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  • » ⭐✨ BIG SHOT STORE ⭐✨ (ART, MUSIC, CODE, [Hyperlink blocked] AND SO MUCH MORE) NOW HIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [RSS Feed]
100+ posts

⭐✨ BIG SHOT STORE ⭐✨ (ART, MUSIC, CODE, [Hyperlink blocked] AND SO MUCH MORE) NOW HIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

enjoy the super bowl : )
100+ posts

⭐✨ BIG SHOT STORE ⭐✨ (ART, MUSIC, CODE, [Hyperlink blocked] AND SO MUCH MORE) NOW HIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

100+ posts

⭐✨ BIG SHOT STORE ⭐✨ (ART, MUSIC, CODE, [Hyperlink blocked] AND SO MUCH MORE) NOW HIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1000+ posts

⭐✨ BIG SHOT STORE ⭐✨ (ART, MUSIC, CODE, [Hyperlink blocked] AND SO MUCH MORE) NOW HIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

username: Spentine
what you want (please be descriptive): Project Review, I spent a lot of time on this project, and I would like some feedback. Tell me how I can improve the project. Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/623978865/
when do you want it: Any time
where to contact you: Profile
are you following this discussion? ye
1000+ posts

⭐✨ BIG SHOT STORE ⭐✨ (ART, MUSIC, CODE, [Hyperlink blocked] AND SO MUCH MORE) NOW HIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spentine wrote:

username: Spentine
what you want (please be descriptive): Project Review, I spent a lot of time on this project, and I would like some feedback. Tell me how I can improve the project. Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/623978865/
when do you want it: Any time
where to contact you: Profile
are you following this discussion? ye
Taken may i share it on the project itself??
100+ posts

⭐✨ BIG SHOT STORE ⭐✨ (ART, MUSIC, CODE, [Hyperlink blocked] AND SO MUCH MORE) NOW HIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are open to more orders. we can make so much things like sprites, music, art, code, and more!! (or less…)
100+ posts

⭐✨ BIG SHOT STORE ⭐✨ (ART, MUSIC, CODE, [Hyperlink blocked] AND SO MUCH MORE) NOW HIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

100+ posts

⭐✨ BIG SHOT STORE ⭐✨ (ART, MUSIC, CODE, [Hyperlink blocked] AND SO MUCH MORE) NOW HIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

is their a rate the order you got?
100+ posts

⭐✨ BIG SHOT STORE ⭐✨ (ART, MUSIC, CODE, [Hyperlink blocked] AND SO MUCH MORE) NOW HIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wolfieboy09 wrote:

is their a rate the order you got?

uh no never thought about that. i can make one really quick
100+ posts

⭐✨ BIG SHOT STORE ⭐✨ (ART, MUSIC, CODE, [Hyperlink blocked] AND SO MUCH MORE) NOW HIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

name: Wolfieboy09
who did your order: music for new game
how did you like your order: (1-10) 1
why?: Was not music. +It sounded not so good
how would you like for us to change?: Listen to the order more clostly

Last edited by Wolfieboy09 (Feb. 28, 2022 21:37:58)

100+ posts

⭐✨ BIG SHOT STORE ⭐✨ (ART, MUSIC, CODE, [Hyperlink blocked] AND SO MUCH MORE) NOW HIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

theres tons of time we got in our hands. please order NOW
14 posts

⭐✨ BIG SHOT STORE ⭐✨ (ART, MUSIC, CODE, [Hyperlink blocked] AND SO MUCH MORE) NOW HIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wolfieboy09 wrote:

name: Wolfieboy09
who did your order: music for new game
how did you like your order: (1-10) 1
why?: Was not music. +It sounded not so good
how would you like for us to change?: Listen to the order more clostly

Would you be willing for me to give your game music a go (if it's alright with the shop owner). I have previously and successfully taken orders for video game music, and returned it to the client with very satisfactory results. Please contact me with your order if you would like to see this through
100+ posts

⭐✨ BIG SHOT STORE ⭐✨ (ART, MUSIC, CODE, [Hyperlink blocked] AND SO MUCH MORE) NOW HIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

chillpunk wrote:

Wolfieboy09 wrote:

name: Wolfieboy09
who did your order: music for new game
how did you like your order: (1-10) 1
why?: Was not music. +It sounded not so good
how would you like for us to change?: Listen to the order more clostly

Would you be willing for me to give your game music a go (if it's alright with the shop owner). I have previously and successfully taken orders for video game music, and returned it to the client with very satisfactory results. Please contact me with your order if you would like to see this through

im fine with it
100+ posts

⭐✨ BIG SHOT STORE ⭐✨ (ART, MUSIC, CODE, [Hyperlink blocked] AND SO MUCH MORE) NOW HIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bubi3_Pluz wrote:

chillpunk wrote:

