this session. You were one of the first people I talked to and I got to discover what a talented individual you were. Not only do I applaud your dedication to SWC, but also your dedication to soccer (I could never). So great job at managing those both. Additionally, you were also one of my only dueling opponents. I am so glad to have found someone with a similar WPM, so know that I am grateful for that. And finally, you are an awesome writer! I’ve had the pleasure of reading your writing comp entry and some of your weeklies, and I was impressed by it!
Kat! I hope you enjoyed your first session of SWC. You did such a great job with the dailies and weeklies, especially for it being your first time. From the beginning, you seemed to know your way around the place, so excellent effort! You were also one of the first campers I interacted with, and I enjoyed getting to know you through our conversations. I also got to discover what a nice, energetic person you were!
Hello Summer! Thanks so much for an amazing SWC session! We haven’t really talked much, but I know you were quite active in the cabin, so thank you for that! I hope to see you again in future SWC sessions, and I look forward to getting to know you more. <33
Hello Finn! Thank you so much for your dedication to Hi-fi this past month. I am so grateful yet also concerned that you stayed up late doing dailies and weeklies. Although we didn’t get to talk much, you seem like a really cool person! I saw that you’re currently working on an album? I wish you the best of luck on that and for all your future endeavors <33
Nyx! You were definitely one of the most active Hi-fi members, so great job for that! I always remembered seeing your daily/weekly posts in the Main Cabin and I was so grateful for your dedication to Hi-fi. And, let’s not forget that you were a fellow Italian Guild member (the best guild of course). Thank you so much for helping out with the mystery, especially for your help with the omelette clue. (Asking Elfie for an omelette was so funny ahaha.)
All Hi-fi Campers:
It is currently 11:25 as I am writing this asdflkj. I just want to thank everyone who participated in Hi-fi this session, for your constant dedication and hard work. It was because of all of you that we were able to do so well in the cabin rankings. This session will definitely remain as one of my most memorable sessions, thanks to all the fun I had. I am truly so grateful to have been part of such an amazing cabin community, and getting to know all of you. <33 Omg and the nostalgia is finally starting to hit me, as SWC comes to an end *sob*. This cabin holds so many great memories, which I shall cherish forever. I hope to see all of you next session!
+1241 words

Last edited by -RoseBunni (Aug. 1, 2022 06:50:29)

hello, I'm bunni! I'll be participating in adventure this session. Outside of scratch, I enjoy reading, classical music, and running.

anyways, hope to see you around :>

5 posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Among Us Weekly!

{PATHS TAKEN: 9-1, 6-3, 81-3, 4-2, 2-1, 5-2, 102-1, 7-4, 1-1, 3-1 | SABOTAGE RESULTS: 8- S;6- F, 3- F, 1- S;9- F, 4- S;7- S;2- S;5- F | ENDING: neutral}

Weekly No 4 – 7-24-22 – 5000 pts – I tried to scream. It was impossible, as if the excruciating pain in my head, although silent, was too loud, drowning out everything else. I reached up to grab my head, to try to make the pain go away. My hand hit the air. Wait. Did I even have an arm? Or a hand? I suddenly became very aware of my surroundings. But the thing was, I had no surroundings. There was just air, emptiness. Like the only thing in this vast expanse of nothingness was my consciousness. I had no body. No organs. No emotions. I was completely alone in here. Wait. A noise. I was alone - or was I?

But then I realised that I could see. The room was just very dark. I realised this because a figure leaned over me. Or, well, I should say - my consciousness. I attempted to scream again. But this time, it worked. The figure held up a lantern, illuminating the space around us, and theirselves. I inhaled a very sharp gasp before choking out,
“C-Charlotte!?” The girl nodded.
“B-but how!? T-that’s impossible! You’re dead!” Charlotte Banks smiled, and finally said something.
“I would have thought that by now you would’ve realised that nothing is impossible, Angela Thomas” I shook my head. This must have been a dream. There is no way that all this is real. I had way too many questions, and all of it was getting to me. I promptly passed out.

When I finally woke, Charlotte was shaking me.
“I thought you were dead, Angie! Or, at least, gone?” She didn’t sound too sure.
“Okay - hold up.” I said, finally coming to terms with the fact that this wasn’t a dream.
“How are you here? How am I here?” I asked, sitting up to look at the very alive face of the girl who had brutally tormented me all through middle school and the start of high school before meeting her end.
“I h-” She started, and just a split second later, she screamed and fell onto the invisible floor, knocking over our only source of light and began writhing in pain.

