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Writing PoP Shop

This will be the forum for @-Honey_Bunnie-, @-Sloth_Coder_ and I. We are making a writing collab shop. Here is what we need to figure out:

1. Who will host the collab? Who will make the actual project?
2. How much should we charge?
3. How should we divide the work and the points?
4. Everyone should also come up with some writing samples for the shop. They can be previously shared and stuff but customers will want to know how we write. Here are mine:

16 posts

Writing PoP Shop

Idea: We divide points depending on how much someone wrote, like if they only did the cover of a 20-chapter story that cost 25 points, they would only get like 1 or 2 points. (Umm, what about we do like, art in the background you can also buy?)
24 posts

Writing PoP Shop

1. I really would like to host the collab- if possible. 2. If this is poems then for me 5-25 pts. 3. WE didve the work by on the form asking who they would perfer to write the poem and put our poem ex inside the project. 4. Okay!
100+ posts

Writing PoP Shop

-Honey_Bunnie- wrote:

1. I really would like to host the collab- if possible. 2. If this is poems then for me 5-25 pts. 3. WE didve the work by on the form asking who they would perfer to write the poem and put our poem ex inside the project. 4. Okay!
1. Alright, that's fine!

24 posts

Writing PoP Shop

^^ Okay thanks! And could I have samples of your poetry?
100+ posts

Writing PoP Shop

-Honey_Bunnie- wrote:

^^ Okay thanks! And could I have samples of your poetry?
I was going to do short stories instead. I have written poetry before but I don't like to share it on scratch.

24 posts

Writing PoP Shop

Stormy_Brook wrote:

-Honey_Bunnie- wrote:

^^ Okay thanks! And could I have samples of your poetry?
I was going to do short stories instead. I have written poetry before but I don't like to share it on scratch.
Okay then! Could of have some samples of that then?
100+ posts

Writing PoP Shop

-Honey_Bunnie- wrote:

Stormy_Brook wrote:

-Honey_Bunnie- wrote:

^^ Okay thanks! And could I have samples of your poetry?
I was going to do short stories instead. I have written poetry before but I don't like to share it on scratch.
Okay then! Could of have some samples of that then?
I already linked them, but here they are again: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/497387/?page=1#post-5039686

24 posts

Writing PoP Shop


Stormy_Brook wrote:

-Honey_Bunnie- wrote:

Stormy_Brook wrote:

-Honey_Bunnie- wrote:

^^ Okay thanks! And could I have samples of your poetry?
I was going to do short stories instead. I have written poetry before but I don't like to share it on scratch.
Okay then! Could of have some samples of that then?
I already linked them, but here they are again: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/497387/?page=1#post-5039686
Oh okay!
24 posts

Writing PoP Shop

What should the name be?
16 posts

Writing PoP Shop

Mph! We could do all types of writing! (My poetry is not the best, but ig the buyer can order me if they want.)

Last edited by -Sloth_Coder- (April 17, 2021 14:00:14)

16 posts

Writing PoP Shop

Meow! Good story. Meow! I'm working on a story, but I've only written the beginning. Meow! I don't know why I'm saying meow. Meow! Want to hear it? Meow!
24 posts

Writing PoP Shop

-Sloth_Coder- wrote:

Mph! We could do all types of writing! (My poetry is not the best, but ig the buyer can order me.)
ya, also, what type of shop should it be? A scrolling one, a shop with arrows at the bottom or just a one backround? (I need to know i'm starting on making it!!)
24 posts

Writing PoP Shop

-Honey_Bunnie- wrote:

-Sloth_Coder- wrote:

Mph! We could do all types of writing! (My poetry is not the best, but ig the buyer can order me.)
ya, also, what type of shop should it be? A scrolling one, a shop with arrows at the bottom or just a one backround? (I need to know i'm starting on making it!!)
I need to decide now, but since no one is replying, then I will decide myself.
16 posts

Writing PoP Shop

I know!
16 posts

Writing PoP Shop

It could be like, three rooms, with each of us, and our examples and pricing.
100+ posts

Writing PoP Shop

-Honey_Bunnie- wrote:

-Honey_Bunnie- wrote:

-Sloth_Coder- wrote:

Mph! We could do all types of writing! (My poetry is not the best, but ig the buyer can order me.)
ya, also, what type of shop should it be? A scrolling one, a shop with arrows at the bottom or just a one backround? (I need to know i'm starting on making it!!)
I need to decide now, but since no one is replying, then I will decide myself.
I don't think a scrolling shop or a arrow shop would work well with the type we have, we should have buttons with examples. Kind of like an OC store.

100+ posts

Writing PoP Shop

-Honey_Bunnie- wrote:

What should the name be?
Well, it depends on the theme. What is it going to look like?

