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Whitelist “Сырники” (Bump streak: 2)

I am suggesting to add “Сырники” (which means “cheese pancakes”) to the whitelist of words. What if you wanted to say
я люблю сырники
and got muted, because “Сырники” contains “рники”? As far as I know, “Сырники” cannot be used to offence anyone.

Last edited by Kiska-7275 (April 20, 2022 20:11:44)

Всем здоровья и удачи :: pen cap
100+ posts

Whitelist “Сырники” (Bump streak: 2)

support, russian users likes these pancakes and must be whitelisted instead of blacklisted (i am not russian)

The LOGO Designs highlight and press CTRL + SHIFT + DOWN to see my siggy

i create logos. ——————- my profile
go to my profile to request a logo, must be letters or numbers
this is a kumquat that glows all the time
<<'-' :: #00ff00> :: #00ffee>
1000+ posts

Whitelist “Сырники” (Bump streak: 2)

[Removed because I think I was too hyperbolic and don't stand by my statement] (I also totally didn't get myself muted testing this).

Last edited by pandacorn_owl (April 21, 2022 19:20:52)

Hello I'm a human who used to be active on the forums but sometimes reappears for fun and stuff. I can't be bothered to make a cool signature right now so umm here's a smiley face
100+ posts

Whitelist “Сырники” (Bump streak: 2)

Kiska-7275 wrote:

✂ snip
because “Сырники” contains “рники”?
Is this the Scunthorpe problem striking again?

About me:

SuperMarioHome | Boy, age 11 | m a r i o | ScratchDOS


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ScratchDOS 4.0 in the works!

1000+ posts

Whitelist “Сырники” (Bump streak: 2)

SuperMarioHome wrote:

Kiska-7275 wrote:

✂ snip
because “Сырники” contains “рники”?
Is this the Scunthorpe problem striking again?
I think so.

- SomeoneOnThelnternet

| he/him | forumer | PST | 2300+ posts | joined 02/26/2017

I rarely post anymore. Should I come back?
1000+ posts

Whitelist “Сырники” (Bump streak: 2)


Всем здоровья и удачи :: pen cap
1000+ posts

Whitelist “Сырники” (Bump streak: 2)

Kiska-7275 wrote:


Всем здоровья и удачи :: pen cap
1000+ posts

Whitelist “Сырники” (Bump streak: 2)

Please only bump once per day

Holder of the same profile photo since 2020
1000+ posts

Whitelist “Сырники” (Bump streak: 2)

Jbear_ wrote:

Please only bump once per day
Or if the topic has reached the second page.

AI isn't being added to Scratch anytime soon. If you want to, you could also read this related essay, which was not made by me.
I also found the earliest mention of Scratch 4.0 on the forums.

This is my signature. It is a small piece of text that appears below
every post I make. In my signature, I can include quotes, images, and even Scratch blocks.

define k0d3rrr
coding since [2019 v] :: #f18800 // The lowest year you can select is 2007, which was when Scratch was released.
favourite Scratch version: [3.0 v]:: #f18800
second favourite Scratch version: [1.4 v]:: #f18800

And now, some words of forum wisdom (which may or may not be controversial):
“What's the point of telling people not to post on your topic, if they are still going to post on your topic anyway?” - k0d3rrr
“If you are writing a story or creating a character roleplay for a Scratch studio, shouldn't it go in either Collaboration or Show and Tell instead of Things I'm Making and Creating?” - k0d3rrr
1000+ posts

Whitelist “Сырники” (Bump streak: 2)

pandacorn_owl wrote:

I don't see why an innocent phrase should lead to a mute just because it isn't in English (I also totally didn't get myself muted testing this).
That's not the reason why it's filtered. The reason why it's filtered is likely because there is another Russian bad word inside of it.

I think it's worth bringing this up through Contact Us. There is benefit in censoring words which contain swear words, but only to an extent. In English, the Scratch Team does not censor “pass” or “shell,” for instance. I think there's a Russian-speaking Scratch Team member who would be able to take a look at this and confirm that the word indeed is not inappropriate (provided the inappropriate word inside is not too egregious).

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.

I was a Scratch Team member from May 10th 2019 to October 29th 2021. I reached 20,000 forum posts on June 24th 2024.

my notebook | scratch team essay | accessibility essay
Scratch Team
1000+ posts

Whitelist “Сырники” (Bump streak: 2)

Should be fixed now.

Scratch Team Member, kayak and pickleball enthusiast, cat caregiver.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.
(credit to Za-Chary)


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