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- cs4233117
1000+ posts
The Shop Connection Alliance | Register today and get shop benefits V.2.0 (Moved Threads)

The Shop Connection Alliance
So many amazing shops! One amazing alliance.
Shop & Federation - Apply Now! || Guidelines || Benefits || Staff List || Shop Helping Site 1 (SHS 1)
History || Newsboard || FAQ || Staff Tools
About The SCA
Welcome to the official topic of The Shop Connection Alliance is a shop federation that can provide many perks to all shop owners to brighten the experience of shops and their customers. We also partner with other federations to get your shop the benefits you need.The SCA as we call ourselves also offer every shop (or federation) and equal chance at representation, and have a choice to “sign-up” for monthly newsletters. We have been inspired by the USS to make this federation come alive.
The SCA is currently being run my it's Staff Department from Head to Moderators; consisting of Federation Owner; cs4233117, Vice President; -AquaCodes-, the Public Relations Manager; Lily-Lavender. -250119code2 in our Moderator Staff department. As of June 30, 2021 we are running proud with 23 shops and 1 federation.
We are also proud to be partnered with the USS and Federation+; both are active shop federations.
To learn more click on the links above.
Last edited by cs4233117 (Dec. 1, 2021 22:19:31)
- cs4233117
1000+ posts
The Shop Connection Alliance | Register today and get shop benefits V.2.0 (Moved Threads)
Written by cs4233117
Disclaimer: This post is currently a WIP
RSriram2010 & cs4233117's Leadership (March 5, 2021- May 18, 2021)
RSriram2010 & cs4233117's forum thread.
The Scratch Connection Alliance is a shop federation that was founded by RSriram2010 and co-founded by cs4233117 on March 5th, 2021. RSriram2010 had been banned/hacked and the SCA was continued by cs4233117. The federation had 13 shops until the RSriram2010 incident. Since the incident the thread was getting close to become inactive, but cs4233117 had kept bumping it. It's reign had 19 pages and 375 posts.
“Mistakes” Leadership (May 18, 2021- May 20, 2021)
“Mistakes” forum thread.
The Scratch Connection Alliance is a shop federation that was founded by “Mistakes”. The owner is currently called “Mistakes” because cs4233117 had made to many mistakes, and it only ended on the “History” page. It's reign had only lasted about 2 days, with a final total of 13 posts.
cs4233117's Leadership (May 20, 2021 - Current)
cs4233117's forum thread.
The Scratch Connection Alliance is a shop federation that was founded cs4233117 on May 18th, 2021. We had to move a day after May 19th, 2021 because of some problems with the previous forum thread, which can be found We now have some random number of shops and growing! Currently -AquaCodes- helps cs4233117 run the federation as the Vice President. This is the third edition of the SCA but you could actually count this topic as the second edition of the SCA as the previous topic didn't excel 1 page, as there were many mistakes in that topic. Yet as of October 11th, 2021 it is to be seen as -AquaCodes- to be inactive, but not removed from the staff list.
Taken from the USS history page.
Last edited by cs4233117 (Dec. 11, 2021 04:27:29)
- cs4233117
1000+ posts
The Shop Connection Alliance | Register today and get shop benefits V.2.0 (Moved Threads)
Out two different requirements we have for shops; is that they must be at least 4 days old, reasonably active and the person applying must have permission from the shop owner or having a BOD position, this means we will accept almost all shops from solo shops and specific-profession shops to mall-like establishments and everything shops. Also, the shop must be ACTIVE or else we will reject it.
JoinQuick Copy + Paste:
- - - -
* Means required, everything must be filled not including the Other Info section.
Shop Name*:
Shop Link*:
Shop Banner (Link only)*:
Shop Description*:
Would you like a monthly newsletter?:
Other Info:
Will you add this banner to your shop instead of our homepage banner?*:
- - - -
[color=red]*[/color] Means required, everything must be filled not including the Other Info section.
Shop Name[color=red]*[/color]:
Shop Link[color=red]*[/color]:
Shop Banner (Link only)[color=red]*[/color]:
Shop Description[color=red]*[/color]:
Would you like a monthly newsletter?:
Other Info:
Will you add this banner to your shop instead of our homepage banner?[color=red]*[/color]:
You are required to update your shop if important things change (banner, shop name, owner etc.) and must fill in all fields (except Other Info, which is optional), no shortcuts or exceptions. Please refrain from adding extra text, try to only use existing fields if you can.
Please click on the shop names to get access to their thread links.
Cloud Blue

