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- » ITopic - Frequently Asked Questions - Read This Before Posting
- OmnipotentPotato
1000+ posts
ITopic - Frequently Asked Questions - Read This Before Posting
<<<<If the answer to your question is not in here, do not ask it in the comments below. Make a new topic about it.>>>>
If you're here it's probably because you have a question about something and clicked my obnoxious title.
If that's the case, scroll through here and see if your question is explained, otherwise look around the few pages of the QAS Forum and if you don't find the answer go ahead and post a new topic (first answer explains how to do this).
First, some clarification on what these are. A topic is a page you can make on the forums that people can reply to. There are many different places you can post the topic depending on what it is about. Scroll down to the “Where Do I Post My Topic” section to learn more about each one and where your topic belongs.
Now, to actually make a new topic:
1. Go to the main scratch forum page.
2. Click on the subforum you want to post it in. Talking about your project? Problem with your code? Want the ST to add something to Scratch? There are many more subforums, go to “Where Do I Post My Topic” a few questions down on this page for a list of them all.
3. Once you click on the subforum you are interested in posting in, click the blue “New Topic” button. Here's a picture if you can't find it.
4. After you click that, fill out the “Subject” box with the title of your post (be specific, but not too long) and fill out “Message” with your actual post.
5. Once you finish writing, click the gray “Submit” button below the message box.
6. Your topic is now posted! Congratulations! If you want to get a message when someone replies to it (so you don't have to manually check it to see new replies), press the blue “Follow Discussion” button above the page. Here's a picture if you don't see it.
To make a signature, go to the Discuss page.
Then, scroll all the way to the really small link that says “Change Your Signature” under “Show your Topics/Posts.”
If you are having trouble finding it, go to this link. But, you have to put in your username: http://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/settings/YourUsernameHere/
To become a Scratcher you have to prove your responsibility, maturity, and activity on the site. The actual requirements are not going to be revealed, but to become one it is recommended that you do the following things:
-Share projects
-Follow other Scratchers
-Be active on the forums
-Love and favorite other projects
-Comment on other projects/studios/profiles
Remember, just be nice and responsible and you'll become one in no time.
Cloud variables are a way for everyone to see a number value of a variable at the same time. Learn more here.
To make them:
-Go to the “Data” section in the Project Editor
-Click the button that says “Make a Variable” right above the list of all your variables
-Type in the name of the variable, and check the “Cloud Variable (store on server)” checkbox..
If you do not see this button, that means that you are a New Scratcher. This is a Scratch rank that is not able to use Cloud Variables because they tend to spam them. To become a Scratcher, see “HOW DO I BECOME AN OFFICIAL SCRATCHER” above.
Cloud variables are nice and all, but what about Cloud lists? Cloud lists are a planned feature, but they aren't quite here yet. The problem is with the servers because they just simply can't handle Cloud lists at the current moment. Wait patiently and try to do what you need to do with variables for the time being.
Necroposts are when someone posts on a topic that is old. An “old” topic is anything that is not in the first 5 or so pages of the forum. See this for more information and when it is and isn't okay to revive the dead topics.
Bumping is when you post on an old topic to bring it back to the front of the forum so others can see it. See here for more.
Spam is when you post irrelevant stuff onto a topic and is a reportable and bannable offense. See here for more.
Featuring is when the Scratch Team decides that your project is very good and adds it to the front page. But, the ST doesn't have the time to find projects themselves, so people recommend projects here. NOTE, you CAN'T recommend your own project, if you do it will definitely be denied. See here for more.
Curation is the same process as featuring, but a Curator selects the projects instead of the ST. A curator is a normal member of the Scratch community, like you. A new one is elected every week by the Scratch Team. See here for more.
Finding a specific project can be pretty tricky at times. It's recommended that you don't use the Scratch Search bar but instead Google search the following:
“scratch” + project name + user who created it
For example, you could search: “scratch Juvenile Jetpack Joyride OmnipotentPotato” and the project will come up.
IF THIS DOES NOT WORK: see this for more information.
If you're trying to find a user search this, but fill in UserNameHere with the username of the person you're looking for:
If you don't know the username, you can try searching for a project the user made.
Griffpatch is an advanced Scratcher and a lot of what he does is very complicated. Trying to do this is like trying to run before you can crawl, you should start with simpler projects and once you understand all of the blocks, clicking “see inside” on projects you like is honestly the best way to learn.
