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  • » GRAND OPENING! ❆ Snowy Shop ❆ We get your order done, whatever the weather! ❆ Order Today ❆ Now looking for partners! [RSS Feed]
100+ posts

GRAND OPENING! ❆ Snowy Shop ❆ We get your order done, whatever the weather! ❆ Order Today ❆ Now looking for partners!

Welcome to Snowy Shop

We are a small shop that was created by iidonut- that has been here, on scratch since 16/5/22. Our goal is to provide shop templates and your shop needs for you to have a good successful shop. Please order, apply, partner and review today!

Pre-made templates
Staff & BoD
Partnership and Federations

BBcode by iidonut-
Banner by faeriie–
Inspiration by Shop for shops (Jolia)

Last edited by iidonut- (June 17, 2022 12:06:12)

100+ posts

GRAND OPENING! ❆ Snowy Shop ❆ We get your order done, whatever the weather! ❆ Order Today ❆ Now looking for partners!

Home Packages Pre-made templates Forms Rules Staff and BoD Resources History Partnership and Federation

Beginner's Pack (Code A1)
New to scratch? Want to make a shop? Don't know how? That's fine! Order this pack to get a shop as beautiful as you want!

This pack includes: BBcode for a shop template of your dreams, A beautiful banner and a bump banner!

Ready-Made Shop Template (Code B2)
You give us the name and banners and we'll give you the full shop template!

Half-Ready Made Shop (Code C3)
You provide the theme and we will give you the basic shop template without the name or banners so you can fill in the blanks.
For any of you who like to get involved in shop-making!

Shop Idea Package (Code D4)
We will give you the ideas for the main banner, bump banner and shop name. Optionally give a theme for this package.

Design Package (Code E5)
Optionally, give us a theme and we will create a main shop banner, bump banner, studio thumbnail and up to 5 thumbnails!

Shop Idea Package (Code F6)
Optionally give us a theme and we will supply the shop motto, name, main + bump banner and shop colours.

Last edited by iidonut- (May 16, 2022 18:03:29)

100+ posts

GRAND OPENING! ❆ Snowy Shop ❆ We get your order done, whatever the weather! ❆ Order Today ❆ Now looking for partners!

Home Packages Pre-made templates Forms Rules Staff and BoD Resources History Partnership and Federation

Reserved For Templates

Last edited by iidonut- (May 16, 2022 18:03:57)

100+ posts

GRAND OPENING! ❆ Snowy Shop ❆ We get your order done, whatever the weather! ❆ Order Today ❆ Now looking for partners!

Home Packages Pre-made templates Forms Rules Staff and BoD Resources History Partnership and Federation


Order A Product
Username ➳
Product you want ➳
Who would you like to do it ➳
Deadline ➳
Links/Images ➳
Where should we notify you ➳
Other ➳
Order A Package
Username ➳
Package you require + code ➳
Who would you like to do it ➳
Deadline ➳
Description ➳
Theme ➳
Links/Images ➳
Where should we notify you ➳
Other ➳
Review you order
Username ➳
Who took your order ➳
What you liked ➳
What could be improved ➳
Quote for the front page ➳
Staff application form
Username/alts that you will use ➳
Products you'd make ➳
Examples (1 per product) ➳
Have you had any previous shop experience ➳
Nickname ➳
Why should we choose you ➳
Other ➳
Staff break/leaving form
Username ➳
Leaving date (DD/MM/YY)
Date you will be returning (If you will) (DD/MM/YY)
Other ➳
Partnership form
Username ➳
Shop name ➳
Shop link ➳
Shop banner ➳
Are you the owner ➳
If not show proof that the owner lets you ➳

Last edited by iidonut- (May 16, 2022 18:04:13)

100+ posts

GRAND OPENING! ❆ Snowy Shop ❆ We get your order done, whatever the weather! ❆ Order Today ❆ Now looking for partners!

Home Packages Pre-made templates Forms Rules Staff and BoD Resources History Partnership and Federation
Customer rules
➳ All products must have a deadline of 2+ days
➳ All packages must have a deadline of 7+ days
➳ Be patient with your order, do not hassle the staff member. You can, of course, politely ask for a check on the progress of your order
➳ Bump your order if it has not be taken within 2 days but do not do it excessively
➳ No spamming, advertising or any unrelated posts
➳Always follow the Scratch Community Guidelines
Staff Rules
➳ Only take orders that you feel like you can complete in that amount of time
➳ If you have taken an order and you can't do it let a staff member know ASAP
➳ Only bump if you think you should
➳ Do not spam the post with advertisements, unnecessary posts or bumps, you may receive a strike
➳ If fired you can re-apply after 10 days
➳ Always follow the Scratch Community Guidelines
➳ Do not be rude, you will receive a strike
➳ 1 strike = warning, 2 strikes = removed from BoD, 3 strikes = fired
*=1 strike
/=On break

Last edited by iidonut- (May 16, 2022 18:01:09)

100+ posts

GRAND OPENING! ❆ Snowy Shop ❆ We get your order done, whatever the weather! ❆ Order Today ❆ Now looking for partners!

