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1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

boom2ratz wrote:

boom2ratz wrote:

Iron-Animations wrote:

Matjam02 wrote:

Monsoon_Man wrote:

Matjam02 wrote:

The F4:H Credit Song Is Gonna Be Surfin' U.S.A
This great idea was Suggested By Iron.
GOTG’s using that.

back to the drawing board
Ugh. It is? Why are you using that song?

Me, in GOTG?

Because… I want to?

I said I was gonna yesterday. I edited the GOTG info post and everything.
Not even yesterday. June 19th, two or three days ago. Here
1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)


1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

HexagonWorld wrote:

1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

HexagonWorld wrote:


1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

boom2ratz wrote:

HexagonWorld wrote:


1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

HexagonWorld wrote:

boom2ratz wrote:

HexagonWorld wrote:

Now you have to wait for the sixty seconds to be up.

1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)


HexagonWorld's pitch for THE AVENGERS PROGRAM

Characters and Arcs:

Iron Man - Tony believes the Avengers are unneeded and he doesn't have to join them, he can beat anything by himself because he's Iron Man, he beat Crimson Dynamo! But when he has to fight Ultron, he realizes that he isn't the most powerful, or the strongest, but he is needed in the Avengers.

Captain America - He is nostalgic for the war he fought in. He's a man out of time who has to navigate this new world. He buries himself in books and newspapers, pouring over anything relating to WW2. He needs to realize that the war is over and he needs to move on and help people in this time period.

Thor - Thor doesn't show up for a while, but he has a small arc. It's implied or stated that Thor has been to Earth and they helped him in some capacity. He arrives on Earth to retrieve an Asgardian artifact and helps the Avengers fight Ultron. He begins to return to Asgard but then he hears Fury's speech about heroism and realizes that even though he isn't from Earth, he still has a responsibility to help it.

Hulk - After the events of The Incredible Hulk, Bruce is on the run. He is contacted by Nick Fury to be part of the Avengers. He initially refuses but accepts after Fury says that he doesn't have to go on missions. Eventually, he realizes that the Avengers need him and Hulk, and it doesn't matter if he gets arrested if the world ends.

Hawkeye - After the events of Hulk where he was forced to kill his brother, he has to deal with the fact that he had, well, killed his brother. His arc would be about dealing with his grief over the loss of his brother.

Black Widow - After it is revealed that Nick Fury has appointed her the new leader of S.H.I.E.L.D, she must step up to become a leader after Nick Fury is severely injured.

Ant-Man - He believes that because of his past as a criminal, people won't trust him as an Avenger. However, throughout the film, we see everyone's positive relationship with him as he realizes that his past does not define him.

Wasp - No clue. I'm going to wait until AP figures out her AMATW arc. Don't want to repeat an arc.

Black Panther - Initially, he refuses to help the Avengers because he needs to lead his country, not fight some evil robot. After Ultron attacked Wakanda, he becomes more open to helping the Avengers, though he still won't fight himself. Eventually, he realizes that this mentality of not intervening is what led Killmonger to attack and he helps the Avengers defeat Ultron.

Ultron - A hyper-logical robot, they were built by Hank Pym to be a “peacekeeping program designed to help humanity achieve its best self.” However, when SHIELD files are uploaded to their brain chip thing, they decide the best way to achieve their goal is to make humanity perfectly logical by turning them into robots.

Baron Zemo - He wants to conquer the world and assumes the best way to do that is by joining Ultron and then betraying them. He finds out that this doesn't work.


Nick Fury recruits Ant-Man, Wasp, Captain America, Hawkeye and Black Widow for the Avengers. He attempts to recruit`Tony but he refuses and Bruce, who refuses initially because he's on the run after The Incredible Hulk, but Fury eventually gets him to join by saying he won't need to fight anyone, just do some of the science stuff. In these scenes, we reveal that Steve was unfrozen, and that Fury had a hard time getting the Avengers program off the ground. In exchange for getting the program ready, he has to step down from leading SHIELD and chooses Natasha as his replacement. Hank Pym is recruited for a S.H.I.E.L.D project called “The Ultron Program”.

The APMU intro plays.