Have a topic but you're wondering where you're supposed to post it? I don't blame you, there's around 17 main forums! Look below and try to figure out where it goes:
An introduction that you are posting about your new Scratch profile? New Scratchers
Are you having trouble with getting your project to work the way you want it to? Help With Scripts
Want to tell people about your awesome project? Show and Tell
Need some ideas, or do you have ideas that you want to give to others? Project Ideas
Want to collaborate with other Scratchers? Collaboration
Need some art, sound, or scripts? Want to give them? Requests
Have a question about the site or program in general? Questions About Scratch
Know of a way to make Scratch even more awesome? Suggestions
Found one of those annoying bugs or glitches? Bugs and Glitches
Do you want to talk about advanced stuff such as mods, or technical aspects? Advanced Topics
Want to discuss LEGO WeDo, Pico Board, or other physical extensions? Connecting to the Physical World
Want to coordinate with your Help Group? Scratch Helper Groups
Want to share something that you are doing outside of Scratch? Things I'm Making and Creating
Want to discuss something you are reading, watching, or playing outside of Scratch? Things I'm Reading and Playing
Do you speak a different language? Go here and scroll down to your language.
A studio is a group of related projects that are put together into one place. Sometimes, anyone is allowed to add projects to studios, but in cases where this feature is not enabled, projects are added to studios by Curators and Managers. The main difference between these two is that Managers have more privileges such as the ability to remove and add curators. For more information on this as all of it is not here, see the Scratch Wiki page on Studios.
Mathfreak231 sums this up pretty well here.
Since you are reading this, I'm guessing you weren't banned. If you're wondering why someone else was banned or if someone else was banned it is absolutely none of your concern and is between that user and the Scratch Team. If you are wondering why someone you reported wasn't banned, the ST probably thinks that they did not break the Community Guidelines. If you absolutely believe that they did break the rules, try reporting again and specifically explain what they did and why that is against the rules.
If you want help with a script, this is where you should go to post about it. If you want to suggest a new block this is where you should go post about it.
Q:Is it okay to use copyrighted material in Scratch Projects?
A:Yes. According to the terms of use, any copyrighted material is under fair use and it is perfectly fine to use copyrighted material. (Thanks Penguin9090)
Q. There is an image/sound/script/sprite that I like in someone's project, can I use it?
A. Absolutely, you can use any resources in anyone's project. But, in the credits section on your project page you must say that you borrowed it from that user. Also, it is nice if you ask people before using their things or giving them a link to it when you are done with the project, but this is not required. If someone says you can't use their resources, they are technically breaking the rules, not you.
Q. I spend a lot of time on projects, but they don't get many views. How do you get more attention on projects?
A. Don't Spam. I repeat: do not spam your projects anywhere, ever. If you don't know what spam is, go up a few questions and there is a section about it. Here is what you can do to get more views:
Add some of your stuff to your signature. Go to the change signature page (see section above for info on where to find that) and copy & paste your stuff's link(s) to your signature. You can add some messages like “Please look at this!" or a short summary of what the link is. Don't forget to press Submit when you are done though.
Try to get more friends and share things according to ‘mostly’ their interests. You can simply ask to be friends to the people who you find very similar with yourself. Don't ask for follow for follow, just something like “Hey, I really liked your projects. The stuff we share is very similar, and we are similar too! I think we can be very strong friends!” When you are done, you can freely start sharing projects, but make sure that there is also something that your friend likes. Then you can show your project to him/her (this wouldn't be spam). If he/she likes your project, you might receive some loves and favorites, even a follow! Also, he/she might tell about your stuff to other people and you might get even more attention!
Ask to the current front page curator to curate your project. If you think that you have a project that needs to be curated on the front page; go to the current curator's profile, ask him/her to curate your project and copy & paste the required link, then send. If you get accepted, ‘thousands of’ loves, faves, follows and attention can come to you. Note: you can find out who the curator is by going to the Scratch homepage and scrolling to the third project row. The name in the title is the curator!
If there is anything I should add to this, comment. Also, if you notice any typos don't hesitate to point them out.
