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Jolia_RKW wrote:

Username: Jolia_RKW
What are you ordering?: shop Banner
Details: please can you have a snow or star inspired font that's cream or yellow and says ‘December Event’ in teh centre, big, then ‘Snow-inspired creation contest!’ smaller beneath it and ‘The White Tiger Federation’ very small above it. Background should be snowy trees and mountains. Theme colours are cream/white/yellow, green and black
Link: (if applicable)
Account Age (Creation Date also works!): Um… 2+ years? Why is this required may I ask
Deadline: (minimum is 10 days) 10 days
Where would you like us to tell you when it is done?: Profile
Other: this is for a federation the scratch shop joined and a review
Okay, taken.

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Jolia_RKW wrote:

Username: Jolia_RKW
What are you ordering?: shop Banner
Details: please can you have a snow or star inspired font that's cream or yellow and says ‘December Event’ in teh centre, big, then ‘Snow-inspired creation contest!’ smaller beneath it and ‘The White Tiger Federation’ very small above it. Background should be snowy trees and mountains. Theme colours are cream/white/yellow, green and black
Link: (if applicable)
Account Age (Creation Date also works!): Um… 2+ years? Why is this required may I ask
Deadline: (minimum is 10 days) 10 days
Where would you like us to tell you when it is done?: Profile
Other: this is for a federation the scratch shop joined and a review
Oh, and the Account Age thing is just to make sure people don't create alt accounts to bypass the daily limit.

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This activity check has finished

Last edited by qloakonscratch (Nov. 11, 2021 17:18:25)

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Review for the Vulnus Taberman
This review was completed by Jolia from the тнε Wнıтε Tıɢεя Fεᴅεяαтıσп for this shop.
First Look 6/10
Your title has no emojis, fancy text, symbols or even hiring/partnering/ordering information! I strongly recommend adding those things to your title! Your banner is a very unusual size and is almost thumbnail size I'm.not Sure whether it's intentional or not but your front page has reviews, products, about and directory which is good. However you may need to put a title for the review section as it doesn't look like it's meant to be there and same with teh current ratinga which isn't even in a quote box
BBCode Formatting 8/10
I don't know, again, whether it's intentional or not but all your posts seem to be bold which does act character but mean sits harder to see the sections and titles. I think highlighting titles with an official shop colour would really help, and using the ‘big’ function too.
Product Quality 8/10
The text is white on white and so needs an outline and so does the main text because it's similar colours but high quality!
Speed 10/10
no improvements
Customer Service 8/10
I was notified on my profile but there was no product completed on the forum, which needs to be sorted to avoid confusion for future staff and UOCs.
Accessibility 7/10
You do have a resources page, but it doesn't include your shop's banner. You may also want to add a history and the completed orders doesn't even show the link to the fInished order. You could rename it to a portfolio to make it shorter too
Overall 75/100
A few things to improve and make your shop even better would be:
  • Add more information and symbols/emojis to your title
  • Add your shop banner to the resources
  • Neaten up review section
  • Add shop colours and use to highlight sections
  • Remember to add outlines to clarify hard to read text
  • Notify on forum and profile/other place
  • Add a history, rename completed orders and include the finished order link
Our federation also has a brand new November Event! For more information on competing, see here
If this review helped you, please give us feedback on our thread!

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qloakonscratch wrote:

Due Date: Nov. 10th


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Username: GalaxyGamingscratch1
Why we should partner: Because both our shops are small so why not help each other
Shop Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/555671/
Shop Banner: https://u.cubeupload.com/galaxy_gaming12/TheShoponUranus.png
Shop Banner:

Last edited by GalaxyGamingscratch1 (Nov. 9, 2021 04:27:40)

Owner of The Shop on Uranus
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GalaxyGamingscratch1 wrote:

Username: GalaxyGamingscratch1
Why we should partner: Because both our shops are small so why not help each other
Shop Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/555671/
Shop Banner: https://u.cubeupload.com/galaxy_gaming12/TheShoponUranus.png
Shop Banner:
Yeah, why not? Accepted.