(Insert time here) LATER

We see Steve reading a book about WWII at a SHIELD base. We get some interactions with the other Avengers until Hank Pym enters with a mysterious robot and Nick Fury. Fury explains that it's Ultron, a “peacekeeping program designed to help humanity achieve its best self.” He says that they're going to work alongside the Avengers to protect humanity.

Tony is building a new suit, when suddenly, a Stark warehouse is attacked by a supervillain that doesn't matter. Let's call them Doctor Doom. Tony stops working on his new suit and flies off to the Stark warehouse in New York. He flies into the streets to see Doctor Doom. Tony tries to fight Doom when Ultron shows up along with the Avengers minus Bruce. Tony is just barely able to defeat Doom, and every time the Avengers try to help, Tony pushes them away.

Scene with the Avengers interacting with each other and establishing their dynamic. Shows Tony's overconfidence, Steve's nostalgia for the past, and sets up arcs in general. Pym and Fury talk as Fury gives the go-ahead to upload SHIELD files into Ultron. Pym uploads the SHIELD database into Ultron, which gives Ultron knowledge on confidential SHIELD files. Ultron disconnects, and asks Pym why humans don't make themselves perfectly logical? They have all the technology to do so. To do so would make them achieve their best self. This causes Ultron to fly off outside of the base, determined to make humanity perfectly logical. How would they do so? Turning humanity into emotionless robots. Pym rushes to the Avengers, telling them what happened. Tony attempts to leave, but is roped into helping. They go to try and find Ultron, but Hawkeye stays with Bruce to make sure nothing happens.

Ultron kidnaps Baron Zemo from Sokovia because Zemo is “logical. As close to a perfect human as possible.” They are about to go with Zemo to go to Wakanda. However, the Avengers arrive just in time to have their first big battle with Ultron. They aren't able to work as a unit, Tony keeps trying to fight Ultron without any plan, nobody's taking the lead. Ultron rips Tony's helmet off and locks the Avengers out of any Stark Industries assets and leaves for Wakanda, Zemo runs off after getting some orders from Ultron and the Avengers leave, going back to the SHIELD base. We get a short scene about Clint telling Bruce about how he feels like a monster for causing his brother's death. The Avengers come back and we get a scene with the Avengers arguing over who caused them to lose. They call Wakanda, but T'Challa refuses to help, saying that he needs to protect his kingdom. Suddenly, Ultron bursts out of the ground carrying 2 trains of vibranium. The Dora Milaje attempt to stop them, but they get away.

We see Ultron drop the trains on the ground, standing next to Zemo, who they told to go to a Stark manufacturing plant. Ultron asks if Zemo brought what they needed. Zemo shows Ultron that he did, and it's revealed to be the broken mind swap machine thing from Hulk. Ultron repairs it and they connect the vibranium to the Stark production lines. They upload plans to the assembly lines and production starts on Ultron's army. Ultron sends a few robots to Mirstone, Texas to get the C-Synth from Wolverine: Heatwave and a few to a SHIELD warehouse to get an artifact that Ultron needs. However, one robot stays as Ultron tells Zemo to get in the machine. They connect the robot to the machine and we hear Zemo's screams as we cut to the next scene.

The Avengers receive reports of multiple robots in the sky and split into 3 teams to stop them. Natasha and Scott go to the SHIELD warehouse, Clint, Steve and Tony go to the Stark manufacturing plant and Bruce and Janet go to Mirstone. Bruce goes because of character change reasons. From here, we split into 3 scenes happening simultaneously. I'll explain each of these scenes separately. However, in the film, we would cut between them.

SHIELD Warehouse - As a Quinjet arrives at the SHIELD warehouse they tracked Ultron-bots to, Natasha and Scott exit the Quinjet with SHIELD agents surrounding the warehouse. Natasha and Scott enter and we see Ultron-bots tearing the place apart, looking for something.`We get an action scene with Natasha and Scott fighting the Ultron bots. The Ultron-bots get the thing they were looking for, an Asgardian artifact. Suddenly, just as they're about to leave, a rainbow pillar comes from above, and as the pillar ascends to where it came from, we see a figure… Thor. We get a few lines of dialogue that establish Thor's personality, and that he's here to get the Asgardian artifact back. We get a fight and the Ultron-bots fly through the roof and get away. Thor is persuaded to leave with Natasha and Scott on the Quinjet.

