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49 posts

Files not importing!

Whenever I select a file to import into a costume, it just WON'T import!
Help and plz fix!
- Storydragon

A Democratic Socialist who employs independent thinking and science to help fight for the downtrodden.
Not a blind follower; if I were, I'd be a lot more insane.

The last thing we want to happen is the death of our planet, the rich and powerful oppressing us, and people who are blind to their situation; I am not blind, but it is sad that those who are follow the rich's ignorance. - Me
To subscribe to thought that fights for liberation is not blind following, but rather the focus on benefits for all. As a follower of the liberation, I am not blind to wrongdoing, and advocate for solutions to my concerns. I am not blindfolded by it, and the liberation does not encourage blindness. - Me
Fanaticism, in practice, is not the fervent following of an ideology; it is rather the gutting of said ideology to tolerate bigotry, violence, and suppression of dissent from within the ranks. - Me
1000+ posts

Files not importing!

What is the filename extension of the costume? It must be .jpg, .png, .svg, or .gif.

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