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[NOW HIRING] ODST ASSAULT: A Halo Fan Game - Official Discussion Forum

ODST Assault


ODST ASSAULT is a 2D Game that plans on pushing the scratch engine to its limits to create a fun game representative of what the fans want. There will be weapon and armor customization(purely cosmetic) and Plenty of gamemodes. There will also be a handful of maps at launch. Besides that, there are 2-3 Offline modes, which includes: Campaign, Firefight, and (if we have time)Bots. Knowledge of Halo Lore and Artstyle, or just being a Halo fan is recommended, but is not required. Skills we need mostly include:
-Other, If you can think of any other skills

If you would like to join, please use the prompt below:
Username: (include test accounts)
activity: (1-10)
Background: (what have you created, what collabs have you been In)
Example: (links to your background)
Why You?: (Why should we hire you?)
department: (Art, Animation, Code, Marketing, Etc.)
What can you bring to the collab?:
are you following this topic?:

Studio Link

Plan for ODST Assault 2D

Continuing the synopsis, The general gameplay is inspired by previous Halos, making a fun and balanced experience. The games that we will be taking inspiration from are:

-Halo Reach
-Halo 3
-Halo 3 ODST

These are cutscenes, but they ground the art style and theme we want in the game and campaign.


The Store is a place where you can buy weapon models/skins, Armor Coatings(Patterns on your armor), and some other cosmetic items. Armor is in a separate area of the store, which is the permanent store. Prices will never change, and this pretty much works as the progression system of the game.

The Map Editor/Forge is an open source map-maker that we will be making maps for both campaign and multiplayer. More Details can be found in the project
Last but not least the currency of our game, or just cR(Credits). you'll be able to earn money by playing matches, playing Firefight, completing challenges, and if we feel like giving the players something.
We will not be using copy and paste logins instead will have server that will store everybody's information. the server will be online 24/7 and will store everybody's progress on the game, and will hold the content of the store. However, if anyone has any better ideas, please speak up.

Release Date is not decided, we will decide when the time is right. Advanced Lighting and Graphics will be done if there are resources and time.


Once again, our main inspirations are:

-Halo Reach
-Halo 3
-Halo 3 ODST


The Story revolves around a 6-man ODST Fireteam, Tasked with investigating the mysterious disappearance of a research facility on the planet Grathos. When landing, they are forcibly separated by a mysterious laser, which is eventually revealed to be the Storm Covenant. Once finished regrouping, they encounter some grunts while walking through the forest. Eventually, they find an oddly deserted Innie camp, with most of it's troops either dead or hiding. They find some survivors, and they reveal that the Covenant are on the planet. The main character, Kurt, tells the innies that they need to fight the covenant. After this, they leave, assuming that it was the covenant which caused the research facility to go down. And since their Radioman was shot down, they need other ways to get out, which comes in the form of a Space Elevator in the city of New Sanchez. On the way, they find said research facility, and their leader has a bad feeling. On the inside, insane scientists shoot at them, but are shot down with ease. Eventually, they find that this building was a laboratory for Project Olympia, a Super Soldier program that ONI was planning using flood, but a mysterious accident caused everything to fall apart. But before they can leave, the doors close, and a figure comes out of the dark. An Olympian. Boss fight, then they continue on. They encounter more Covenant on their way to New Sanchez, and cool music plays as you fight your way through hordes of covies. But of course, this comes at a cost, and one of their teammates, Jason, dies(by the leader's hands, since Jason would have died a slow death otherwise). They find a forerunner artifact(which the covenant was looking for), and leave. When they arrive at New Sanchez, a somber piano plays in the background, and you go through and fight covies. Characters are fleshed out more through their journey. They see a statue of the master chief, and Kurt’s trauma is explained, and the group keeps moving. Finally, the sun is rising, and the space elevator is in view, although it is still very far. An olympian arrives, but not a normal one. It's armor is partially ripped off, revealing a fleshy inside. They fight it, but Rick dies. Kurt lashes out in rage at the olympian, grabbing his hammer and crushing his head with it. In the battle, the forerunner artifact is destroyed, which actually was a power supply for the systems of the planet. The planet breaks apart, revealing it’s forerunner interiors, Warthog run and then they speed. Kurt talks with the other character and they are fleshed out.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


Founder: light_cloud
Studio: Blamite Studios
Leads: CRUSH3R101, Datossboi
Lead: Vikkcd
Lead: CRUSH3R101 and DaTossBoi
Lead: MatJam
Lead: Cheatcodeman
Public Relations

