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25 posts

Issues with the New Scratch Update (and suggestions to fix them)

It’s unsurprising that a lot of people have come here to complain about the new Scratch studios update; when people are upset, that’s what they tend to do. However, a lot of these posts and projects have been more about yelling at the Scratch Team than providing measured criticisms and solutions, so this post is essentially a compilation of issues that my friends and I have found with the new update. Please leave your views in the comments and I will add them to the list.

Reply Limit
The reply limit is the main issue that I’ve seen talked about, and for good reason. A decent portion of people here on Scratch are here for the roleplays, and the friends they’ve made through those roleplays; decreasing the comment limit to 25 makes it incredibly hard to continue these, and I feel like unless solutions are worked out by roleplays leaders or provided by the Scratch Team, a significant portion of Scratch’s user base will simply leave the site. Whilst I understand limiting comments can help to reduce spam and make the website work faster and more efficiently, 25 is a massive change from what was previously pretty much unlimited. I’m not saying that ST must absolutely 100% bring back unlimited comments, but bumping it up to a more reasonable number - even 75 or 100 - would be greatly beneficial. That way the site can still run faster than it used to when it had no limits on comment chains, but it’s not such a small number that people barely get to have a conversation.

Whilst it can be beneficial to have fewer managers to avoid things like raids and abuse of power, the issue is that now managers can’t really do anything, so there’s not much point in them being managers anyway. Only allowing studio creators to edit the description limits creativity as it limits collaboration, something that many studios here that are formed to be clubs or roleplays rely on greatly. Additionally, these clubs and roleplays can often last beyond the person who created them - for example, The Four Clans Roleplay was created by Caviemava, who has since left Scratch. By only allowing the studio creator to edit the description, Scratch is killing these creative communities and essentially forcing the creator remain active and tied to the studio forever if it gets big enough to develop a real following, which previously would have outlasted them.

Scratchers, tell me more of your critiques and I will type them up and add them here. Scratch, please listen to your users. Though I understand that many people are just outright attacking the team, and that’s uncalled for, when so many people have the exact same criticisms, it should be apparent that something is wrong.

Last edited by PartyPo1son (July 7, 2021 19:56:36)

10 posts

Issues with the New Scratch Update (and suggestions to fix them)

I’ve also heard about how some scratchers are having problems with the colors of the new studios and other similar things. They should add an option to change the colors back or something.

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