Home Packages Pre-made templates Forms Rules Staff and BoD Resources History Partnership and Federation
Board of Directors
Manager ➳ iidonut-
Full control of the shop

Co-owner ➳ Vacant
Helps manager and takes over when manager is away, can not close the shop unless it is on one of the closing days

Secretary ➳ Vacant
In charge of bumping and activity checks

Co-secretary ➳ Vacant
Helps secretary and takes over if away

All Staff
➳ Donut (iidonut-)
➳ Bee (faeriie/faeriie-orders)
On Break

Last edited by iidonut- (May 17, 2022 06:12:45)

100+ posts

GRAND OPENING! ❆ Snowy Shop ❆ We get your order done, whatever the weather! ❆ Order Today ❆ Now looking for partners!

Home Packages Pre-made template Forms Rules Staff and BoD Resources History Partnership and Federation
Shop banner
Shop bump banner
Shop template shop banner
Staff notice banner
Activity check
Activity Check!

Not responded


Last edited by iidonut- (May 16, 2022 18:02:38)

100+ posts

GRAND OPENING! ❆ Snowy Shop ❆ We get your order done, whatever the weather! ❆ Order Today ❆ Now looking for partners!

Home Packages Pre-made templates Forms Rules Staff and BoD Resources History Partnership and Federation
History of the shop
Opened on 16/5/22
Important dates
16th - Shops birthday
20th June - Next BoD voting

Last edited by iidonut- (June 17, 2022 12:07:02)

100+ posts

GRAND OPENING! ❆ Snowy Shop ❆ We get your order done, whatever the weather! ❆ Order Today ❆ Now looking for partners!

Home Packages Pre-made templates Forms Rules Staff and BoD Resources History Partnership and Federation
Partners and Federations

Raikous Rating's

The Piano Shop
Scratch's Habbit
None Yet, Be The First!

Last edited by iidonut- (June 20, 2022 14:24:48)

100+ posts

GRAND OPENING! ❆ Snowy Shop ❆ We get your order done, whatever the weather! ❆ Order Today ❆ Now looking for partners!

100+ posts

GRAND OPENING! ❆ Snowy Shop ❆ We get your order done, whatever the weather! ❆ Order Today ❆ Now looking for partners!

Username/alts that you will use ➳ @faeriie– and @faeriie-orders
Products you'd make ➳ I can basically do most things. Graphic design, art, coding, BBcode, etc.
Examples (1 per product) ➳ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/681717332/
Have you had any previous shop experience ➳ See the above project.
Nickname ➳ Bee
Why should we choose you ➳ I am hardworking and I complete orders quickly.
Other ➳ That's all.

100+ posts

GRAND OPENING! ❆ Snowy Shop ❆ We get your order done, whatever the weather! ❆ Order Today ❆ Now looking for partners!

faeriie-- wrote:

Username/alts that you will use ➳ @faeriie– and @faeriie-orders
Products you'd make ➳ I can basically do most things. Graphic design, art, coding, BBcode, etc.
Examples (1 per product) ➳ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/681717332/
Have you had any previous shop experience ➳ See the above project.
Nickname ➳ Bee
Why should we choose you ➳ I am hardworking and I complete orders quickly.
Other ➳ That's all.
Accepted! Welcome to Snowy Store, I will add you to the page now!

100+ posts

GRAND OPENING! ❆ Snowy Shop ❆ We get your order done, whatever the weather! ❆ Order Today ❆ Now looking for partners!

100+ posts

GRAND OPENING! ❆ Snowy Shop ❆ We get your order done, whatever the weather! ❆ Order Today ❆ Now looking for partners!

Last edited by faeriie-- (May 24, 2022 16:49:38)

100+ posts

GRAND OPENING! ❆ Snowy Shop ❆ We get your order done, whatever the weather! ❆ Order Today ❆ Now looking for partners!

500+ posts

GRAND OPENING! ❆ Snowy Shop ❆ We get your order done, whatever the weather! ❆ Order Today ❆ Now looking for partners!

