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- BFcoolbot
16 posts
Propose Studios to Be Featured
This is a history studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33516124
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Share your favorite events in history!
Last edited by BFcoolbot (June 16, 2023 16:22:12)
- RidaCounty
100+ posts
Propose Studios to Be Featured
This is a studio about mangos! I'm sure most of us like mangos in the summer so it would be nice if this studio was featured

- snapdrag0ns
100+ posts
Propose Studios to Be Featured
Propose this studio about mangos! It needs attention!!!
- Poala758
6 posts
Propose Studios to Be Featured
https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33479969/ Its About Water!
- Canadelena
50 posts
Propose Studios to Be Featured
https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33514355 very nice studio
- LabelTed
100+ posts
Propose Studios to Be Featured
I would like to propose this studio it's all about travel https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33042413/
- Canadelena
50 posts
Propose Studios to Be Featured
https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33426118 to be featured
- Bandit_MVR_2023
100+ posts
Propose Studios to Be Featured
Hi please feature this studio! It's a really good studio. https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33509620/
- Canadelena
50 posts
Propose Studios to Be Featured
https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33515830 i love this
- rainbow-loves-earth
1 post
Propose Studios to Be Featured
I think this studio https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/30160853 is a great studio. It shows that scratchers can help and contribute to saving earth. I think we should raise awareness about earth and its situation. This studio has a great example set for scratchers to help in saving the earth. Although it exceeds the requirement for few curators, i think it should be featured. Thanks scratch team for taking your time to read this, have a great day ahead.
Yours sincerely
@rainbow-loves-earth or @Rainbow264
Yours sincerely
@rainbow-loves-earth or @Rainbow264
- Summ3rStem8
2 posts
Propose Studios to Be Featured
Hi! I know that a lot of people love warrior cats so I have to amazing RP's in mind. I think that https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33389221/ should be and https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33142019/ Thank you so much!
- Victent7000
72 posts
Propose Studios to Be Featured
https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33516071 Its A SDS Studio
- CatKid_03
19 posts
Propose Studios to Be Featured
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Note: This topic is for suggesting studios to be featured. If you want to suggest a project, follow this link.
Know a cool studio? Suggest it to be featured on the homepage here. You’re welcome to suggest studios you created or studios created by someone else. We’re looking for studios for all sorts of project types and topics!
Here are some things we look for in studios we feature:
- Provides an interesting prompt that inspires Scratchers to be creative and make projects
- Is focused on a specific project type or topic– for example, mouse trail projects or projects about historical fashion. We find that more specific prompts can be more inspiring!
- Has at least one active manager (two managers is even better), but not tons of managers
- Has fewer than 100 projects
- Has at least 2 projects that serve as good examples of what can go in the studio
- Does not allow anyone to add projects (for safety reas
- coolartists
4 posts
Propose Studios to Be Featured
Could you please propose this studio https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33278481
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