We provide all your needs, in good speeds - that's Cloud Blue.
The Night Wolf

In less than 10 minutes we make for you a high quality product
The Intro Maker Shop

We sell quality intros in 5 days or less
Orion Outlet

We sell all items, from vector art to pixel art to music and more! The sky is our limit!
Scratch Customs Shop

Want stuff made specifically for YOU? Then come down to the Scratch Customs Shop! Here at the scratch customs shop (Run by Marc92020), you get to create some scratch customs
The Thumbnail Shop

We will make Code thumbnails art and more!
Bumpy Banners

Awesome art for your shops!
Powers Shop of Imagination (Art, Banners, Posters, Flyers, Intros, etc.)

Always will allow customers to tweak with their orders
The PixilShop
Perfect for all your Pixelated Needs!
⚡Scripts, Art, Sounds, & Animations Shop⚡ [

We have all your project needs, scripting, animations, art, sounds, and so much more! Come see us today!
The TACO Shop

We specialize in custom PFP's, art, and thumbnails! We don't do code yet, but once we will once we get a coder.
The Smiley Shop 2.0

Orders guaranteed to make you smile!
~The Kitten Shop~

Your Needs is most important to us
The Unithlees Shop

We Sell pfps, 3.0 Scratchblocks, Custom Fonts and More!
Jacky Shop

Come to Jacky Shop - We sell various things here!
The Geography Shop

GEOGRAPHY IS AWESOME! Geography products for everyone.
Insanity's Vectors
3.0 Scratchblocks, SVG images and more!
Just Ask!

All you have to do to order here is just ask!
The Water Otters

We will make you logos, banners, intros, outros and more, whenever you need. We love to make our customers happy, so don’t be shy to fill out a order form! We will be happy to give.
The Cookie Shoppe

We have banners, logos, intros/outros and much more!
The 101 Art And Design Shop™

Welcome to The 101 Art And Design Shop™! Where here, “Quality Is our Number #1 priority!!"
Lightning Studios 3.0

We create and complete your orders in a flash of lightning oh and with quality too
Fᴇᴀᴛʜᴇʀᴇᴅ Fɪɴᴅs

The only thing that matters in our shop is you. Our orders are top-quality and arrive with haste. We also have unique products. All for you <3
⛵️⛵️ Sea Orders Store

This is a shop that sells just about everything except intros/outros. Every week we do different events to give life and hope to the topic and the visitors.
the lionesses territory

we provide become to banners to emojis.
The USS (The United Shops of Scratch)

Join today, get perks and benefits for your shop! | Accepting shops big and small! (T&C apply