Level One Priority Tasks:

-Fix Forge Exporting/Importing Glitches(Coders)
-Implement Armor Customization System(Coders, Animators)
-Draw Forge Objects: Forerunner Doors, Forerunner Walls, Forerunner Pillars, Forerunner Symbols, City Building Walls, Skyscrapers, Grapple Stations.(Art)
-Start Interpolating old Animations from the My Anims Project, as well as change them into the new hands.(Art, Animation)

Level Two Priority Tasks:

-Draw New Armor(Art)
-Finish Drawing Jackal and Hunter art.
-Start coming up with AI(Coders, Animators(Because implementing certain behaviors could also have some movement as well))

How to pick a task:

Choose a task from the tasks section then reply with this form:
Task(s) chosen:
Deadline (If not filled out default will be 2 weeks):
If multiple tasks, which is the highest priority?:

When you are done with the task(s), post the link to the project in this forum.

Last edited by CRUSH3R101 (June 17, 2022 19:27:17)

1000+ posts

[NOW HIRING] ODST ASSAULT: A Halo Fan Game - Official Discussion Forum

1000+ posts

[NOW HIRING] ODST ASSAULT: A Halo Fan Game - Official Discussion Forum

cheatcodeman wrote:

no me
500+ posts

[NOW HIRING] ODST ASSAULT: A Halo Fan Game - Official Discussion Forum

100+ posts

[NOW HIRING] ODST ASSAULT: A Halo Fan Game - Official Discussion Forum

CRUSH3R101 wrote:

cheatcodeman wrote:

no me
no cheat was first you just posted the … yah you where first
500+ posts

[NOW HIRING] ODST ASSAULT: A Halo Fan Game - Official Discussion Forum

I'm claiming my spot on the first page of the new forum
1000+ posts

[NOW HIRING] ODST ASSAULT: A Halo Fan Game - Official Discussion Forum

Well thankfully it's not going to take 3 bajillion years to update the forum every time we send a message.
1000+ posts

[NOW HIRING] ODST ASSAULT: A Halo Fan Game - Official Discussion Forum

8th C:
1000+ posts

[NOW HIRING] ODST ASSAULT: A Halo Fan Game - Official Discussion Forum

Tasks, sir Crusher?
1000+ posts

[NOW HIRING] ODST ASSAULT: A Halo Fan Game - Official Discussion Forum

cheatcodeman wrote:

Tasks, sir Crusher?
just updated the project.
1000+ posts

[NOW HIRING] ODST ASSAULT: A Halo Fan Game - Official Discussion Forum

CRUSH3R101 wrote:

cheatcodeman wrote:

Tasks, sir Crusher?
just updated the project.
1000+ posts

[NOW HIRING] ODST ASSAULT: A Halo Fan Game - Official Discussion Forum

cheatcodeman wrote:

CRUSH3R101 wrote:

cheatcodeman wrote:

Tasks, sir Crusher?
just updated the project.
i meant post.
first one
1000+ posts

[NOW HIRING] ODST ASSAULT: A Halo Fan Game - Official Discussion Forum

@everyone Choose a task from the tasks section on the first post please.

Then reply with this form:
Task(s) chosen:
Deadline (If not filled out default will be 2 weeks):
If multiple tasks, which is the highest priority?:

When you are done with the task(s), post the link to the project in this forum.
Good day.
100+ posts

[NOW HIRING] ODST ASSAULT: A Halo Fan Game - Official Discussion Forum

Department: Coding Art etc
Task chosen: what ever you need me to do
Deadline deadlines make me anxious so no deadlines
If multiple tasks, which is the highest priority?: what ever the team need done most
Other: i like pasta
1000+ posts

[NOW HIRING] ODST ASSAULT: A Halo Fan Game - Official Discussion Forum

MBP117 wrote:

Department: Coding Art etc
Task chosen: what ever you need me to do
Deadline deadlines make me anxious so no deadlines
If multiple tasks, which is the highest priority?: what ever the team need done most
Other: i like pasta
Bro pick a task from the tasks section in the first post.
100+ posts

[NOW HIRING] ODST ASSAULT: A Halo Fan Game - Official Discussion Forum

cheatcodeman wrote:

MBP117 wrote:

Department: Coding Art etc
Task chosen: what ever you need me to do
Deadline deadlines make me anxious so no deadlines
If multiple tasks, which is the highest priority?: what ever the team need done most
Other: i like pasta
Bro pick a task from the tasks section in the first post.
… just tell me what you need what ever is the highest priority to the team i will do it
1000+ posts

[NOW HIRING] ODST ASSAULT: A Halo Fan Game - Official Discussion Forum

MBP117 wrote:

cheatcodeman wrote:

MBP117 wrote:

Department: Coding Art etc
Task chosen: what ever you need me to do
Deadline deadlines make me anxious so no deadlines
If multiple tasks, which is the highest priority?: what ever the team need done most
Other: i like pasta
Bro pick a task from the tasks section in the first post.
… just tell me what you need what ever is the highest priority to the team i will do it
You think you can handle implementing the armor customization into the menu?
1000+ posts

[NOW HIRING] ODST ASSAULT: A Halo Fan Game - Official Discussion Forum

cheatcodeman wrote:

MBP117 wrote:

cheatcodeman wrote:

MBP117 wrote:

Department: Coding Art etc
Task chosen: what ever you need me to do
Deadline deadlines make me anxious so no deadlines
If multiple tasks, which is the highest priority?: what ever the team need done most
Other: i like pasta
Bro pick a task from the tasks section in the first post.
… just tell me what you need what ever is the highest priority to the team i will do it
You think you can handle implementing the armor customization into the menu?
Oh yeah, let me explain this.
So the 5 Armor Customization items(not including colors) include Helmets, Helmet Att. , Chest, Shoulders, and Chest Att. So, the way this will attach is that there will be a separate option in the menu, where you will change your armor just like the armor customization project. Then, in gameplay, The game will check which armor configurations you chose, and will make the armor pieces “go” to the player sprite. For the head and shoulder rotations, You're going to have to match it up with the jump animations and slide animations very closely. I could probably do this by July 10th, just without cloud implementation, rather purely just your own character.
1000+ posts

[NOW HIRING] ODST ASSAULT: A Halo Fan Game - Official Discussion Forum

CRUSH3R101 wrote:

cheatcodeman wrote:

MBP117 wrote:

cheatcodeman wrote:

MBP117 wrote:

Department: Coding Art etc
Task chosen: what ever you need me to do
Deadline deadlines make me anxious so no deadlines
If multiple tasks, which is the highest priority?: what ever the team need done most
Other: i like pasta
Bro pick a task from the tasks section in the first post.
… just tell me what you need what ever is the highest priority to the team i will do it
You think you can handle implementing the armor customization into the menu?
Oh yeah, let me explain this.
So the 5 Armor Customization items(not including colors) include Helmets, Helmet Att. , Chest, Shoulders, and Chest Att. So, the way this will attach is that there will be a separate option in the menu, where you will change your armor just like the armor customization project. Then, in gameplay, The game will check which armor configurations you chose, and will make the armor pieces “go” to the player sprite. For the head and shoulder rotations, You're going to have to match it up with the jump animations and slide animations very closely. I could probably do this by July 10th, just without cloud implementation, rather purely just your own character.
Also, they need to have two costumes, one is mirrored horizontally.

(I think this might be too hard for him)
1000+ posts

[NOW HIRING] ODST ASSAULT: A Halo Fan Game - Official Discussion Forum

cheatcodeman wrote:

CRUSH3R101 wrote:

cheatcodeman wrote:

MBP117 wrote:

cheatcodeman wrote:

MBP117 wrote:

Department: Coding Art etc
Task chosen: what ever you need me to do
Deadline deadlines make me anxious so no deadlines
If multiple tasks, which is the highest priority?: what ever the team need done most
Other: i like pasta
Bro pick a task from the tasks section in the first post.
… just tell me what you need what ever is the highest priority to the team i will do it
You think you can handle implementing the armor customization into the menu?
Oh yeah, let me explain this.
So the 5 Armor Customization items(not including colors) include Helmets, Helmet Att. , Chest, Shoulders, and Chest Att. So, the way this will attach is that there will be a separate option in the menu, where you will change your armor just like the armor customization project. Then, in gameplay, The game will check which armor configurations you chose, and will make the armor pieces “go” to the player sprite. For the head and shoulder rotations, You're going to have to match it up with the jump animations and slide animations very closely. I could probably do this by July 10th, just without cloud implementation, rather purely just your own character.
Also, they need to have two costumes, one is mirrored horizontally.

(I think this might be too hard for him)
dont worry, already working on it.

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