I sat up with a gasp. A dream. Yes, of course it’s a dream. It’s always just a dream. I was sweating a lot. I ran a hand through my long black hair, peeling it from where it was stuck to my forehead. I took a deep, shuddering breath, and then another. Yes, I was very familiar with this particular nightmare. It all came from playing an alleged part in Charlotte’s murder two years ago. After twenty months of debate, court trials, and media rumours, I was finally found innocent. I had been framed. I slid out of bed, pulling my fleece top off, revealing my tank top. I tiptoed into the bathroom, while pulling out my phone to check the time. Two am in the morning. Running a washcloth under the steady stream of water coming from the upstairs bathroom faucet, I sighed. This nightmare happens to me almost every night. It always goes the same way, ending with Charlotte re-creating her murder, in one way or another. I shut off the water and rang it out until it was almost dry. I wiped down my face with it and headed back to my bedroom, flopping down on my queen sized bed. I stared at the ceiling for twenty or so minutes before slowly nodding off to sleep again.

The next morning was very strange. I was struck by this odd and random feeling of nostalgia. I couldn’t shake it, and I also couldn’t figure out where it was from. What memory was that? I honestly have no clue. As I made my way downstairs, fully clothed and ready for school, a new memory resurfaced. I had buried this one deep, along with all the other minor or unimportant seeming memories about the murder of Charlotte Banks. I inhale a gasp through my teeth. No way. I’m not. I’m not a killer. I didn’t, I honestly didn’t murder her. I sigh and bite my lip. There is absolutely, no way, not a teeny, tiny, little chance that I, a sixteen year old high schooler who ALLEGEDLY murdered her classmate, and was later framed am having a wicked case of nostalgia about the heartstopping moment when I found her dead in my garage, after coming home from the park with my friends. Just no. I buried that feeling deep down inside, but it fought. Hard. I couldn't make it go away. I pulled out my phone.
Hi! ^^
Whatcha doing?
Nothing much. Just on my way to school.
Same! Cya!
Bye <3

Aaah omigosh! He responded with a heart! I exited out of my texting thread with Andrew and pulled up Instagram. Soon, while I sat on the public transportation bus, I scrolled through the endless pages slash black hole of social media, double tapping almost every post, but especially Andrew’s. They were all pictures of him, and I featured in pretty much all of them as well.

Umm audience? Yes you, readers. I need help. Andrew Woodski has been flirting with me over text for the past few months. Neither of us has made a move, except for a rather heartstopping moment at Mason Reed’s house a few weeks ago that involved a lively game of spin the bottle. Either way, I have a massive crush on him and need help. WHAT DO I DO!? I mean like, yeah, go women, we should start making the first move, this isn’t the eighteen hundreds!! But no, I’m a complete and total chicken. So this is why I am breaking the fourth wall to reach out to you guys for help. Here - let me give you some background information. I met Andrew three years ago, in the eighth grade. He had just moved from the United States of America, and I instantly fell for him. Hard. We became inseparable over the course of two weeks, and basically, we’ve been joined at the hip ever since. People always give us a hard time because (minus the (very fortunate) spin the bottle incident), we’ve never kissed or dated. But Andrew has no interest in me, or if he does, he’s very good at hiding it. We do pretty much everything together, so after a few months of pining and such, I finally decided to have some pride, so I told myself that I was over him. But sadly, no matter how much convincing and no matter how many times I told myself this, I couldn’t, I just couldn’t, get over him. I finally just embraced the fact that I was in love with Andrew Woodski, and that was that. So there you go. I met him three years ago, fell for him, he helped me through the whole murder thing, never doubting me for a milisecond, I helped him through his parent’s divorce, and we’re inseperable. But trust me, the last thing I want is for my silly crush to get between us. Alright, enough with the fourth wall thing. Back to the story.

Once at school, I head straight for my locker, opening it and grabbing my books for English, which I have right after homeroom.
“Hi.” Someone says beside me. I jump.
“Andrew!” I then squeal. He laughs and rests his head on my shoulder. I reach over and pull his short hair.
“Owww Angie!” He yells. I just laugh. He punches me in the shoulder and puts his head back on my shoulder.
“I’m so tiredddddddd.” He complains. I roll my eyes and say sarcastically,
“Well tonight, try NOT staying up until two am plotting arson.” He gasps.
“Wow.” Is all he says. He then checks his phone and says,
“I gotta dip. My homeroom teacher wants me early.” We exchange goodbyes and head our separate ways. I smiled all the way to homeroom, where I was bombarded with my group of ten or so besties, all of them loud and energetic.