ᖴEᗪEᖇᗩTIOᑎ+: TᕼE ᖴEᗪEᖇᗩTIOᑎ Oᖴ TᕼE ᖴᑌTᑌᖇE™️
тнε Wнıтε Tıɢεя Fεᴅεяαтıσп 2.0

тнε Wнıтε Tıɢεя Fεᴅεяαтıσп 2.0 - Lending a helping paw with monthly reviews, advertisements and more!
Last edited by cs4233117 (Dec. 1, 2021 22:18:18)
- cs4233117
1000+ posts
The Shop Connection Alliance | Register today and get shop benefits V.2.0 (Moved Threads)
Add a Benefit!
Shop name:
What are you offering?:
Describe in detail:
Any specific requirements?:
Any other info?:
Quick Copy and Paste:
[u][b]Add a Benefit![/b][/u]
Shop name:
What are you offering?:
Describe in detail:
Any specific requirements?:
Any other info?:[/quote]
Redeem a Benefit!
Shop name:
What are you redeeming?:
Any other info?:
Quick Copy and Paste:
[u][b]Redeem a Benefit![/b][/u]
Shop name:
What are you redeeming?:
Any other info?:
Member Benefits (No Special Code Stuff)
Member Benefit 1a:
Where It Is Offered: Bumpy Banners || kccuber
Offered Benefit: Banners
Benefit Description: We offer banners of any size and color.
Specific Requirements: We need a very specific description of the banner. “Can I have a banner for my shop GenericShop” doesn't work, but “Can I have a banner for my shop GenericShop? It should be pink (not pastel though) and look like a code terminal” works.
Member Benefits (Special Code Stuff)
Last edited by cs4233117 (Oct. 11, 2021 21:14:11)
- cs4233117
1000+ posts
The Shop Connection Alliance | Register today and get shop benefits V.2.0 (Moved Threads)
General Requirements
| Must have the “Scratcher” status* By some; the SCA means knowledge about shops and how they operate, experience with responding to questions & suggestions, and helping out others on the forums. Being a member of the Forum Helpers, having a Scratch Wiki account and managing a shop that has been open for 3 or more months are perks you can mention.
| Must have joined Scratch at least 2 months ago
| Must have at least 150 forum posts (275 forum posts is recommended)
| Must have experience in forums ~ experience in shops/federations is not required but it is recommended
| Must not have ever been banned ~ being muted will also decrease your chances of being hired; but it will not make it impossible
| *Must have some experience with the forums
Join the team
Username:Quick Copy and Paste Code:
Wanted Position:
Why We Should Pick You?:
Are You Following This Thread?:
Where Should You Be Contacted?:
Have you been banned or muted?:
Other Info?:
[b][big]Join the team[/big][/b]
Wanted Position:
Why We Should Pick You?:
Are You Following This Thread?:
Where Should You Be Contacted?:
Have you been banned or muted?:
Other Info?:[/quote]]
Our Staff:
cs4233117 | Owner/President
-AquaCodes- | Vice President
-250119code2 | Head Moderator
| Secretary
Lily-Lavender | Public Relations Manager
| SCA to USS Secretary
| Moderator 1
| Moderator 2
| Moderator 3
- Owner/President (cs4233117): Has full power over the federation and can hold activity checks, meetings, and staff checks.
- Vice President (-AquaCodes-): Helps the Owner, holds activity checks, second in command, meetings, staff checks.
- Head Moderator (-250119code2): Managers all moderators and help both presidents with their job conducting activity checks, staff checks, and helps post newsletters and other things.
- Secretary: They can hold activity checks, and staff checks.
- Public Relations Manager (Lily-Lavender): Helps with outside groups and shops. Advertises the federation, and works out deals/negotiations with other shops and/or federations.
- SCA to USS Secretary: Helps with telling the SCA with anything happening with the USS.
- Moderator 1: Helps keep the federation on top of post bumping every 24 hours, or when they can.
- Moderator 2: Helps keep the federation on top of post bumping every 24 hours, or when they can.
- Moderator 3: Helps keep the federation on top of post bumping every 24 hours, or when they can.
Former Staff of the SCA
- Inactive Staff Member: RSriram2010 (Owner/President of the original SCA). Former (Original) SCA Owner/President Rsriram2010 was banned by the ST (Scratch Team) because this account was “hacked.” Currently as of December 1st, 2021 they are unbanned, and are somewhat active on the SCA once again.
- Fired Staff Member: GrilledCheeseBurrito (Co-Moderator of the original SCA). GrilledCheeseBurrito was fired for inactivity in the original forum thread.
- Resigned Staff Member: Austinato (Moderator 1 of current SCA) Austinato resigned due to inactivity on Scratch, and using much of his time for the USS.
Last edited by cs4233117 (Dec. 2, 2021 00:43:58)
- cs4233117
1000+ posts
The Shop Connection Alliance | Register today and get shop benefits V.2.0 (Moved Threads)
Current Operational Status:The SCA is:
Is Still Under Construction
Newsboard:No New News. Check back soon!
Last edited by cs4233117 (June 24, 2021 22:02:41)
- cs4233117
1000+ posts
The Shop Connection Alliance | Register today and get shop benefits V.2.0 (Moved Threads)
Last edited by cs4233117 (June 25, 2021 14:19:32)
- cs4233117
1000+ posts
The Shop Connection Alliance | Register today and get shop benefits V.2.0 (Moved Threads)