Mirstone - Bruce and Janet arrive in Mirstone on a Quinjet. They see Ultron-bots at the police station and Janet and Bruce travel there. Action scene where Janet and Bruce, not Hulk have to fight the bots. Bruce loses badly while Janet is actually winning. However, the Ultron-bots get away with what they were looking for. The C-Synth from Wolverine: Heatwave.

Stark Industries - Tony, Clint and Steve arrive at Stark Industries, attempting to break in to find Ultron's plan. However, Tony immediately crashes through the ceiling of the facility, ignoring the plan while Clint actually tries to do spy stuff alongside Steve. Ultron notices Tony and a fight starts. Tony is losing badly. Steve sees this and runs off to save Tony from getting pummeled by Ultron and Clint is forced to run off also. We get a fight against Ultron. The 3 lose and Ultron flies off. The 3 attempt to get to the Quinjet they came in, but the robot comes, and it speaks in the voice of Baron Helmut Zemo. Zemo reveals that his mind was transferred into a robot, making him more powerful and smarter. We get another short fight scene before the robots from Mirstone arrive, restraining the 3 and putting the C-Synth into the manufacturing line, making even more robots, but this time, made of Carbonadium.

The 2 groups that lost come back to SHIELD base and we get a scene of them strategizing and planning about what to do. We get to see Thor interacting with the rest of the group. Hank Pym reveals that the way to stop the robots is to destroy a central chip in their head. Suddenly, Ultron attacks.

Back to Stark Industries, Zemo taunts the 3 heroes, saying that they've already lost and just kind of telling them what arcs they need to go through, but phrasing it negatively. The 3 manage to escape and get on the Quinjet, but not without a bunch of robots and Zemo following.

The Avengers at SHIELD are fighting Ultron when suddenly, the Quinjet crashes outside and the 3 Avengers come rushing in. We get a few lines of dialogue about introducing Thor while the Avengers are fighting an army of robots when the robots from the SHIELD warehouse arrive with the Asgardian artifact. We find out that Ultron made themselves a new body out of Vibranium. Thor rushes for the artifact and almost gets it, but doesn't. Suddenly, Ultron severely injures Fury, shuts down SHIELD communication, erases SHIELD files and flies off.

We see Ultron-bots landing all around the world, and a few cameos from other superheroes fighting them. Ultron's vision is about to be realized.

The Avengers are in a panic, attempting to save Fury. Natasha contacts Wakanda, since it's the only place that isn't swarming with Ultron-bots. They get in a Quinjet and fly to Wakanda. However, surprise, surprise, a bunch of robots are chasing them…

We get a fun chase scene and the Avengers manage to get into Wakanda without the robots getting in because of the big Wakanda dome thing. They bring Fury to the operating room and the Avengers stay in Wakanda to do character development stuff, since if they open up Wakanda again, the robots will get in.

Some character development scenes happen, Natasha tries to establish contact with SHIELD, Thor tries to leave, but Fury (No longer bleeding out) gives the whole “There was an idea” speech and convinces Thor to stay and the Avengers figure out Ultron's plan.

Ultron is going to try and use the power of Wakanda to power the machine from Hulk combined with the Asgardian artifact, meaning that all of humanity would become robots, just like Zemo. Suddenly, the robots come through, as they've siphoned the power from the dome thing. Now, the Avengers have to make one final stand… for the fate of humanity.

The Avengers (Steve, Tony, Thor, Natasha, Clint, T'Challa, Janet, Scott, Bruce) rush to the outskirts of Wakanda and see Ultron's giant army of robots marching into Wakanda. Steve says Avengers Assemble and we get the final fight. Ultron's robots fly into space with the Asgardian artifact. Thor follows them into space and starts attacking them. We get a cool fight on Earth as the Avengers are battling Ultron's army. Bruce turns into Hulk and Natasha manages to establish contact with SHIELD agents again and tells them to destroy a chip in the robots heads. Thor gets the artifact and destroys it with Mjolnir. He lands on Earth again… but so do the robots.

Ultron says that if they can't make everyone logical, they'll just take it one step at a time. The robots continue to march towards the place in Wakanda with a lot of power. The circle shot from the MCU happens and the battle continues, interspersed with shots of SHIELD agents destroying Carbonadium robots. (All the vibranium ones are in Wakanda.) Ultron has Tony pinned to the ground and is about to kill him when Zemo steps in and tries to stop Ultron, but Ultron wins the short battle and Zemo flies away. This gives the Avengers the opportunity to defeat Ultron and stop his plan.

