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2 posts

Underrated Animator

I have very good projects with smooth animations, but I only have 33 followers and that's not supposed to happen! Also, I am one of the scratchers with the least followers! I need help!
1000+ posts

Underrated Animator

Please don't ask for follows.

I'm Callisto(please don't call me Twilight), but you can call me Cal/Cass. I go by she/he/they pronouns.
1000+ posts

Underrated Animator

Please stop complaining. You have more followers than both my main account @kccuber and this alt.

i cannot find this cool topic pleeease help… Don't worry, Ocular has you covered! also, please set a status!

if you can't see the “cubuplod is werk” banner then cubeupload is down.
((get dodged lol:: operators)(https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/488605725/:: pen):: motion)

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