After homeroom, I walk into english, stopping briefly at the teacher’s desk to drop off the homework. Andrew and I share four out eight periods, so we get to see a lot of each other. Not that I mind… Anyway, I walk over to my desk and plop my books onto the table. Andrew, who sits next to me, leans over and whispers,
“There was homework!?” I roll my eyes and can barely contain my laughter.
“Yes, Andrew. There’s homework every night!” Andrew, though, looks as if he was having an epiphany.
“Ohhhhh! SO THAT’S WHY I have an F and have never done a piece of homework for this class!”

During social studies, one of the few classes I don’t have with Andrew, the loudspeakers crackled to life.
“Hello. Please excuse the interruption, but Angela Hallis, please report to the main office.” Everybody turned around to look at me as I picked up my books and walked out. I had no idea what this was about, but hopefully not about the murder. This whole murder thing needs to leave my life and my memories. I shoved my social studies stuff into my locker, shut it, and hurried to the main office. I walked in, and the person that was working the front desk pointed to one of the back rooms. I knocked on the open door, stepping in cautiously, just to see one of the counsellors and Andrew. I slid into the seat next to Andrew and he leaned over and whispered,
“Sorry.” I was about to ask him about what was going on, but the counsellor, who introduced herself as Ms Marrs, said that Andrew’s grades were way too low, and he needed me to tutor him. Ms Marrs was about to start on a whole speech on why I should, and was also about to start pleading with me, but I just said,
“Of course! Andrew’s my best friend.” I looked between the two of them. Ms Marrs looked so grateful that she was about to cry, and Andrew was grinning at me.

There was a knock on the door, and I bounced down the stairs, eyeliner tube in hand. Opening the door, Andrew stood there.
“Hi!” I said, and he said,
“Hello! I’m here to get smarter!” I rolled my eyes and dragged him in the house, closing the front door. My mom yelled from the kitchen,
“Angie! Is that Andrew?” I yelled back,
“Yup! And we’re leaving now!” I pulled him upstairs and into my bedroom, shutting the door behind us. He flopped down on the bed, and said,
“Do we have to study?” He asked. I just grabbed my English books. We sat next to each other, leaning against the side of my bed. Suddenly, he stopped. He just dropped his pencil and turned to face me.
“Are you okay?” He asked, totally out of the blue.
“Yeah, I’m fine! Why would you ask?”
“I dunno, the nightmares and everything.” By ‘everything’ he obviously meant the murder.
“Um, well, it’s not easy to deal with, but I’m managing.” He seemed satisfied with this answer, and said,
“Alright. But if you need anything, please come to me.” I smiled at him.
“Will do.” I looked down at the tons of notes, books, pencils, study guides, everything. But when I looked up again, his blue eyes were still fixed on me. My eyes went down to where our legs were pressed together. He reached over and grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together. I looked up at him. He leaned over, and just then, the door opened. We jumped apart, and both picked up our pencils. My older sister, Winter, suppressed a smile and said,
“Angie. Your phone is in the kitchen.”
“Oh! Um. Okay! Thanks!” I said. Winter winked at me, smirked, and shut the door. Andrew, too, was trying not to laugh.
“Smooth.” Was all he said, before grabbing my hand again and leaning down. I inhaled a sharp breath as his lips met mine. When we pulled apart, I laughed and said,
“My mom hates boys. If she caught us-” I didn’t get to finish, because he was kissing me again, just as the door opened once again…
100+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

thank you notes (also just as a general note my finger is broken so anything I type takes around 5000000 times longer so that's why my notes are a bit shorter - also I'm just bad at thank you notes in general XD)

I know I posted these late but oh well- ANYWAYS

Luna (@Luna-Lovegood-LOL) - sdfjksdfsdf you're such an amazingly cool and nice person! (and fellow theatre nerd >) thank you so much for making this session so incredibly fun and memorable, and for actually getting a somewhat reasonable amount of sleep (most of the time, at least)

Leopard (@theleapingleopard) - thank you for being so awesome and fun this session (and for reminding me of the importance of sleep XD)! Even though you didn't have the time to make all of them, the pfps were still so amazingly cool and neon-y! Anyways, it was so fun getting to co-lead with you

Seltzer (@seltzerwater1000) - I know you'll probably never see this, but I felt a bit bad not writing you a thank you note - I'll keep this a bit short, but thank you for being so cool and nice!

