Discuss Scratch

100+ posts

comment so that block is added to scratch. comenta para que bloque se agrege a scratch

en español: bienvenidos a la lista de bloques que se agregen a scratch
sugiera cosas aqui para hacer una lista de bloques

in english: welcome to the list of block to be added to scratch
suggest things here to make a list of blocks

english translation made with translate.google.com
traduccion de ingles realizada con translate.google.com

Last edited by koniu35443 (Feb. 21, 2022 00:50:00)

1000+ posts

comment so that block is added to scratch. comenta para que bloque se agrege a scratch

Por favor, no cree temas que estén destinados a ser una lista de sugerencias de la comunidad. Esto se vuelve spam, por lo que las personas crean sus propios temas.

Please don't make topics that are meant to be a community list of suggestions. This gets spammy, so people create their own topics.

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1000+ posts

comment so that block is added to scratch. comenta para que bloque se agrege a scratch

Hi there! Please avoid making topics intended for a wide range of suggestions- they should be focused on one particular idea you have. This helps organize discussion and improve searchability. Thanks!

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