Username ➳ Sobble_Squad_425
Shop name ➳ Raikous Rating's
Shop link ➳ https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/607105/?page=1#post-6333793
Shop banner ➳ it is not hosted yet but here are all my banners Banners
Are you the owner ➳ yes
If not show proof that the owner lets you ➳

100+ posts

GRAND OPENING! ❆ Snowy Shop ❆ We get your order done, whatever the weather! ❆ Order Today ❆ Now looking for partners!

Sobble_Squad_425 wrote:

Username ➳ Sobble_Squad_425
Shop name ➳ Raikous Rating's
Shop link ➳ https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/607105/?page=1#post-6333793
Shop banner ➳ it is not hosted yet but here are all my banners Banners
Are you the owner ➳ yes
If not show proof that the owner lets you ➳
Accepted! Before I add you to the page I will need a banner so please get it hosted soon

500+ posts

GRAND OPENING! ❆ Snowy Shop ❆ We get your order done, whatever the weather! ❆ Order Today ❆ Now looking for partners!

iidonut- wrote:

Sobble_Squad_425 wrote:

Username ➳ Sobble_Squad_425
Shop name ➳ Raikous Rating's
Shop link ➳ https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/607105/?page=1#post-6333793
Shop banner ➳ it is not hosted yet but here are all my banners Banners
Are you the owner ➳ yes
If not show proof that the owner lets you ➳
Accepted! Before I add you to the page I will need a banner so please get it hosted soon
I placed an order at the image hosting shop so it should be ready soon

500+ posts

GRAND OPENING! ❆ Snowy Shop ❆ We get your order done, whatever the weather! ❆ Order Today ❆ Now looking for partners!

Service/s you require*: B2
Deadline*: 2 weeks
Who you'd like to do it:
Description*: Main shop banner- gradient green/gold background (like this background, if you can't do that it's fine) and a eagle
• BUMP banner- gradient green/gold background
• Heading banners: About, Forms, Orders, Portfolio, Staff, Partners, Federations, History, Rules with a different green/gold background
Important links/images: https://images.theconversation.com/files/414508/original/file-20210804-17-1qovgvx.jpg?ixlib=rb-1.1.0&q=45&auto=format&w=1000&fit=clip (headings) https://www.chathamnewsrecord.com/uploads/original/20200107-180154-INS_EAGLE_02_010920.jpg (banners) https://img.atlasobscura.com/ipk4dDk4PVfZmiJBozP4Nor5GfRBG4ncMfNMU31ewsQ/rs:fill:12000:12000/q:81/sm:1/scp:1/ar:1/aHR0cHM6Ly9hdGxh/cy1kZXYuczMuYW1h/em9uYXdzLmNvbS91/cGxvYWRzL2Fzc2V0/cy83OWI5ZmViYjgz/ZDBmNjMyYmFfQmFs/ZF9FYWdsZV9Qb3J0/cmFpdC5qcGc.jpg (bumps) https://images.pexels.com/photos/53581/bald-eagles-bald-eagle-bird-of-prey-adler-53581.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=pexels-pixabay-53581.jpg&fm=jpg ( little member thingy)
Where to notify*: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/31511920/comments my profile, or https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/597724/?page=1

Last edited by FlameWol (May 25, 2022 18:56:08)

This Line means this is my signature! Highlight-Shift-Down to see the shops and banners I have acquired in a sense, I work at some of them!

FlameWol's Quote of the month; Bro go watch Frieren after Journey End, It's Peak.

FlameWol, Secretary of ✿ Bee's Boutique ✿ currently moving to a 2.0

100+ posts

GRAND OPENING! ❆ Snowy Shop ❆ We get your order done, whatever the weather! ❆ Order Today ❆ Now looking for partners!

Sobble_Squad_425 wrote:

iidonut- wrote:

Sobble_Squad_425 wrote:

Username ➳ Sobble_Squad_425
Shop name ➳ Raikous Rating's
Shop link ➳ https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/607105/?page=1#post-6333793
Shop banner ➳ it is not hosted yet but here are all my banners Banners
Are you the owner ➳ yes
If not show proof that the owner lets you ➳
Accepted! Before I add you to the page I will need a banner so please get it hosted soon
I placed an order at the image hosting shop so it should be ready soon
Okay, great!

  • Discussion Forums
  • » Requests
  • » GRAND OPENING! ❆ Snowy Shop ❆ We get your order done, whatever the weather! ❆ Order Today ❆ Now looking for partners! [RSS Feed]

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