Discuss Scratch

23 posts


SWC Dailies and Weeklys

Week of March 10th 2021 - Weekly activities

Task 1 (perspective of Mei to her late fiance, before and after he died.) Everything in parenthesis are notes from me :

Dear ??? (name unknown),

I know it's been difficult for us. I wish we could see each other more often. I think of you too much… do you think of me? Being across the world from you is hard. I've been practicing my skills and I'm getting pretty good at that trick you taught me. It's super fun to do, y'know. I realize you may not truly love me… knowing that you didn't want to get married in the first place (arranged marriage), but I hope you come back. I truly do. I don't usually write letters, so this is new. I got really mad when you decided to leave. Sorry, I guess. It annoyed me how you were so excited to leave. I mean… don't you have a heart?! It's like you didn't even care… about me… about your, my, family. What's your issue?! My… my mom was sick. Dying! And you just.. left! You could've helped! You know we're better at healing together, stronger, even. You didn't even care. I bet it's that girl from the Northern Tribe. What, you ran off to “war”? Tsk. Like I believe that! I'm done with you. I don't really care if our tribes go to war. Goodbye, ???.

(She never sent this letter. A while later, he came back and at the alter, she got mad and they fought. Like- war fight. She lost her arms in the battle between her tribe and his. He was soon ended by a lava-bender who was trying to infiltrate the Southern tribe. This was added after he passed.)

Hey. I'm sorry I got so mad at the alter. Obviously, you'll never get this letter. Well, I don't think so, anyway. How am I typing this if I have no arms? I'm using prosthetics. The weird ones with fingers. It's hard, but I manage. I got mad because you could've just left me.. but you let me suffer the pain of knowing you don't truly love me. I didn't know they were coming… I could've protected you. Saved you. I've been learning to waterbend water for arms. It's pretty cool. I wish that lava-bender would come back so I could get revenge. He deserves it for what he did to you. Taking an innocent's life. What a dummy. Our tribes have bonded since the attack. We now work together more frequently. I really enjoy it. You know that girl… I don't know her name… but she came to your funeral. She talked to me, apologizing that I got stuck in this “mess”. I guess it was fine but she annoyed me. My brother says I have to quit being a kid and grow up, forgive and forget. He doesn't get me. He expects me to forget you?! I really want to pretend this didn't happen… you were still alive. I dream of that sometimes. That we're happy, together or apart. I would've given up both arms and legs to have saved you. If only you had let me try. Why would you try and defeat him? You knew quite well you would be buried. So? Why? Did you just want to watch me suffer more? Or maybe you needed to prove something? Well, you didn't. I usually wonder what life would be like if you survived. I wonder if you would've gotten married to me… if we would have kids. Or if you would've left me. It's a true mystery. I would've named a girl Katara. Like that amazing healer years ago? Remember her? I used to look up to her as a little girl. She was my idol. Oh, or maybe Konrad, after my dad? Or maybe ??? after you. You know, I daydream a lot now. I think about many things. I guess I was kinda wrong for getting mad. I shouldn't have gotten so annoyed at you for not loving me. I can't force it, can I? I'm so sorry. I wish I could say it to your face. We'll meet again soon, ???.

(end. This was 930 words… sorryyyy I hope it's ok I went a bit over the limit >-<)

Task 2 (I'm using Mizuki for this one…)