To all the hosts, leaders, co-leaders, daily team, etc. - Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into making sure that this session would be great for everyone!

Starla (@pure-randomness) - I also didn't get to know you very well, but I always noticed you being super active around the cabin, especially during cabin wars, so thanks for that

Paige (@Telianar) - while we didn't really talk that much until the last week of camp, I had a ton of fun doing the ten-word story with you in schism city about the evil magic book thingy You also seem like a really cool and fun person (Agent Carter and Loki are amazing XD)

To all the horror campers in general - you guys are all so very amazing and special in your own unique ways. Thank you all so much for making the cabin lively and exciting all the time - it was so much fun getting to watch you all improve your writing and get to know each other better throughout the session, as well as seeing your reactions to the various plot and activity twists in the storyline

To everyone in SWC - you guys are all really cool and talented! Keep being awesome and writing a lot - you are all so creative and have amazing ideas; never give up!

To anyone I forgot (I mean it's technically impossible to forget people since I did everyone in SWC, but I mean like individual people, just for clarification XD) - aaaah I'm so, so, so incredibly sorry for forgetting to mention you - I promise it was completely by accident; not on purpose! You are so cool and amazing and I'm so glad I got to know you this session - I just have a really, really terrible memory so yeah

Last edited by i_like_kotlc (Aug. 1, 2022 22:41:28)

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀sophie ~ she/they ~ bookworm ~ musical nerd
1000+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

thanks - july 31
note: finished j31, posted a1. also, my notes are vv low-quality and impacted by my very low amount of time. rip
words: 627

To Wari, I know I already sent you a thank you note, but I didn’t have the time to mention everything I’m thankful for. You were so amazing in cabin wars, and have been so active this session, as well as being extremely creative and thoughtful. I loved the Procrastinator’s Guide- it helped break down tasks so we could easily understand how to do them, and thank you so much for translating the Duck Deity’s speech to give us the alternative task, as well as finishing most of it. I can’t think of the words to describe how wonderful of a leader you are, so I guess I’ll just have to hope that this gets the point across. #Wariappreciationdayiseveryday

To Hope, you are an amazing word count group leader, and I loved how unique you made such a simple phrase as “added” feel. Thank you so much for your message after cabin wars- you are so kind and amazing, and I’m so glad that you’re one of my leaders for this wonderful session.

To Willow, you were such an amazing coleader this session! Thank you so much for offering to make fully-customized profile pictures for us after this session ended, as well as helping out when you could despite your period of inactivity. This was an amazing session, and I’m glad that you were one of my leaders.

To Katie, thank you for being so kind and an awesome Spymaster/coleader! I understand having important things come up, and I’m thankful that you still popped in when you could to help out, behind the scenes or not. Thank you so much for everything this session!

To Moss. Tiger, and Amethyst, thank you so much for being awesome people in general, but also for roleplaying with me in the Mythfic Wilderness Roleplay! You’re all amazing roleplayers, and I loved every second of roleplaying with you.

To JC and Siri, thank you a ton for doing in-cabin dailies with me! You’re both awesome writers, and it was amazing getting to see your writing and where you take your stories.

To everyone else in the Fan-fi cabin, I’m sorry I didn’t get to know you enough to make a note, but I know that you’re all amazing writers. I hope I’ll see you around in the November session.

To Non-fi and Myth, you’re the best sibling cabins that I could ever wish for. No hard feelings after trying to take over your printing press and giving you some free words, right? Anyway, I’m glad I got the chance to hang out with the wonderful people you all are.

To the Daily Team, the dailies and weeklies this session were amazing, memorable, and an awesome mix between new and old. Thank you so much for the alternative prompts and text-based version of the weekly, and for being available to answer questions and clarify things.

And finally, to me in the future: I could be super pretentious or whatever, say something about how I hope you’re doing well. I won’t, because this is the last day of SWC and I know the only reason you’re back here is because you’re setting up your next writing compilation post on the next megathread. First of all, I want to apologize for not hitting the 67,251 word goal set from last year. For procrastinating instead of writing, for losing track of deadlines when I shouldn’t have. Amazing things happened this session, and I can only hope you’ll have as good of a one as I did. I hope you get another good cabin, hope your cabinmates are active, hope you don’t need to write 3k words on your own right before bed during cabin wars again. Good luck with your next session.

Peachi out.