Like most shops (or federations), the SCA also has some guidelines to follow. Below is a list of guidelines.
Shop Owners
- Please be kind to the staff as well as other shop owners.
- Remember that nothing the SCA encourages is mandatory, and you don't have to do it for your shop.
- Allow time for your questions to be answered. Staff may be busy helping other shop owners.
- Alert the SCA with updates such as a new shop banner or a updated shop description.
- Follow the Community Guidelines.
SCA Staff
- Please be kind to shop owners as well as other staff members.
- Try to help shop owners as fast as possible.
- Keep up with the latest updates from the SCA and it's members.
- Please be active.
- Follow the Community Guidelines.
Last edited by cs4233117 (June 24, 2021 22:07:08)
- cs4233117
1000+ posts
The Shop Connection Alliance | Register today and get shop benefits V.2.0 (Moved Threads)
Here are some essential things that you should know about being part of our group!
Please take a moment to read these basics!
For everyone:
Remain active!
Please follow this topic and add to the discussion whenever you consider it is necessary. Please also participate in our votes when those occur! If you must be inactive (as an employee or as a shop owner) for a period (short or long) of time, or if you would like to quit, please let us know so we can accommodate in things such as the voting process.
For shop owners:
Keep us updated!
If you would like us to update things such as your name/banner in our members list, please let us know! We'll update your shop's information as soon as possible!
For federation employees / moderators:
Do your job!
Simply; please do your job when it is necessary! If you have any questions about your job, feel free to ask us!
Last edited by cs4233117 (June 24, 2021 22:12:03)
- cs4233117
1000+ posts
The Shop Connection Alliance | Register today and get shop benefits V.2.0 (Moved Threads)
Below are some helpful tools for staff for different duties that staff can carry out.
Shop Application Responses:
Accepted || Yes
Congrats! Your shop's application has been accepted.There may be a minor delay in adding it to the official members list, but nonetheless you are a official member of the SCA, feel free to ask any questions and/or concerns that you may have.
(Extra Comments)
[b][color=green]Congrats! Your shop's application has been accepted.[/color]There may be a minor delay in adding it to the official members list, but nonetheless you are a official member of the SCA, feel free to ask any questions and concerns that you may have.
(Extra Comments)[/b]
Possibly || Maybe
Your shop's application is being forwarded. I would like another person to review this application.
(Extra Comments)
[b][color=yellow]Your shop's application is being forwarded.[/color] I would like another person to review this application.
(Extra Comments)[/b]
Declined || No
Your shop's application has been denied. You application has been denied for the follow reason(s):
[quote][b][color=red]Your shop's application has been [b]denied[/b].[/color] You application has been denied for the follow reason(s):
Staff Application Responses:
Accepted || Yes
Congrats! Your moderator staff has been accepted.You may refer to our staff tools page found here, for your duties. You are officially a member starting from now, even if you have not been added to the staff list.
(Extra Comments)
[b][color=green]Congrats! Your staff application has been accepted.[/color]You may refer to our staff tools page for your duties. You are officially a member starting from now, even if you have not been added to the staff list.
(Extra Comments)[/color][/b]
Possibly || Maybe
Your staff application is being forwarded. I would like another person to review this application.
(Extra Comments)
[quote][b][color=yellow]Your staff application is being forwarded.[/color] I would like another person to review this application.
(Extra Comments)[/b][/quote]
Declined || No
Your staff application has been denied. You application has been denied for the follow reason(s):
[quote][b][color=red]Your staff application has been [b]denied[/b].[/color] You application has been denied for the follow reason(s):
Last edited by cs4233117 (Dec. 11, 2021 04:28:50)
- cs4233117
1000+ posts
The Shop Connection Alliance | Register today and get shop benefits V.2.0 (Moved Threads)
How do I join? (As a shop member)
You can fill out the form on the third post of this forum.
How do I join? (As a federation staff member)
You can fill out the form on the fifth post of this forum.
What are Tier Members?
Tier Members are members that have joined over a month ago.
What are benefits and how do I redeem them?
Benefits are things a shop can redeem whenever, and can use a benefit once per week. You can redeem them from the SCA Benefits section.
Last edited by cs4233117 (June 25, 2021 14:01:10)
- cs4233117
1000+ posts
The Shop Connection Alliance | Register today and get shop benefits V.2.0 (Moved Threads)
