Discuss Scratch

40 posts

Discord game

I am making a discord game and need help making the servers please
please respond

to scratch
please do not delete this topic

Practice is Preparing
Preparing Is Training
Training is Simply Pushing Yourself to the limit, and then a little bit Further so that at the end of the day you know, that you can get even further tomorrow

Brad_kg 11/17/2021

Visit BirdDog Shops today to get the best quality Code, pixel art, sprite/ background designs, and more
100+ posts

Discord game

Are you wanting a game that's connected to discord?

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postpercent | Scratch | ocular
100+ posts

Discord game

There is not much information to work with.
What exactly do you want to make?

idk what im doing
40 posts

Discord game

That's not really what I had in mind, I'm making the chat servers that will have regulations

Practice is Preparing
Preparing Is Training
Training is Simply Pushing Yourself to the limit, and then a little bit Further so that at the end of the day you know, that you can get even further tomorrow

Brad_kg 11/17/2021

Visit BirdDog Shops today to get the best quality Code, pixel art, sprite/ background designs, and more
40 posts

Discord game

Im trying to make it to where there are multiple chat servers and you can talk to other people on scratch but the problem is it limits 10 cloud variables per game

Practice is Preparing
Preparing Is Training
Training is Simply Pushing Yourself to the limit, and then a little bit Further so that at the end of the day you know, that you can get even further tomorrow

Brad_kg 11/17/2021

Visit BirdDog Shops today to get the best quality Code, pixel art, sprite/ background designs, and more
1000+ posts

Discord game

Sorry, but cloud chat projects are not allowed. Even if they have restrictions, such as a whitelist which only lets people say things from a selected list of words, are not allowed. You can make a “cloud phrase chat,” where people can pick from a small selection of safe phrases, however.

The Scratch Team used to allowed cloud chats, but even with restrictions on how they could be made (such as whitelists), the ST was unable to moderate them safely.

Read the official announcement for more information: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/357609/

Scratch to Pygame converter: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/600562/
100+ posts

Discord game

There are libraries for both scratch and discord on python. maybe you could pull cloud variables from scratch and make a bot on discord repeat it.

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postpercent | Scratch | ocular

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