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1000+ posts

Why was my suggestion dustbinned?

My suggestion and another question that another user made were dustbinned. My dustbinned suggestion was to shut down the Scratch website. Another dustbinned question about what the Scratch Team will do since the filterbot broke. What was the intention?
I am just so disappointed at the Scratch Team on how they handled the situation, that they didn't say why did they are technically closing the website due to a “technical issue”, they should have been more elaborate. And how they dustbinned my suggestion and that question and decided out-of-the-blue to keep it secret from us, not giving us an alert message on why our posts got deleted.

I am not surprised to see this suggestion being closed or dustbinned by a Scratch Team member and saying that I have to “uSe COntAcT uS”, they are handling my topic as they are handling the filterbot situation.

Last edited by Prime689 (April 13, 2022 15:37:25)

6'2 - they/them - canadian - teen
1000+ posts

Why was my suggestion dustbinned?

This topic presumably going to be deleted but, this is just how the Scratch Team handles situations. I believe they hide problems in order to seem decently appealing to parents.

Last edited by Scratchfangs (April 13, 2022 15:38:31)

1000+ posts

Why was my suggestion dustbinned?

I have to agree with you, the way the ST handled this problem was pretty disappointing, especially when you consider the fact that some ST members did confirm that the filter was having problems, though they said that on less popular parts of the website.

1000+ posts

Why was my suggestion dustbinned?

the scratch team hid replies to their tweet about disabling comments.

if we give them the benefit of the doubt, perhaps the filter breaking was not the reason that comments were disabled?

but if we assume the worst, the scratch team hid the replies because they told the truth, and it would be a bad look for the scratch team if parents/educators found out that the filter didn't work.

scratch team summer engineering intern
1000+ posts

Why was my suggestion dustbinned?

Yeah, this is definitely getting dustbinned.

Last edited by Scratchfangs (April 13, 2022 15:42:57)

1000+ posts

Why was my suggestion dustbinned?

Wow… Now that I see what they are doing on other websites, I'm even more disappointed in the scratch team. If they're going to be dishonest with us, I would rather like that someone else was in charge of the website, which unfortunately isn't true. Scratch team, can you please try to do better?

1000+ posts

Why was my suggestion dustbinned?

How they are addressing the situation is disappointing. There is so much confusion going on, and more stress is getting pushed on the Scratch Team by trying to hide everyone from saying what happened.

1000+ posts

Why was my suggestion dustbinned?

If we consider the different things this could've disrupted, scratchers deserve to know what happened. Even if it is just something as simple as “the filter temporarily stopped working during a glitch, and we had to quickly close comments to get it back and working again.”

25 posts

Why was my suggestion dustbinned?

ScolderCreations wrote:

If we consider the different things this could've disrupted, scratchers deserve to know what happened. Even if it is just something as simple as “the filter temporarily stopped working during a glitch, and we had to quickly close comments to get it back and working again.”
Agree, I don't think adults will take it THAT bad. If they did, at least they should appreciate that the Scratch Team worked hard and managed to fix it.

Scratch Team
1000+ posts

Why was my suggestion dustbinned?

ScolderCreations wrote:

If we consider the different things this could've disrupted, scratchers deserve to know what happened. Even if it is just something as simple as “the filter temporarily stopped working during a glitch, and we had to quickly close comments to get it back and working again.”
That's pretty much it, so far as I know.

As for why topics were removed - posting a security issue on a public forum is not a good idea as it encourages others to take advantage of it. Please use Contact Us or another private channel to let the Scratch Team know in the future.

Scratch Team Member, kayak and pickleball enthusiast, cat caregiver.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.
(credit to Za-Chary)


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