The Shop Connection Alliance Shop Helping Site 1 (SHS) gives shop owners a way to complete orders; by asking other shops to help them complete orders. This may happen to be rare, but it can still happen whenever and wherever. All you need to do is to say your shop name, and a link to the order, also saying that the order needs to to be added here. This is based on the USS Inter-Shop Order Completion which can be found here.
The Shop Connection Alliance Shop Helping Site 1 Board
Empty for now…
Color Keys:
Yellow - Untaken; less than 1 week old.
Red - Untaken; over 1 week old.
Green - Taken; and pending completion.
Last edited by cs4233117 (June 25, 2021 16:28:03)
- cs4233117
1000+ posts
The Shop Connection Alliance | Register today and get shop benefits V.2.0 (Moved Threads)
Shop Activity Check:
Staff Activity Check:
None Going On Currently Check Back Soon!
What to Post During Activity Checks (Shops):
[b][big]One going on![/big][/b]
[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/486068/][b]Cloud Blue[/b][/url]: [color=red]Not Responded[/color]
[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/486068/][b]Cloud Blue[/b][/url]: [color=red]Not Responded[/color]
[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/487379/][b]The Intro Maker Shop[/b][/url]: [color=red]Not Responded[/color]
[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/459148/][b]Orion Outlet[/b][/url]: [color=red]Not Responded[/color]
[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/490790/][b]Elegant Ends[/b][/url]: [color=red]Not Responded[/color]
[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/450300/][b][/b]Scratch Customs Shop[/url]: [color=red]Not Responded[/color]
[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/494045/][b]the☁️aqua☁️shop[/b][/url]: [color=red]Not Responded[/color]
[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/479753/][b]The Block Shop[/b][/url]: [color=green]Responded[/color]
[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/502609/][b]The Thumbnail Shop[/b][/url]: [color=red]Not Responded[/color]
[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/487163/][b]Bumpy Banners[/b][/url]: [color=red]Not Responded[/color]
[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/513476/?page=1#post-5228552][b]Powers Shop of Imagination (Art, Banners, Posters, Flyers, Intros, etc.)[/b][/url]: [color=red]Not Responded[/color]
[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/488884/?page=1][b]The PixilShop[/b][/url]: [color=red]Not Responded[/color]
[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/513476/?page=1#post-5228552][b]⚡Scripts, Art, Sounds, & Animations Shop⚡ [/b][/url]: [color=red]Not Responded[/color]
[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/510938/][b]The TACO Shop[/b][/url]: [color=red]Not Responded[/color]
[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/505298/?page=1]The smiley shop![/url]: [color=green]Responded[/color]
[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/511378/?page=1][b]~The Kitten Shop~[/b][/url]: [color=red]Not Responded[/color]
[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/514164/][b]Living Art[/b][/url]:
[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/512690/][b]The Unithlees Shop[/b][/url]
[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/504084/][b]Jacky Shop[/b][/url]
[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/518487/?page=1][b]The Geography Shop[/b][/url]
[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/485898/][b]Insanity's Vectors[/b][/url]
[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/518218/?page=1#post-5296672][b]Just Ask[/b]![/url]
[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/521553][b]The Water Otters[/b][/url]
[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/518946/][b]The floral shop[/b][/url]
What to Post During Activity Checks (Staff):
Empty For Now
Last edited by cs4233117 (June 25, 2021 16:49:01)
- cs4233117
1000+ posts
The Shop Connection Alliance | Register today and get shop benefits V.2.0 (Moved Threads)
Last edited by cs4233117 (June 25, 2021 14:19:05)
- cs4233117
1000+ posts
The Shop Connection Alliance | Register today and get shop benefits V.2.0 (Moved Threads)
Last edited by cs4233117 (June 24, 2021 22:13:25)
- cs4233117
1000+ posts
The Shop Connection Alliance | Register today and get shop benefits V.2.0 (Moved Threads)
Last edited by cs4233117 (June 24, 2021 22:02:27)
- cs4233117
1000+ posts
The Shop Connection Alliance | Register today and get shop benefits V.2.0 (Moved Threads)
Last edited by cs4233117 (June 24, 2021 22:26:02)
- cs4233117
1000+ posts
The Shop Connection Alliance | Register today and get shop benefits V.2.0 (Moved Threads)
Last edited by cs4233117 (June 24, 2021 22:25:15)
- cs4233117
1000+ posts
The Shop Connection Alliance | Register today and get shop benefits V.2.0 (Moved Threads)
Last edited by cs4233117 (June 24, 2021 22:24:08)
- cs4233117
1000+ posts
The Shop Connection Alliance | Register today and get shop benefits V.2.0 (Moved Threads)
Last edited by cs4233117 (June 24, 2021 22:21:59)