- How do I make a new topic, discussion, or thread
- How do I make a signature
- How do I become an Official Scratcher
- Questions about Cloud Variables/Cloud Lists/Cloud Data
- What is a Necropost, Bump, or Spam
- How do I get featured or curated
- How do I find a friend's project or profile
- How do I make games like Griffpatch
- Where do I post my topic on the forums
- What are/how do I make managers and curators + other studio questions
- How do I get on the Scratch Team
- Questions about banning/someone who was banned
- Scripts
- Copyright questions and using stuff from other people's projects
- How to get noticed
If you're here it's probably because you have a question about something and clicked my obnoxious title.
If that's the case, scroll through here and see if your question is explained, otherwise look around the few pages of the QAS Forum and if you don't find the answer go ahead and post a new topic (first answer explains how to do this).
First, some clarification on what these are. A topic is a page you can make on the forums that people can reply to. There are many different places you can post the topic depending on what it is about. Scroll down to the “Where Do I Post My Topic” section to learn more about each one and where your topic belongs.
Now, to actually make a new topic:
1. Go to the main scratch forum page.
2. Click on the subforum you want to post it in. Talking about your project? Problem with your code? Want the ST to add something to Scratch? There are many more subforums, go to “Where Do I Post My Topic” a few questions down on this page for a list of them all.
3. Once you click on the subforum you are interested in posting in, click the blue “New Topic” button. Here's a picture if you can't find it.
4. After you click that, fill out the “Subject” box with the title of your post (be specific, but not too long) and fill out “Message” with your actual post.
5. Once you finish writing, click the gray “Submit” button below the message box.
6. Your topic is now posted! Congratulations! If you want to get a message when someone replies to it (so you don't have to manually check it to see new replies), press the blue “Follow Discussion” button above the page. Here's a picture if you don't see it.
To make a signature, go to the Discuss page.
Then, scroll all the way to the really small link that says “Change Your Signature” under “Show your Topics/Posts.”
If you are having trouble finding it, go to this link. But, you have to put in your username: http://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/settings/YourUsernameHere/
To become a Scratcher you have to prove your responsibility, maturity, and activity on the site. The actual requirements are not going to be revealed, but to become one it is recommended that you do the following things:
-Share projects
-Follow other Scratchers
-Be active on the forums
-Love and favorite other projects
-Comment on other projects/studios/profiles
Remember, just be nice and responsible and you'll become one in no time.
Cloud variables are a way for everyone to see a number value of a variable at the same time. Learn more here.
To make them:
-Go to the “Data” section in the Project Editor
-Click the button that says “Make a Variable” right above the list of all your variables
-Type in the name of the variable, and check the “Cloud Variable (store on server)” checkbox..
If you do not see this button, that means that you are a New Scratcher. This is a Scratch rank that is not able to use Cloud Variables because they tend to spam them. To become a Scratcher, see “HOW DO I BECOME AN OFFICIAL SCRATCHER” above.
Cloud variables are nice and all, but what about Cloud lists? Cloud lists are a planned feature, but they aren't quite here yet. The problem is with the servers because they just simply can't handle Cloud lists at the current moment. Wait patiently and try to do what you need to do with variables for the time being.
Necroposts are when someone posts on a topic that is old. An “old” topic is anything that is not in the first 5 or so pages of the forum. See this for more information and when it is and isn't okay to revive the dead topics.
Bumping is when you post on an old topic to bring it back to the front of the forum so others can see it. See here for more.
Spam is when you post irrelevant stuff onto a topic and is a reportable and bannable offense. See here for more.
Featuring is when the Scratch Team decides that your project is very good and adds it to the front page. But, the ST doesn't have the time to find projects themselves, so people recommend projects here. NOTE, you CAN'T recommend your own project, if you do it will definitely be denied. See here for more.
Curation is the same process as featuring, but a Curator selects the projects instead of the ST. A curator is a normal member of the Scratch community, like you. A new one is elected every week by the Scratch Team. See here for more.
Finding a specific project can be pretty tricky at times. It's recommended that you don't use the Scratch Search bar but instead Google search the following:
“scratch” + project name + user who created it
For example, you could search: “scratch Juvenile Jetpack Joyride OmnipotentPotato” and the project will come up.
IF THIS DOES NOT WORK: see this for more information.
If you're trying to find a user search this, but fill in UserNameHere with the username of the person you're looking for:
If you don't know the username, you can try searching for a project the user made.