The sun shone in Mizuki Sato's eyes. She squinted, raising her hand to block it. Upon opening her eyes, she realized she wasn't at home. Suddenly panicking, she struggled to get out of the ropes that held her captive. “It's no use.” A voice whispered. “Who are you?! Let me go!” “Not until you talk.” It faded into silence. Mizuki mumbled, trying to untie the ropes somehow. She realized she had a dagger in her boot and reached to get it, only to realize it'd been confiscated. “Darn.” She relaxed her body and sighed, giving up. “Giving up so soon?” “Go away.” It circled around her. Chills crawled up her spine. “What do you want?!” “Nothing much…” The room went black. “Tsk… couldn't it be like any normal day?”
A whisper tickled her ear but didn't stay for long. She was alone again, finally. Mizuki had come up with a plan. A metal pole ran up from near where she was sitting to the other side of the wall. It was pushed out from the wall, easy enough to hug it. She started scooting her chair to the pole, reaching it after a few minutes. “This is gonna hurt.” She slammed the chair against the pole, breaking the wooden chair and causing the rope to fall. “Hah!” She changed into her magical attire, ready to fight. Before long, she blacked out, back in her own room. "What the… what was that?!“ Mizuki looked around, feeling dazed and uncoordinated. She yawned, finally getting up. ”Must've been some sort of lucid dream…“ ”Come on! We're going out to get breakfast!" Her roommate called, waking her from her thoughts. Even so, she still feels a weird chill every time she enters her room… like something is watching, waiting for the right moment to pounce.

(end. 300 words )


✧ cheri-blossom / cheri ✧

➴ adventure ftw!

➴ first time doing a signature… what do i put here?? uHhhhhHHhhHh

❝ your only limit is your mind ❞

23 posts


Cabin wars! (the prompt: Four people have to write 500 words each. This has to occur in the next 6 hours, or lose 200 points. Extra challenge: each person must use at least one simile, metaphor, onomatopoeia, personification, and repetition – for this, you shall win 25 points each (totaling 100).)

The light shone as bright as Tessica blocked it from her face. “Tessica get up so we can go to the park, we have a giant monkey to pick up!” The voice trailed off. “That explanation was as clear as mud. Thanks!” She mumbled sarcastically. “I meant my brother.” “That kid's a pig! He doesn't pick up anything!” She growled after tripping over a toy. “Oh shush, Tess!” “It's no use! That kid'll never learn anything the way you're spoiling him!” She marched downstairs. Thump. Thump. Thump. They hopped in the car and she slumped in her seat. The car complained and wailed as the key was roughly turned in its ignition. Once they got to the park, a little boy was dancing around and singing, “Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!” It was actually supposed to snow that day, so she smiled slightly. “Someone wants snow, huh?” Tessica laughed, running up to him. They chased each other for a few minutes until Mia, his older sister, scooped him up. “Let's go you lil' rascal!” “No! No no no!” He called, suddenly angered and frustrated. “I'll make you… cookies! When we get home!” Tessica jumped in before he blew up into a full-on fit. “Can I help?” “Of course!” They skipped home happily. At home, Tess prepared the batter. Milk, eggs, this, that. “Hey! I wanna mix!” Carter, the little boy, said. “Alright, but be careful!” The spoon spiraled around the bowl slowly, carefully. “Good! Now let's put them in the oven now!” She scooped up huge blobs of the dough and dropped them on the tray one by one. Scoop, drop, scoop, drop. She carefully put the tray inside the oven and set it to nineteen minutes. They watched TV whilst the cookies baked, the delicious aroma of freshly baked cookies wafting through the kitchen. Beep! Beep! “They're ready!” Carter jumped up, running to the oven. “Careful, Carter! It's hot! Let me.” She opened it and took them out. The smell was amazing and they smiled at it. She let them cool for ten minutes and they got to eat them. Their teeth sank into the crunchy outer shell and the soft, gooey cookie inside. “Mmm!” He smiled, happy to get a cookie before dinner. The rest of the night was pretty chill, eating cookies and watching movies. They watched multiple good movies until Carter's mom came home. “I'm back! Wowee, it smells amazing in here! What'd you make?” “Cookies!” Carter grinned goofily and jumped over the couch to greet his mom. “Well, how fantastic!” She smiled up at Tessica, who blushed. “Thanks, Ms. S!” She began to walk home, the cool breeze blowing her hair. The sun had already set and the night was quiet. The moon arose and lit her path to home. Her heart filled with happiness when she thought of Carter, he was such a goofy, kind boy. Even if he was a pig! “Another day, another night.” She fell asleep nice and soundly.