「 Procrastinator - Exhausted - Awkward - Chaotic - Human - Inconsistently Social
(peachi - she/they(/xey) - artist, camp tropiland co-host, writer)
1000+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Points Over Time Graphs

@Cherii-Blossxm suggested that someone make a graph of the points in the Main Cabin over time so I did! There are three versions. Click them to view them more clearly.

This one shows the point counts at the end of each day.

This one is messier and harder to read but it shows every addition of points!

The beginnings of those first two are a mess but I don't know how to make one that you can zoom in on - if anyone does know, let me know and I'll do it!

I made this in Flourish and it has every addition of points! It's extremely low quality because I needed it to be under 5 MB to upload to Cubeupload, so click on it if you want to see the nicer version. (Also I don't know how to not make it cut off the longer cabin names, sorry “dventure” and “airy tales”)

If anyone wants this data to do stuff with, let me know and I'll figure out how to put it in a forum post

5 posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

A really long list of my dailies ::

659 Words – 7-16-22 – 900 pts – My character that I am going to use for this daily is Aalia Reyes, a fourteen year old high schooler who has had some major trauma. Her moment is from a horseback riding accident that changed her life, and quite literally, changed her. In this short moment, she is telling her best friend, Lydia, about this moment. In the book that these characters are from, this moment had already happened years ago.

“Please.” Lydia pleaded. She had been begging for three hours now, and it was getting on my nerves. I’m assuming, though, that that was the whole point. I sighed. She looked at me, quite hopefully. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. We were sitting on the couch in my living room. My parents were on a vacation, so they wouldn’t be home for another few days.
“Fine.” I finally said. Taking a deep breath, I pressed on.
“It was four years ago, and I was only ten years old. Even though I was younger than all of the horseback riders that I was competing against by, like, five or six years, I was still better than them. By a lot.” I bit my lip, then continued.
“I remember all of it very well, except for right after it happened. I was riding this awesome horse. His name was Ace, or as they called him, “Hello Acelin”. It was a cross country competition, and I remember, we were just emerging out of the woods. Our time was four minutes and thirty two seconds. I thought to myself, if we can clear this final jump, the stone wall, and cross the finish line in less than seven seconds, we’ll just barely score first place. So I kicked Ace into an even faster gallop, and gave him his rein.” I stopped to take a breath, realising that I had been talking rapid fire for two minutes now.

“So we were running REALLY fast. And I remember feeling him tense up underneath me. Usually, that means the horse is cautious about the jump in front of them, and they need more encouragement in order to clear it. So I counted down my strides.” I was crying now, the memory always did this to me. Lydia, who was next to me, wrapped an arm around me.
“I’m sorry, bestie.” She said.
“I didn’t mean for this to happen.” I swiped at my eyes, and my tears were black with mascara. I took another deep breath and forced myself to keep talking.
“I encouraged him. I asked Ace to please take the jump, and he obliged. Or I thought he did. I thought he’d take it, but at the very last second, he bucked. Hard. I went flying over his shoulder, and crashed into the stone wall. In show jumping, where the horse and rider clear obstacles in an arena, all of the jumps can come down or be knocked down if the horse and rider hit them. But in cross country, where the horse and rider jump obstacles in nature, they’re solid. They don’t budge. So I went flying into the stone wall, landing on the ground. I could feel myself slipping away, losing my consciousness. But I then saw Ace. He had flipped over his head because he had bucked too hard. A-and…” I stuttered and trailed off, but then pressed on through my tears.
“And I remember he landed so close to me. He then immediately started trying to get up, struggling. He finally stood up, and his front leg was all bent.” I was crying even harder now. I swiped at my eyes again.
“And then I was slipping away. It was a blur. I barely remember seeing the paramedics, and ambulances.”

“And the next thing I know, I’m in the hospital.” I took a deep, shuddering breath.
“I stayed there for the next few MONTHS. With a broken arm, wrist, and fractured skull.”