Griffpatch is an advanced Scratcher and a lot of what he does is very complicated. Trying to do this is like trying to run before you can crawl, you should start with simpler projects and once you understand all of the blocks, clicking “see inside” on projects you like is honestly the best way to learn.
Have a topic but you're wondering where you're supposed to post it? I don't blame you, there's around 17 main forums! Look below and try to figure out where it goes:
An introduction that you are posting about your new Scratch profile? New Scratchers
Are you having trouble with getting your project to work the way you want it to? Help With Scripts
Want to tell people about your awesome project? Show and Tell
Need some ideas, or do you have ideas that you want to give to others? Project Ideas
Want to collaborate with other Scratchers? Collaboration
Need some art, sound, or scripts? Want to give them? Requests
Have a question about the site or program in general? Questions About Scratch
Know of a way to make Scratch even more awesome? Suggestions
Found one of those annoying bugs or glitches? Bugs and Glitches
Do you want to talk about advanced stuff such as mods, or technical aspects? Advanced Topics
Want to discuss LEGO WeDo, Pico Board, or other physical extensions? Connecting to the Physical World
Want to coordinate with your Help Group? Scratch Helper Groups
Want to share something that you are doing outside of Scratch? Things I'm Making and Creating
Want to discuss something you are reading, watching, or playing outside of Scratch? Things I'm Reading and Playing
Do you speak a different language? Go here and scroll down to your language.
A studio is a group of related projects that are put together into one place. Sometimes, anyone is allowed to add projects to studios, but in cases where this feature is not enabled, projects are added to studios by Curators and Managers. The main difference between these two is that Managers have more privileges such as the ability to remove and add curators. For more information on this as all of it is not here, see the Scratch Wiki page on Studios.
Mathfreak231 sums this up pretty well here.
Since you are reading this, I'm guessing you weren't banned. If you're wondering why someone else was banned or if someone else was banned it is absolutely none of your concern and is between that user and the Scratch Team. If you are wondering why someone you reported wasn't banned, the ST probably thinks that they did not break the Community Guidelines. If you absolutely believe that they did break the rules, try reporting again and specifically explain what they did and why that is against the rules.
If you want help with a script, this is where you should go to post about it. If you want to suggest a new block this is where you should go post about it.
Q:Is it okay to use copyrighted material in Scratch Projects?
A:Yes. According to the terms of use, any copyrighted material is under fair use and it is perfectly fine to use copyrighted material. (Thanks Penguin9090)
Q. There is an image/sound/script/sprite that I like in someone's project, can I use it?
A. Absolutely, you can use any resources in anyone's project. But, in the credits section on your project page you must say that you borrowed it from that user. Also, it is nice if you ask people before using their things or giving them a link to it when you are done with the project, but this is not required. If someone says you can't use their resources, they are technically breaking the rules, not you.
Q. I spend a lot of time on projects, but they don't get many views. How do you get more attention on projects?
A. Don't Spam. I repeat: do not spam your projects anywhere, ever. If you don't know what spam is, go up a few questions and there is a section about it. Here is what you can do to get more views:
Add some of your stuff to your signature. Go to the change signature page (see section above for info on where to find that) and copy & paste your stuff's link(s) to your signature. You can add some messages like “Please look at this!" or a short summary of what the link is. Don't forget to press Submit when you are done though.
Try to get more friends and share things according to ‘mostly’ their interests. You can simply ask to be friends to the people who you find very similar with yourself. Don't ask for follow for follow, just something like “Hey, I really liked your projects. The stuff we share is very similar, and we are similar too! I think we can be very strong friends!” When you are done, you can freely start sharing projects, but make sure that there is also something that your friend likes. Then you can show your project to him/her (this wouldn't be spam). If he/she likes your project, you might receive some loves and favorites, even a follow! Also, he/she might tell about your stuff to other people and you might get even more attention!
Ask to the current front page curator to curate your project. If you think that you have a project that needs to be curated on the front page; go to the current curator's profile, ask him/her to curate your project and copy & paste the required link, then send. If you get accepted, ‘thousands of’ loves, faves, follows and attention can come to you. Note: you can find out who the curator is by going to the Scratch homepage and scrolling to the third project row. The name in the title is the curator!

If there is anything I should add to this, comment. Also, if you notice any typos don't hesitate to point them out.
