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  • » TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE [RSS Feed]
500+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

proikj wrote:

bugsyk2009 wrote:

proikj wrote:

Anyone want to order somthing?
if you want to take scratchgaming2newacc's order off my hands that would be great (i havent tracked the order yet so you would need to make the initial comment) ehh you know what ill do it
+ you've been counted as responded in the activity check
but what is his order?
Box to order:animator
Box-specific stuff (read the box description):red stickman with a shirt with my pfp and also the intro and outro should be navy blue top maroon bottom
Other notes:a banner too
Game Of The Year 2069:big chungus
Edit king of page 4

Last edited by scratchgaming2222 (Sept. 16, 2021 08:56:31)

thanks cannedkoolaid for the banner!
highlight then ctrl shift down to see the rest of my siggy

i wrote:

Hi! This sight is really a mess.

if you see this make a New topic called plup on show and tell
500+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

proikj wrote:

bugsyk2009 wrote:

proikj wrote:

Anyone want to order somthing?
if you want to take scratchgaming2newacc's order off my hands that would be great (i havent tracked the order yet so you would need to make the initial comment) ehh you know what ill do it
+ you've been counted as responded in the activity check
but what is his order?

scratchgaming2222 wrote:

Scratchgaming2newacc wrote:

Box to order:animator
Box-specific stuff (read the box description):red stickman with a shirt with my pfp and also the intro and outro should be navy blue top maroon bottom
Other notes:a banner too
Game Of The Year 2069:good value sonic the hedgehog the move the game
Game Of The Year 2069 should have been big chungus
If you still want to take it off my hands you can just reply to my comment in the order tracker saying “Transfered to proikj”
I'll put it on USS ISOC Nevermind, i'll see if anyone else can do it then you can take it if you want (i suck at intros)
Edit: he already reposted it oops

Last edited by bugsyk2009 (Sept. 16, 2021 21:49:58)

Please check out my project PppppaPpppppr: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/PppppaPpppppr/
6 posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

bugsyk2009 wrote:

Rubylovescrach wrote:

What is lil
Can explain me
Lil means little.


when green flag clicked
add [project] to [list v]
say [I am so excited to see your project's]

Love and kind is the best way of making friends in your life
6 posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

bugsyk2009 wrote:

proikj wrote:

bugsyk2009 wrote:

proikj wrote:

Anyone want to order somthing?
if you want to take scratchgaming2newacc's order off my hands that would be great (i havent tracked the order yet so you would need to make the initial comment) ehh you know what ill do it
+ you've been counted as responded in the activity check
but what is his order?

scratchgaming2222 wrote:

Scratchgaming2newacc wrote:

Box to order:animator
Box-specific stuff (read the box description):red stickman with a shirt with my pfp and also the intro and outro should be navy blue top maroon bottom
Other notes:a banner too
Game Of The Year 2069:good value sonic the hedgehog the move the game
Game Of The Year 2069 should have been big chungus
If you still want to take it off my hands you can just reply to my comment in the order tracker saying “Transfered to proikj”
I'll put it on USS ISOC
Edit: he already reposted it oops


when green flag clicked
add [project] to [list v]
say [I am so excited to see your project's]

Love and kind is the best way of making friends in your life
500+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

Rubylovescrach wrote:

bugsyk2009 wrote:

Rubylovescrach wrote:

What is lil
Can explain me
Lil means little.

Sorry, I don't do follow on request.

Rubylovescrach wrote:

bugsyk2009 wrote:


We are a member of a shop federation called the USS. They offer Inter-Shop Order Completion, or ISOC for short. More info here: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/4786807/

Please check out my project PppppaPpppppr: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/PppppaPpppppr/
500+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

Please check out my project PppppaPpppppr: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/PppppaPpppppr/
500+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

2 things

Scratchgaming2newacc wrote:

Box to order:animator
Box-specific stuff (read the box description):red stickman with a shirt with my pfp and also the intro and outro should be navy blue top maroon bottom
Other notes:a banner too
Game Of The Year 2069:good value sonic the hedgehog the move the game
This order has been in purgatory for a while and I'm sorry, it will be done in 24h tops

Please check out my project PppppaPpppppr: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/PppppaPpppppr/
500+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

bugsyk2009 wrote:

scratchgaming2222 wrote:

Scratchgaming2newacc wrote:

Box to order:animator
Box-specific stuff (read the box description):red stickman with a shirt with my pfp and also the intro and outro should be navy blue top maroon bottom
Other notes:a banner too
Game Of The Year 2069:good value sonic the hedgehog the move the game
Game Of The Year 2069 should have been big chungus
Thank you, I'll start work on this when I get home from school (:
Done! Sorry for the wait! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/571819220/
Unfortunately, I am unable to provide a banner for you at this time. May I suggest one of our partners?

