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Nurikabe Collaboration

I am going to ask if anyone wants to help me make my Nurikabe project. In order to help me you:

1. Must know how to play Nurikabe
2. Must be a pretty good coder

I will include credit in the Notes and Credits section. I would be most appreciated.

Perfect Cell you are perfect! Be perfect, stay perfect, have a perfect life!
Follow me here!
Helper of Scratch Forums. Most Active in Suggestions, Help with Scripts and Bugs And Glitches

when green flag clicked::control
wait until <<perfect? ::#6362e1> = [true]::operators>::events
be perfect! ::#782fea cap

My Kumquat Protectors{
*~*::#d0f}::#999 hat
they protect my signature from evil kumquats!::#e4f166
good to have them!::#a277b1

oh hey you found the secret message in my signature.
do not click this

Well scratch changed the way that youtube videos function directly from Scratch so this trick doesn't work anymore.

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