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Scratch Team
61 posts

Transferring Studios to Another Host

Hi folks!

We’re back with another quick update to things we have been working on relating to studios. Thank you again to all those who have shared thoughtful and constructive feedback with us so far.

We have changed the name of the studio “creator” to be the studio “host”. We see studios as a space where Scratchers can come together to share projects, comments, and ideas around a specific theme. When a Scratcher creates a studio, they are creating a space for others to join them, and we think “host” is a great way to describe that relationship.

As we mentioned in our last update, we have been working on ways to transfer a studio to another Scratcher and are excited to release this today. This update allows studio hosts to transfer their studio to another manager in that studio. You can do this by clicking the three dots next to your username in the studio manager list.

Doing this will demote the current host of a studio and give the newly promoted manager all the special permissions of a studio host.This includes the ability to change the studio title, description, thumbnail, as well as the ability to delete the studio. If a studio needs to change hosts again in the future, the current host can promote another manager. Studios can only change hosts once per day.

The previous host will remain in the studio as a manager (meaning they no longer have the ability to edit the studio as the host or change the studio host, but they will still have all the regular manager permissions) and will have the ability to fully remove themselves from the studio should they wish to do so.

As always, stay tuned for more information as we will be sharing further updates in the future.

Scratch On!
1000+ posts

Transferring Studios to Another Host


I'm Callisto(please don't call me Twilight), but you can call me Cal/Cass. I go by she/he/they pronouns.
100+ posts

Transferring Studios to Another Host

Nice Update to the new studios!

Please play Crystal, it's my best game.
Follow me!
22 posts

Transferring Studios to Another Host

This is a good idea. Could you add a way to have multiple hosts in a studio? It would be a lot easier than switching around every time someone wants to change something.
59 posts

Transferring Studios to Another Host

Thanks for the update and the information! :)
when green flag clicked
say [@USER0124816 says thanks.] for (2) secs

This is my signature, so please don't report this post for advertising…
To make your own, copy "https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/settings/Your Username/

when green flag clicked
wait until <(You) are (Following Me)>
say (Thank you!)

when green flag clicked
wait until <<[Your following list] contains [USER0124816] > and <You Loved and Faved My projects>
say [Thanks!] for (16) secs
change [USER0124816's happiness] by (♾)
stop [all]

t̶i̶d̶y̶!̶ ⓜⓔⓢⓢⓨ!
4 posts

Transferring Studios to Another Host

I feel like this is going to cause a lot of problems, especially with famous scratchers…
31 posts

Transferring Studios to Another Host

Thank you for the update. I like the fact that we can now change hosts.

when green flag clicked
say [A smile will always make your day]
ask [Did you make someone's day today?] and wait
Follow Legoman_Animator

Support NotYourAverageAnime
3 posts

Transferring Studios to Another Host

Great feature!
100+ posts

Transferring Studios to Another Host

cool :: motion

Last edited by jaiden105 (Sept. 14, 2021 18:11:10)

Blue Kirby::#009dff


Highlight a little of my SIGGY and keep doing Ctrl+Shift+down arrow or if ur on mob select some text and keep going down

Welcome to the place I keep energy units so that the ST doesn't get them. the rest of my SIGGY!!1!

Get the machine that prevents scratch cat from scratching you. citation needed it's just a small price of $ 1 googol! $2.50!1!!

what happens if you delete blue kirby? im not sure.

Someone wrote:

(yeah sure::operators) or (no.::undefined)::hat motion
o yeah click here to choose

REEEEE!!! it's the semicolon glitch! wait. nvm

8 posts

Transferring Studios to Another Host

Ooh! This sounds like a good update! This will definitely lower some of the complaints that I've seen many people say, it even kind of solves the problem I find most annoying.
(Almost got ninja'd)

Last edited by Kitty42209 (Sept. 14, 2021 18:11:27)

Hey humans, aliens and cows! I'm Kitty! Scratch (and cats) mean a lot to me!
Spoiler: There's no such thing as evil kumquats. But, all of the kitties are on my side ready to steal your signatures! Every signature for them self!
when I receive [Post enjoyed v]
go to [My profile! v]
say [Hope to see you soon!]
broadcast [Bye! v]

Quote: “Just because something can't be perfect doesn't mean that it has to be bad.” - Me, I think…
7 posts

Transferring Studios to Another Host

cool update

edit: (last person to be on the first page :3 )

edit 2: how did I become 19 from 20? (now I'm second last)

Last edited by coder300055 (Sept. 14, 2021 20:04:56)

hewo :3
16 posts

Transferring Studios to Another Host

wow, this is a good feature
500+ posts

Transferring Studios to Another Host

This seems like a pretty good update!

Want to view the rest of my signature? Highlight this text and press Shift+Down!

Support the suggestion HERE by adding this button to your signature

Name: Meep
Adopt one yourself! @ Pokémon Orphanage
“Angel Gabby? Angel Gabby!” ~ Francis, the best boye

Hello! My name is XCartooonX, but please call me Low-Key. I'm super into Pokemon, My Singing Monsters, and more. Feel free to follow me!

100+ posts

Transferring Studios to Another Host

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

1 post

Transferring Studios to Another Host

Great idea!
100+ posts

Transferring Studios to Another Host

(long unnecessary quote removed by moderator - please don't spam)

Your cool, scratch!

Last edited by Paddle2See (Sept. 14, 2021 18:49:46)

65 posts

Transferring Studios to Another Host

Interesting, this can definitely be of a lot of help

1000+ posts

Transferring Studios to Another Host

Cool! I really think this will help studios function properly even if the original owner is inactive

Last edited by BarelySmooth (Sept. 14, 2021 18:16:55)

Banner credit: @Prime689

(This text below is my forum signature)

Scratch Team never wrote:

Good suggestion. Let’s add that.
no offense to ST btw – Credit to @Fun_Cupcake_i81 for the above portion of the signature

Also, Nobody supports the support convention

404. That's an error.

The requested signature was not found under this post.
That's all we want you to know.
1 post

Transferring Studios to Another Host

wow, thanks for the information!!

ᵇᵘᵇᵇˡᵉ ʷᵃˢ ʰᵉʳᵉ…
14 posts

Transferring Studios to Another Host

when [mouse3 v] key pressed
transfer ownership to (Tera)
ngl this is kinda cool

Last edited by amongusbetatester (Sept. 14, 2021 18:15:44)

when flag clicked
repeat until <i quit>
make projects
have fun
set [happiness v] to (pick random (99) to (100))
stop [having fun v]
when I receive [more motivation v]
repeat until <no motivation>
make projects
have fun
set [happiness v] to (pick random (99) to (100))
when I receive [OS specs v]
broadcast [Windows 11, Microsoft Edge]

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