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Character clips when wall-jumping corner

The problem is at this game. It is an XY scrolling platformer.

While tinkering the slope detection, I found that I can clip through the ceiling by wall-jumping a wall near it.
I also can clip through the ceiling at the little tunnel nearby.

So if I'm correct, it might be the slope and wall detection that's freaking out. But I don't know why.
Central Control Sprite has references if needed.

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if <<quick? :: #965B01> and <dog <lazy? ::  #965B01> :: #984723>> then
jump over x:( dog (x):: #984723) y:(dog(y):: #984723):: #112233
100+ posts

Character clips when wall-jumping corner

bumpy road brings rage

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if <<quick? :: #965B01> and <dog <lazy? ::  #965B01> :: #984723>> then
jump over x:( dog (x):: #984723) y:(dog(y):: #984723):: #112233
500+ posts

Character clips when wall-jumping corner

I was too lazy to go through all your code, but I think the slope detection is the problem. When you hit a wall, the sprite jumps up a small amount as if it were testing for a slope. Wherever you do this operation, you need to immediately move back down until you hit the ground.

change y by (slope::grey)::grey
if <not <touching [level v] ?>> then
repeat until <touching [level v] ?>
change y by (-1)
change y by (1)//you may or may not need this depending on how your project is set up

Last edited by MathPuppy314 (Oct. 20, 2021 00:01:25)

If only I were a kumquat…
100+ posts

Character clips when wall-jumping corner

MathPuppy314 wrote:

I was too lazy to go through all your code, but I think the slope detection is the problem. When you hit a wall, the sprite jumps up a small amount as if it were testing for a slope. Wherever you do this operation, you need to immediately move back down until you hit the ground.

change y by (slope::grey)::grey
if <not <touching [level v] ?>> then
repeat until <touching [level v] ?>
change y by (-1)
change y by (1)//you may or may not need this depending on how your project is set up

Thanks! I used the code (but suitable for my engine) and it didn't work, so I turned it into a slope test reset and it worked!
if <touching [hitbox v]> then
bunch of code :: #888888
set [XVEL v] to (0)
repeat until <touching [hitbox v]
change y by (8)

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if <<quick? :: #965B01> and <dog <lazy? ::  #965B01> :: #984723>> then
jump over x:( dog (x):: #984723) y:(dog(y):: #984723):: #112233
25 posts

Character clips when wall-jumping corner

Turns out it didn't work, it did somewhat reinforce the glitch. The problem in LECF is in PRIZM because I transferred most of the assets from LECF to PRIZM. The slope script is still the same. You can ask for more information. +bump

This account is @Guest_102233's Alt account.
100+ posts

Character clips when wall-jumping corner


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if <<quick? :: #965B01> and <dog <lazy? ::  #965B01> :: #984723>> then
jump over x:( dog (x):: #984723) y:(dog(y):: #984723):: #112233
25 posts

Character clips when wall-jumping corner


This account is @Guest_102233's Alt account.
25 posts

Character clips when wall-jumping corner


This account is @Guest_102233's Alt account.
100+ posts

Character clips when wall-jumping corner


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if <<quick? :: #965B01> and <dog <lazy? ::  #965B01> :: #984723>> then
jump over x:( dog (x):: #984723) y:(dog(y):: #984723):: #112233
500+ posts

Character clips when wall-jumping corner

I'm not quite sure what you're asking for at this point in time. I guess the wall jumping still allows the player to clip through the ceiling? If this is the case, you need to find the wall jump script and make sure you only change the x position when getting the player out of the wall. You must also do ceiling collision right after you move the player out of the wall.

If only I were a kumquat…
25 posts

Character clips when wall-jumping corner

MathPuppy314 wrote:

I'm not quite sure what you're asking for at this point in time. I guess the wall jumping still allows the player to clip through the ceiling? If this is the case, you need to find the wall jump script and make sure you only change the x position when getting the player out of the wall. You must also do ceiling collision right after you move the player out of the wall.
I'll try doing that

This account is @Guest_102233's Alt account.
100+ posts

Character clips when wall-jumping corner

heres a bumpel if anyone else has any other ways to solve this

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if <<quick? :: #965B01> and <dog <lazy? ::  #965B01> :: #984723>> then
jump over x:( dog (x):: #984723) y:(dog(y):: #984723):: #112233
100+ posts

Character clips when wall-jumping corner

MathPuppy314 wrote:

I'm not quite sure what you're asking for at this point in time. I guess the wall jumping still allows the player to clip through the ceiling? If this is the case, you need to find the wall jump script and make sure you only change the x position when getting the player out of the wall. You must also do ceiling collision right after you move the player out of the wall.
Tried it and it works (it's quite easy to replicate the glitch)!
I'll notify you if it isn't exactly working again.

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if <<quick? :: #965B01> and <dog <lazy? ::  #965B01> :: #984723>> then
jump over x:( dog (x):: #984723) y:(dog(y):: #984723):: #112233

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