✧ cheri-blossom / cheri ✧

➴ adventure ftw!

➴ first time doing a signature… what do i put here?? uHhhhhHHhhHh

❝ your only limit is your mind ❞

23 posts


Daily 3.14.21

Mini prompts:

1. Trapped in your own imagination/mind
2. A quest to find someone you hate the most in the whole world, but soon to become friends and save the world
3. An alternate universe where you have superpowers, and you keep switching between the 2nd AU where it's the 12th century
4. You're stuck in the 11th century and you have no clue how to get out until you meet your best friend
5. You're body is switched with a celebrity and you get to live their life for a day

Deeper prompts:

1. One day, you hear knocking on a locked door in your room. Do you investigate it? See what you find. Look around. Who is that? A loved one? A ghost? Bang. Bang. Bang. Your heart is pounding. Bang. Bang. You fall into a void, empty. You keep falling. Falling. A light shines below you. What is it? Who is it?

2. That one wasn't really deep so let me write another xD

Write a poem about an object. It can be any object, round, square. Maybe this object is neglected or looked past. Notice the tiny little details about the object. The grains of minerals carved into a rock, the small plastics and carboards bits in a container. See how you feel AFTER and BEFORE you write the poem. Write it down on paper then write the poem and so on. Would you treat the object better now, or the same?

(244 words)

✧ cheri-blossom / cheri ✧

➴ adventure ftw!

➴ first time doing a signature… what do i put here?? uHhhhhHHhhHh

❝ your only limit is your mind ❞

23 posts


Weekly 4 - March 24th 2021


Setting - I randomized it 3 times. Here's what I got:
'Ghost Town Half', ‘Budgie Blue’, and ‘Deep Storm’
Ghost Town - Not very populated, few people, a small town, believed to have spirits roaming… not many shops and stuff
Budgie Blue - Maybe near an ocean/beach? I'm also thinking from ‘budgie’ maybe it has a high bird population?
Deep Storm - Cold, maybe winter (since it's dark earlier), common storm area

The town is pretty cold, wintertime. The sun likes hiding shyly behind the blobs of gray clouds blanketing the sky. The area is common with hurricanes and tropical storms, making it a ghost town most days. The shops are abandoned and the wind pushes through the empty streets like waves on the shore. Speaking with the waves, the shore is a nice place. Cool water splashing against your ankles, the rough sand squishing against your feet as you walk across it. This town is known for its birds, specifically budgies, and most people have them as pets. Daylight shines rarely but the sun sometimes peeks out once in a while to whisper hello. Though not many are there to reach up and hug the sun, some stay out all day to see Her glowing brightly. The nights are cool and the stars shine bright, the moon just showing.

(206 words total)

Characters - I picked ‘Moonlit Blossoms’ and ‘Warm Cashmere’

Moonlit Blossoms: It's a dark purple color, and the label has a wooden table with a bouquet of flowers. I'm thinking maybe a dark purple knee-length dress, transparent black tights, small heels, maybe some flowers on the dress or tights… or maybe a flower pendant or something in her hair or as jewelry? The scent notes are: Pomegranate, Blackberry, Jasmine, Ylang Ylang, Lavender, Amber, White Musk. Pomegranate, Blackberry, Lavender, Jasmine, and Amber make me think this character is calm and serene with hints of a bubbly fruitiness. But the Ylang Ylang and White Musk make me think that they have a mean/spicy side and a stronger more determined side.

(109 words)

'Warm Cashmere': This one's a nice, light tan color and the label features a soft blanket, perhaps cashmere. I'm already thinking about her outfit - a long-sleeved white cashmere turtleneck (the neck part would be folded over), a light tan almost knee-length skirt, white sneakers, and maybe some jewlery here and there. The scent notes are: Top: Sun-Kissed Orange - Mid: Cashmere Wood, Golden Amber, Cardamom - Base: Creamy Sandalwood, Sueded Musk, White Patchouli, French Vanilla. Sun-kissed orange, Golden Amber, and French Vanille makes me think that she's kind and caring. But Cardamom gives me the idea she is also a bit spicy and sometimes rude. The Cramy Sandalwood akes me thing strong, steadfast, but creamy makes me think calm and laid back.

