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16 posts

Translating Scratch into Other Languages

Scratch has been translated into more than 40 languages with the generous help of volunteering translators from all over the world.
However, parts of the Scratch interface and website in some languages are still missing translations, and some translations might have glitches. If you have experience with some language, you can help in completing the translations and correcting any mistakes. Here are the steps to get started.

1. Join our translation platform: The Scratch program and website are translated using the Transifex service. It lets registered translators suggest and edit the translations. To translate part of Scratch interface or website, you have to sign up for a free Translator account at Transifex. Please see the Transifex Getting Started Guide for more details.

Once signed up you can return to the Scratch 3.0 Editor project, and click the “Help Translate…” button to join the Scratch Translators team on Transifex. Once you're on the team you'll be able to translate all the Scratch Projects including the Scratch Website, Legacy and Videos in addition to the Editor.

You can find more information on this page:

2. Join our new Slack Community for translators (over 16 only). We recently set this up as an experiment to allow volunteers to connect with each other and discuss translation challenges.

You can check the current status of the translations on Scratch Transifex page:

Thanks for your help!

Last edited by chrisg (Nov. 4, 2019 22:36:48)

New Scratcher
1 post

Translating Scratch into Other Languages

Your Welcome
100+ posts

Translating Scratch into Other Languages

We should have 2 for-fun languages (or more) one being “Pirate English” and the other being “Hsilgne”. Hsilgne is backwards English, and Pirate English is just English with ‘pirate’ terms. “Explore” would be “Scan te' Sea”, Discuss “Talk with yer' pirates”, Notifications would be “Dire notes” maybe. As for Hsilgne, it's a bit more complicated than you might think. “Scratch is the best, most awesome service ever!” in Hsilgne would be “Reve ecivres emosewa tsom, tseb eht si Scratch!”
1000+ posts

Translating Scratch into Other Languages

FirstSkyler1 wrote:

We should have 2 for-fun languages (or more) one being “Pirate English” and the other being “Hsilgne”. Hsilgne is backwards English, and Pirate English is just English with ‘pirate’ terms. “Explore” would be “Scan te' Sea”, Discuss “Talk with yer' pirates”, Notifications would be “Dire notes” maybe. As for Hsilgne, it's a bit more complicated than you might think. “Scratch is the best, most awesome service ever!” in Hsilgne would be “Reve ecivres emosewa tsom, tseb eht si Scratch!”
Read the post at the bottom of the page: http://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/3312/?page=1#post-18215
We should focus on real languages for now.
21 posts

Translating Scratch into Other Languages

How do you movie player morph in scratch 2.0?
40 posts

Translating Scratch into Other Languages

Thanks for all your work! Any plans as to:
  • Translation of Scratch Cards
  • Translation (and/or subtitles) of tutorials
  • Language specific featured stuff, such as studios

Last edited by MMSequeira (July 17, 2013 11:27:05)

New Scratcher
1 post

Translating Scratch into Other Languages

New Scratcher
52 posts

Translating Scratch into Other Languages

I heard some french people being annoyed because they couldn't type accents and sometimes the scripts changed randomly into english.
1000+ posts

Translating Scratch into Other Languages

Help! What does “fuzzy” means?
100+ posts

Translating Scratch into Other Languages

Rumanti wrote:

Help! What does “fuzzy” means?
1000+ posts

Translating Scratch into Other Languages

lisafireball wrote:

Rumanti wrote:

Help! What does “fuzzy” means?

I mean the “fuzzy” checkbox next to the translating field…
40 posts

Translating Scratch into Other Languages

MMSequeira wrote:

Thanks for all your work! Any plans as to:
  • Translation of Scratch Cards
  • Translation (and/or subtitles) of tutorials
  • Language specific featured stuff, such as studios
i could try using google translate. just it might be a lot to translate though… don't have to translates projects happily!
1000+ posts

Translating Scratch into Other Languages

Hi, adlogi

adlogi wrote:

We've made a Scratch wiki page that explains how translations can be contributed:

The register page returns 535 error when register a new user.
Could you check it?
Thank you for your help.

Kazuhiro Abe
16 posts

Translating Scratch into Other Languages

abee wrote:

Hi, adlogi

The register page returns 535 error when register a new user.
Could you check it?
Thank you for your help.

Kazuhiro Abe

Hi Abe,

The problem has been fixed. You can send me the username you tried to register with to activate it instead of creating another new account.
1000+ posts

Translating Scratch into Other Languages

Rumanti wrote:

Help! What does “fuzzy” means?
26 posts

Translating Scratch into Other Languages


I just got involved in Scratch translation to Hungarian.
Anyone else on it, do get in touch!

My take on “fuzzy” is it indicates you are unsure about it.

Michael's dad
26 posts

Translating Scratch into Other Languages


Looking at the Hungarian translations I can see the traces of different people starting out, contributing a bunch of suggestions, which then never get approved, so I assume they give up.
Am I wrong?
Are there any active reviewers, approvers? Is there a language admin for Hungarian?
If not, what does it take to become one?
(if “approved suggestions” is a metric, then we have a fatal circular dependency right there…)

Thanks in advance

Michael's dad
1000+ posts

Translating Scratch into Other Languages

Do Indonesian has an admin? It seems not, because on the the dashboard (whatever you call it) the numbers of “reviewed” and “approved” did not changed. If we do have an admin, it seems she/he's not active enough.

Do you think we could have an admin?
2 posts

Translating Scratch into Other Languages

I have someone that is following me who speaks Spanish. I know very little Spanish. I'm saying this because it goes with the topic
14 posts

Translating Scratch into Other Languages

macadam wrote:

giddyaunt1234 wrote:

I heard some french people being annoyed because they couldn't type accents and sometimes the scripts changed randomly into english.

I don't even know if you can translate in scratch

How would you be able to translate words in a project?

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