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29 posts

account saving script

I was wondering if someone could make me an account sysem that will also save data of like where were you last and stuff

thank you for reading.
1000+ posts

account saving script

It's nowhere possible. You would require a lot of cloud data, any you do will not have enough of it on Scratch. That's all I can say.

I'm a decent coder who has a huge passion for coding. I taught myself all the coding skills I have now. And with those skills, I have made some pretty decent projects, check them out! Be sure to ⭐ ❤️ & Follow, too! I have a few pictures below which are actually links. Click on them to take to different projects that I made. Might come in handy. :)

Need a project where you can check to see if you can use someone's camera or not? Here's one:

Need a project to detect when someone has clicked the stop sign? Take a look at this:

Need a project that can point at specific clones, etc? Why not use this:

Need to prank someone? Tell them to click this picture, but also make sure they're signed onto Scratch, otherwise, it doesn't work:

For more of my projects, just click on this picture:
27 posts

account saving script

I am actually in the process of making something similar to this, as long you have a way to condense the data into smaller variables it will work. If you go follow my test studio I will post it up there once it is all done.

Side note: it is a lot of code and most likely will be some more. I have it right now where it recognizes the player and will tell if they are new or old. I will need to rewrite a little bit of it because it was in the process of making it for something else. Give me some time and I will have it done with more comments and instructions on my studio.

The over complicator, All of my code is over complicated. I know the easy way but where's the fun in that.
Just for fun

when I receive [ Wake up]
repeat until <(nap)=[1]>
add (code) to (projects)
insert (unnecessary code)
wait until <not<(brain)=(fried)>>
if <(time)=[2 a.m]> then
set(nap) to [1]
wait((2)*((60)*(60))) secs
set(nap) to [0]
broadcast[Wake up]
100+ posts

account saving script

Since it would use too much Cloud Data, you can use another programming language to set the Cloud vars up and sign in. (node.js, Python, e.t.c.)

The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

-Nelson Mandela

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