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38 posts

Problem with clone collisions

Hi everyone, I'm making a game called “Gravi-Verse” and it is a platformer where there are planets and gravity and other funky stuff (trust me its not a generic platformer). I built a gravity engine to use in it called Volatile Gravity Engine, and here's the link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/635166085/

The engine works really well, and it was performing really well in my project until a hit a problem: clones.

My project needs clones to run because of the extensive terrain and scrolling aspect of the project. But for some reason, the colliders my engine uses are not great at detecting the distances to the clones. The engine works perfectly fine when it needs to get distances with original sprites but it kind of goes through clones a little bit and I'm very concerned because clones are an essential part of my game.

Does anyone know how to fix this issue or how to improve collisions with clones? Please see my gravity engine to see how the gravity works. I can also provide the project file if anyone needs it (I'm making the project on TurboWarp but it runs identically on Scratch).

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100+ posts

Problem with clone collisions

I've had a look, and I can't see any bugs. I think your game will be great!

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