Discuss Scratch

31 posts

When I'm trying to change a variable by 1 it gets set to a higher number

Heres my current script:
change [ Misses] by ((H))
(H is a variable set to 1)
1000+ posts

When I'm trying to change a variable by 1 it gets set to a higher number

What is your question?

Doesn't the provided script work? It should based on the info you gave, if it doesn't it is likely due to some other scripts.

100+ posts

When I'm trying to change a variable by 1 it gets set to a higher number

Maybe you should add a

wait () secs

or a

wait until <not <>>

Last edited by Infinity-Studios5674 (July 30, 2021 06:10:22)

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31 posts

When I'm trying to change a variable by 1 it gets set to a higher number

awesome-llama wrote:

What is your question?

Doesn't the provided script work? It should based on the info you gave, if it doesn't it is likely due to some other scripts.
It was used for an FNF Engine Miss script. I will try and recreate it
if <<touching [ Arrows] ?> and <not <key [ Left Arrow] pressed?>>> then
change [ Misses] by (H)
Not the actual script
100+ posts

When I'm trying to change a variable by 1 it gets set to a higher number

if <<touching [Arrows v] ?> and <not <key [left arrow v] pressed?>>> then
change [Misses v] by (H)
wait until <<not<touching [Arrows v] ?>> and <key [left arrow v] pressed?>

the last block is important (maybe remove the and key left arrow pressed?>

Last edited by Infinity-Studios5674 (July 30, 2021 06:35:07)

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36 posts

When I'm trying to change a variable by 1 it gets set to a higher number

I think it's because it's over-complicated. Just remove the “H” Variable and replace it with one so it's
change [ Misses v] by (1)

Last edited by cutestcats 1:00 tomorrow
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