7-20-22 – 856 Words – 500 pts “Trot.” I commanded, squeezing my legs around Chia’s sides. Chia was one of the show horses, and I rarely got to ride them. I always rode the lesson horses, and only rode the privately owned or high class show horses when their owners were away or if they needed some exercise. Chia moved into a swift and smooth trot. Not that the lesson horses weren’t this good (they were the best), but Chia’s gaits were smooth and seasoned. Riding the show horses for a change was really fun. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the horse I always rode, Riu, being led into the arena next to me. He was tacked up Western (I rode both Western and English), and only somebody (like me) who had grown up with these horses, knew that most of them, but especially Riu, knew when they had an inexperienced rider, and took the opportunity to lower their heads, drag their hooves, and move very slowly. But when I rode the old bay gelding, he did his best to pick up his head and hooves and actually move at a decent pace. But Riu had never been a fast horse, he was more chill and laid back. He preferred to walk and trot, sometimes canter, and was VERY reluctant to gallop. I didn’t mind though, I rode him very often. We liked to trot mostly, go on trail rides, and I took the opportunity of only walking and trotting to get stronger and improve my form and skills. Although I loved Riu, showing was a big part of my equestrian life, and I never showed on him. It depended on what the show was about, but I mostly showed on two of the other lesson horses, Maple or Trigger. I also had one other thing that took up a lot of my time - training my very own foal! His name is Elvis, and he’s naughty, adorable, and a quick learner. Anyway, I’m getting really sidetracked. My point is, I get to ride Chia today! We moved into a canter. Because my family owned this place, I’ve spent A LOT of my life with horses. I love them so much! But here are two things that might surprise you - one, I don’t own my own horse, and two, I only spend about half of my time actually RIDING the horses. Being an equestrian is so much more than just horseback riding. It’s also doing the chores (mucking stalls, maintaining their pastures, rotating them through the barn and paddocks, feeding them, cleaning them - it’s a lot of work. But it’s really fun.

Half an hour later, I dismount and take my helmet off. I clip it onto the English saddle and flip Chia’s reins over her head. I check the time on my phone. It’s ten thirty. My riding lesson is at ten forty five! I can not lose this lesson time. Hiring and paying the instructors is expensive, so even we have to pay for our lessons.
“Hey!” A voice calls. I look over to see my older sister, Mila.
“Do you want me to take Chia? My next lesson isn’t for another half an hour.” She offers. I smile gratefully and hand her the reins.
“Yes please! I only have fifteen minutes!” I say. Mila actually instructs lessons, and I take them. We’re five years apart, and she’s far more experienced than I am with horses. I grab my helmet off of the saddle ring and head out to go find my instructor, Ava, and see what horse I should ride.

“C’mon!” I urge Riu out of his stall. Riu, like normal, is being lazy. Eventually, the large bay follows me. After a quick grooming session, I swing his heavy Western saddle onto his back. I bridle him, and drag him over to Ava.

“Three, two, one, up!” Ava says as she pushes me up. Here, we not only have to learn to ride, we have to learn every aspect of horses and horseback riding, even the small tips and tricks, such as this mount. Basically, one person laces their fingers together, the other person rests their knee on their hands, and on the count of three, the person mounting bounces up and the person helping pushes up. The mounter then swings onto the horse. It’s very useful if you don’t have a mounting block. Either way, my next show is this weekend. It’s a Western pleasure class, so it should be a piece of cake. Western pleasure is basically walking, trotting, and loping. You just listen to the judges, they tell you what to do, you do it, and try to look good doing it.

We walk and trot for the next few hours. My legs are super sore, but I’m getting really good. I’m going to ride Maple for the show, but it’s always good to practice on other horses. I’m lost in thought, but am jolted back to attention when I feel Riu’s hind end rise up a bit. He comes back down. I know it’s coming the second before it happens. He bucks. Hard.

7-17-22 – 1601 Words – 900 pts “Will you go to homecoming with me?” I ask. Holy heII, why did I just say that? I shove my hands in my pockets. Aalia Reyes, the prettiest girl in our school, stared at me with her mouth open. Not being able to resist, I reach over and gently push her chin up. She looked up at me, blushing.
“Y-yeah. Of course!” She smiles at me. I take a step back.
“Are you sure? You don’t sound really sure.” I say sceptically. She smiles, her personality coming flooding back to her.
“Yes! Omigosh, the captain of the football team just asked me to homecoming. HeII yes!” I smile, looking down at my outfit. I wore black jeans and black converse, with the school’s light blue dress shirt, sleeves rolled up. I pull her into a hug, and she muttered,
“Jasper Hall just asked me to homecoming. I’m going to homecoming with Jasper Hall.” We pulled apart, and she said with a grin,
“I gotta go tell Lydia!” I smile, and gesture for her to go on. She left, and I turn around, just to be met with a furious face.

“I hate you, Jasper!” Shira Layce yelled. Oh shoot. This was going to get ugly. I ran a hand through my auburn hair, and say,
“What the heII?” She crossed her arms across her chest and spun on her heel, storming out.
“Oh snap.” Said a familiar voice behind me. I turned around to see my friends Andrew and Lance. They both look half amused and half pitying. I roll my eyes.
“Andrew-” I started, but he interrupted me.
“That is so sad. Your ex just got mad at you for asking your current crush to homecoming.”