Last edited by bugsyk2009 (Sept. 18, 2021 00:42:08)

Please check out my project PppppaPpppppr: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/PppppaPpppppr/
500+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

this topic keeps disappearing from the list what the heck

Last edited by bugsyk2009 (Sept. 18, 2021 23:05:27)

Please check out my project PppppaPpppppr: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/PppppaPpppppr/
50 posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

bugsyk2009 wrote:

proikj wrote:

bugsyk2009 wrote:

proikj wrote:

Anyone want to order somthing?
if you want to take scratchgaming2newacc's order off my hands that would be great (i havent tracked the order yet so you would need to make the initial comment) ehh you know what ill do it
+ you've been counted as responded in the activity check
but what is his order?

scratchgaming2222 wrote:

Scratchgaming2newacc wrote:

Box to order:animator
Box-specific stuff (read the box description):red stickman with a shirt with my pfp and also the intro and outro should be navy blue top maroon bottom
Other notes:a banner too
Game Of The Year 2069:good value sonic the hedgehog the move the game
Game Of The Year 2069 should have been big chungus
If you still want to take it off my hands you can just reply to my comment in the order tracker saying “Transfered to proikj”
I'll put it on USS ISOC Nevermind, i'll see if anyone else can do it then you can take it if you want (i suck at intros)
Edit: he already reposted it oops
I dont really know how to make intros and outros.
500+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

proikj wrote:

bugsyk2009 wrote:

proikj wrote:

bugsyk2009 wrote:

proikj wrote:

Anyone want to order somthing?
if you want to take scratchgaming2newacc's order off my hands that would be great (i havent tracked the order yet so you would need to make the initial comment) ehh you know what ill do it
+ you've been counted as responded in the activity check
but what is his order?

scratchgaming2222 wrote:

Scratchgaming2newacc wrote:

Box to order:animator
Box-specific stuff (read the box description):red stickman with a shirt with my pfp and also the intro and outro should be navy blue top maroon bottom
Other notes:a banner too
Game Of The Year 2069:good value sonic the hedgehog the move the game
Game Of The Year 2069 should have been big chungus
If you still want to take it off my hands you can just reply to my comment in the order tracker saying “Transfered to proikj”
I'll put it on USS ISOC Nevermind, i'll see if anyone else can do it then you can take it if you want (i suck at intros)
Edit: he already reposted it oops
I dont really know how to make intros and outros.
I just did the order, nvm

Please check out my project PppppaPpppppr: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/PppppaPpppppr/
1000+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

Username: KokichiUchiha
Area of specialty: Scripting
Why you want to be a staff member: I decided I’d come out of retirement and hop in a shop or two.
Active level from 1-10: 7 (increasing)
Game Of The Year 2069: Big Chungus

500+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

KokichiUchiha wrote:

Username: KokichiUchiha
Area of specialty: Scripting
Why you want to be a staff member: I decided I’d come out of retirement and hop in a shop or two.
Active level from 1-10: 7 (increasing)
Game Of The Year 2069: Big Chungus

Last edited by bugsyk2009 (Sept. 19, 2021 16:44:45)

Please check out my project PppppaPpppppr: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/PppppaPpppppr/
1000+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

bugsyk2009 wrote:

KokichiUchiha wrote:

Username: KokichiUchiha
Area of specialty: Scripting
Why you want to be a staff member: I decided I’d come out of retirement and hop in a shop or two.
Active level from 1-10: 7 (increasing)
Game Of The Year 2069: Big Chungus

500+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

Please check out my project PppppaPpppppr: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/PppppaPpppppr/
66 posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