Last edited by OmnipotentPotato (Jan. 24, 2016 18:52:40)
- Deerleg
1000+ posts
ITopic - Frequently Asked Questions - Read This Before Posting
The current FAQ
The current FAQ
Last edited by Deerleg (Oct. 3, 2014 15:59:36)
- OmnipotentPotato
1000+ posts
ITopic - Frequently Asked Questions - Read This Before Posting
http://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/7077/No one reads it though.
The current FAQ
- Deerleg
1000+ posts
ITopic - Frequently Asked Questions - Read This Before Posting
So why would you expect people to read this?http://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/7077/No one reads it though.
The current FAQ
- OmnipotentPotato
1000+ posts
ITopic - Frequently Asked Questions - Read This Before Posting
Obtrusive title, and if you just scroll through it really fast, people will find answers to most of their questions. There is too much in the other one imo.So why would you expect people to read this?http://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/7077/No one reads it though.
The current FAQ
- Deerleg
1000+ posts
ITopic - Frequently Asked Questions - Read This Before Posting
Good point… the font on the current one is tiny.Obtrusive title, and if you just scroll through it really fast, people will find answers to most of their questions. There is too much in the other one imo.So why would you expect people to read this?http://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/7077/No one reads it though.
The current FAQ
- Sonickyle
1000+ posts
ITopic - Frequently Asked Questions - Read This Before Posting
This one should become the official one imo.
- OmnipotentPotato
1000+ posts
ITopic - Frequently Asked Questions - Read This Before Posting
Does anyone else know of anything else I should add. I'm planning on adding a “WHERE SHOULD I POST THIS?” section. The goal of it is to remove questions that New Scratchers are always asking, so any questions that are constantly asked that annoy you should be added.
- TheHockeyist
1000+ posts
ITopic - Frequently Asked Questions - Read This Before Posting
Another one: “How do I get my project featured?”
- Sonickyle
1000+ posts
ITopic - Frequently Asked Questions - Read This Before Posting
I know this is my own ITopic, but I think my "Wondering why your projects don't appear in search?" topic could be a nice addition since I still see people asking this same question.
- OmnipotentPotato
1000+ posts
ITopic - Frequently Asked Questions - Read This Before Posting
Wondering why your projects don't appear in search?" topic could be a nice addition since I still see people asking this same question.I'll work it in I know this is my own ITopic, but I think my "
@TheHockeyist , I'll add that too. Also curation.
Last edited by OmnipotentPotato (Oct. 3, 2014 16:45:38)
- OmnipotentPotato
1000+ posts
ITopic - Frequently Asked Questions - Read This Before Posting
Added them both. Do they look okay?
- OmnipotentPotato
1000+ posts
ITopic - Frequently Asked Questions - Read This Before Posting
- OmnipotentPotato
1000+ posts
ITopic - Frequently Asked Questions - Read This Before Posting
- theonlygusti
1000+ posts
ITopic - Frequently Asked Questions - Read This Before Posting
Cool, you've managed to get all the FAQ into 1 place really well.
I'd be surprised if this wasn't stickied.
I'd be surprised if this wasn't stickied.
- Sonickyle
1000+ posts
ITopic - Frequently Asked Questions - Read This Before Posting
Looking great! Added them both. Do they look okay?

Thanks for doing this, this'll help lots more people.
- Harakou
1000+ posts
ITopic - Frequently Asked Questions - Read This Before Posting
ITopiced and stickied. The top of the forum index is getting a bit crowded with stickies, so we'll see which ones we decide to keep after some time, but we'll at least keep it up for a while. 

- OmnipotentPotato
1000+ posts
ITopic - Frequently Asked Questions - Read This Before Posting
Awesome. To be honest, I think the paint editor one is outdated since they already made the tutorial. ITopiced and stickied. The top of the forum index is getting a bit crowded with stickies, so we'll see which ones we decide to keep after some time, but we'll at least keep it up for a while.
- OmnipotentPotato
1000+ posts
ITopic - Frequently Asked Questions - Read This Before Posting
- TheHockeyist
1000+ posts
ITopic - Frequently Asked Questions - Read This Before Posting
Grammar note: Are you having trouble with the getting your project to work the way you want it to?
- Discussion Forums
- » Questions about Scratch
» ITopic - Frequently Asked Questions - Read This Before Posting