The next day, I walk into English and sat down at my desk, dropping my backpack next to me, along with my coat. The desks were individual, but on my right was Shira, behind me was Andrew, and in front of me was Aalia, with Lydia next to her. Aalia, who had been talking to Lydia, turns around and grins at me. I gave a fleeting glance at Shira, who was shooting daggers with her glare. If looks could kill. Aalia bites her lip, noticing me looking at Shira. I smiled at her. I could clear this up later.

Homecoming is four days away. And I have no idea what to wear. Lance and I are in my room, along with a gazillion different suits and outfits. He throws a black blazer at me.
“Try that. I mean, we could make black on black work…” He trailed off. Lance is an artist and designer, and has an eye for colours, patterns, and such.
“Ugh. We’ve tried on sooooo many already!” I complain, flopping onto my unmade bed. We already decided on black jeans, dress shoes, a white button up dress shirt, and are working on blazers and jackets. He rolls his eyes, so I pull it on over the shirt and button it up. Lance surveys me from head to toe, then gives a small nod.
“That’ll do.”

Three days later, at lunch, I drop my backpack at the table in the gardens where my rather large group of thirty or so friends and football teammates are sitting. We exchange hellos, and I say,
“I’m going to go find Aalia. I haven’t seen her around.” One of the football players, Max, says in a high pitched voice,
“I’m gonna go find my giiiiiiirlfriend!” I roll my eyes, and as I back away from the table, I throw him a rather rude gesture.

I check my phone. No messages, texts, anything. I’ve been looking for Aalia for fifty minutes now, with only ten or so minutes left before I have Physical Education. Finally, I spot someone of use to me. Lydia. I jog after her. She’s not with Aalia, which is odd, but she’s with a group of juniors, all of them gossiping girls. I sigh and tap her on the shoulder. She turns around, and the mob of girls stops, and they all start giggling.
“Uh - Lydia.” I start.
“Have you seen Aalia? I can’t find her.” She flips her long and shiny black hair over her shoulder. “Well, it depends on who’s asking. If Andrew is asking, then she’s in the library. But if-” I cut her off.
“I’m asking. Obviously.” I say, annoyed.
“Well then she’s in the frickin library crying because her frickin so called boyfriend is trying to get back with his ex a frickin day before he’s supposed to take her to homecoming!” She yells. I step back, clearly not expecting that reaction.
“Oh um…” I don’t know what to say. I point over my shoulder.
“I’m just gonna go…” I then say, turning around and darting across the campus, in the direction of the library.

Why does the campus have to be so big? I swear, I’ve been running for ages! Wait - hold up. I stop. Something feels…off. I look around. That’s it - there’s nobody anywhere around. Shoot. I check the time on my phone. School will be let out in three minutes. There’s no way I can reach the library, talk to Aalia (who might have already left) and get to football practice on time. * it. I run a hand through my hair, which is being tousled by the wind. I sigh and redirect myself, so I’m no longer jogging towards the library, but the locker rooms. I’m a crappy boyfriend/date, if I’m even that still.

Shoot. Homecoming is today, and my date hates me. That was my first thought when I rolled out of bed and dragged myself through the shower. I’m now headed to school, in my school uniform. School ends at five thirty pm, and homecoming starts at seven pm, and ends at three am. You’d think, ‘wow! That’s late for a school!’ and yes, it is. But every year, they think, ‘oh! Nobody will stay out that late!’ But oh yes they do. There's always still a massive crowd when they finally kick everyone out of the west gym. I pull up and park my car in the parking lot. Instead of instantly getting out, I pull out my phone and try texting Aalia. We were sorta friends before I asked her to homecoming, and we have been paired and grouped together for multiple school related projects and assignments in the past, so I already have her number and a short ish texting history with her. I type out a message and hit send. It read,
alli - r u ok? im so so so sorry pls lets talk!
From knowing Aalia for a long time, I know that she is absolutely addicted to her phone. She can’t live five minutes without it, so if I get a reply, it’ll be quite soon.

Twenty minutes later - nothing. Complete radio silence. I get out of my car and lock it just as the first bell rings.