The Avengers return to America (sans T'Challa) and General Ross arrives to arrest Bruce, however, the Avengers tell him no extremely threateningly and he doesn't arrest Bruce.

Tony and the rest of the Avengers (again, sans T'Challa) are in the broken Stark Industries factory. Tony says that since SHIELD has stopped the Avengers Program, he can turn this into a new, private base. The Avengers go off to deal with some threat, Tony in his suit from the beginning and we see a folder on a table labeled “The Avengers Program”. Cut to logo.

Mid-Credits Scene: Zemo transfers his consciousness back into his body, but his face is now scarred and mangled. He puts on the purple mask and utters one word. Revenge.

Post-Credits Scene: Tony suggests that to get SHIELD information back, they use the chip of an Ultron-bot to create a new robot, setting up Vision.


- If Zemo ever seems out of character here, it's because I… made him Obadiah Stane originally. I have no clue why I did this, but any characterization issues will be fixed in the final story.
- The story will be extended and more character moments will be added. The character focused scenes will be longer, I just didn't have the time in this pitch.

Sequel Plans:

Avengers: The Way of Water - Zemo assembles the Masters of Evil, who are out for revenge. Each member has a skill set that is useful in taking down a specific Avenger. Throughout Phase 2, different villains are recruited by Zemo to join the MOE. Taskmaster MUST join the MOE and die, no matter who's making it. This is non-negotiable.

The Avengers and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Civil War. Yeah, I just stole Matjam's plan.

Avengers: On Stranger Tides - The first movie in the duology adapting Infinity Gauntlet

Avengers: The Empire Strikes Back - The second movie in the duology adapting Infinity Gauntlet

So that's my pitch. I will now disappear as I assume Matjam is still winning. If there's any feedback you have for this pitch, please tell me.

Last edited by HexagonWorld (June 22, 2022 18:12:55)

1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

HexagonWorld wrote:

This is going to be exciting. All that's left is Monsoon's IG, Pixel's other pitches, and I'm not sure if anyone else is pitching.

1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

HexagonWorld wrote:

The Avengers and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Civil War. Yeah, I just stole Matjam's plan.

Avengers: On Stranger Tides - The first movie in the duology adapting Infinity Gauntlet

Avengers: The Empire Strikes Back - The second movie in the duology adapting Infinity Gauntlet

So that's my pitch. I will now disappear as I assume Matjam is still winning. If there's any feedback you have for this pitch, please tell me.
well, well…
1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

macandcheeseking wrote:

HexagonWorld wrote:

The Avengers and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Civil War. Yeah, I just stole Matjam's plan.

Avengers: On Stranger Tides - The first movie in the duology adapting Infinity Gauntlet

Avengers: The Empire Strikes Back - The second movie in the duology adapting Infinity Gauntlet

So that's my pitch. I will now disappear as I assume Matjam is still winning. If there's any feedback you have for this pitch, please tell me.
well, well…

1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

HexagonWorld wrote:

macandcheeseking wrote:

HexagonWorld wrote:

The Avengers and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Civil War. Yeah, I just stole Matjam's plan.

Avengers: On Stranger Tides - The first movie in the duology adapting Infinity Gauntlet

Avengers: The Empire Strikes Back - The second movie in the duology adapting Infinity Gauntlet

So that's my pitch. I will now disappear as I assume Matjam is still winning. If there's any feedback you have for this pitch, please tell me.
well, well…
those are star wars, harry potter and pirates of the Caribbean references
1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

AnimatorsParadise wrote:

HexagonWorld wrote:

This is going to be exciting. All that's left is Monsoon's IG, Pixel's other pitches, and I'm not sure if anyone else is pitching.
After pixel’s pitches you can pick, I won’t be doing my IG pitch until after the Avengers pitch is selected. I’m also very early into the development stages of mine.

“Nothing in life is promised except death. Know your worth!” - The Old Kanye
1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

macandcheeseking wrote:

HexagonWorld wrote:

macandcheeseking wrote:

HexagonWorld wrote:

The Avengers and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Civil War. Yeah, I just stole Matjam's plan.

