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84 posts

There is a problem

The scratch word detector doesn't work………. Anyways I just said something weird in chat language Japanese pls no report but fix it Scratch team
What I said:[Removed]

Last edited by Harakou (May 16, 2021 20:13:03)

shift down
This is my Signature this is my best project! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/529662123/
This is my studio https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/30162223
Ahem! This forum is now under the control of the Lost Legion! As the clan’s captain, I demand food, supplies, and shelter immediately!

1000+ posts

There is a problem

Hello Scratch customer [unknownpeople300], this post has no sarcasm just pure explanation

What you said contained a phrase not appropriate for Scratch, as people of all ages are present on Scratch, make sure your words are appropriate.
Please note that this is not a bug, but user misunderstanding.

Have great nights!!

April Fools' topics:
New Buildings in Scratch's headquarters
Give every Scratcher an M1 MacBook Air
Scratch should let users edit other Scratchers' projects
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Scratch Tech Tips™
Make a Chiroyce statue emoji

<img src=“x” onerror=“alert('XSS vulnerability discovered')”>

this is a test sentence
84 posts

There is a problem


shift down
This is my Signature this is my best project! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/529662123/
This is my studio https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/30162223
Ahem! This forum is now under the control of the Lost Legion! As the clan’s captain, I demand food, supplies, and shelter immediately!

1000+ posts

There is a problem

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