Last edited by qloakonscratch (Nov. 9, 2021 13:24:39)

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qloakonscratch wrote:

GalaxyGamingscratch1 wrote:

Username: GalaxyGamingscratch1
Why we should partner: Because both our shops are small so why not help each other
Shop Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/555671/
Shop Banner: https://u.cubeupload.com/galaxy_gaming12/TheShoponUranus.png
Shop Banner:
Yeah, why not?
is it accepted?

Owner of The Shop on Uranus
1000+ posts

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qloakonscratch wrote:

qloakonscratch wrote:

Due Date: Nov. 10th


If not responded to, you will receive an activity strike.

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70 posts

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Username: GalaxyGamingscratch1
What can you bring to the table?: PFPs
How much experience do you have?: Average experience
What job do you want? Employee
How active are you? On a scale of 1-10, I'm 7-8
How many/What shops do you work at?: I work at The Shop of Uranus and Drifty's shop

Owner of The Shop on Uranus
1000+ posts

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GalaxyGamingscratch1 wrote:

Username: GalaxyGamingscratch1
What can you bring to the table?: PFPs
How much experience do you have?: Average experience
What job do you want? Employee
How active are you? On a scale of 1-10, I'm 7-8
How many/What shops do you work at?: I work at The Shop of Uranus and Drifty's shop
Reread terms. You've missed something.

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Coding on Scratch since 2013

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qloakonscratch wrote:

GalaxyGamingscratch1 wrote:

Username: GalaxyGamingscratch1
What can you bring to the table?: PFPs
How much experience do you have?: Average experience
What job do you want? Employee
How active are you? On a scale of 1-10, I'm 7-8
How many/What shops do you work at?: I work at The Shop of Uranus and Drifty's shop
Reread terms. You've missed something.
Username: GalaxyGamingscratch1
What can you bring to the table?: PFPs and Oxygen (jk)
How much experience do you have?: Average experience
What job do you want? Employee
How active are you? On a scale of 1-10, I'm 7-8.
How many/What shops do you work at?: I work at The Shop of Uranus and Drifty's shop

Owner of The Shop on Uranus
1000+ posts

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GalaxyGamingscratch1 wrote:

qloakonscratch wrote:

GalaxyGamingscratch1 wrote:

Username: GalaxyGamingscratch1
What can you bring to the table?: PFPs
How much experience do you have?: Average experience
What job do you want? Employee
How active are you? On a scale of 1-10, I'm 7-8
How many/What shops do you work at?: I work at The Shop of Uranus and Drifty's shop
Reread terms. You've missed something.
Username: GalaxyGamingscratch1
What can you bring to the table?: PFPs and Oxygen (jk)
How much experience do you have?: Average experience
What job do you want? Employee
How active are you? On a scale of 1-10, I'm 7-8.
How many/What shops do you work at?: I work at The Shop of Uranus and Drifty's shop
accepted. ill add you to the employee list as soon as i can

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GalaxyGamingscratch1 wrote:

qloakonscratch wrote:

GalaxyGamingscratch1 wrote:

Username: GalaxyGamingscratch1
What can you bring to the table?: PFPs
How much experience do you have?: Average experience
What job do you want? Employee
How active are you? On a scale of 1-10, I'm 7-8
How many/What shops do you work at?: I work at The Shop of Uranus and Drifty's shop
Reread terms. You've missed something.
Username: GalaxyGamingscratch1
What can you bring to the table?: PFPs and Oxygen (jk)
How much experience do you have?: Average experience
What job do you want? Employee
How active are you? On a scale of 1-10, I'm 7-8.
How many/What shops do you work at?: I work at The Shop of Uranus and Drifty's shop
as a coder, artist, moderator, etc.? which one?

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