Username: sasukevsnaruto19
Box to order: Platformer Script
Box Specific Stuff:Among Us faced character for platformers,Intro and Outro,Art
Other Notes:Thank you!
Game of the Year 2069: Big Chungus
define Thank You!
1000+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

sorry for the long delay - I've been busy, with a shop, a federation, an OS, exams and stuff AND INTERNET. anyways, I'll use the color brown for this because box
The Box Shop Review #1
First Look (9/10)
okay - first of all is the title. You have symbols in your title, which is great as it helps your shop stand out! Although, you may use a font to help it stand out even better. I don't have many things to say in this section - except that since you offer banners, it would be beneficial to have one of your employees make the shop banner as it could show off your designing skills to your customers to make a good first impression. There is a small issue with your current banner though - the emptiness. Maybe add some clipart or images of boxes or something. That's all for this section.
Originality (10/10)
Selling packages only? That's quite interesting. Although you sell standalone orders now, it's quite unique to sell packages only at the start. (not asking you to go back to packages only, keep the standalone orders). I like the levels system with the staff, and you also sell Studio descriptions, about me's. and “what I'm working on's”. That's quite unique for a shop product. The order tracking system is also quite cool. Anyways, you have a very original shop, try coming up with even more ideas!
Staff (9/10)
You have a good amount of staff for your current shop size. They all have no strikes too, well done! Although, you may want to consider more positions besides Owner and Administrator and the levels. Is there some sort of benefit for reaching higher levels though?
Bulletin Board Code Formatting (10/10)
Great BBCode skills, everything is organised. Well done!
Product Quality (7/10)
The product I received was of mediocre quality. You may want to add some more clipart, as it seemed quite empty. It would also be beneficial to use a different font to spruce up the banner and PFP. Besides all that, the banner & PFP was quite good. The About Me and WIWO was also great!
Speed (9/10)
Taken in 7 minutes, completed in about an hour. Great!

Customer Service (9/10)
The customer service is amazing! I got notified on my profile with a friendly message, got a link and even got a set of instructions along with the completed order. However, one small problem. Instead of just saying “Order Complete!” on the forums, you might want to say stuff like: Please leave a review, it helps support this shop! or If you need any changes, don't hesitate to ask!

Accessibility (9.5/10)
Your shop is really accessible, with a directory and a Resources post. I got a bit confused when ordering though, or maybe that's just me
Partnerships (9/10)
You have a sustainable amount of partners. Maybe try coming up with ideas to help each other besides the usual advertising and helping each other with orders?
Other Order Quality (OOQ) (80/100)
I've rated the quality of a few of your past orders. Keep it up with the good product quality.
Final Marks: 89.5/100 - 89.5% - Great!
Take this as constructive criticism, but don't take it too seriously :)
  • Improve the forum message with customer service.
  • Add a fancy font to the title
  • Reduce emptiness in shop banner, but don't make it cluttered!
  • Get one staff member to create a shop banner (and bump banner if you want)
  • Come up with ideas to help partners

please leave a review (with the form) at Lightning Studios 3.0 about how this review helped you :D

Last edited by lightningspark6545 (Sept. 20, 2021 03:28:21)

im a regular guy

ive never been on the forums before. totally.
never owned or joined any shops or anything. yep.

ok, yes, i founded lightning studios, a dying shop that has fell from its prime ig.
500+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

lightningspark6545 wrote:

Thank you so much for this review!

Please check out my project PppppaPpppppr: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/PppppaPpppppr/
500+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

Unclaimed Orders 09-19-21

sasukevsnaruto19's order (taken):

sasukevsnaruto19 wrote:

Username: sasukevsnaruto19
Box to order: Platformer Script
Box Specific Stuff:Among Us faced character for platformers,Intro and Outro,Art
Other Notes:Thank you!
Game of the Year 2069: Big Chungus
define Thank You!

Last edited by bugsyk2009 (Sept. 20, 2021 10:37:21)

Please check out my project PppppaPpppppr: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/PppppaPpppppr/
66 posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

bugsyk2009 wrote:

Unclaimed Orders 09-19-21

sasukevsnaruto19's order (not taken):

sasukevsnaruto19 wrote:

Username: sasukevsnaruto19
Box to order: Platformer Script
Box Specific Stuff:Among Us faced character for platformers,Intro and Outro,Art
Other Notes:Thank you!
Game of the Year 2069: Big Chungus
define Thank You!
what does that mean?
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