Personally I think that a cabin/old alpine hotel would be cool, but we could also do an underwater theme, library theme, safari theme, old saloon theme, or really anything! This will have an impact on the name, as “The Mermaid's Shelf” doesn't really fit with a safari theme.

We could also go for a name like Jingles, Puzzles, etc.

16 posts

Writing PoP Shop

I think library theme would be great, but if we did underwater, it might be funny if the name was “Reed”, like a play on the word “read”
16 posts

Writing PoP Shop

Oh, and Stormy_Brook, can I see some of your writing? Here's the beginning of a WIP.

In a warm, cosy cottage on the edge of Evergreen Forest, in a happy city, there lived a family. In the kitchen, a man was baking. But he was no ordinary man. He was a Cat-Person, like all the others in the village. But not just the village, the whole of Evergreen Forest, and beyond. I shall now call them cats, as that is simply what they are.
The cat people were happy, but few had ever seen humans, all but Wise Cat, the elder of Evergreen Forest. But all he could offer were stories, which changed and morphed each telling. Even Mandom, who was the Wise Cat, could barely remember the original story. The one thing he could remember, though, was humans were monsters, so he kept the cats away from the humans.
But back in that house, Xendo and Story were sitting. Story’s name was really Pomada, but everyone called her Story, for her love of them. Only close friends and family called her by Pom, and fewer even Pomada. Xendo was always screaming at his name, Xendancolm, so he was simply called Xendo. Soon, the cat-man in the kitchen called his family for dinner. He was Zendano, and his son, Xendo, was named after him. Soon his wife came into the dining room to eat, her five children, Xendo, Story, Marvin, Wanda and Sandy shuffling in behind her.
“Tell us a story!” all five kittens whined.
“Not until after dinner. It’s lasagna night!” Their mom, Sandra replied.
“Please?” the kittens pleaded.
“After dinner, okay?”
After a delicious dinner of spinach and fish lasagna, Sandra’s favorite dish, she led them into the hearthroom, a cosy room with rose colored curtains, and comfy furniture. Sandra sat down in a chair, her family gathering around her. She called upstairs. Soon, another cat came down the stairs. That cat was named Sandra. Sandra the First came down, and sat down next to Sandra the Second. Everyone called Sandra the Second Sandry, and Sandra the Third Sandy to avoid confusion.
Soon, Sand began. “When I was a young kitten, Sandra told me stories of her life. The story you are about to hear is my favorite of them all. I always wondered over this one. In this story, Sandra was no older than you two, Pom and Xendo. She was about ten or eleven, and a lively young kitten. When I was a young kitten, I sat down in the same spot as you. I hope you will be as mesmerized as I was,” Sandry said, like she was giving a speech, “Sandra, will you begin?”
“Yes, of course,” Sandra said, “Ooh, a story worth Mandom’s library!” She muttered to herself. The library of the Wise Cat was full of only the best tales from throughout the land, and Sandra was one of the few who knew its full contents and called the Wise Cat by name. She had known Mandom for ages. No cat knew much about their history together or if any rumors were true.
“Come closer, and I’ll tell you the story after a cup of hot chocolate,” Sandra began, “Ah, wait a moment, let me go get some more hot chocolate and marshmallows to eat,” she had a gleam in her eye as she said this, “Yes, and for you seven too!” She added, after seeing a look from Marvin. Sandra pranced over to the kitchen, with her family behind her.
Cat-people had the form of humans, but looked and thought like cats. Sandra was a nice, fluffy, orange tabby with blue eyes, and so was Sandry. Zendano was a big Siamese with watchful yellow eyes, Pom and Xendo were identical Siamese cats with blue eyes, Wanda a fluffy tabby with yellow eyes, and Marvin a Siamese with heavenly gem-like green eyes. And of course Mandom was a big, white Persian cat with eyes that seemed to reflect his mood
Sandra resumed pouring her chocolate after a train of thoughts, and served the marshmallows. She cosied up by the fire, and began her story.
“Once I was a young cat, I was a happy cat,” she began, her eyes looking dreamy, “And then, something happened. I wasn’t ready. I never would be. Enjoy the story me and Sandry will tell. Sandry knows it by heart, oh she does! Anyhow, I was a cheerful cat, a wonderfully happy cat, oh meow!”

And I do poetry too, um, but none of it is really good. But um, here,

Pulled on strings,
One from the left, other from the right.
I think I fall in the middle,
But I always tumble,
To one side.
I wish I could fly,
Away from this all.
I hear the birds call,
On soft wings,
Birds ride.
Back again,
Out of my dreams,
It seems.
What do you know?
I'm pulled on strings again.

I'm always soo lengthy on poems XD

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