Discuss Scratch
- kinosaurs515
1000+ posts
Need a Horror Game Name
kingsnipe no edit
Errrm… you might not wanna release the game. HORROR GAMES ARE NOT ALLOWED ON SCRATCH. You can get banned for this. However, it is perfectly allowed to make one, just don't share it.
Errrm… you might not wanna release the game. HORROR GAMES ARE NOT ALLOWED ON SCRATCH. You can get banned for this. However, it is perfectly allowed to make one, just don't share it.
- ChickeN_nuGGETS_yAY
2 posts
Need a Horror Game Name
When creating horror games, words like these could be in the title: Silent, blood, dark, black, fog, horror, death,
actually any scary word you think of
actually any scary word you think of
- invalidaccess
100+ posts
Need a Horror Game Name
i mean you cant decide unless the game's finished