Wolfieboy09 wrote:

name: Wolfieboy09
who did your order: music for new game
how did you like your order: (1-10) 1
why?: Was not music. +It sounded not so good
how would you like for us to change?: Listen to the order more clostly

Would you be willing for me to give your game music a go (if it's alright with the shop owner). I have previously and successfully taken orders for video game music, and returned it to the client with very satisfactory results. Please contact me with your order if you would like to see this through

im fine with it

Okay. The original order was a drum.
14 posts

⭐✨ BIG SHOT STORE ⭐✨ (ART, MUSIC, CODE, [Hyperlink blocked] AND SO MUCH MORE) NOW HIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wolfieboy09 wrote:

Bubi3_Pluz wrote:

chillpunk wrote:

Wolfieboy09 wrote:

name: Wolfieboy09
who did your order: music for new game
how did you like your order: (1-10) 1
why?: Was not music. +It sounded not so good
how would you like for us to change?: Listen to the order more clostly

Would you be willing for me to give your game music a go (if it's alright with the shop owner). I have previously and successfully taken orders for video game music, and returned it to the client with very satisfactory results. Please contact me with your order if you would like to see this through

im fine with it

Okay. The original order was a drum.

I need a bit more information to make the music

Last edited by chillpunk (March 2, 2022 11:05:47)

100+ posts

⭐✨ BIG SHOT STORE ⭐✨ (ART, MUSIC, CODE, [Hyperlink blocked] AND SO MUCH MORE) NOW HIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

chillpunk wrote:

Wolfieboy09 wrote:

Bubi3_Pluz wrote:

chillpunk wrote:

Wolfieboy09 wrote:

name: Wolfieboy09
who did your order: music for new game
how did you like your order: (1-10) 1
why?: Was not music. +It sounded not so good
how would you like for us to change?: Listen to the order more clostly

Would you be willing for me to give your game music a go (if it's alright with the shop owner). I have previously and successfully taken orders for video game music, and returned it to the client with very satisfactory results. Please contact me with your order if you would like to see this through

im fine with it

Okay. The original order was a drum.

I need a bit more information to make the music
Here is my order:

Wolfieboy09 wrote:

username: Wolfieboy09

what you want (please be descriptive): Reactor startup Success song, Startup failure, Shutdown success and failure. The game is a singularity reactor.
Shutdown and Startup failure should be dramatic, but not to dramatic. The Success of startup and shutdown should kind of exiting yet some drama because you would not know if it will be a Success or a failure. Also, Please make it sound good and not bad. I spent a lot of time on the game.

when do you want it: ASAP. Please take your time. Don't need it immediately at this time. Still in dev

where to contact you: Main account On my profile. With link provided.

Thanks, Wolfieboy09
Owner and CEO of Wolfie Co.

Yes, I need this if anyone wants to work on this. I will give credit to the people who made it.

Last edited by Wolfieboy09 (March 2, 2022 11:08:33)

100+ posts

⭐✨ BIG SHOT STORE ⭐✨ (ART, MUSIC, CODE, [Hyperlink blocked] AND SO MUCH MORE) NOW HIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

REMEMBER we are still TAKING oRders.
100+ posts

⭐✨ BIG SHOT STORE ⭐✨ (ART, MUSIC, CODE, [Hyperlink blocked] AND SO MUCH MORE) NOW HIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

guys we would love to take your amazing awsome really cool order
35 posts

⭐✨ BIG SHOT STORE ⭐✨ (ART, MUSIC, CODE, [Hyperlink blocked] AND SO MUCH MORE) NOW HIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

username: A48cReturns
what you want (please be descriptive): I need a really cool turn-based battle system similar to DELTARUNE but without the bullet hell thing for my project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/652579426/ I already have one coded so you'll have to delete it. I'd like it to be easy to add encounters and other stuff.
when do you want it: A soon as possible
where to contact you: Profile
are you following this discussion?: Yes
100+ posts

⭐✨ BIG SHOT STORE ⭐✨ (ART, MUSIC, CODE, [Hyperlink blocked] AND SO MUCH MORE) NOW HIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A48cReturns wrote:

username: A48cReturns
what you want (please be descriptive): I need a really cool turn-based battle system similar to DELTARUNE but without the bullet hell thing for my project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/652579426/ I already have one coded so you'll have to delete it. I'd like it to be easy to add encounters and other stuff.
when do you want it: A soon as possible
where to contact you: Profile
are you following this discussion?: Yes

okay this might take a while so dont expect it over night
  • Discussion Forums
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  • » ⭐✨ BIG SHOT STORE ⭐✨ (ART, MUSIC, CODE, [Hyperlink blocked] AND SO MUCH MORE) NOW HIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [RSS Feed]

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