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4 posts

How do I make the beyblade trail point towards the beyblade?

Someone pleas help me with the beyblade trail.It is going all wrong( it is not turning towards the beyblade when the beyblade changes direction.)

Here is the link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/612916295/editor/

1000+ posts

How do I make the beyblade trail point towards the beyblade?

1. When the project hits the clone limit, it doesn't go back. This is because the clone doesn't delete itself afterwards.
2. (I think is what the OP was referring too) The direction isn't right at the beginning because clones are still being made even when the player is idle causing the back of the trail to be inaccurate.

Fixed script w/ explanations:

Last edited by Thingied (Dec. 8, 2021 04:06:17)

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