* it. It’s five twenty five, and I need to sort this out. Homecoming is in about an hour and a half. I have no clue as to where to find her. I decide to start with the library. As I walk in, I notice that the place is still open. There are a few groups of three or so kids huddled at a table nearby, doing homework. I walk through the place, looking for Aalia. I eventually do find her sitting with her back to a row of shelves, crying. I pause. Should I go over there? What’s her reaction going to be?

I walk over to her. She looks up. Seeing that it’s me, she looks down again. * it. I sit down next to her without saying anything. After a few minutes of silence and tension, she chokes out,
“I hate you.”
“Aalia. This has nothing to do with Shira. She’s a self-absorbed jerk* who for some reason thinks that we’re going to get back together.” Aalia rolls her eyes and says,
“Well that obviously isn’t true. She told me that you asked her to homecoming only an hour later and she also said that you only asked me because you feel sorry for me or something about Lydia being outed?”
“What!?” I exclaim.
“That is absolutely outrageous. Shira’s mad, I guess.” Aalia stares at me for a minute, and I look at her face. Her makeup is streaked all over and her school uniform is all wrinkled. She looks down, playing with the hem of her skirt.
“Do you believe me?” I ask. She bites her lip (a habit, I guess) and takes a deep breath.
“I don’t know, can I trust you?” She asks. I must look super sad as I say,
“Yes, of course.” Because she leans over and starts crying on me. I pull her into a hug. She eventually pulls back and looks up at me, draping her arms over my shoulders.
“Okay.” She says. I grin back at her.
“You’re a mess.” I say, wiping at some mascara on her cheek.
“Ugh. I know, I must look like I just stepped out of a hurricane.” We both laugh, and I stand up. I offer her my hand, and pull her up. We walk out of the library, hand in hand, her clinging to me.

Once we’re outside, we stop, and I turn to face her. We are both tired and a total mess. I lean down and kiss her, pulling back only briefly because at the same time we both ask,
“Will you go to homecoming with me?”

7-20-22 – 252 Words – 400 pts – “The Roly Poly Square”, as titled, illustrated, and written by Eyelin Fishing, is a beautiful short comic about the transformation of a square to a circle. It is colourful, hilarious and easy to follow as we are taken on a metaphorical journey as a red square changes suddenly into a red circle. Our characters have adorable and emotional faces, and the comic, although short, shows in detail, the stretching and forming of our circle friend. We do wonder though, is there an underlying message? I suppose we’ll never know. Either way, readers of all ages will enjoy “The Roly Poly Square”!

I have very few, if no, pieces of criticism about “The Roly Poly Square”. I do suggest, though, that Miss Fishing should take a bit more time with her colourations, and possibly think about talking to a graphic designer (such as her sister), about excellent colour combinations that will make her art pop.

From a brief conversation with Miss Fishing about her story, I gathered some inside information. She says that the reason that the square transforms into a circle with the ability to roll is because of a purple circle that, apparently, flattened it. This purple circle is pictured in all of the frames.

So, what do you think? What is your review of “The Roly Poly Square”? My overall rating of it is a ten out of ten! It’s amazing! And one more thing - do YOU think that there’s an underlying message in the comic? If so, what about?


SWC July 2022

You arrive at the exact intersection you were told to. But this just can’t be right. You check the scrap of paper again, and you got it right. But you are looking for a press, not a…crime scene? The entire intersection is blocked off with yellow police ‘crime scene do not cross’ tape. You walk around the border, to find some other people who are wearing identical white uniforms and are holding clipboards. They bombard you and you stutter,
“W-wait what!? What’s going on?” They stop talking rapid-fire, and introduce themselves.
“I’m Addie, this is Blush and Aleia.” You introduce yourself and they hand you some supplies.
“Welcome to the non fiction cabin, and your very first writing assignment.'' Addie says, gesturing to the crime scene.

7-24-22 – 164 Words – 200 pts
The wind is howling. It’s far too cold
I shiver in my thin shirt as a gust blows by
The wind has an earthy scent, from the thunderstorms nearby
I feel as if I’m floating, blues and yellows crowds my vision
It trickles down my chin, red and sticky

I can’t do this, I just can’t
I can’t stay awake
If I just lie down and go to sleep
this will all be a dream

A clap of thunder in the distance
It's all too loud

It all surrounds me, as if forcing me to give way
Give way to the storm
Let it take me

I can’t do this, I just can’t
I can’t stay awake
If I just lie down and go to sleep
this will all be a dream

I finally relent
Letting go
Letting go of consciousness
Letting go of reality
I fall, for the ground catches me
Until all that is left is my unconscious form

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