(120 words)

First Line thing:

“If we both stick to the story, they can't prove anything.” That's what I got.
Planning time.
I think my characters - Moonlit and Cashmere - are walking on shore. I want Cashmere to speak first. Maybe this is a mystery, or maybe Moonlit got accused and expelled for something at school? I want to think about how that happened and how Cashmere feels about it.

Short Story:

Thea Greene and Amie Beckers walked along the shore, kicking sand at every step. “If we both stick to the story, we can't prove anything.” Amie mutters, looking out to the sea. “We'll figure something out…” Thea sighed, her head hanging low. A few days ago, the two girls had been at school. It was a normal day, the cool breeze shifting through the classroom. “Hey Thea! Nice shoes! Where'd you get them from? The dumpster next door?” Trixie, ‘Ms. Popular’, taunted. Girls around her snickered and snorted. “That's it!” Thea ran up to Trixie and punched her in her goody two-shoes face. And since Trixie's dad is the principal, Thea got expelled. “I wonder if Trixie is having a good time at school… her and her henchmen.” Amie grumbled, kicking a stone with the toe of her flip-flops. “Ouch!” The rock had stabbed her toe, leaving her yelping in pain. The girls trudged down to the docks, sitting on the edge with their feet dangling in the water. “You really think I’ll be able to go back to school?” The dark-haired girl mumbled, sounding like she’d cry. “It’s ok, Thea. We’ll do something about this…injustice.” Amie smiled weakly, hoping to cheer Thea up. A phone buzzed in one of their pockets. Amie picked it up and sighed. “Gotta bounce. My old man’s expecting me home by 5” “It’s alright. See you at sch–” Her words drifted out to the sea and she shook her head, thinking about something else to say. Amie gave her a quick, tight squeeze, and ran off to her bike to ride home. Thea hummed a song - the song her mother had taught her - while her legs kicked against the wooden boards of the dock. A huge gust of wind threatened to push her off, so she quickly got up and stabilized herself. The wind was picking up quickly and the water seemed to splash around rapidly. “Another tornado?” She questioned, running to her skateboard to ride home. “Hopefully I’ll get home in time…” She mumbled, the storm picking up in a loud whine. The ringing in her ears hurt, but she needed to get home. Faster, faster, faster. Go. Go. Go!
She was home. Inside and safe. Her dad hugged her tightly and hurried her to the basement. Apparently, it was a hurricane, Hurricane Gus, but it had morphed into a mini-tornado. “Hide in the basement for now. I’ll close up the windows and such…” He paused as a girl ran up to the door. It was Amie. “Are you ok?!” Dad said, pushing Amie in the house. “M-my house got k-knocked down… Dad’s alright, but we don’t have anywhere to go and… and…” She stuttered, fear crawling through her body. They ran into the basement as the wind pounded on the windows, begging to get in. Thea hugged Amie tight. “You’re not hurt, right?!” She asked, terrified. “I’m fine, don’t worry!” Amie sighed, flopping on the nearby couch.
The hurricane was soon over and everything settled down. They went out to scout what was broken or torn down. Few were injured, but mostly everyone was ok. Amie stayed with Thea and her dad for a bit while Amie’s house was being fixed and rebuilt. After that, Thea got back into school because of kids protesting as well as the realization that Thea didn’t do enough to get her expelled from school. Everything was almost completely normal after that. Trixie seemed… nicer… and Amie and Thea grew closer in their friendship. I guess that’s what a life-threatening hurricane does to you!

✧ cheri-blossom / cheri ✧

➴ adventure ftw!

➴ first time doing a signature… what do i put here?? uHhhhhHHhhHh

❝ your only limit is your mind ❞


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