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Backstory (for a dtae)

About 5000 years ago, a certain species of mushrooms evolved into creatures fairly similar to humans. These creatures called themselves shroominians. They were said to be very mysterious, and were often seen floating around like ghosts. They also had strange healing powers. Legend had it that they could heal anyone they crossed paths with.

But about 2,500 years later, the shroominians started dying out. And the weird thing was that not a single human or animal did anything to harm them. All the facts said that they should be thriving, but they weren’t. At its peak, the shroominian population was 1.5 million. But now, there are only about 3,000 remaining in the whole world.

After the shroominieans started dying out, a young female shroominiean announced one day that it might be a good idea to appoint a king and queen to guard over the shroominieans. So they did, and this began the line of shroominian kings and queens.

For hundreds of years, the kings and queens ruled over the shroominians. But about 40 years ago, the daughter of one queen changed things. The young princess was named Cecilia, and she was Amanita’s mother.

One day, Cecilia was relaxing in her favorite spot in the forest when a young man ventured into those woods. Cecilia watched, fascinated with this thing her mother had called a human. A week later, the man came back, and Cecilia introduced herself. The man was shocked to see a shroominian, as they were so scarce no one had seen one for 60 years. He said his name was Ezekiel.

After several more encounters, the pair fell in love. And soon after that, Amanita was born: half human, and half shroominian. But this went against the shroominian's beliefs. When they found out, Cecilia's parents punished her by not allowing her to see her child, Amanita ever again. Amanita only has a few memories of her mother, but she really misses her. Though the shroominian kingdom still exists, Amanita never gets to see it.

On Amanita's 10th birthday, she found out that she was the key to saving the shroominians. Though she wasn't too thrilled about this, she knows it's for the good of the species, and quite possibly the whole world. Amanita also found out she has magical powers similar to the shroominians. She has the typical healing powers, but she also has the ability to shapeshift into a full shroominian, and can control some elements. Amanita hopes to save the species with the help of her powers.

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