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Sprites don't rotate when I want them to.

I have a multiplayer Space Invaders-esque game where you shoot each other. I wanted the two spaceship sprites to rotate whenever left or right is clicked, at first I did it but then it stopped working. Now, the spaceships are stuck looking up and the other is looking down. I can't delete any of the other scripts in fear that I might mess up something else.
Here's the link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/632634786/
1000+ posts

Sprites don't rotate when I want them to.

You have left-right rotation style set and only point in left and right directions so I'm not sure what you expect to see. The costumes are symmetrical so pointing left and right will look the same.
100+ posts

Sprites don't rotate when I want them to.

They are rotating, it just has symmetry so you can't tell.

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