Avengers: On Stranger Tides - The first movie in the duology adapting Infinity Gauntlet

Avengers: The Empire Strikes Back - The second movie in the duology adapting Infinity Gauntlet

So that's my pitch. I will now disappear as I assume Matjam is still winning. If there's any feedback you have for this pitch, please tell me.
well, well…
those are star wars, harry potter and pirates of the Caribbean references
And the Way of Water is Avatar 2.

“Nothing in life is promised except death. Know your worth!” - The Old Kanye
1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

Monsoon_Man wrote:

macandcheeseking wrote:

HexagonWorld wrote:

macandcheeseking wrote:

HexagonWorld wrote:

The Avengers and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Civil War. Yeah, I just stole Matjam's plan.

Avengers: On Stranger Tides - The first movie in the duology adapting Infinity Gauntlet

Avengers: The Empire Strikes Back - The second movie in the duology adapting Infinity Gauntlet

So that's my pitch. I will now disappear as I assume Matjam is still winning. If there's any feedback you have for this pitch, please tell me.
well, well…
those are star wars, harry potter and pirates of the Caribbean references
And the Way of Water is Avatar 2.
1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

HexagonWorld wrote:


HexagonWorld's pitch for THE AVENGERS PROJECT
Wow, this is really good! It's my favorite Avengers pitch so far, honestly. Also, those titles at the end are jokes, right?


Each team that competes can have no interaction between their members. If you want to join, go here:

Codey9 | Critical thinker | INTJ | Screenwriter, Artist, and Game Maker
I could sell my house and move out to L.A.
Get inside of rooms with the biggest of names
Hire fifty people just to give me advice
On the way I should write
Oh God!
Sounds like a nightmare, if you ask me!

1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

Great pitch, Hex! The only feedback I have is Zemo is kind of useless here, I'd just have him in the post-credits scene and then the main villain in 2.

Also, just making sure you knew, but Omega is locked up in The Raft, not the Mirstone station. The C-synth could be there, but just saying, Omega Red can't appear (if you didn't already know that).

1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

Codey9 wrote:

HexagonWorld wrote:


HexagonWorld's pitch for THE AVENGERS PROJECT
Wow, this is really good! It's my favorite Avengers pitch so far, honestly. Also, those titles at the end are jokes, right?
Yeah, it's because Way of the Water is the second in a film franchise (sequel), Prisoner of Azkaban is the third (threequel), On Stranger Tides is the fourth in a franchise, and EBS is supposedly the fifth in a franchise (I'd consider it second but yeah).

I am overthinking this joke.

1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

boom2ratz wrote:

Great pitch, Hex! The only feedback I have is Zemo is kind of useless here, I'd just have him in the post-credits scene and then the main villain in 2.

Also, just making sure you knew, but Omega is locked up in The Raft, not the Mirstone station. The C-synth could be there, but just saying, Omega Red can't appear (if you didn't already know that).
Yeah, I wasn't planning for OR to show up. When did I imply that?

Yeah, I do feel like he didn't really serve a purpose here, but I liked Matjam's idea of Zemo being in the first 3 films so I stole it. MWA HA HA!

1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

Codey9 wrote:

HexagonWorld wrote:


HexagonWorld's pitch for THE AVENGERS PROJECT
Wow, this is really good! It's my favorite Avengers pitch so far, honestly. Also, those titles at the end are jokes, right?
Thanks! Yeah, the titles are jokes.

1000+ posts

collab (Animators DESPERATELY needed, apply on my profile)

HexagonWorld wrote:

boom2ratz wrote:

Great pitch, Hex! The only feedback I have is Zemo is kind of useless here, I'd just have him in the post-credits scene and then the main villain in 2.

Also, just making sure you knew, but Omega is locked up in The Raft, not the Mirstone station. The C-synth could be there, but just saying, Omega Red can't appear (if you didn't already know that).
Yeah, I wasn't planning for OR to show up. When did I imply that?

Yeah, I do feel like he didn't really serve a purpose here, but I liked Matjam's idea of Zemo being in the first 3 films so I stole it. MWA HA HA!
You didn't imply it, the pitch just felt a sinister step away from showing him.

Let that be Matjam's thing imo, it's not really needed, and the role he plays in your pitch, even with Obadiah the role feels unnecessary.

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