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How to become a very good scratcher and become popular

How to become popular and amazing at scratch
Hi everyone! @sparklenoor here. This is my first ever post i have done. It is about how to become popular. I am a girl who is against these type of things: rate me studios, rp studios, projects which have literally nothing but some texts, etc. Coz common! scratch is for coding guys! i love people who pay attention to codding more than this stuff. Ok time for the real thing:

Have any of you herd of @grifpatch? Well I'm sure you have cause he is FAMOUS! And if you look at his projects then you will see the reason he is famous. But What's the secret to all of his fame? ill tell you what it is.
The projects he makes are like what you and i make. But how are they more popular? it has some little tiny things which make the project huge! look at these code blocks used to make a character move:

A normal scratcher:
when green flag clicked
if <key [ right arrow] pressed?> then
move (10) steps

Grifpach would use:
when green flag clicked
if <key [right arrow] pressed?> then
move (10) steps
next costume


He added a “next costume” block which will make the sprite look like it is moving.
You've gotta be really creative when doing something.
Here are some steps of how to make a really good project:

1. Have a nice, artistic and professional looking thumbnail
Making a thumbnail is easy. First you need to learn how to make a beautiful text. I will make a new post which tells you how to make a cool text or you could find one
your self. Write the name of your project in a beautiful font (or a mixture of fonts). Add your main sprite's image into it and have a nice image at the back (like a
backdrop) but remember to put this all in one sprite (name that sprite thumbnail). Then you add this code:
when green flag clicked
go to x: (0) y: (0)
go to front
set [ ghost] effect to (100)
And here you go, a thumbnail. That wasn't hard wasn't it?
2. Have a pretty, Advanced intro.
Having an intro is easy. All that you have to do is first search intro on scratch. Find an intro you like, go inside the project, backpack the intro, put it into your project,
add your username…. actually this is too difficult to explain. Comment on my profile that i want this intro and paste it's link, then tell me the color and I will give it to
3. Have an adorable and really good created sprite.
Using a sprite from the scratch library is good but having one from a scratcher is better! If your projects based on running, find a running sprite made by a scratcher
and give him credit. I am making a project which i used a bunny from another person and made more costumes for it. Here's an example of what you have to do.
Let's think of it as a bunny. You found a project which has an adorable bunny in it and you think it is good for your project. Go inside the project and backpack the
bunny. Then put it in YOU'R project and make more costumes. To make a talk pose, make a round corner triangle for the mouth. If you have a platform project make
it's legs and hands move in every costume. I can't explain any more on this step. If you still don't understand, I always answer every single comment so come and
ask me
These are enough for today, i will post the rest of the steps tomorrow. If you have any questions, Just comment in my profile and i will answer it in my next post.

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