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7 posts

Scratch cloud variables not working

For a game I'm working on, I tried to save a number to by cloud “savefile” variable.

It was something like this:
set [savefile] to [24253825241598242538252415982425382524159824253825241598242538252415982425382524159824253825241598242538252415982425382524159824253825241598242538252415982425382524159899010101980101019801010198010101989901010198010101980101019801010198990101019801010198010101980101019899]

set [☁ savefile] to [savefile]

(the savefile (not cloud) variable is just some values encoded to be later decoded after you start the project)

Last edited by ps_coder_ (Jan. 25, 2022 03:48:46)

7 posts

Scratch cloud variables not working

For some reason the cloud savefile variable won't register and when I refresh the page the savefile remains unchanged.
1000+ posts

Scratch cloud variables not working

I'm completelyt confused

I'm a decent coder who has a huge passion for coding. I taught myself all the coding skills I have now. And with those skills, I have made some pretty decent projects, check them out! Be sure to ⭐ ❤️ & Follow, too! I have a few pictures below which are actually links. Click on them to take to different projects that I made. Might come in handy. :)

Need a project where you can check to see if you can use someone's camera or not? Here's one:

Need a project to detect when someone has clicked the stop sign? Take a look at this:

Need a project that can point at specific clones, etc? Why not use this:

Need to prank someone? Tell them to click this picture, but also make sure they're signed onto Scratch, otherwise, it doesn't work:

For more of my projects, just click on this picture:
1000+ posts

Scratch cloud variables not working

Often scratch cloud variables don't work. Make sure that:
- The length of the “savefile” is less than or equal to 256 characters
- There are no letters in the savefile
- Your variables are actually cloud variables

If you share your project link, I can be more specific in finding the issue

Click above to check it out! I've worked on it for over a year!

Just like sudden sadness comes hangin' on the breeze
7 posts

Scratch cloud variables not working

Oh I think the length of that cloud variable was like 270 characters long which is why it couldn't work. Thank's for the help!
100+ posts

Scratch cloud variables not working

Check the length of the variable.

when green flag clicked
stop [all v]

Only 1% of scratchers will click on this :) project

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